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XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
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23-03-11, 07:38 #1
Na real, acho que do ano...

resumo, no meio do tsunami o cara nao acha a esposa entre os resgatados, arruma de alguma maneira um equipamento de mergulho e se enfia na cidade ate chegar na sua casa inundada, onde encontra a esposa num comodo inundado so com a cabeca pra fora d'agua e a resgata. Faz o mesmo com a mae e atualmente fica rondando a cidade ajudando quem estivesse precisando de resgate.


Hideaki Akaiwa


On the afternoon of Friday, March 11th, Hideaki Akaiwa was at his job, dully trudging out the final bitter minutes of his work week in his office just outside the port city of Ishinomaki in Japan's Miyagi Prefecture. What this guy's day job actually is, I honestly have no idea, but based on the extremely limited information I have on the guy I can only presume that his daily nine-to-five routine probably falls somewhere between the motorcycle chase scenes from the movie Akira and John Rambo's antics in the book version of First Blood on the ridiculousness/badassitude scale. But that's only speculation.

The one thing we know for certain is that Akaiwa was at work on the 11th, when suddenly, right as he was in the middle of jumping over a giant Gatling-gun-armed robot while riding on a rocket-powered jetbike he'd MacGuyvered together out of vines, tree branches, and a couple thumbtacks, something terrible happened – an earthquake. And not just any earthquake – a mega fucking brain-busting insane earthquake the likes of which the island of Japan had never had the misfortune of experiencing before. The ground shook, buildings crumbled, lights smashed apart, and the entire population of the country froze in fear as fault line below Japan rumbled for a ridiculous two-plus minutes.

But, amazingly, an 8.9 magnitude earthquake wasn't the worst thing to happen to the town Ishinomaki on that horrible day. No, that was afterwards, when the tremors from the earthquake churned up a raging tsunami that took a bustling city of 162,000 people and suddenly turned it into little more than a ten-foot-deep lake.

For reference, here's a NASA satellite comparison of the city before and after the tsunami. Needless to say, poor Hideaki Akaiwa, concerned for his family, rushed out of his office in time to see his city completely submerged under an obscene ten feet of water that buried everything from houses to businesses. He ran to the high water mark and stared helplessly into the sprawling lake that once used to be his home.

But it gets even worse. Hideaki's wife of twenty years was still buried inside the lake somewhere. She hadn't gotten out. She wasn't answering her phone. The water was still rising, the sun was setting, cars and shit were swooshing past on a river of sea water, and and rescue workers told him there was nothing that could be done – the only thing left was to sit back, wait for the military to arrive, and hope that they can get in there and rescue the survivors before it's too late. With 10,000 citizens of Ishinomaki still missing and unaccounted for, the odds weren't great that Hideaki would ever see his wife again.

For most of us regular folks, this is the sort of shit that would make us throw up our hands, swear loudly, and resign ourselves to a lifetime of hopeless misery.

But Hideaki Akaiwa isn't a regular guy. He's a fucking insane badass, and he wasn't going to sit back and just let his wife die alone, freezing to death in a miserable water-filled tomb. He was going after her. No matter what.

How the fuck Hideaki Akaiwa got a hold of a wetsuit and a set of SCUBA gear is one of the great mysteries of the world. I'm roughly twenty hours into Fallout 3 and I'm lucky to come across a fucking vacuum cleaner in that godforsaken post-apocalyptic wasteland, yet this guy is in the middle of a real-life earth-shaking mecha-disaster and he's coming up with oxygen tanks, waterproof suits, and rebreather systems seemingly out of thin air. I guess when you're a truly unstoppable badass, you, by definition, don't let anything stand in your way. You make shit happen, all the time, no matter what.

Regardless of how he came across this equipment (borrowing, stealing, buying, beating up a Yakuza SCUBA diving demolitions expert, etc.) Hideaki threw on his underwater survival gear, rushed into the goddamned tsunami, and dove beneath the rushing waves, determined to rescue his wife or die trying. I'm not exactly sure whether or not the dude even knew how to operate SCUBA equipment, but according to one version of his story he met his wife while he was surfing (which is awesome, by the way), so it doesn't seem like that much of a stretch to say that he already had a little experience SCUBA diving under a more controlled situation. Of course, even if this dude didn't know how to work the gear I'm certain that wouldn't have stopped him either – Hideaki wasn't going to let a pair of soul-crushing natural disasters deter him from doing awesome shit and saving his family. He dove down into the water, completely submerged in the freezing cold, pitch black rushing current on all sides, and started swimming through the underwater ruins of his former hometown.

Surrounded by incredible hazards on all sides, ranging from obscene currents capable of dislodging houses from their moorings, sharp twisted metal that could easily have punctured his oxygen line (at best) or impaled him (at worst), and with giant fucking cars careening through the water like toys, he pressed on. Past broken glass, past destroyed houses, past downed power lines arcing with electrical current, through undertow that could have dragged him out to sea never to be heard from again, he searched.

Hideaki maintained his composure and navigated his way through the submerged city, finally tracking down his old house. He quickly swam through to find his totally-freaked-out wife, alone and stranded on the upper level of their house, barely keeping her head above water. He grabbed her tight, and presumably sharing his rebreather with her, dragged her out of the wreckage to safety. She survived.

But Hideaki Akaiwa still wasn't done yet.

Now, I'm sure you're wondering what the fuck is more intense than commandeering a wet suit, face-punching a tsunami and dragging your wife of two decades out of the flooded wreckage of your home, but, no shit, it gets even better. You see, Hideaki's mother also lived in Ishinomaki, and she was still unaccounted for. I think you all know where this is going.
First, Hideaki searched around the evacuation shelters and other areas, looking for his mom among the ragtag groups of survivors who had been lucky enough to flee to higher ground. She might have escaped, and he needed to find her. Now. He ran through the city like some post-apocalyptic action hero, desperately trying to track her down, but when a couple of days went by without any sign of her, he knew what he had to do. The water had only receded a few inches by this point, the rescue teams weren't working quickly enough for his tastes, and Hideaki Akaiwa fucking once again took matters into his own hands – rushing back into the waterlogged city looking for his mom.

So, once again Hideaki navigated his way through the Atlantean city, picking his way through crumbling wreckage, splintered wood, and shredded metal to find his elderly mother. After another grueling trek, he tracked her down on the upper levels of a house – she'd been stranded there for four days, and would almost certainly have died without the timely aid of her son. He brought her to safety somehow as well, as you might expect at this point.

Now, while most people would have been content in the knowledge that their family was safe, Hideaki Akaiwa isn't the sort of badass who's going to hang up his flippers and quit just because he'd taken care of his own personal shit – this guy made an oath to keep going back into the wreckage on his own to find people and help them to safety. Today this 43 year-old Japanese badass rides out every single day, multiple times a day, riding around on a bicycle with his legs wrapped in plastic to keep himself dry. His only equipment – a pocketknife, a canteen, a flashlight, a change of clothes, and a badass set of aviator sunglasses – packed into a trusty trio of backpacks, he rides out in search of people needing rescue, a modern-day, real-life action hero.

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Gamertag: Conrado88 PSN ID: Conrado888
23-03-11, 08:01 #2

hauehaheh o texto é o melhor

não sei quem tem mais balls of steel, se é ele ou o chinesinho expulso de casa

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Steam ID: luizkowalski
23-03-11, 08:15 #3

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XFIRE ID: DemolayDS Steam ID: rodrigofnahas
23-03-11, 08:18 #4
Esse ganha o trofeu balls of steel e de herói né?

Mandou muito esse cara.

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XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
23-03-11, 08:20 #5
nos outros links a historia ta melhor detalhada, em especial que o fdp faz sua ronda com 2 macos de cigarro, se o desgracado nao fumasse era capaz de nem ter precisado de equipamento de mergulho, pqp.

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23-03-11, 08:35 #6
e a sogra?

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23-03-11, 08:54 #7
o cara é FODA

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PSN ID: lschronos2 Steam ID: lschronos
23-03-11, 09:30 #8
Caralho! Esse aí realmente, balls of steel! Herói do ano! Teve muito a manha!!


Akaiwa em seu esporte favorito:

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23-03-11, 09:48 #9
Porra, muito bom o texto e o ato do cara é de extrema fodacidade.

E a sogra?
Lógico que bruxa respira embaixo d'água, espera uns anos até ela voltar e deixa o cara aproveitar.

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XFIRE ID: kidonpah Steam ID: kidonpah
23-03-11, 09:54 #10
Postado por Biel Mostrar Post
E a sogra?
Lógico que bruxa respira embaixo d'água, espera uns anos até ela voltar e deixa o cara aproveitar.
Você não sabia que o capeta sobrevive embaixo d'agua?

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Fura Olho

XFIRE ID: EmB_FuraOlho Steam ID: gustavomartino
24-03-11, 12:37 #11
JAPAN: SUPERIOR!!!!!!!!!11

se no japao rola isso, imagina entao o q rolaria na RUSSIA!

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Hell Bovine

PSN ID: buffbringer XFIRE ID: bovideos Steam ID: bovideos
24-03-11, 12:50 #12
Postado por Fura Olho Mostrar Post
JAPAN: SUPERIOR!!!!!!!!!11

se no japao rola isso, imagina entao o q rolaria na RUSSIA!
Na russia, o salva-vidas é resgatado por VOCE

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Steam ID: ctrla0
24-03-11, 23:41 #13
In soviet russia, old women drink their way out of a tsunami.

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XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
28-08-11, 11:49 #14

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11-09-11, 20:48 #15
E o prêmio BOLAS DE AÇO da semana vai para: Danny Hart

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Steam ID: ssabbath
11-09-11, 21:21 #16
pAHGNEIaugheioAHEIOhe oAHEAO iuheoAIHEHaoi aiUHAEIOHAEoiheaOIEA hoih oiahOIHROIRAh rachei com esses narradores! AHUAEIUHEAiouheaoieauHIOEA

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11-09-11, 21:52 #17

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Fura Olho

XFIRE ID: EmB_FuraOlho Steam ID: gustavomartino
11-09-11, 21:54 #18

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Steam ID: ernani_benkendorf
11-09-11, 22:05 #19

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11-09-11, 22:33 #20
AEOHHEAEHEEAOHEHE q massa vei , narradores alucinados

e ele parece ser mto foda mesmo,eu nao tenho mto com o q comparar pq nao acompanho, mas -11.6 seg do recorde anterior eh absurdo mesmo eaoheao

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PSN ID: dasouzaj Steam ID: davihey
12-09-11, 00:48 #21

que lendario PQP

cara foi MTOOOOOO foda!
paguei um pau, e BELA narração EHUAHUAHEAHEAHEA

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Master Chief

Gamertag: serjaum
12-09-11, 08:43 #22
caralho auoheauioehauheaoiuehauoiea
narradores malucoa UHEUIAHEA


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Never Ping
🌀 Trooper

Gamertag: Willian Braga PSN ID: Never_Ping XFIRE ID: neverping Steam ID: neverping
12-09-11, 10:11 #23
these guys can actually speak in capslock (mais positivado)

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XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
16-01-14, 23:11 #24
Aitzaz Hassan



O Paquistão está a reverenciar o seu novo herói: Aitzaz Hassan, um adolescente que salvou a vida de centenas dos seus colegas ao lançar-se em frente de um suicida que ia atacar a sua escola.

Aitzaz Hassan, de 15 anos, oriundo da pequena cidade xiita de Ibrahimzai, na província de Jyber Panjtunjwa, noroeste do país, interceptou na segunda-feira um terrorista que ia atacar a sua escola, frequentada por cerca de um milhar de estudantes.

O jovem conseguiu deter o homem, que detonou o colete de explosivos a cerca 150 metros da escola. Alunos e professores do estabelecimento salvaram-se, mas não Aitzaz, aclamado como herói póstumo pelo seu sacrifício.

Naquele dia, Aitzaz chegou atrasado, pelo que teve que faltar à primeira aula e teve de esperar no lado de fora da escola, o que fez com que notasse o suicida a aproximar-se do local.

«Ele queria ser médico, mas esta não foi a vontade de Deus», declarou o seu primo, Mudassir, que descreveu o jovem como um estudante brilhante e competitivo.

O chefe da polícia de Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, província mais afectada por atentados talibãs e localizada perto da fronteira com o Afeganistão, Nasir Khan Durrani, escreveu quinta-feira à noite às autoridades para pedir que Aitzaz receba postumamente as mais altas honras para um civil no Paquistão.

«Aitzaz Hassan sacrificou a sua vida e impediu o terrorista com bravura e coragem... Ele salvou a vida de centenas de estudantes inocentes», salienta na carta.

Tanto a imprensa como personalidades paquistanesas louvaram o gesto do adolescente. «Aitzaz Hassan é um orgulho para o Paquistão. É preciso conferir-lhe pelo menos uma medalha (póstuma)», escreveu na sua conta no Twitter a ex-embaixadora do Paquistão em Washington Sherry Rehman, uma das figuras mais influentes da oposição.

A imprensa paquistanesa também tem comparado Aitzaz à jovem Malala Yusafza, a jovem que escapou em Outubro de 2012 a um atentado dos talibãs no norte do país.
«Nunca poderemos esquecer Aitzaz e todos aqueles que como ele - civis e militares - sacrificaram as suas vidas em combates contra os insurrectos», escreveu o jornal Dawn no seu editorial.

"O Estado deve enviar uma mensagem de condolências à família deste jovem e lhe oferecer toda a assistência possível. Os que estão no poder devem aprender uma lição ou duas com este jovem estudante sobre a coragem e de se manter firme contra os extremistas", concluiu o jornal.

O distrito de Hangu, cenário do ataque, é considerado uma das zonas mais sensíveis da província de Jyber Panjtunjwa pela sua proximidade com zonas tribais, esconderijo preferido de rebeldes, frequentemente atacadas por drones norte-americanos.

O atentado frustrado por Aitzaz tinha como alvo uma escola xiita, minoria muçulmana que representa cerca de 20% da população deste gigantesco país de 180 milhões de habitantes que é visado por grupos sunitas radicais.

O Paquistão também celebrou nesta sexta-feira a coragem de Chaudhry Aslam, o «super-polícia» à frente das operações antiterroristas na metrópole económica de Karachi (sul), no dia seguinte à sua morte num atentado suicida reivindicado pelos talibãs.

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16-01-14, 23:34 #25

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Gamertag: x bOuL Steam ID: kqchrysler
16-01-14, 23:50 #26
queria ver o video do cara dizendo q o maluco nao consegue sentar por causa das bolas de aço aiheuhieua

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XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
29-01-14, 14:13 #27


In his final moments, 8-year-old Tyler Doohan managed to rescue six people -- including two younger children -- from a burning mobile home in upstate New York, authorities said.
A last-ditch effort, however, to save his disabled grandfather cost the boy his life. His body was found next to his grandfather, whom Tyler considered a best friend.

"It makes me really proud, it really does, but I just want him back," Tyler's mother, Crystal Vrooman, told CNN affiliate WHAM.

Tyler, an East Rochester resident, was staying at the home of relatives in the nearby town of Penfield on Sunday night when he noticed a fire in the single-wide trailer, said Penfield Fire Chief Chris Ebmeyer.

As firefighters and sheriff's deputies responded to 4:45 a.m. emergency call, Tyler was able to wake six other people in the small trailer, including two more children, ages 4 and 6, the fire chief said.

Then Tyler went back into the blaze to help his grandfather, who was disabled and would have been unable to get out of the home on his own, Ebmeyer said.
"By that time, the fire had traveled to the back of the trailer," said Ebmeyer. "Unfortunately they both succumbed to heat and smoke."

The pair were found together on a bed in the back room. It appeared that the boy was trying to lift his grandfather from the bed when he was overcome by the smoke and fire, the fire chief said. Tyler and his grandfather were like best friends, Vrooman said.
An online fundraising campaign on YouCaring.com had raised more than $28,000 as of Wednesday for Tyler's funeral and his family.
Another relative was found dead in a front room, although his exact relation to Tyler was not clear.

Earlier, fire officials had released a mistaken version of the incident, where the grandfather's and uncle's locations were switched, due to incorrect information provided by a family member.

Tyler's mother said the boy broke away from his aunt outside the burning trailer and ran back inside to try to save his grandfather.
"All I could think about is how he couldn't breathe," Vrooman told WHAM.
She added: "I'm just so grateful that he went with people that he loved. He didn't go alone."
The cause of the blaze is still under investigation but believed to be accidental.
The conditions of the six survivors were not immediately available.
Ebmeyer said the trailer had no working smoke detector. He said that with so many people in one small mobile home, one alarm could have easily woken everyone in time to escape.
There was at least one space heater inside the trailer, the fire chief said.
Several pets -- including dogs, cats, a rabbit and hamsters -- also died in the fire, Ebmeyer said.

The Penfield Fire Company -- a volunteer unit -- intends to create a public service initiative to spread awareness and get smoke detectors out to the public, he said.

Meanwhile, Richard Stutzman Jr., interim superintendent of the East Rochester School District, where Tyler attended fourth grade, issued a statement:
"In bravely and selflessly giving his own life, he was able to save the lives of six others -- and he truly is a hero."



Tyler Doohan, the 8-year-old upstate New York boy who rescued six relatives from a fire but died while trying to save his grandfather, will be laid to rest Wednesday with a ceremony and honor befitting a fallen firefighter, according to local fire officials.

Penfield Fire Company has kept an honor guard standing by the remains of the boy during calling hours since Monday, and at the end of a church service on Wednesday, Penfield Fire Chief Chris Ebmeyer will declare Tyler an honorary firefighter and present his family with a special fire helmet inscribed with the boy's name.

"The young man acted with a lot of courage and bravery to try to rescue his grandfather after rescuing other members of his family," Ebmeyer said. "He showed valor and strength, and paid the ultimate sacrifice."

Ebmeyer said he received calls from fire departments from Maine to California, saying something should be done to honor Tyler.

At the service, firefighters from multiple fire departments will stand at attention in formal "Class A" dress uniforms with bagpipers playing -- the hallmarks of a traditional firefighter's funeral, Ebmeyer said. There will be no funeral procession at the family's request.

"We want to honor him in a way family and friends will remember and look at him as a hero," Ebmeyer said. "He should be looked at as going above and beyond, even putting his life in danger... This is what firefighters do."

Tyler, an East Rochester resident, was staying at the home of relatives in Penfield on January 19 when he noticed a fire in the single-wide trailer, officials said.
As firefighters and sheriff's deputies responded to a 4:45 a.m. emergency call, Tyler was able to wake six other people in the small trailer, including two more children, ages 4 and 6, the fire officials said.

Then Tyler went back into the blaze to help his grandfather, who was disabled and would have been unable to get out of the home on his own. "By that time, the fire had traveled to the back of the trailer," Ebmeyer said at the time. "Unfortunately, they both succumbed to heat and smoke."

The pair were found together on a bed in the back room. It appeared that the boy was trying to lift his grandfather from the bed when he was overcome by the smoke and fire, fire officials said.

The funeral Mass will take place at 10 a.m. Wednesday at St. John of Rochester Catholic Church in Fairport.

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31-01-14, 20:37 #28
Médico caminha quase 10 km durante nevasca para fazer cirurgia de emergência
Do UOL, em São Paulo

O médico Zenko Hrynkiw precisou caminhar quase 10 km durante uma tempestade de neve no Estado do Alabama, nos Estados Unidos, para fazer uma neurocirurgia de emergência que salvou a vida de um paciente.

Na última terça-feira (28), Hrynkiw estava no hospital Brookwood Medical Center, em Birmingham, quando foi chamado para fazer a cirurgia no hospital Trinity Medical Center, na mesma cidade. O médico está acostumado a fazer o percurso de carro, mas, por causa de uma nevasca que caía naquela momento, seria impossível chegar a tempo.

A neve fechou o trânsito local e deixou os motoristas presos. As autoridades do Alabama declararam estado de emergência somente em uma parte da região e deixaram a região de Birmingham sem o equipamento necessário para retirar toda a neve das ruas.

Para não perder a cirurgia, Hrynkiw decidiu enfrentar o frio intenso e caminhar na neve. Ele saiu de um hospital às 10h45 e duas horas depois já estava no centro cirúrgico. Ele chegou até mesmo a receber e analisar, via telefone celular, um exame do paciente.

Hrynkiw é o único neurocirurgião do hospital e, se não fosse sua iniciativa, o paciente não estaria vivo.

"Ele tinha 90% de chance de morrer. Se não fosse operado, certamente estaria morto e isso não podia acontecer no meu turno", afirmou o médico.

Segundo o enfermeiro Steve Davis, responsável pelo setor neurológico do hospital, Hrynkiw é um homem muito dedicado.

"Quando eu o vi chegando, tudo o que pude falar foi: 'você é um bom homem'", contou. (Com AP)


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