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PSN ID: smuczek Steam ID: cyberjack
Post Proposta virtual indecente!!

20-04-06, 15:41 #1
O casal de namorados Jim e Alisson fez uma aposta inusitada. Em uma pequena discussão a respeito do sucesso de sites inúteis, Alisson disse a Jim que ele não era capaz de fazer um site bem sucedido que atingisse um alto número de visitas em um curto período.

Jim quis provar que conseguiria e foi feita uma aposta, com contrato e tudo, de que ele era capaz sim de fazer um site -->http://www.helpwinmybet.com que recebesse em, menos de um mês, pelo menos dois milhões de visitantes únicos.

Se atingisse a meta, ganharia uma noite a três, com a namorada e mais uma garota escolhida pelo rapaz, desde que esta não fosse nem uma ex-namorada, nem uma prostituta.

O jovem, contando com a ajuda de internautas que queriam ver sua alegria, recebeu em menos de um mês quase 3 milhões de acessos.

Agora o rapaz abriu um fórum para encontrar a outra garota que subirá em sua cama. E o público que decidirá quem será.


Foto da Namorada de Jim

CyBeR_JaCk is offline   Reply With Quote

20-04-06, 15:44 #2
namorada dele é essa?
qualquer coisa é lucro então

[SKAN] is offline   Reply With Quote

20-04-06, 15:48 #3

jpadua is offline   Reply With Quote

20-04-06, 15:48 #4
Kd o forum para ajudarmos ele ?

dreh is offline   Reply With Quote

Gamertag: ksnrodrigoms PSN ID: rodrigo_machado
20-04-06, 15:52 #5
alem de concordar com o skan eu axo ke ele eh corno

que tipo de mina toparia uma aposta dessa? :P

Kensha is offline   Reply With Quote

20-04-06, 15:54 #6
ja tinham postado algo assim ... acho que foi o gamma ray, foi no comeco da aposta.

dreh is offline   Reply With Quote

20-04-06, 15:54 #7
Postado por batutinha

relax' is offline   Reply With Quote

20-04-06, 16:15 #8

Rewner is offline   Reply With Quote

20-04-06, 16:16 #9

Ovo is offline   Reply With Quote

20-04-06, 16:16 #10
meu querido...
depois dessa eles ja fizeram mais umas 15 apostas parecidas...

Flavio_0 is offline   Reply With Quote

20-04-06, 17:28 #12

gusto is offline   Reply With Quote

20-04-06, 18:11 #13
A essa hora a mina já teve de liberar de tudo com o cara... milhões de acessos...

jacu is offline   Reply With Quote

20-04-06, 18:21 #14
A proposito, ele tapeou todo mundo e postou uma historinha tosca no site dele e ta querendo em torno de 80 milhoes de acessos pra mina liberar geral!

Postado por Idiota
Okay. This sucks. A lot. You may want to sit down before you read this.
Allison is of the opinion that in my haste to get to two million hits, I was in violation of our contract. Specifically, she thinks I went against the part of the contract that says "Jim cannot receive any help in building the website." She is saying that even though I did all the coding and site promotion myself, I had a couple friends help me upload the site, host some pictures, etc. Now, in my opinion, I didn't violate the spirit of the contract, but she is sticking firm to her opinion that I didn't do it all by myself. Now, I know what you're thinking. This is totally a last-ditch effort by her to avoid having a threesome. I couldn't agree more! It's obvious she's grasping at straws here, but if I want to actually get my threesome, I have to play by her rules... which is why women will eventually rule the world. So, after a LONG argument about this (and by "long" I mean I needed spit into a bucket between rounds, Rocky-style) we came to a new agreement, which is COMPLETELY unfair, but as I said I have to play by her rules unless I want to completely throw away my chances of getting a threesome.

Here's how part of the conversation went...
Allison: Well, your site has had its 15 minutes of fame and is now dead, so you'll have to think of something else.
Jim: How about if I can make it to ten million unique hits?
Allison: Forget it, that's too low now that I realize how many idiots are out there trying to get you laid. (her words exactly)
Jim: Okay then, what?
Allison: How about a hundred million?
Jim: That's ridiculous! Come on, be reasonable!
Allison: All right, (she said this part smirking) 90 million!
Jim: How about something within the bounds of reality, like 40 million?

...I battled on every hit and settled on a goal of 74,251,867 (I think this number is her idea of a joke). Now, this is of course practically unattainable, but I have until July 1, 2007 to get to this mark. (she did lessen the rules about getting help in a few areas) Needless to say, unless people rally around me again, and for a longer period of time, I'm screwed. However, as I promised, there is good news...

The good news is that if I can get to 74,251,867 hits, Allison has agreed to drop all other protests and get busy, as long as there is no cheating. She even approved the girl I found (which turns me on by itself), who is a friend of a friend of a friend. The girl is even considering putting some pictures of her up on the site, so I'll keep you posted. I haven't asked her yet if I could use her name, so that's why I keep saying "the girl."

So, I'm not going to go whoring for hits so if you feel this is a worthy cause, feel free to pass the word on.

Even if I don't reach my new goal, seriously thanks for everyone's help.

Depressedly yours,

dark_man is offline   Reply With Quote

21-04-06, 00:11 #15

Aveia-Quaker is offline   Reply With Quote

21-04-06, 00:40 #16

SuckerBuster is offline   Reply With Quote

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