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18-12-10, 20:36 #151
Esse auto explore é muito bom, para antes de qualquer inimigo, faz vc terminar a dungeon rapido.

diferent is offline   Reply With Quote
e tenho dito

18-12-10, 20:58 #152
Zedd, luv u

Quando vc fala que ta investindo mais em chars EV, como é?

FeDaYkIn is offline   Reply With Quote

19-12-10, 07:18 #153
Postado por diferent Mostrar Post
Esse auto explore é muito bom, para antes de qualquer inimigo, faz vc terminar a dungeon rapido.
Problema é que se tu tá curto de comida ele não se torna menos esbanjador na exploração
Fora isso, ele tem outros defeitozinhos menores tipo "nao para ao enchergar monstro atraves de parede de vidro". Acho que é o algoritmo de 'visualizacao' que é bugado, se voce esperar com 5 perto de parede de vidro vai poder ver os monstros passeando atras sem o 'rest until event' parar, também

Postado por FeDaYkIn Mostrar Post
Zedd, luv u

Quando vc fala que ta investindo mais em chars EV, como é?
Eu começo com classe que tem a skill evasion e/ou com raça que tem afinidade com a skill, fico com armadura leve (máximo -1 de penalidade de evasion) o tempo todo e deixo todas as skills desligada até ter evasion lvl 4 ou 5 +-

Depois, quando eventualmente surgir a skill armor, eu desativo. É mto mais lucro usar um robe altamente encantado que uma armadura... armadura faz voce ERRAR GOLPE
Isso tá escroto demais, tomara que tirem na próxima versão...

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Gamertag: Gabe ML Steam ID: dunguinha
19-12-10, 11:22 #154
Antes armor era muito uber ao que li nos forums deles.
E agora esta muito fraco, rs.
Mesma coisa com o nerf que deram no demigod.Ta injogavel agora.

D.u.n.g.e.o.n is offline   Reply With Quote

19-12-10, 11:36 #155
Para inspirar vcs, o Notch (minecraft) fazendo um streaming do Ludum Dare 19 (game making competition) de um jogo dungeon crawler:


Mais informações:

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XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
19-12-10, 15:48 #156
isso aqui nao parece promissor?


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Steam ID: dodgebot
20-12-10, 09:08 #157
Joguei uma vez... achei uma bosta!

Assim, como qualquer outro jogo... sempre tento jogar um pouco mais pra ver se curto!...
Joguei umas 4 vezes na verdade...

Não entendi:
-Como pegar skillz (aprender)
-Como usá-las se eu possuir alguma
-Achei um livro azul ... com magias? Não consegui aprendê-las
-Como apago ítens do invent
-Peguei uma Arma cursed e não consegui retirá-la... fiquei com ela até morrer

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Steam ID: azarael
20-12-10, 09:28 #158
Joga o modo treino, depois lê as mensagens em tela, use um pouco de interpretação e se não der certo leia o wiki.

Se jogar sem entender essas coisa ae o jogo vai ser uma bosta mesmo.

Azarael is offline   Reply With Quote

20-12-10, 09:32 #159
Vamos lá.

Eu ainda sou bem noob mas lá vai:

- Você aprende skillz com levels. Não sei se utilizando um determinado item vai gerar skillz, por exemplo, usar uma lança e ganhar skillz de polearm.

- As skillz servem para que o combate seja feito. Elas não servem para ser efetivamente usadas. O que você pode usar são as habilidades que você acessa apertando a.

- Se o seu personagem tiver skillz para usar magias, aperte o r para read. Você terá a lista de scrolls e livros. Abra o livro e terá uma seleção de magias. Elas funcionam como o D&D. Você tem de decorar e preparar a magia antes de solta-la.

- Aperta o D para Drop. Selecione os itens que deseja dropar e Enter.

- Unico jeito que eu descobri para tirar itens cursed é encontrar scrolls de remove curse. Aliais são facéis de encontrar.

Uma dica que eu tenho é utilizar todas as poções e scrolls logo nas duas primeiras dungeons. Mesmo sem ter o porque usar, use. Assim você já saberá o efeito de cada um quando realmente precisar deles.

Btw, só tenho jogado de melee. O sistema de range não me agrada.

u3663 is offline   Reply With Quote

20-12-10, 09:46 #160
O sistema de skills tá explicado nos primeiros posts, com imagens até
Quando você ganha XP ela serve pra duas coisas: primeiro, diminuir a quantidade de XP que ainda falta para o próximo nível (aperte E - maiúsculo - pra ver quanto falta).
Segundo, coloca XP na "Experience Pool".

Essa experience pool é a que é usada para as skills. Se você tem uma skill ligada, toda vez qe a utiliza tem um chance de gastar um pouco da XP na Experience Pool pra treiná-la (veja que a % é arredondada de 5 em 5, então as vezes voce gasta XP e parece que nao aumentou nada). Se a skill está desligada é a MESMA coisa, mas a chance é alguams vezes menor (acho que é um quarto da chance).

Então, sim, treinar skills é com o uso. Eu "treino Dodging" desativando tudo que nao for dodge e, assim que tenho bastante XP na pool encontro um monstro que sei que nao me mata (tipo um giant bat) fico esperando variso turnos (apertando S) pra que ele tente me bater, e eu desvie. A XP vai sendo gasta e o Dodging vai aumentando.

Pra poder aprender magias você tem que ter a skill de spellcasting, qeu se ganha de duas maneiras: a muito fácil, que é começar com um classe que te dá níveis de spellcasting, e a muito difícil, que é reservar um monte de XP na Experience Pool e "treinar Spellcasting" lendo trocentos scrolls.

Dropar itens eu uso shift+clique, e tirar arma cursed é só lendo scroll de uncurse ou um scroll de enchant weapon (que além de melhorar uma arma ainda tira curse dela, se houver). Mas geralmente se guarda o scroll de enchant weapon pra uma arma útil que você vai usar, já que eles são raros.

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20-12-10, 09:47 #161
O sistema de range me agrada pra caralho, eu aperto Q - maiusculo - pra escolher o que vou atirar, f pra escolher onde, e já vem com mira automática para o monstro mais próximo, e enter pra atirar.

Achei mto bom que nao se pode atirar só nas 4 direcoes (cima baixo esquerda direita) e diagonais.

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Gamertag: Mr Aqualungz Steam ID: Aqualunguer
20-12-10, 10:04 #162
Tava treinando Archaeology no WoW ontem, fiquei jogando.
Não tinha me ligado nisso de passaro turno pra ficar treinando Dodge, vou tentar agora.

Aqualung is offline   Reply With Quote

Gamertag: Gabe ML Steam ID: dunguinha
20-12-10, 15:22 #163
Bom jogo meu deus
Se pudesse positivar o faria.

D.u.n.g.e.o.n is offline   Reply With Quote

20-12-10, 22:05 #164
Acho que descobri uma combinação massa: Kobold gladiator
1 - kobold come carne com vantagens
2 - tem boas aptidoes em dodging, fighting, small blades, throwing, sneaking e stabbing
3 - gladiador comeca com dodging, fighting, small blades e throwing

A única coisa que se 'desperdiça' é o nível de "shields". E em menor grau os dois níveis de Unarmed Combat que vem junto.
Começa a partida eu tiro o shield e desabilito a skill e gg. Tenho um Kobold fighter com MUITO mais vantages que ser tipo "Chaos Knight", e com o deus livre ainda posso escolher Okawaru ou Trog na barbada

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21-12-10, 08:44 #165

Merfolk Gladiator é melhor Zedd.

Como Merfolk você começa com 3 de dodge, 2 de short blade e 2 de stabbing, fora o polearms 4.

Dai você vai pra Gladiator e pega o resto. Unico problema é a comida mas não deve faltar.

u3663 is offline   Reply With Quote

Gamertag: Gabe ML Steam ID: dunguinha
21-12-10, 13:32 #166
Kobold zerker eh mais r0x.
E não entendi pq vc joga o shield fora.
Apenas desligue a skill, ter um shield é ter mais um roll dice de dodge praticamente.

D.u.n.g.e.o.n is offline   Reply With Quote
The Alpha Male

21-12-10, 13:59 #167
morri com 1 dwarf mountain lvl 11 ou 12
no lvl 7 do lair juntaram 3 death yak ja era

fiz 18k de pontos

Bombastic is offline   Reply With Quote

21-12-10, 14:27 #168
Legal o jogo, comecei a brincar ontem, mais tarde vou tentar de novo!

Bizarros os nomes dos scrolls... ehuehuehe.

Eon is offline   Reply With Quote

21-12-10, 15:35 #169
Eu jogo o escudo fora porque com arma rápida (tipo small blades) é melhor bater mais vezes do que mais forte, e o escudo dá uma chance de errar cada ataque

Então é melhor não usar do que usar
Sim, o jogo tá broken de tão ruim que tá usar armadura e escudo

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The Alpha Male

21-12-10, 15:39 #170
no max leather armor entao zedd?

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21-12-10, 15:43 #171
E olha lá, eu to descobrindo que existem MUITO mais mantos mágicos com propriedades boas do que leather armors, acaba compensando

Além disso, a partir de um certo nível de stealth, fica mto mais fácil sobreviver nesses lugares que tu desce a escada e tem 30 bichos te esperando

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The Alpha Male

21-12-10, 15:49 #172
afinal stealth serve pra q? nunca usei

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21-12-10, 16:33 #173
Não é "usável", é passivo, quanto mais stealthy você é, maior a chance dos monstros não te perceberem. Dá pra andar até do lado deles e bater sem defesa, isso é a skill "stabbing", causa um dano brutal

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The Alpha Male

21-12-10, 17:01 #174
to tentando jogar com kobold, parece q sobe de lvl muito mais rapido

morri com um lvl 5 e joguei pouquinho

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22-12-10, 12:12 #175

Fiz uma combinação PRO.

Deep Dwarf Healer.

Dei sorte, achei uma Mace que dá +5 de AC. Fiquei com 13 AC e 14 EV! Hue!

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The Alpha Male

22-12-10, 12:21 #176
tentei jogar com o kobold umas 2x mas eu morri muito mais facil q qquer outra classe q eu joguei
tem muito pouco life
eh foda, alguma dica? rs

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Gamertag: Mr Aqualungz Steam ID: Aqualunguer
22-12-10, 12:50 #177
Eu acho kobold tosco tb. O que mais curti até agora é Troll berserker.

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22-12-10, 13:24 #178
Postado por Bombastic Mostrar Post
tentei jogar com o kobold umas 2x mas eu morri muito mais facil q qquer outra classe q eu joguei
tem muito pouco life
eh foda, alguma dica? rs
Eu fiz um que durou bastante.

Qual classe tu tava? Deixa dodge crescer bastante e abusa de todos os itens que encontrar.

Como tem stealth alto, é só chamar a atenção de um inimigo de cada vez.

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The Alpha Male

22-12-10, 13:28 #179
tentei gladiator e assassin

o problema eh o life mesmo
eu encontrie um ogre no lvl 2 e morri em 2 lapada muito facil

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22-12-10, 13:29 #180
é foda mesmo. por isso que eu ando com uma caralhada de scroll de teleportar...

apareceu bicho grande eu uso e rezo.

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Gamertag: Mr Aqualungz Steam ID: Aqualunguer
22-12-10, 14:13 #181
nossa, tava destruindo com um kobold berserker, de cara achei um robe +2, bota +1 e capa +2 do Crazy Yuif. Peguei uma short blade de veneno +1,+1 tb.

Ai fui detectar os scrolls, usei um de teleport e cai no meio de uns 6 mobs, incluindo um ogre uaehuae

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Gamertag: Gabe ML Steam ID: dunguinha
22-12-10, 14:56 #182
Pora aqua, morreu de noob rs
Eu sempre uso scrolls na escada, ai se vier teleport e uvolto pro andar ke eu ja explorei.
Kobold zerker eh bem r0x mesmo, soh upar fightin shortblades e dodge ke ngm te segura.
Deep dwarf healer eh legal, más eu tenho jogado Deep dwarf necromancer, me curando com a skill de lifesteal lá, e horshiopando um mahkleb ou algo asism, que a cada bixo que eu mato me da um pouco de hp.

D.u.n.g.e.o.n is offline   Reply With Quote

25-12-10, 01:24 #183
Deep Dwarf é massa também, mas eu não consigo me ajeitar com essas raças de aptidao ruim e poderes especiais

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Gamertag: Gabe ML Steam ID: dunguinha
03-07-11, 14:28 #184
Up dos nerds, voltei a jogar outro dia, esse jogo eh muito bom puta que pariu

D.u.n.g.e.o.n is offline   Reply With Quote

03-07-11, 19:15 #185
Eu tava relendo a wiki semana passada. Ataque à distância é muito bom.

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07-07-11, 04:18 #186
Eu parei completamente, mas a idéia de fazer o tal jogo que a gente tentou começar em grupo aqui nâo me sai da cabeça...

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Gamertag: Mr Aqualungz Steam ID: Aqualunguer
15-07-11, 07:45 #187
Recomendo um roguelike que saiu no steam esses dias.

bem divertido haha

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15-07-11, 09:08 #188
Eu jogo SS todo santo dia quando o trabalho some.

Mais longe que eu cheguei foi com um vampiro assassin. Great.

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Gamertag: Mr Aqualungz Steam ID: Aqualunguer
15-07-11, 18:36 #189
Seguinte, aquela hora que eu postei o Dungeons of Dredmor, eu tinha começado a jogar fazia mais ou menos 1h. Tava jogando até agora e o tempo voou loucamente.

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20-07-11, 22:56 #190
Acabei de ver que tem um jeito de ficar de spectator no jogo dos outros vou aprender assistindo.

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Steam ID: azarael
07-08-11, 23:29 #191
To jogando há uma hora com um anão e ainda não morri, acabei de ir pro lvl 6.
To jogando com cuidado, pensando em cada movimento. Depois que entendi bem o jogo e as regras fica muito bom de jogar.

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Steam ID: azarael
10-08-11, 09:27 #192
Achei um altar do Xom (god of chaos), o cara é muito louco, ao contrário dos outros deuses que você faz ações pra agradar, o Xom decide a hora que vai prestar atenção em você e decide se é uma ação boa ou ruim. O cara ficou feliz por eu tomar uma poção, mas ficou irritado pq me afastei de uma escada de descida.

Ninguém mais joga essa porra?

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10-08-11, 09:34 #193
Eu dei uma parada por causa do trampo aqui que tá corrido mas vou retomar assim que der. Se precisar de ajuda é só perguntar.

Btw eu detesto o Xom. Random shit não é algo que ajuda nas Dungeons.

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Gamertag: Gabe ML Steam ID: dunguinha
10-08-11, 14:14 #194
Xom é engraçado, más não é um deus noob-friendly

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Chief Rocka

10-08-11, 14:25 #195
huaehua fala serio o jogo é praticamente impossível e nego ainda vai querer jogar com um deus totalmente random, eh loucura, balls of steel total

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10-08-11, 14:34 #196
Esse deus é CROM. Xom é erro de digitaçao!

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Steam ID: azarael
11-08-11, 22:29 #197
rockafeller, o legal é o roleplay do jogo, ganhar ou perder é consequência. Apesar de odiar e achar estúpido, eu fiz save scumming pra ver como seria jogar com o XOM, muito maluco ele. Voltei a jogar sem ele.

Ae, tem como cozinhar carnes, fazer meat ration ou coisa parecida? Na wiki fala nada sobre isso é dá uma pena ver aquela carne toda apodrecendo e depois ficar morrendo de fome.

Entrar no personagem e falar em primeira pessoa é rlz, mas é meio loser

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11-08-11, 23:07 #198
Acho qeu não cara, segundo o 'design philosophy' dos roguelikes hoarding de coisa é anti-jogo
I.e. tem que passar e morrer de fome mesmo

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Steam ID: azarael
11-08-11, 23:20 #199
A é, esqueci deste detalhe. É que o jogo é tão detalhado, que sinto falta de habilidades como cooking.

E realmente, estocar comida ia facilitar muito que ia peder a graça, é massa quando você ta passando fome e tem que ir atrás de comida, você acaba criando objetivos pelas necessidades que encontra.

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Steam ID: azarael
11-08-11, 23:58 #200
Aeee achei um amuleto que deixa eu comer mesmo não estando com fome.

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Gamertag: Gabe ML Steam ID: dunguinha
12-08-11, 13:01 #201
Postado por Azarael Mostrar Post
Aeee achei um amuleto que deixa eu comer mesmo não estando com fome.
Esse amuleto tmb te deixa com fome mais rapido.
Ele some o metabolismo. Então tu soh equipa ele na hora de comer dps tira.

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Steam ID: diazepan
12-08-11, 20:09 #202
Zedd me mata de orgulho

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Steam ID: azarael
12-08-11, 22:56 #203
Acabou de sair a versão 0.9, ainda não atualizaram o site ou o wiki.


Stone Soup 0.9 (20110812)

Disclaimer: These are merely the highlights, not an exhaustive list of changes.
Save compatibility with the 0.8 release is retained, although once a game is
loaded in 0.9, you can not go back to 0.8.

0.9 Highlights
* New skill training system. Experience pool and victory dancing are gone.
* Ashenzari: Remove passive XP boost, add a skill boost depending on level
of boundedness and which equipment is bound.
* Rename Crusader to Skald, change starting book and skill levels.
* New spells: Inner Flame, Shroud of Golubria.
* Removed spells: Teleport Self, Berserker Rage, Resist Poison.
* New monsters: Ignacio (unique executioner), catoblepas, basilisk.
* New subgame: Zot Defence. Consider it of experimental quality, though.

* Skill training: skills are trained immediately when XP is gained. The skills
trained are the ones that have been used recently (auto) or the ones which
have been selected (manual).
* Skill costs: the XP to skill point ratio no longer depends on skill level.
* Magic school skills early game discount removed.

* Cheibriados gives full stat boost for fully ponderous, regardless of species.
* Jiyva is a little less likely to remove mutations.
* Improve Jiyva's stat shuffling, take skills and armour into account.
* Makhleb has a new flavour description.
* Nerf TSO's and Makhleb's HP and MP on kills.
* Trog specialises in antimagic weapon gifts, gives fewer artefacts.
* Trog dislikes it when you train magic skills.
* Yred takes statue kills and forbids Statue Form.
* Zin's Vitalisation is cheaper and cures petrification, stat boost stackable.
* Don't allow avoiding good god wrath by swapping via another good god.
* Ashenzari: Remove passive XP boost, add a skill boost depending on level
of boundedness and which equipment is bound.
* Ashenzari: reduce reskilling XP penalty and some ability piety costs.
* Ashenzari wrath: reduce all skills for the duration of wrath.

* +3 base HP for all characters.
* Racial HP/MP gain is now displayed on a -3 to +3 scale (see ?%).
* Fighting gives less HP boost.
* All characters carry a bootknife to dissect corpses.
* Hill Orc Priests always take on Beogh.
* Berserkitis mutation triggers less often.
* Tweak starting skills for a few backgrounds (Fi, Gl, Wr, CK).
* Give Warpers a few more darts of dispersal.
* Let Gladiators start with a cap if they can't wear helmets.
* Start all Hunters with the same melee weapon.
* Start Artificers with quarterstaves, instead of letting Monks choose them.
* Rename Crusader to Skald, change starting book and skill levels.
* Conjurers don't need to choose a book (they always get an Air/Ice book).
* Felids: lose a level on death, gain at most nine lives, improved aptitudes.
* Draconians are more dextrous.
* Berserk speed-up reduced to that of haste (1.5 instead of 2).
* All species take the same amount of time to use stairs.

* New command: 'D'rop last. Drops the item(s) last picked up.
* Auto-switch: bumping while wielding launcher switches to weapon in slots a/b.
* Auto-switch: firing while wielding melee weapon switches to launcher in a/b.
* Auto-explore tries to look at unreachable places.
* Search: allows searching for portals, and for waypoints (Ctrl-F 1, Ctrl-F *).
* Search: "branded" synonymous with "ego". Better help (Ctrl-F ?).
* Search: only show items in a stash matching the search.
* Search: allow searching for armour by equipment slot.
* New help for skills screen (m??).
* Change inventory colours for some potions.
* Auto-pickup chunks after Animate Skeleton.
* Allow toggling hit prediction with ':' in new targetting modes.
* Cloud glyph in 7-bit ASCII is '0', not '#' anymore.
* Prompt before leaving Ziggurat.
* Better butchering messages, less spam.
* Abort spellcasting in many cases where spells are guaranteed to fail.
* Display -cTele on the status line where controlled teleports are blocked.
* Allow redefining mimic glyphs, once identified.
* Show percentage progress to the next level, instead of number of XP points.
* Show 'chaotic' in monster status only when aiming silver ammo at them.
* Show 'mindless' in monster status only when using Ely's healing abilities.

* New spell: Shroud of Golubria (comes in Skald and Warper starting books).
Prevents some melee damage, but likely to break against more damaging
* New spell: Inner Flame (comes in starting book of Fire Elementalists).
Causes targeted enemy to explode in a fireball when killed.
* Removed spells: Teleport Self, Berserker Rage, Resist Poison.
* Tornado: radius starts low, increases over time, add cooldown, adjust damage.
* Tornado moves monsters within its radius around.
* Blinking with Tornado active reduces its duration, teleporting cancels it.
* Make Fire Storm, Ice Storm, Bolt of Magma and Throw Icicle more resistible.
* Increase Bolt of Magma damage.
* Give Summon Dragon a longer duration, summon two dragons at high power.
* Shock and Lightning will hit a creature at most twice; damage increased.
* Make LRD and Sandblast more strongly affected by monster AC again.
* Ranges of Throw Frost/Flame and of Bolt of Cold/Fire swapped.
* Increase Flame Tongue's accuracy and range a little.
* Sublimation of Blood takes spellpower into account.
* Apportation takes spellpower into account for all items.
* Statue and Dragon Form balance: give both some GDR, reduce unarmed damage.
* Statue Form: boost all melee damage, give 50% torment resistance.
* Increase Ozocubu's Refrigeration to level 6.
* Reduce Summon Ice Beast to level 4, Static Discharge to level 3.
* Maxwell's Silver Hammer works also on all weapons with bludgeoning damage.
* Poison Weapon works also on blunt weapons.
* Condensation Shield duration increased.
* Simulacra from the spell are no longer abjurable.
* Renamed books: Chemistry -> Alchemy, Zoology -> Beasts.

* Catoblepas: a new hard-hitting yak-genus monster with petrifying breath.
* Replace "gila monster" with "basilisk", complete with petrification.
* Ignacio, a unique executioner of Makhleb, spawns in Pandemonium.
* AI: monsters improve even signature weapons (e.g. Sigmund will use Finisher).
* AI: confused high intelligence monsters don't move if next to a deadly cell.
* Allow polymorphing demons into other similar-tier demons.
* Snapping turtles and Geryon reach diagonally.
* Give Shadow Fiends and Tormentors a pain-branded melee attack.
* Boost ghost moth damage, don't spawn them in Spider's Nests.
* Fix random pan lords not getting Symbol of Torment in their spell sets.
* Vampire bats are undead.
* Monsters with mutagenic chunks leaves corpses less often.
* Reaching over a hostile monster may hit the monster between you and target.
* Kenku monsters come with gear, may spawn in the Abyss.
* Rename "beast" to "hell beast".
* Rename "megabat" to "bat".
* Kobolds can (rarely) get crossbows.
* Pikel: fixed bugs with freed monsters.
* Adjust xp values for some monsters.
* Disable feature mimics.

* New branch endings: multiple Elf:5 maps, Zot entry vaults on D:27.
* Many other new vaults, including serial vaults, traps, Abyss vaults.
* Blink in the Abyss only blinks; does not teleport anymore.
* Baileys are more sane in loot and threat.
* Troves: fix some bugs, and additional quests.
* Vestibule of Hell has its own monster set.
* Don't place kobold/orc/jelly/bee special rooms in the Hells.

Orb run
* Double the orb's weight.
* Disable controlled teleports once the orb is picked up.
* Orb run spawns are more likely to spawn near the player.
* Teleportation may need longer to kick in.

* Price reform: scrolls, potions, rings. Bad items cost more than 1 gold now.
* Cards: the Orb (new card), destruction cards buffed.
* Experience card gives less experience at low power.
* Scroll of identify shows top card when used on deck of cards.
* Picked up runes are no longer part of the inventory. They are listed in \.
* Randarts with the *Rage property trigger berserk less often.
* Modified spellbooks: Conjurations, Unlife, many elemental books.
* Bucklers provide less SH.
* Large rocks can (rarely) be generated on the dungeon floor.
* Ammo of dispersal only disperses if it does damage.
* Silver-branded ammo only does bonus damage to chaotic creatures.
* Reduce silver and steel damage bonus.
* Reflected missiles get their full range on the way back.
* Randart heavy armours tend to come with better enchantment.
* Wands and rods rely more strongly on Evocations skill.
* Long blades: nerf double swords, buff demon blades, remove katanas.
* Reduce demon whip and demon trident damage.
* Remove knives. Change Spriggan's Knife from knife to dagger.
* Make the Sword of Zonguldrok a double sword with the reaping brand.
* Give Undeadhunter a disruption effect against undead instead of holy wrath.
* Make Wyrmbane's enchantment increase whenever it kills a dragon.
* Give Scythe of Curses draining brand, inflict necro miscasts on its targets.
* Mace of Brilliance comes with a halo.
* Singing Sword does sonic damage at high tension.
* Bad unrandarts (Misfortune, Folly, Lear's) get a random appearance.
* Make potions of berserk rage more common.

* Display halo radius, fix information disparity between tiles and console.
* Don't allow casting spells in -CAST equipment by clicking on spell icons.
* Only flying pan lords have tiles with wings.
* Many new or improved monster, dungeon and interface tiles.

* Allow hiding the -cTele indicator with show_no_ctele.
* Allow automatically assigning specific spells to letters with spell_slot.

Last edited by Azarael; 12-08-11 at 23:01..
Azarael is offline   Reply With Quote

12-08-11, 23:08 #204
Oh yeah baby! Me aguarde na segunda!

u3663 is offline   Reply With Quote

13-08-11, 01:25 #205
Faz tempo que não jogo algumas em sequência, vou continuar a saga do clã Hak hoje!

Zedd is offline   Reply With Quote

13-08-11, 02:37 #206
Ae, estreei com o infalível anão guerreiro Hak e fui até o nível 8

Do sexto pro sétimo andar a dungeon ficou incrivelmente mais foda, cheia de killer bees e orc knights, acabei morrendo depois de tomar uma poção na loucura e ela ser de paralisia... fui estuprado por um Orc Knight com uma alabarda com 'reaching'

Não cheguei a encontrar o templo, espero que não tenham tirado ele do jogo!
Encontrei vários altares durante a partida mas não peguei nenhum deus, curti a idéia da tal Ashenzari!

 Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup version 0.9.0 character file.

1789 Hak I the Covered (level 8, -3/66 (68) HPs)
             Began as a Mountain Dwarf Fighter on Aug 13, 2011.
             Slain by an orc warrior
             ... wielding a +0,+3 orcish glaive of reaching
              (5 damage)
             ... while paralysed
             ... on Level 6 of the Dungeon.
             The game lasted 00:34:19 (6853 turns).

Hak I the Covered (Mountain Dwarf Fighter)                          Turns: 6853, Time: 00:34:19

HP  -3/66 (68)   AC 14     Str 23      XL: 8   Next: 69%
MP   5/5         EV  2     Int  6      God: 
Gold 256         SH  0     Dex 17      Spells:  0 memorised,  7 levels left

Res.Fire  : . . .   See Invis. : .    a - +0 dwarf hand axe
Res.Cold  : . . .   Warding    : . .  b - +0 dwarf scale mail
Life Prot.: . . .   Conserve   : .    c - +0 dwarf shield
Res.Acid. : . . .   Res.Corr.  : .    B - +0 plumed helmet
Res.Poison: .       Clarity    : .    (no cloak)
Res.Elec. : .       Spirit.Shd : .    (no gloves)
Sust.Abil.: . .     Stasis     : .    (no boots)
Res.Mut.  : .       Ctrl.Telep.: .    (no amulet)
Res.Rott. : .       Levitation : .    K - +6 ring of protection
Saprovore : . . .   Ctrl.Flight: .    n - +6 ring of dexterity

@: paralysed, somewhat resistant to hostile enchantments, very unstealthy
A: no striking features
a: no special abilities

You were on level 6 of the Dungeon.
You were near starving.

You visited 1 branch of the dungeon, and saw 7 of its levels.

You collected 236 gold pieces.


Hand weapons
 a - a +0,+0 dwarven hand axe (weapon)
 C - a +0,+0 crossbow
 D - 20 +0 bolts
 b - a +0 dwarven scale mail (worn)
 c - a +0 dwarven shield (worn)
 B - a +0 plumed helmet (worn)
Magical devices
 k - a wand of frost (12)
 H - a wand of random effects (6)
 d - 2 bread rations
 l - 4 meat rations
 f - 7 scrolls of identify
 m - 4 scrolls of magic mapping {unknown}
 o - a scroll of curse weapon {unknown}
 q - a scroll of blinking {unknown}
 r - 3 scrolls of amnesia {unknown}
 s - a scroll of curse jewellery {unknown}
 t - 2 scrolls of remove curse {unknown}
 u - a scroll of enchant armour {unknown}
 w - a scroll of teleportation
 A - a scroll of random uselessness {unknown}
 F - a scroll of detect curse {unknown}
 I - a scroll of enchant weapon II {unknown}
 J - a scroll of immolation {unknown}
 n - a +6 ring of dexterity (left hand)
 y - an uncursed ring of sustain abilities
 K - a +6 ring of protection (right hand)
 e - 2 potions of healing
 g - a potion of resistance {unknown}
 j - a potion of levitation {unknown}
 p - a potion of mutation {unknown}
 v - 2 potions of brilliance
 z - a potion of agility
 E - a potion of poison {unknown}
 G - a potion of cure mutation {unknown}

 + Level 5 Fighting
 + Level 5 Axes
 - Level 1 Crossbows
 + Level 7 Armour
 + Level 3 Dodging
 - Level 1 Stealth
 + Level 7 Shields
 - Level 1 Traps & Doors

You had 7 spell levels left.
You didn't know any spells.

Dungeon Overview and Level Annotations

Dungeon (7/27)            
Temple: D:4-7          Orc: D:6-11      

Nemelex Xobeh
Sif Muna
The Shining One

Message History

The orc warrior hits you with an orcish glaive of reaching.
Zapping: H - a wand of random effects {zapped: 4}
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - orc warrior
Aim: An orc warrior, wielding an orcish glaive of reaching and wearing an orcish splint mail (moderately wounded)
The orc warrior seems more stable. The orc warrior barely misses you.
Zapping: H - a wand of random effects {zapped: 5}
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - orc warrior
Aim: An orc warrior, wielding an orcish glaive of reaching and wearing an orcish splint mail (moderately wounded)
You heal the orc warrior. The orc warrior is completely healed.
The orc warrior hits you with an orcish glaive of reaching.
You feel better.
You suddenly lose the ability to move! It was a potion of paralysis.
The orc warrior hits you but does no damage.
The orc warrior hits you with an orcish glaive of reaching!
The orc warrior hits you with an orcish glaive of reaching.
The orc warrior hits you with an orcish glaive of reaching.
You die...

.#####...#    #.#...#...
.#   ######## #....#####
.#    ###...# #....#
.#    #.....# #....#
.#    #.....# #.##.#####
.# ####...<.###.##.#....
     #####  #.#.##.#)...
 #####      #...##.#####
##...#      #...##.#####
)....#      #...##.##...
.....#   ####.#.##.##...
..####   #......##.##...

You could see an orc warrior.

Vanquished Creatures
  A necrophage (D:6)
  A sky beast (D:6)
  4 ogres
  3 centaurs
  A giant frog (D:6)
  5 killer bees (D:6)
  2 hounds
  3 imps
  An orc priest (D:6)
  7 worker ants
  A snake (D:6)
  2 giant mites
  2 worms
  A bat skeleton (D:4)
  2 bat zombies
  6 giant geckos
  13 orcs
  10 bats
  4 giant cockroaches
  14 goblins
  16 hobgoblins
  4 jackals
  10 kobolds
  8 quokkas
  3 giant newts
  13 rats
  A rat zombie (D:2)
  2 small snakes
  2 toadstools
142 creatures vanquished.

Vanquished Creatures (others)
  A giant newt (D:1)
  A jackal (D:6)
  A kobold (D:1)
  3 rats
  12 toadstools
18 creatures vanquished.

Grand Total: 160 creatures vanquished

Turn   | Place    | Note
     0 | D:1      | Hak I, the Mountain Dwarf Fighter, began the quest for the Orb.
     0 | D:1      | Reached XP level 1. HP: 19/19 MP: 0/0
   261 | D:1      | Reached XP level 2. HP: 18/27 MP: 1/1
   746 | D:2      | Found a glowing silver altar of Zin.
   829 | D:2      | Reached XP level 3. HP: 33/33 MP: 2/2
  1119 | D:2      | Found a glowing golden altar of the Shining One.
  1418 | D:2      | Noticed a bat zombie
  1418 | D:2      | Noticed a rat zombie
  1422 | D:2      | Defeated a bat zombie
  1425 | D:2      | Defeated a rat zombie
  1429 | D:2      | Found an ancient bone altar of Kikubaaqudgha.
  1943 | D:3      | Reached XP level 4. HP: 40/40 MP: 2/2
  2192 | D:3      | Reached skill level 5 in Armour
  2192 | D:3      | Reached skill level 1 in Dodging
  2473 | D:4      | Reached skill level 5 in Shields
  2521 | D:4      | Found a deep blue altar of Sif Muna.
  2533 | D:4      | Reached XP level 5. HP: 40/46 MP: 3/3
  3084 | D:5      | Entered Level 5 of the Dungeon
  3208 | D:5      | Reached skill level 1 in Traps & Doors
  3380 | D:5      | Found a shimmering altar of Xom.
  3397 | D:5      | Reached XP level 6. HP: 13/53 MP: 4/4
  3651 | D:5      | Reached skill level 1 in Stealth
  3801 | D:5      | Reached skill level 6 in Armour
  4347 | D:5      | Reached XP level 7. HP: 50/59 MP: 4/4
  4677 | D:6      | Reached skill level 1 in Crossbows
  4820 | D:6      | Found a shattered altar of Ashenzari.
  4864 | D:6      | Reached skill level 5 in Axes
  5056 | D:6      | Reached XP level 8. HP: 57/65 MP: 5/5
  5140 | D:6      | Found a radiant altar of Vehumet.
  5511 | D:7      | Found a sparkling altar of Nemelex Xobeh.
  5648 | D:6      | Reached skill level 7 in Armour
  5763 | D:6      | Reached skill level 5 in Fighting
  6833 | D:6      | HP: 3/66 [orc warrior/orcish glaive of reaching (16)]
  6852 | D:6      | HP: 2/66 [orc warrior/orcish glaive of reaching (3)]
  6853 | D:6      | Slain by an orc warrior

Zedd is offline   Reply With Quote

Steam ID: diazepan
13-08-11, 18:17 #207
to jogando e gostando mas muita coisa ainda não sei.. oq faz falta é so uma músiquinha de fundo medieval

diazepan is offline   Reply With Quote

Steam ID: azarael
14-08-11, 12:14 #208
Escuto Nox Arcana pra jogar.

Azarael is offline   Reply With Quote

Gamertag: Gabe ML Steam ID: dunguinha
22-05-13, 22:19 #209

Alguem ainda jogando? Baixei a nova versão e estou mais uma vez perdendo horas e horas nessa delicia.

D.u.n.g.e.o.n is offline   Reply With Quote

22-05-13, 22:24 #210
Esses dias um amigo meu me falou que o jogo ta mto melhor
Ta balanceado? É possível avançar sem ser mago?

Zedd is offline   Reply With Quote

Steam ID: azarael
22-05-13, 23:14 #211
Não achei tão balanceado Zedd, ou é nobisse minha.

Volta e meia eu jogo, é um jogo pra curtir com o tempo, você vai pegando as manhas, aprendendo novas estratégias, mas ainda não completei a main quest

Azarael is offline   Reply With Quote

23-05-13, 07:28 #212
Tem final?

diferent is offline   Reply With Quote

23-05-13, 08:08 #213
Eu estou sem internet em casa e fiquei jogando a versão antiga esses dias e 'Pixel dungeon' que é praticamente um 'brogue lite' pra android. Joguinho bem bacana.


Stranger is offline   Reply With Quote

23-05-13, 13:49 #214
Postado por diferent Mostrar Post
Tem final?
Tem sim. Só é bem difícil, e não fica nada de uma partida pra outra

Zedd is offline   Reply With Quote

Gamertag: Gabe ML Steam ID: dunguinha
23-05-13, 22:51 #215
 Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup version 0.12.1 (tiles) character file.

Centrom II the Markscentaur (Centaur Hunter)       Turns: 28644, Time: 03:34:58

HP 127/127       AC 16     Str 20      XL: 14   Next:  7%
MP  11/11        EV  7     Int 10 (11) God: Okawaru [******]
Gold 1271        SH  0     Dex 14 (15) Spells:  0 memorised, 13 levels left

Res.Fire  : . . .   See Invis. : +     - Unarmed
Res.Cold  : . . .   Warding    : .   M - +5 ring mail of Plog {Dex+3 Int+1}
Life Prot.: . . .   Conserve   : .   (no shield)
Res.Poison: .       Res.Corr.  : .   a - +0 cap {SInv}
Res.Elec. : .       Clarity    : .   K - +0 cloak
Sust.Abil.: . .     Spirit.Shd : .   z - +1 pair of bracers {archer}
Res.Mut.  : .       Stasis     : .   (no barding)
Res.Rott. : .       Ctrl.Telep.: .   (no amulet)
Saprovore : . . .   Flight     : .   n - +2 ring of strength
                                     U - ring of protection from magic

@: very quick, quite resistant to hostile enchantments, very unstealthy
A: hooves 3, horns 1, deformed body, deterioration 1, herbivore 1, speed 2, fast
metabolism 1, slow healing 1, tough skin 3
a: Heroism, Finesse, Renounce Religion

You are on level 7 of the Lair of Beasts.
You worship Okawaru.
Okawaru is exalted by your worship.
You are not hungry.

You have visited 3 branches of the dungeon, and seen 23 of its levels.

You have collected 1629 gold pieces.
You have spent 378 gold pieces at shops.


Hand weapons
 h - a +4,+0 longbow of flame
 G - a +6,+3 longbow of frost
 k - 51 arrows {=g}
 O - an arrow of flame
 a - a +0 cap of see invisible (worn)
 q - a +2 chain mail of magic resistance
 z - a +1 pair of bracers of archery (worn)
 D - a +2 dwarven chain mail of cold resistance
 K - a +0 cloak (worn)
 M - the +5 ring mail of Plog (worn) {Dex+3 Int+1}
   (You found it on level 2 of the Lair of Beasts)   
   It affects your intelligence (+1).
   It affects your dexterity (+3).
Magical devices
 b - a wand of slowing
 c - a wand of confusion (10)
 e - a wand of digging (8)
 i - a wand of enslavement
 r - a wand of polymorph
 t - a wand of slowing {zapped: 3}
 v - a wand of disintegration {empty}
 F - a wand of paralysis {zapped: 2}
 I - a wand of enslavement (1)
 L - a wand of teleportation {zapped: 2}
 f - 9 bread rations
 m - a rotting chunk of bat flesh
 u - 6 meat rations
 d - a scroll of identify
 g - a scroll of remove curse
 j - a scroll of fog
 o - 4 scrolls of teleportation
 P - 2 scrolls of blinking
 Y - 3 scrolls of fear
 n - a +2 ring of strength (right hand)
 Q - an uncursed ring of flight
 U - a ring of protection from magic (left hand)
 l - 3 potions of invisibility
 w - a potion of might
 A - a potion of porridge
 C - a potion of curing
 E - a potion of heal wounds
 S - 4 potions of agility
 T - a potion of brilliance

 * Level 16,0 Fighting
 + Level 20,5 Bows
 - Level 9,0 Armour
 - Level 1,3 Dodging
 - Level 0,5 Stealth
 - Level 5,0 Unarmed Combat
 - Level 1,0 Evocations

You have 13 spell levels left.
You don't know any spells.

Dungeon Overview and Level Annotations

Dungeon (11/27)            Temple (0/1) D:7             Orc (4/4) D:6
    Elf (0/3) Orc:4          Lair (8/8) D:10          Swamp (0/5) Lair:4
  Snake (0/5) Lair:4        Slime (0/6) Lair:7      


D:7: [  D:9: *%!

Hell: Lair:8

D:5 Prince Ribbit

Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutations

You have hooves in place of feet.
Armour fits poorly on your strangely shaped body.
You digest meat inefficiently.
You cover ground very quickly.
You have a fast metabolism.
You have extremely tough skin (AC +3).
You have a pair of small horns on your head.
Your body is slowly deteriorating.
You heal slowly.

Message History

You headbutt the plant, but do no damage.
The plant is moderately damaged.
You hit the plant but do no damage. You kick the plant, but do no damage. You punch the plant.
The plant is moderately damaged.
You hit the plant but do no damage.
The plant is moderately damaged.
You hit the plant. You kick the plant.
The plant is moderately damaged.
You hit the plant but do no damage. You kick the plant.
The plant is moderately damaged.
You punch the plant!
The plant is heavily damaged.
You hit the plant. You kick the plant!
The plant is severely damaged.
You hit the plant but do no damage. You kick the plant!
The plant is almost destroyed.
You hit the plant but do no damage. You kick the plant.
You destroy the plant!
You see here an arrow {=g}.
Saving game... please wait.

   ###...##  ####P#####f

There are no monsters in sight!

Vanquished Creatures
  A dire elephant (Lair:8)
  A wizard (Lair:8)
  Erica (D:10)
  7 hydras
  A sun demon (Lair:8)
  An orc high priest (Orc:4)
  Erolcha (Orc:1)
  An ice statue (Lair:2)
  A giant amoeba (Lair:7)
  4 lindwurms (Lair:7)
  Joseph (Lair:1)
  3 black mambas
  Maurice (D:10)
  A feature mimic (Lair:3)
  14 spiny frogs
  An orange demon (Lair:8)
  7 hellwings (Lair:8)
  A smoke demon (Lair:8)
  A troll (D:10)
  2 polar bears
  2 two-headed ogres
  19 blink frogs
  11 komodo dragons
  5 basilisks
  4 wandering mushrooms (D:9)
  4 brown oozes (Lair:7)
  2 wraiths
  5 fire drakes
  31 yaks
  11 hippogriffs
  A steam dragon (Lair:5)
  2 war dogs (Lair:4)
  Edmund (D:8)
  A boulder beetle (Lair:5)
  2 manticores
  7 orc warriors
  8 sky beasts
  A troll zombie (D:10)
  2 phantoms
  A yak zombie (D:5)
  7 ice beasts
  2 red devils (Lair:8)
  A yak skeleton (D:10)
  A hippogriff skeleton (D:7)
  6 ogres
  5 centaurs
  A boring beetle (Lair:8)
  A big kobold (D:11)
  2 lava worms (D:10)
  A troll skeleton (D:5)
  A rotting devil (Lair:8)
  14 water moccasins
  4 giant slugs
  13 crocodiles
  A brain worm (Lair:8)
  18 giant frogs
  5 agate snails
  Blork the orc (D:6)
  A two-headed ogre zombie (D:8)
  2 giant frog skeletons
  A killer bee (D:4)
  2 oklob saplings (D:9)
  A lava fish (D:10)
  An eye of draining (D:11)
  A killer bee zombie (D:10)
  8 jellyfish (Lair:2)
  A crocodile zombie (D:6)
  A goliath beetle (D:9)
  A shadow (D:10)
  8 crimson imps
  A quasit (D:10)
  12 hounds
  A hound zombie (D:8)
  Crazy Yiuf (D:6)
  A hound skeleton (D:4)
  11 orc priests
  11 iguanas
  4 porcupines
  3 scorpions
  3 worker ants
  A worker ant zombie (D:5)
  6 orc wizards
  18 sheep
  Ijyb (D:2)
  21 adders
  3 humans (D:6)
  6 gnolls
  2 adder zombies
  A giant centipede (Lair:2)
  17 green rats
  3 giant mites
  4 worms
  An iguana skeleton (D:10)
  A bat skeleton (D:4)
  A giant eyeball (D:4)
  8 giant geckos
  An ooze (D:3)
  79 orcs
  4 giant cockroaches
  22 hobgoblins
  14 jackals
  2 ball pythons (D:2)
  19 bats
  10 giant newts
  12 goblins
  A hobgoblin zombie (D:7)
  20 kobolds
  A kobold zombie (D:5)
  9 quokkas
  31 rats
  2 rat zombies (D:6)
  9 fungi
  6 plants
667 creatures vanquished.

Vanquished Creatures (collateral kills)
  A centaur (D:9)
1 creature vanquished.

Vanquished Creatures (others)
  A yak (Lair:3)
  3 green rats (Lair:7)
  An adder (Lair:2)
  An orc (Orc:4)
  5 fungi
  A plant (Lair:8)
12 creatures vanquished.

Grand Total: 680 creatures vanquished

Turn   | Place    | Note
     0 | D:1      | Centrom II, the Centaur Hunter, began the quest for the Orb.
     0 | D:1      | Reached XP level 1. HP: 17/17 MP: 0/0
    52 | D:1      | Reached skill level 1 in Unarmed Combat
   412 | D:1      | Reached XP level 2. HP: 21/24 MP: 1/1
   702 | D:1      | Reached XP level 3. HP: 29/29 MP: 2/2
   914 | D:2      | Reached XP level 4. HP: 27/36 MP: 2/2
  1165 | D:2      | Noticed Ijyb
  1227 | D:2      | Killed Ijyb
  1955 | D:3      | Reached XP level 5. HP: 41/41 MP: 3/3
  2243 | D:3      | Reached skill level 5 in Unarmed Combat
  3286 | D:4      | Reached skill level 6 in Bows
  3637 | D:4      | Reached XP level 6. HP: 46/49 MP: 4/4
  3776 | D:4      | Found a shimmering altar of Xom.
  3893 | D:4      | Reached skill level 1 in Evocations
  3921 | D:4      | Paralysed by a giant eyeball for 4 turns
  4163 | D:4      | Reached skill level 7 in Bows
  4453 | D:5      | Entered Level 5 of the Dungeon
  4789 | D:5      | Reached skill level 8 in Bows
  4789 | D:5      | Reached XP level 7. HP: 54/56 MP: 5/5
  5225 | D:5      | Reached skill level 9 in Bows
  5556 | D:6      | Noticed Prince Ribbit
  5681 | D:6      | Reached XP level 8. HP: 59/63 MP: 6/6
  5748 | D:6      | Reached skill level 10 in Bows
  5885 | D:6      | Found an iron altar of Okawaru.
  5924 | D:6      | Became a worshipper of Warmaster Okawaru
  6005 | D:6      | Found a staircase to the Orcish Mines.
  6098 | D:6      | Reached skill level 11 in Bows
  6318 | D:6      | Noticed Blork the orc
  6391 | D:6      | Killed Blork the orc
  6691 | D:6      | Noticed Crazy Yiuf
  6710 | D:6      | Killed Crazy Yiuf
  7096 | D:7      | Acquired Okawaru's first power
  7381 | D:7      | Reached skill level 12 in Bows
  7406 | D:7      | Reached XP level 9. HP: 70/70 MP: 7/7
  8221 | D:7      | Found Isoh's Armour Boutique.
  8225 | D:7      | Bought a +0 pair of bracers of archery for 37 gold pieces
  8365 | D:7      | Found a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple.
  8596 | D:8      | Noticed Edmund
  8637 | D:8      | Killed Edmund
  8943 | D:8      | Reached skill level 13 in Bows
  9045 | D:8      | Reached skill level 5 in Fighting
  9832 | D:9      | Reached skill level 14 in Bows
 10205 | D:9      | Found Lothryemn's Distillery.
 10214 | D:9      | Bought 2 potions of curing for 52 gold pieces
 10214 | D:9      | Bought a potion of heal wounds for 39 gold pieces
 10214 | D:9      | Bought a potion of heal wounds for 39 gold pieces
 10214 | D:9      | Bought a potion of heal wounds for 39 gold pieces
 10214 | D:9      | Bought a potion of heal wounds for 39 gold pieces
 10214 | D:9      | Bought a potion of curing for 26 gold pieces
 10234 | D:9      | Found Pnougac's Food Boutique.
 10241 | D:9      | Bought a choko for 4 gold pieces
 10241 | D:9      | Bought a lychee for 4 gold pieces
 10241 | D:9      | Bought an apple for 8 gold pieces
 10241 | D:9      | Bought a choko for 4 gold pieces
 10241 | D:9      | Bought a choko for 4 gold pieces
 10241 | D:9      | Bought a banana for 13 gold pieces
 10252 | D:9      | Found Psuclarph's Assorted Antiques.
 10267 | D:9      | Bought a scroll of identify for 70 gold pieces
 10320 | D:9      | Reached XP level 10. HP: 64/79 MP: 7/7
 10403 | D:9      | Reached skill level 15 in Bows
 10871 | D:9      | Found a blossoming altar of Fedhas.
 11166 | D:9      | Reached skill level 16 in Bows
 11393 | D:10     | Entered Level 10 of the Dungeon
 11413 | D:10     | Noticed Erica
 11431 | D:10     | Noticed Maurice
 11713 | D:10     | Killed Erica
 11713 | D:10     | Received a gift from Okawaru
 11713 | D:10     | Reached skill level 17 in Bows
 11735 | D:10     | Found a staircase to the Lair.
 12135 | D:10     | Killed Maurice
 12135 | D:10     | Reached XP level 11. HP: 84/88 MP: 8/8
 12253 | D:10     | Reached skill level 18 in Bows
 13206 | D:11     | Acquired Okawaru's second power
 13683 | D:11     | Noticed a four-headed hydra
 13698 | D:11     | Killed a four-headed hydra
 13698 | D:11     | Reached skill level 10 in Fighting
 13839 | D:10     | Received a gift from Okawaru
 13845 | Lair:1   | Entered Level 1 of the Lair of Beasts
 14157 | Lair:1   | Noticed Joseph
 14165 | Lair:1   | Killed Joseph
 14788 | Lair:1   | Received a gift from Okawaru
 15185 | Lair:2   | Received a gift from Okawaru
 15441 | Lair:2   | Reached XP level 12. HP: 104/104 MP: 10/10
 15976 | Lair:2   | Noticed an ice statue
 15988 | Lair:2   | Got a pitted ring mail
 16147 | Lair:2   | Identified the +5 ring mail of Plog {Dex+3 Int+1} (You found it on level 2 of the Lair of Beasts)
 16330 | Lair:2   | Killed an ice statue
 17091 | Lair:3   | Found a staircase to the Swamp.
 17109 | Lair:3   | Received a gift from Okawaru
 17521 | Lair:3   | the staircase to the Swamp was a mimic.
 17537 | Lair:3   | Noticed a seven-headed hydra
 17556 | Lair:3   | Killed a seven-headed hydra
 17746 | Lair:3   | Gained mutation: You heal slowly. [potion of mutation]
 17746 | Lair:3   | Gained mutation: You have a pair of small horns on your head. [potion of mutation]
 17746 | Lair:3   | Gained mutation: Your body is slowly deteriorating. [potion of mutation]
 18039 | Lair:3   | Noticed a four-headed hydra
 18066 | Lair:3   | Killed a four-headed hydra
 18384 | Lair:4   | Noticed a four-headed hydra
 18417 | Lair:3   | Killed a four-headed hydra
 18873 | Lair:4   | Found a staircase to the Snake Pit.
 18937 | Lair:4   | Reached skill level 15 in Fighting
 19197 | Lair:4   | Found a staircase to the Swamp.
 20217 | Lair:5   | Reached skill level 1 in Armour
 20404 | Lair:5   | Received a gift from Okawaru
 20588 | Lair:5   | Received a gift from Okawaru
 21685 | Lair:7   | Received a gift from Okawaru
 21685 | Lair:7   | Reached XP level 13. HP: 73/118 MP: 10/10
 22115 | Lair:7   | Reached skill level 5 in Armour
 22191 | Lair:7   | Found a staircase to the Slime Pits.
 24109 | Lair:8   | Entered Level 8 of the Lair of Beasts
 24382 | Lair:8   | Noticed a five-headed hydra
 24400 | Lair:8   | Killed a five-headed hydra
 24667 | Lair:8   | Noticed a four-headed hydra
 24674 | Lair:8   | Killed a four-headed hydra
 24764 | Lair:8   | Noticed a four-headed hydra
 24785 | Lair:8   | Killed a four-headed hydra
 24785 | Lair:8   | Received a gift from Okawaru
 24820 | Lair:8   | Noticed a dire elephant
 24852 | Lair:8   | Killed a dire elephant
 24852 | Lair:8   | Reached skill level 19 in Bows
 24899 | Lair:8   | Noticed a crazed wizard
 24905 | Lair:8   | Killed a crazed wizard
 24905 | Lair:8   | Received a gift from Okawaru
 24919 | Lair:8   | Found a burning altar of Makhleb.
 25227 | Lair:8   | Received a gift from Okawaru
 25301 | Lair:8   | Found a gateway to Hell.
 25388 | Lair:8   | Reached skill level 20 in Bows
 25951 | Orc:1    | Entered Level 1 of the Orcish Mines
 25951 | Orc:1    | Noticed Erolcha
 25968 | Orc:1    | Killed Erolcha
 25968 | Orc:1    | Reached XP level 14. HP: 114/127 MP: 11/11
 26697 | Orc:4    | Entered Level 4 of the Orcish Mines
 26697 | Orc:4    | Found a staircase to the Elven Halls.
 26697 | Orc:4    | Found a roughly hewn altar of Beogh.
 26963 | Orc:4    | Received a gift from Okawaru

Action                   |  1- 3 |  4- 6 |  7- 9 | 10-12 | 13-15 || total
Melee: Unarmed           |   101 |   111 |    99 |     9 |    66 ||   386
       Bow               |       |       |     9 |    24 |       ||    33
       Longbow           |       |       |       |     1 |    32 ||    33
 Fire: Bow               |     9 |   126 |   396 |   922 |       ||  1453
       Longbow           |       |       |       |   182 |   465 ||   647
Invok: Heroism           |       |       |       |     1 |     1 ||     2
 Abil: Evoke Flight      |       |       |       |     2 |     2 ||     4
       Stop Flying       |       |       |       |       |     1 ||     1
Evoke: Wand              |     1 |     9 |    20 |    25 |    41 ||    96
  Use: Scroll            |     3 |     5 |    12 |    28 |     6 ||    54
       Potion            |     3 |     3 |     7 |    16 |     7 ||    36

D.u.n.g.e.o.n is offline   Reply With Quote

Gamertag: Gabe ML Steam ID: dunguinha
28-05-13, 00:18 #216


D.u.n.g.e.o.n is offline   Reply With Quote

28-05-13, 00:47 #217
Que delícia essa wand de heal com 6 cargas pra Deep Dwarf
Posta o inventory inteiro cara

Zedd is offline   Reply With Quote

Gamertag: Gabe ML Steam ID: dunguinha
28-05-13, 04:09 #218
Segue minha evolução de hoje.
Depois de 10 tentativas falhas, meu Deep Dwarf Artificer finalmente deu certo, e pela primeira vez fiz uma branch end (Lair (a mais facil)).
Amanha continuo a saga do DARF X.


Ps. Inventorio:


D.u.n.g.e.o.n is offline   Reply With Quote

28-05-13, 05:19 #219
Qualé a desse deck of changes? QQ saiu nos draw?

Zedd is offline   Reply With Quote

28-05-13, 09:31 #220
Só vou dizer umas coisas sobre este jogo:

Se vc não souber correr vc vai morrer.
Se vc não souber comer vc vai morrer.
Se vc não conhece seu inimigo vc vai morrer.
O inimigo tem nome próprio fuja.
Use as escadas.
Esse jogo vicia.
É a prova que gráfico não manda em nada.

diferent is offline   Reply With Quote

Steam ID: diazepan
28-05-13, 11:48 #221
Depois que eu morri em Shoals por ter ficado em cima da água que afunda com um humano seguindo The Shining One desisti de jogar por um tempo. Fiquei tipo 14 horas jogando e morri afogado :<

Esse é um dos jogos mais viciantes que já vi.

diazepan is offline   Reply With Quote

Gamertag: Gabe ML Steam ID: dunguinha
28-05-13, 22:50 #222
Morri pra um bicho BIZARRO que me deixou com -19 de int e brainless, ai não dava pra fazer NADA. Tenso demais...
Segue o morgue:

 Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup version 0.12.1 (tiles) character file.

220437 DARF IX the Executioner (level 18, -11/165 (166) HPs)
             Began as a Deep Dwarf Artificer on May 27, 2013.
             Was the Champion of Makhleb.
             Mangled by a spiny worm simulacrum (19 damage)
             ... on Level 18 of the Dungeon on May 28, 2013.
             The game lasted 05:56:02 (43556 turns).

DARF IX the Executioner (Deep Dwarf Artificer)     Turns: 43556, Time: 05:56:03

HP -11/165 (166) AC 38     Str 30      XL: 18   Next: 31%
MP   0/3         EV  7     Int 14 (19) God: Makhleb [******]
Gold 3081        SH  0     Dex 15      Spells:  0 memorised, 17 levels left

Res.Fire  : + . .   See Invis. : .   R - +7 lightning rod (9/9)
Res.Cold  : . . .   Warding    : .   o - +8 plate armour of the Great Game {Str+1 I
Life Prot.: + . .   Conserve   : .   (no shield)
Res.Poison: +       Res.Corr.  : .   i - +2 wizard hat {MR}
Res.Elec. : .       Clarity    : .   h - +2 cloak
Sust.Abil.: . .     Spirit.Shd : .   k - +2 pair of gloves {Str+3}
Res.Mut.  : .       Stasis     : .   x - +1 pair of boots
Res.Rott. : .       Ctrl.Telep.: .   j - amulet "Xuatae" {Inacc Str+2 Int-1 Curse}
Saprovore : . . .   Flight     : .   z - +3 ring of strength
                                     p - ring "Yluiklu" {rPois Dex+2}

@: lost intelligence, non-regenerating, confused, very slightly contaminated,
very slow, extremely resistant to hostile enchantments, extremely unstealthy
A: damage resistance, recharge devices, fire resistance 1, -10% mp, life
protection 1, sense surroundings 3, slow healing 3, Str +1, Int +1, Dex -1
a: Device Recharging, Minor Destruction, Lesser Servant of Makhleb, Major
Destruction, Greater Servant of Makhleb, Renounce Religion
}: 2/15 runes: decaying, gossamer

You were on level 18 of the Dungeon.
You worshipped Makhleb.
Makhleb was exalted by your worship.
You were not hungry.

You visited 6 branches of the dungeon, and saw 41 of its levels.

You collected 4301 gold pieces.
You spent 1240 gold pieces at shops.


Hand weapons
 J - a +6,+4 executioner's axe of flaming
 h - a +2 cloak (worn)
 i - a +2 wizard hat of magic resistance (worn)
 k - a +2 pair of gloves of strength (worn)
 o - the +8 plate armour of the Great Game (worn) {Str+1 Int+4 Dam+6}
   (You found it on level 11 of the Dungeon)   
   It affects your strength (+1).
   It affects your intelligence (+4).
   It affects your damage-dealing abilities (+6).
 x - a +1 pair of boots (worn)
Magical devices
 a - a wand of flame (12)
 f - a wand of flame (4)
 g - a wand of digging (5)
 l - a wand of flame (3)
 t - a wand of fireball (3)
 v - a wand of magic darts (10)
 A - a wand of disintegration (14)
 C - a wand of draining (3)
 D - a wand of heal wounds (3)
 E - a wand of invisibility (3)
 F - a wand of fireball (3)
 I - a wand of hasting (5)
 S - a wand of slowing (10)
 T - a wand of confusion (13)
 W - a wand of teleportation (6)
 n - 6 meat rations
 m - a scroll of blinking
 s - 2 scrolls of teleportation
 j - the amulet "Xuatae" (around neck) {Inacc Str+2 Int-1 Curse}
   (You found it on level 5 of the Spider Nest)   
   [amulet of inaccuracy]
   It affects your strength (+2).
   It affects your intelligence (-1).
   It may recurse itself.
 p - the ring "Yluiklu" (left hand) {rPois Dex+2}
   (You took it off a centaur on level 13 of the Dungeon)   
   [ring of poison resistance]
   It affects your dexterity (+2).
 q - a +0,+4 ring of slaying {unknown}
 z - a +3 ring of strength (right hand)
 B - an uncursed ring of flight
 Q - an uncursed ring of see invisible
 L - a potion of might
 N - 2 potions of curing
 O - a potion of speed
 U - a legendary deck of changes {Wild Magic, drawn: 2}
 R - a +7 lightning rod (9/9) (weapon)
   (You found it on level 15 of the Dungeon)

 + Level 13,1 Fighting
   Level 0,8 Short Blades
 - Level 25,0 Axes
 + Level 17,9 Armour
 - Level 2,1 Dodging
 - Level 1,2 Stealth
 - Level 10,2 Traps
 * Level 16,8 Evocations

You had 17 spell levels left.
You didn't know any spells.

Dungeon Overview and Level Annotations

Dungeon (18/27)            Temple (1/1) D:4             Orc (4/4) D:11
    Elf (0/3) Orc:4          Lair (8/8) D:13          Swamp (5/5) Lair:4
 Spider (5/5) Lair:5        Slime (0/6) Lair:6       Vaults (0/5) D:15

Nemelex Xobeh
Sif Muna
the Shining One

D:4: !?%  D:9: (  D:13: (  Orc:1: (  Orc:2: *  Orc:4: /(%*

Ziggurat: D:15 (2960 gp)

D:7 Prince Ribbit
D:18 exclusion: orange crystal statue

Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutations

You are resistant to damage.
You can recharge devices by infusing magical energy.
You resist negative energy.
You passively map a large area around you.
You do not heal naturally.
Your mind is acute (Int +1).
Your flesh is heat resistant.
Your magical capacity is low (-10% MP).
Your muscles are strong, but stiff (Str +1, Dex -1).

Message History

Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor
As you read the scroll of blinking, it crumbles to dust.
You are very lightly contaminated with residual magic.
A hostile presence attacks your mind!
Nothing appears to happen.
A hostile presence attacks your mind!
You lose concentration completely!
You are confused.
A hostile presence attacks your mind! You feel dopey.
You have damaged your brain!
You are more confused.
A hostile presence attacks your mind!
You lose concentration completely!
You are more confused.
The spiny worm simulacrum hits you!
The spiny worm simulacrum freezes you!
You die...

 , #.......<.###.#
       *   #..#
      .    #..#
     #.#   #..#
     #.#   #..#########
     #.#   #...........,
 #...........#         ,
 #...........#  *
 #..........%#   ,    ,
 #.....8.....##      *
 #............#       ,
........(.....# *,*

You could see an orange crystal statue and a spiny worm simulacrum.

Vanquished Creatures
  the Lernaean hydra (Swamp:5)
  Mara (Swamp:3)
  Margery (Spider:5)
  An illusory Mara (Swamp:3)
  Arachne (Spider:3)
  Nikola (Spider:1)
  Rupert (Lair:4)
  A player illusion (Swamp:3)
  Roxanne (Swamp:4)
  Aizul (Spider:1)
  Donald (Spider:5)
  Louise (Swamp:4)
  An orc warlord (Orc:3)
  Maud (Spider:1)
  4 ghost moths
  Gastronok (Orc:1)
  3 emperor scorpions (Spider:5)
  Jorgrun (Swamp:2)
  Azrael (D:15)
  Snorg (Swamp:4)
  2 dragons
  A great orb of eyes (D:16)
  The ghost of DARF IV the Cleaver, a powerful DDAr of Trog (D:12)
  Fannar (D:11)
  Harold (D:10)
  2 ogre magi
  20 hydras
  Nessos (D:17)
  6 rakshasas (D:15)
  12 alligators
  2 death yaks (Lair:8)
  A wolf spider zombie (D:15)
  3 stone giant zombies (D:17)
  3 orc high priests (Orc:4)
  Urug (D:13)
  2 deep trolls (Orc:3)
  Nergalle (Orc:3)
  A sun demon (Orc:4)
  A vapour (D:15)
  Erolcha (D:13)
  9 centaur warriors
  2 wizards
  2 stone giant skeletons (D:17)
  4 hell knights (Spider:5)
  2 soul eaters (Orc:4)
  A deep elf knight (D:15)
  3 unseen horrors
  5 hill giants
  5 orc knights
  An ice statue (Lair:2)
  4 redback zombies
  3 griffons
  2 hydra zombies
  Joseph (D:12)
  An oklob plant (Lair:3)
  A harpy zombie (D:17)
  12 swamp dragons
  2 giant amoebae
  4 cyclopes
  9 red wasps
  4 orc sorcerers (Orc:4)
  4 necromancers
  36 wolf spiders
  A moth of wrath (Spider:5)
  A tarantella zombie (Spider:5)
  Maurice (Orc:1)
  A sixfirhy (D:15)
  An ettin zombie (D:17)
  A dragon zombie (D:11)
  4 jumping spider zombies (Spider:5)
  2 orange demons
  20 slime creatures
  2 elephant slugs (Lair:6)
  A black mamba (shapeshifter) (D:16)
  2 black mambas (Lair:8)
  A spiny worm zombie (D:17)
  An elephant (shapeshifter) (D:13)
  9 yaktaurs
  12 elephants
  12 spiny frogs
  2 hill giant zombies
  A hellwing (Orc:4)
  21 ugly things
  Psyche (D:12)
  10 demonic crawlers
  3 hill giant skeletons
  12 komodo dragons
  Sonja (D:13)
  7 trolls
  An efreet (D:17)
  2 ravens (Swamp:1)
  A queen bee (shapeshifter) (D:16)
  A two-headed ogre (Orc:3)
  6 baby alligators
  6 giant leeches
  3 bog bodies
  29 jumping spiders
  3 basilisks
  10 blink frogs
  24 orb spiders
  2 blue devils
  29 tarantellas
  2 ynoxinuls
  4 wyverns
  3 fire elementals (D:15)
  3 wraiths
  8 hippogriffs
  34 vampire mosquitoes
  17 trapdoor spiders
  52 yaks
  2 hungry ghosts
  Grum (Orc:3)
  3 steam dragons
  2 yaktaur zombies
  44 redbacks
  3 manticores
  6 war dogs
  2 fire drakes
  A rock worm (Spider:1)
  A deep elf summoner (D:15)
  3 boulder beetles
  A cyclops zombie (D:14)
  4 hell hounds (D:15)
  45 swamp worms
  A wyvern zombie (D:14)
  6 mottled dragons
  A human (D:14)
  2 yaktaur skeletons
  2 yellow wasps
  A soldier ant (D:11)
  4 necrophages
  3 freezing wraiths (D:17)
  5 sky beasts
  22 giant goldfish
  A phantom (D:11)
  16 swamp drakes
  26 orc warriors
  16 centaurs
  A kobold demonologist (D:15)
  4 rotting devils
  An orb spider zombie (Spider:5)
  16 ice beasts
  9 ogres
  A troll skeleton (D:9)
  18 crocodiles
  2 big kobolds (D:15)
  2 deep elf magi (D:15)
  Duvessa (Orc:1)
  A giant slug (shapeshifter) (D:16)
  3 wolves
  A centaur zombie (D:11)
  25 giant frogs
  8 agate snails
  7 giant slugs
  A basilisk zombie (D:17)
  A soldier ant zombie (D:7)
  A giant frog zombie (D:11)
  16 water moccasins
  16 insubstantial wisps
  16 killer bees
  A two-headed ogre skeleton (D:11)
  An eye of draining (D:15)
  29 wights
  11 jellyfish
  A crocodile zombie (D:8)
  27 electric eels
  4 quasits
  9 goliath beetles
  15 big fish
  Dowan (Orc:1)
  11 crimson imps
  2 shadows
  8 hounds
  An ogre skeleton (D:8)
  A mottled dragon skeleton (D:16)
  A big kobold skeleton (D:14)
  A hound zombie (D:5)
  31 orc priests
  12 iguanas
  42 spiders
  28 orc wizards
  7 spider zombies (Spider:5)
  11 worker ants
  10 scorpions
  5 porcupines
  A worker ant zombie (D:9)
  A deep elf soldier (D:15)
  7 orange rats (Lair:3)
  29 sheep
  A steam dragon skeleton (D:9)
  5 jellies
  4 boggarts (D:15)
  4 mummies
  3 gnolls (D:2)
  2 lemures (D:15)
  5 giant centipedes
  46 green rats
  An iguana zombie (D:9)
  A giant mite (D:7)
  An inept feature mimic (D:4)
  An adder skeleton (D:3)
  A shadow imp (D:15)
  3 white imps
  28 adders
  6 worms
  19 ufetubi
  A bat skeleton (D:5)
  3 giant eyeballs
  4 oozes
  157 orcs
  7 giant cockroaches
  21 goblins
  25 hobgoblins
  23 jackals
  13 kobolds
  12 quokkas
  2 ball pythons
  17 bats
  5 giant geckos
  6 giant newts
  A giant spore (D:8)
  A hobgoblin zombie (D:5)
  16 illusory rakshasas (D:15)
  4 orc zombies
  28 rats
  2 ballistomycetes (D:8)
  3 bushes (Lair:4)
  16 fungi
  31 plants
1787 creatures vanquished.

Vanquished Creatures (collateral kills)
  A rakshasa (D:15)
  A vapour (D:15)
  A wizard (D:15)
  2 hill giants
  A griffon (Lair:8)
  A wolf spider simulacrum (D:16)
  2 elephants (Lair:8)
  An ugly thing (D:16)
  3 komodo dragons (Lair:8)
  A troll (D:16)
  2 blink frogs (Lair:8)
  3 basilisks (Lair:8)
  A wraith (D:11)
  3 fire drakes (Lair:8)
  A steam dragon (Lair:8)
  A hippogriff (D:9)
  A soldier ant (D:16)
  A necrophage (D:9)
  3 crocodiles (Lair:8)
  Blork the orc (D:9)
  A wight (D:9)
  A scorpion (D:9)
  An iguana (Lair:8)
  An adder (Lair:8)
  A worm (Lair:7)
  2 orcs
  A kobold (D:2)
  3 illusory rakshasas (D:15)
  9 plants (Lair:8)
51 creatures vanquished.

Vanquished Creatures (others)
  An iron troll zombie (D:17)
  A dragon zombie (D:15)
  A demonic crawler (Spider:3)
  An efreet (D:17)
  A blink frog (Lair:4)
  A jumping spider (Spider:1)
  An electric eel (D:13)
  A hound (D:11)
  2 big fish (D:14)
  2 spiders
  A sheep (Lair:7)
  An orc (D:9)
  A kobold (D:9)
  A bat (D:12)
  3 fungi
  4 plants
23 creatures vanquished.

Grand Total: 1861 creatures vanquished

Turn   | Place    | Note
     0 | D:1      | DARF IX, the Deep Dwarf Artificer, began the quest for the Orb.
     0 | D:1      | Reached XP level 1. HP: 19/19 MP: 1/1
    89 | D:1      | Reached skill level 1 in Fighting
   129 | D:1      | Reached XP level 2. HP: 26/26 MP: 3/3
   196 | D:1      | Reached skill level 5 in Evocations
   340 | D:1      | Reached XP level 3. HP: 13/32 MP: 5/5
   871 | D:2      | Reached skill level 6 in Evocations
   959 | D:2      | Reached XP level 4. HP: 22/40 MP: 8/8
  1757 | D:3      | Reached XP level 5. HP: 14/46 MP: 10/10
  1876 | D:3      | Paralysed by a giant eyeball for 3 turns
  1882 | D:3      | Paralysed by a giant eyeball for 3 turns
  1914 | D:3      | Reached skill level 7 in Evocations
  2246 | D:4      | Got a fine ring mail
  2256 | D:4      | Identified the cursed +0 ring mail of Trog's Approval {Dex+4} (You found it on level 4 of the Dungeon)
  2373 | D:4      | Found Omaafavi's Food Emporium.
  2415 | D:4      | Found a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple.
  2438 | Temple   | Entered the Ecumenical Temple
  2480 | Temple   | Became a worshipper of Makhleb the Destroyer
  2529 | D:4      | Paralysed by a potion of paralysis for 7 turns
  2537 | D:4      | Gained mutation: Your magical capacity is low (-10% MP). [potion of mutation]
  2537 | D:4      | Gained mutation: You are dopey (Int -1). [potion of mutation]
  2598 | D:4      | Lost mutation: You are dopey (Int -1). [potion of mutation]
  2598 | D:4      | Gained mutation: Your muscles are strong, but stiff (Str +1, Dex -1). [potion of mutation]
  2598 | D:4      | Gained mutation: Your flesh is heat resistant. [potion of mutation]
  2658 | D:4      | Found Iplamue's Magic Scroll Boutique.
  2663 | D:4      | Bought a scroll of teleportation for 39 gold pieces
  2663 | D:4      | Bought a scroll of identify for 26 gold pieces
  2663 | D:4      | Bought a scroll of curse weapon for 26 gold pieces
  2720 | D:4      | Found Stif's Distillery.
  2722 | D:4      | Paralysed by a giant eyeball for 4 turns
  2746 | D:4      | Bought 2 potions of poison for 28 gold pieces
  2746 | D:4      | Bought a potion of flight for 42 gold pieces
  2912 | D:5      | Entered Level 5 of the Dungeon
  2932 | D:5      | Reached skill level 1 in Axes
  2978 | D:5      | Reached XP level 6. HP: 41/55 MP: 9/9
  2979 | D:5      | Acquired Makhleb's first power
  3090 | D:5      | Noticed an ogre
  3110 | D:5      | Killed an ogre
  3373 | D:5      | Acquired Makhleb's second power
  3373 | D:5      | Reached XP level 7. HP: 55/61 MP: 10/10
  3556 | D:5      | Reached skill level 5 in Axes
  3743 | D:5      | Reached skill level 1 in Armour
  4335 | D:6      | Acquired Makhleb's third power
  4542 | D:6      | Reached XP level 8. HP: 54/69 MP: 11/11
  4923 | D:7      | Noticed a hill giant skeleton
  4954 | D:7      | Killed a hill giant skeleton
  5005 | D:7      | Reached skill level 8 in Axes
  5094 | D:7      | Noticed Prince Ribbit
  5576 | D:8      | Acquired Makhleb's fourth power
  5807 | D:8      | Reached skill level 5 in Armour
  5807 | D:8      | Gained mutation: You passively map the area around you. [level up]
  5807 | D:8      | Reached XP level 9. HP: 75/75 MP: 12/12
  5849 | D:8      | Reached skill level 9 in Axes
  5987 | D:8      | Noticed a four-headed hydra zombie
  6001 | D:8      | Killed a hydra zombie
  6239 | D:8      | Reached skill level 10 in Axes
  6860 | D:4      | Bought a scroll of curse jewellery for 26 gold pieces
  6860 | D:4      | Bought a scroll of torment for 97 gold pieces
  7171 | D:9      | Acquired Makhleb's fifth power
  7178 | D:9      | Noticed an ogre mage
  7193 | D:9      | Reached skill level 11 in Axes
  7220 | D:9      | Reached XP level 10. HP: 51/84 MP: 13/13
  7229 | D:9      | Paralysed by an ogre mage for 7 turns
  7249 | D:9      | Paralysed by an ogre mage for 7 turns
  7260 | D:9      | Killed an ogre mage
  7497 | D:9      | Reached skill level 12 in Axes
  7506 | D:9      | Noticed Blork the orc
  7515 | D:9      | Killed Blork the orc
  7689 | D:9      | Found Deamouf's Weapon Emporium.
  8256 | D:10     | Entered Level 10 of the Dungeon
  8291 | D:10     | Reached skill level 13 in Axes
  8555 | D:10     | Noticed Harold
  8612 | D:10     | Killed Harold
  8612 | D:10     | Reached XP level 11. HP: 86/90 MP: 13/13
  9342 | D:11     | Noticed a hill giant
  9355 | D:11     | Killed a hill giant
  9355 | D:11     | Reached skill level 10 in Armour
  9369 | D:11     | Noticed Fannar
  9523 | D:11     | Reached skill level 14 in Axes
  9549 | D:11     | Got a turquoise-encrusted plate armour
  9572 | D:11     | Identified the cursed +8 plate armour of the Great Game {Str+1 Int+4 Dam+6} (You found it on level 11 of the Dungeon)
  9620 | D:11     | Noticed an ogre mage
  9628 | D:11     | Killed an ogre mage
  9698 | D:11     | Noticed a centaur warrior
  9721 | D:11     | Killed a centaur warrior
  9784 | D:11     | Reached skill level 15 in Axes
 10051 | D:11     | Found a staircase to the Orcish Mines.
 10059 | D:11     | Paralysed by a giant eyeball for 2 turns
 10124 | D:11     | Killed Fannar
 10124 | D:11     | Reached skill level 10 in Evocations
 10377 | D:11     | Reached skill level 16 in Axes
 10392 | D:11     | Reached XP level 12. HP: 97/97 MP: 12/12
 10524 | D:11     | Identified a scroll of acquirement
 10742 | D:12     | Reached skill level 17 in Axes
 10917 | D:12     | Noticed DARF IV's ghost (powerful DDAr)
 10948 | D:12     | Killed DARF IV's ghost
 11054 | D:12     | Noticed Joseph
 11058 | D:12     | Killed Joseph
 11223 | D:12     | Noticed Psyche
 11236 | D:12     | Killed Psyche
 11375 | D:13     | Noticed a centaur warrior
 11395 | D:13     | Killed a centaur warrior
 11437 | D:13     | Noticed Erolcha
 11451 | D:13     | Killed Erolcha
 11622 | D:13     | Found a staircase to the Lair.
 11641 | D:13     | Found Har Pnaa's Weapon Shoppe.
 11677 | D:13     | HP: 2/97 [enormous slime creature (57)]
 11691 | Lair:1   | Entered Level 1 of the Lair of Beasts
 11701 | Lair:1   | Reached skill level 18 in Axes
 11769 | D:13     | Noticed Sonja
 11774 | D:13     | Killed Sonja
 11956 | D:13     | Noticed a centaur warrior
 11966 | D:13     | Killed a centaur warrior
 11986 | D:13     | Got a slimy pewter ring
 12051 | D:13     | Noticed a centaur warrior
 12073 | D:14     | Entered Level 14 of the Dungeon
 12082 | D:14     | Identified the ring "Yluiklu" {rPois Dex+2} (You took it off a centaur on level 13 of the Dungeon)
 12083 | D:14     | Gained mutation: Your mind is acute (Int +1). [potion of gain intelligence]
 12097 | D:13     | Killed a centaur warrior
 12369 | D:13     | Noticed Urug
 12375 | D:13     | Killed Urug
 12375 | D:13     | Reached XP level 13. HP: 101/104 MP: 7/7
 13032 | Lair:1   | Reached skill level 19 in Axes
 13526 | Lair:2   | Noticed a seven-headed hydra
 13593 | Lair:2   | Killed a seven-headed hydra
 13687 | Lair:2   | Noticed an eight-headed hydra
 13694 | Lair:2   | Killed an eight-headed hydra
 14510 | Lair:3   | Found an iron altar of Okawaru.
 14515 | Lair:3   | Reached skill level 5 in Fighting
 14556 | Lair:3   | Reached XP level 12. HP: 77/100 MP: 6/6
 14879 | Lair:3   | Reached XP level 13. HP: 78/108 MP: 7/7
 14911 | Lair:3   | Noticed a six-headed hydra
 14914 | Lair:3   | Killed a six-headed hydra
 14914 | Lair:3   | Reached skill level 20 in Axes
 15084 | Lair:4   | Noticed a six-headed hydra
 15152 | Lair:4   | Killed a six-headed hydra
 15255 | Lair:4   | Found a staircase to the Swamp.
 15255 | Lair:4   | Noticed Rupert
 15275 | Lair:4   | Killed Rupert
 15315 | Lair:4   | Got a pair of fine boots
 15319 | Lair:4   | Identified the -7 pair of boots of the Bull {rElec rN+ Stlth++} (You found it on level 4 of the Lair of Beasts)
 16223 | Lair:5   | Noticed a seven-headed hydra
 16226 | Lair:5   | Killed a seven-headed hydra
 16510 | Lair:5   | Found a hole to the Spider Nest.
 16580 | Lair:6   | Noticed a five-headed hydra
 16584 | Lair:6   | Killed a five-headed hydra
 16649 | Lair:6   | Found a viscous altar of Jiyva.
 16649 | Lair:6   | Found a staircase to the Slime Pits.
 17413 | Lair:6   | Reached skill level 21 in Axes
 18608 | Orc:1    | Entered Level 1 of the Orcish Mines
 18621 | Orc:1    | Found Nulozoff's Weapon Boutique.
 18850 | Orc:1    | Noticed Duvessa
 18868 | Orc:1    | Noticed Dowan
 18875 | Orc:1    | Killed Dowan
 18878 | Orc:1    | Killed Duvessa
 18889 | Orc:1    | Noticed Gastronok
 18921 | Orc:1    | Killed Gastronok
 19032 | Orc:1    | Noticed Maurice
 19118 | Orc:1    | Killed Maurice
 19333 | Orc:2    | Gained mutation: You resist negative energy. [level up]
 19333 | Orc:2    | Reached XP level 14. HP: 122/122 MP: 4/4
 19555 | Orc:2    | Found a roughly hewn altar of Beogh.
 19645 | Orc:2    | Found Giovunusa's General Store.
 19702 | Orc:2    | Bought a wand of lightning (6) for 130 gold pieces
 19912 | Orc:3    | Found a roughly hewn altar of Beogh.
 19928 | Orc:3    | Noticed Nergalle
 19935 | Orc:3    | Killed Nergalle
 20245 | Orc:3    | Found a roughly hewn altar of Beogh.
 20251 | Orc:3    | Noticed an orc warlord
 20287 | Orc:3    | Killed an orc warlord
 20474 | Orc:3    | Noticed Grum
 20492 | Orc:3    | Killed Grum
 21098 | Spider:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Spider Nest
 21104 | Spider:1 | Noticed Maud
 21120 | Spider:1 | Killed Maud
 21271 | Spider:1 | Reached skill level 22 in Axes
 21305 | Spider:1 | Noticed Nikola
 21324 | Spider:1 | Killed Nikola
 21796 | Spider:1 | Noticed Aizul
 21810 | Spider:1 | Killed Aizul
 22386 | Spider:2 | Reached skill level 10 in Fighting
 22387 | Spider:2 | Reached XP level 15. HP: 133/133 MP: 4/4
 22531 | Spider:3 | Noticed Arachne
 22598 | Spider:3 | Killed Arachne
 22598 | Spider:3 | Reached skill level 23 in Axes
 24417 | D:3      | Found a shattered altar of Ashenzari.
 24482 | D:4      | Bought a scroll of identify for 26 gold pieces
 24482 | D:4      | Bought a scroll of holy word for 97 gold pieces
 24482 | D:4      | Bought a scroll of enchant weapon II for 71 gold pieces
 24536 | D:4      | Bought a potion of flight for 42 gold pieces
 24536 | D:4      | Bought a potion of curing for 28 gold pieces
 24536 | D:4      | Bought a potion of flight for 42 gold pieces
 25217 | D:11     | Got a brightly glowing brass ring
 25516 | Swamp:1  | Entered Level 1 of the Swamp
 26511 | Swamp:2  | Noticed Jorgrun
 26525 | Swamp:2  | Killed Jorgrun
 26992 | Swamp:3  | Reached skill level 24 in Axes
 27286 | Swamp:3  | Reached XP level 16. HP: 143/145 MP: 2/2
 28538 | Swamp:3  | Noticed Mara
 28539 | Swamp:3  | Noticed Mara
 28542 | Swamp:3  | Noticed DARF IX's illusion
 28547 | Swamp:3  | Noticed Mara
 28708 | Swamp:3  | Noticed Mara
 28708 | Swamp:3  | Noticed Mara
 28713 | Swamp:3  | Noticed DARF IX's illusion
 28772 | Swamp:3  | Killed DARF IX's illusion
 28778 | Swamp:3  | Noticed Mara
 28783 | Swamp:3  | Noticed Mara
 28792 | Swamp:3  | Noticed DARF IX's illusion
 28851 | Swamp:3  | Noticed Mara
 28851 | Swamp:3  | Noticed Mara
 28887 | Swamp:3  | Killed Mara
 28892 | Swamp:3  | Killed Mara
 29639 | Swamp:4  | Noticed Roxanne
 29652 | Swamp:4  | Killed Roxanne
 29659 | Swamp:4  | Got an antique book
 29660 | Swamp:4  | Identified Roxanne's Compendium of Changing (You took it off Roxanne on level 4 of the Swamp)
 29806 | Swamp:4  | Noticed Snorg
 29815 | Swamp:4  | Killed Snorg
 29976 | Swamp:4  | Noticed Louise
 30035 | Swamp:4  | Killed Louise
 30529 | Swamp:5  | Entered Level 5 of the Swamp
 31221 | Swamp:5  | Noticed the 27-headed Lernaean hydra
 31232 | Swamp:5  | Killed the 21-headed Lernaean hydra
 31242 | Swamp:5  | Reached skill level 25 in Axes
 31265 | Swamp:5  | Reached XP level 17. HP: 155/155 MP: 2/2
 31310 | Swamp:5  | Got a decaying rune of Zot
 32497 | Spider:4 | Identified the ring "Lootreal" {rC+ Stlth++ Curse} (You found it on level 11 of the Dungeon)
 32520 | Spider:4 | Reached skill level 15 in Armour
 33340 | Spider:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Spider Nest
 33505 | Spider:5 | Noticed Margery
 33577 | Spider:5 | Reached XP level 16. HP: 47/147 MP: 1/2
 33578 | Spider:5 | Killed Margery
 33578 | Spider:5 | Reached skill level 5 in Traps
 33578 | Spider:5 | Reached XP level 17. HP: 49/155 MP: 1/2
 33707 | Spider:5 | Reached XP level 16. HP: 147/147 MP: 2/2
 34239 | Spider:5 | Noticed Donald
 34253 | Spider:5 | Killed Donald
 34573 | Spider:5 | Reached skill level 15 in Evocations
 34635 | Spider:5 | Got a gossamer rune of Zot
 34689 | Spider:5 | Got a brightly glowing copper amulet
 34811 | Spider:5 | Noticed a ghost moth
 34816 | Spider:5 | Killed a ghost moth
 34816 | Spider:5 | Reached XP level 17. HP: 155/155 MP: 0/3
 35455 | Orc:4    | Entered Level 4 of the Orcish Mines
 35455 | Orc:4    | Found a staircase to the Elven Halls.
 36038 | Orc:4    | Found Retyrphydal's Assorted Antiques.
 36069 | Orc:4    | Reached XP level 16. HP: 95/147 MP: 2/2
 36119 | Orc:4    | Reached XP level 17. HP: 39/155 MP: 3/3
 36232 | Orc:4    | Found Jimel's Antique Weapon Shoppe.
 36237 | Orc:4    | Bought a scroll of enchant weapon III for 520 gold pieces
 36240 | Orc:4    | Found Thouja's Magical Wand Shoppe.
 36243 | Orc:4    | Found Axokiga's Food Shop.
 36366 | Orc:4    | Found a roughly hewn altar of Beogh.
 36845 | D:14     | Noticed a centaur warrior
 36849 | D:14     | Killed a centaur warrior
 37487 | D:15     | Entered Level 15 of the Dungeon
 37608 | D:15     | Noticed Azrael
 37654 | D:15     | Killed Azrael
 37732 | D:15     | Found a gateway to a ziggurat.
 38098 | D:15     | Found a staircase to the Vaults.
 38372 | D:15     | Reached skill level 10 in Traps
 38546 | D:15     | Identified the amulet "Xuatae" {Inacc Str+2 Int-1 Curse} (You found it on level 5 of the Spider Nest)
 39187 | Lair:8   | Entered Level 8 of the Lair of Beasts
 40196 | Lair:8   | Found a dark tunnel.
 41455 | D:16     | Gained mutation: You passively map a large area around you. [level up]
 41455 | D:16     | Reached XP level 18. HP: 164/164 MP: 4/4
 42156 | D:17     | Noticed Nessos
 42204 | D:17     | Killed Nessos
 42499 | D:17     | Found a frozen archway.
 43540 | D:18     | Lost intelligence.
 43556 | D:18     | HP: 8/165 [spiny worm simulacrum (14)]
 43556 | D:18     | Mangled by a spiny worm simulacrum

Action                   |  1- 3 |  4- 6 |  7- 9 | 10-12 | 13-15 | 16-18 || total
Melee: Short sword       |   133 |   225 |       |       |       |       ||   358
       Hand axe          |       |   249 |   677 |   547 |       |       ||  1473
       War axe           |       |       |       |   412 |       |       ||   412
       Broad axe         |       |       |       |   273 |   857 |       ||  1130
       Unarmed           |       |       |       |     7 |       |       ||     7
       Executioner's axe |       |       |       |       |   992 |  1880 ||  2872
       Club              |       |       |       |       |       |     8 ||     8
 Abil: Device Recharging |       |     3 |     2 |    14 |     9 |     3 ||    31
Evoke: Wand              |     1 |    35 |    43 |   120 |   127 |   108 ||   434
       Miscellaneous     |       |       |       |     4 |       |     1 ||     5
       Deck              |       |       |       |       |     2 |       ||     2
       Rod               |       |       |       |       |       |     2 ||     2
  Use: Scroll            |       |    13 |     7 |    11 |    22 |    16 ||    69
       Potion            |       |     8 |     1 |     6 |    16 |    19 ||    50
 Stab: Sleeping          |     4 |       |       |       |       |       ||     4
       Paralysed         |       |    13 |     2 |       |     9 |    11 ||    35
       Confused          |       |       |     1 |     2 |     1 |       ||     4
       Distracted        |       |       |       |     2 |       |     2 ||     4
       Invisible         |       |       |       |       |     2 |    10 ||    12
       Held in net/web   |       |       |       |       |       |     3 ||     3

D.u.n.g.e.o.n is offline   Reply With Quote

Steam ID: azarael
28-05-13, 23:21 #223
Cacete, 5 horas de jogo?

Nunca cheguei tão longe, máximo até Dungeon 12.

Azarael is offline   Reply With Quote

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