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Default Top 100 quotes de fanáticos religiosos...

14-01-08, 11:03 #1

petrasbut is offline   Reply With Quote

14-01-08, 11:21 #2

Athiests as a Majority

This is what it would be like, if the majority of people were athiests.
ATHIEST KID: Mom, I'm going to go fuck a hooker.
ATHIEST MOM: Okay, son.
ATHIEST KID: Afterwards, I'm going to go smoke pot with my friends, since it's "not addictive."
ATHIEST MOM: Okay, come home soon!

The athiest kid leaves the room. The father comes home from work several minutes later.

ATHIEST MOM: Hi, honey! I'm pregnant again. I guess I'll just get another abortion, since "fetuses don't count as human life."
ATHIEST DAD: Okay, get as many abortions as you want!
ATHIEST MOM: Oh, and don't go in the bedroom.
ATHIEST MOM: There are two gay men fucking eachother in there.
ATHIEST DAD: Why are they here?
ATHIEST MOM: I wanted to watch them do it for awhile. They just aren't finished yet.
ATHIEST DAD: Okay, that's fine with me!

Suddenly, their neighbor runs into the house.

ATHIEST NEIGHBOR: Come quick, there's a Christian outside!
ATHIEST MOM: We'll be right there!

The athiest couple quickly put on a pair of black robes and hoods. They then exit the house, and run into the street, where a Christian is nailed to a large, wooden X. He is being burned alive. A crowd of athiests stand around him, all wearing black robes and hoods.

RANDOM ATHIEST: Damn you, Christian! We hate you! We claim to be tolerant of all religions. But we really hate your's! That's because we athiests are hypocritical like that! Die, Christian!


Scary, isn't it?

u3663 is offline   Reply With Quote
Cada vez mais ridículos

14-01-08, 11:29 #3
Do Orkut:

Qual a diferenca entre Jesus e um retrato de Jesus?
Resp.: Eh q eh preciso apenas um prego para pendurar o retrato!!!!

Faz tempo que não ria tanto asuheusaheuasheusaheuase

Vassourada is offline   Reply With Quote

14-01-08, 11:35 #4
Cara esse negocio vai fazer minha manha ficar OTEMA.

A woman wants to abort a rape child? She should have thought of that before she walked down that dark alley without a male prescence, not to mention she should have thought before putting on revealing attire.

[Yes. It should (be legal). Otherwise you're screwing over the women who don't deserve their fate.]

Are you calling them victims now? Should've stayed in the house where it's safe.

u3663 is offline   Reply With Quote
Never Ping
🌀 Trooper

Gamertag: Willian Braga PSN ID: Never_Ping XFIRE ID: neverping Steam ID: neverping
14-01-08, 12:03 #5
Esse é dos bons:

I often debate with evolutionists because I believe that they are narrow mindedly and dogmatically accepting evolution without questioning it. I don't really care how God did what He did. I know He did it.

Never Ping is offline   Reply With Quote
Chief Rocka

14-01-08, 12:19 #6
"several million years for a monkey to turn into a man. oh wait thats right. monkeys dont live several million years."

"Make sure your answer uses Scripture, not logic."

[Talking about an eleven year old girl who was raped and then buried alive]

"god was sacrificing this child as a way to show others the light. much as he did his own child. what a beautiful gift he has given us. "

"If the Bible is wrong when it tells us it is infallible, then it contradicts itself. If it contradicts itself, then it is unreliable. If it is unreliable, then our faith is totally shattered and Christianity is a lie. You need to seriously reconsider your logic. "


Last edited by rockafeller; 14-01-08 at 12:33..
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14-01-08, 12:24 #7
UNLESS there is a giant outside source of energy supplying the Earth with huge amounts of energy.

Até os teletubbies conhecem o sol.

diferent is offline   Reply With Quote

Steam ID: sh3lld3r
14-01-08, 12:39 #8
I am a bit troubled. I believe my son has a girlfriend, because she left a dirty magazine with men in it under his bed. My son is only 16 and I really don't think he's ready to date yet. What's worse is that he's sneaking some girl to his room behind my back. I need help, God! I want my son to stop being so secretive!

awuhuawhawuhawuwh q songa pqp

Sh3lld3r is offline   Reply With Quote

14-01-08, 13:03 #9
This past spring I was expelled from my high school. Why? Because I'm a Christian. There was a girl in my class who was wiccan, and I didn't want demons to possess me or anyone else and save her from satan. So, I told her that her faith was evil and told her to accept Jesus as Savior and she would be saved. Simple as that. Just say the sinners prayer and you can be saved!

Well I got sent to the principal for that. She said I was 'discriminating' against her religion. I was only doing what the Bible, God, Jesus and my pastor said! How is that wrong!?

Well, afterwards I was forced to aplologize, even though it's a sin to, so I never meant what I said. So, instead I put a copy of a Jack Chick tract in her locker about how wicca and a paganism lead to murder, rape and other horrible things because it lets the devil get inside of you. I also left a little note about how she was going to hell. I was hoping she would see the error of her ways and repent from the evil, disgusting 'religion'.

Instead I was called down to the principal again and this time there were two police officers there. And they said I was under arrest for harrasing this girl and threatening her! What did I do? I just wanted her to accept Jesus and be saved! Now her family (all evil, stupid, disgusting god hating wiccans) want to sue me for discrimination and creating a hostile workplace! How is that fair? She's the one who's discriminating against me because I'm one with the LORD!

Jesus is the only way to salvation! It's that simple people! No pope, wicca, or anything stupid like that! JESUS ONLY! Why is is wrong to tell others that? It's all the fault of the ACLU and simlar atheist organizations trying to destroy us Christians. Next they'll want to genocide us for doing our Godly work.

ignorancia rlz

Demé is offline   Reply With Quote
Never Ping
🌀 Trooper

Gamertag: Willian Braga PSN ID: Never_Ping XFIRE ID: neverping Steam ID: neverping
14-01-08, 13:55 #10

No Brasil o cara tomaria apenas suspensão.

Never Ping is offline   Reply With Quote

14-01-08, 14:17 #11
BOOOA Cabelo..

all the evolutionists, tell me something. i know how the big bang "has happened, but tell me, wouldnt an explosion, especially one that size, take away life instead of allow it? think about it.

ex: the a-bomb, the h-bomb, grenades, cannon balls (when fired from a cannon of course), mines, rocket launchers, and anything and everything in between. they all have taken lives.

petrasbut is offline   Reply With Quote

14-01-08, 15:15 #12
daheiuhaiue tem umas mto boas.

Gerson is offline   Reply With Quote

14-01-08, 18:05 #13

dreisao is offline   Reply With Quote
Never Ping
🌀 Trooper

Gamertag: Willian Braga PSN ID: Never_Ping XFIRE ID: neverping Steam ID: neverping
14-01-08, 20:13 #14
maneira essa:

6. The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. — George Bernard Shaw

Never Ping is offline   Reply With Quote

14-01-08, 21:41 #15
Não vi graça. É tudo verdade...

jacu is offline   Reply With Quote

14-01-08, 23:51 #16
Há em cada cidada uma tocha - um professor - e um extintor - um padre.
Victor Hugo

Zedd is offline   Reply With Quote

17-01-08, 19:00 #17
Sei lá, alguns professores são bastante imbecis.

jacu is offline   Reply With Quote
Never Ping
🌀 Trooper

Gamertag: Willian Braga PSN ID: Never_Ping XFIRE ID: neverping Steam ID: neverping
17-01-08, 19:34 #18
Esse é dos bons!

how much longer will I have to endure atheistic christophobia? Atheism is a religion, and let me cite some doctrines: (if you are an atheist, I'm sorry, but you WILL agree with these, no matter how many pink unicorn or "lack of belief" proclamations you make)

ATHEIST TENANT OF FAITH: The CRUSADES is an amazing example that I Love to cite in order to illustrate how wicked and vile Christianity is

REBUTTAL: The crusades were GOOD. If it weren't for the crusades the Muslim invaders would have conquered Europe and you'd be praying to Allah right now. Thank God (or the IPF for you atheists) the Crusaders pushed the Muslilm hoarde out of Europe and threw them back into the desert. Jihadian Mohammadans invaded Europe, and your damn straight Europe had a right to defend itself



Se o islamismo tivesse 'vencido', estaríamos implicando com isso! Very simple! Ambos são mentiras.


Never Ping is offline   Reply With Quote

17-01-08, 20:14 #19
Lembre-se sempre que Deus está do lado de quem vai vencer.

Esse desenho ta certíssimo.
O cara le a biblia e perde a visao do presente. O esquecimento da setinha vermelha foi providencial.

diferent is offline   Reply With Quote

17-01-08, 20:48 #20

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