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XFIRE ID: carniceiru
Default A Big Round of Applause to Google for Shaming Spain Worldwide

11-12-14, 19:52 #1
A Big Round of Applause to Google for Shaming Spain Worldwide

There are strange moments when you feel ashamed not as an individual, but as a member of a collective, of something bigger. In my case, today, it's of being Spanish. And what I feel right now is a deep, profound sense of ridiculousness.

The first rumours began to swirl late last night, and today in the early hours of the morning we got the confirmation: Google News is closing in Spain. Why? It is the direct result of the new Copyright Law approved in the country (more details about this nonsense law here), which forces Google to pay a "tax" to all the traditional media firms (mostly newspapers) for appearing in Google News.

That's right: Apart from Google sending them tons of traffic, publishers want the search engine to pay them. Google's reaction? Shuttering Google News in Spain. The decision suggests Google is simply above needless drama: If a country insists on modifying its laws to favour the greed of a bunch of local companies—more like a mafia gang than a government—Google closes its doors and leaves. As simple as that.

What's ironic about the whole situation, comical even, is the position of the media companies from the AEDE lobby—the ones pushing the new law. Imagine for a second their reaction when they open their own newspapers: "What? Hold on, Google is closing?" Something like that.

Seriously, what did you expect?

What the media firms from the AEDE lobby have just done is absurd: Instead of securing a voluntary (no one forces them to be included in Google News), constant and considerable source of traffic, they opted to bite the hand that feeds them and, after an express-law, force Google to pay them. No way out. It's like getting furious if you receive a present you don't like, but just because you don't know what to do with it or how it works out of ignorance. Google, probably bored of the whole situation, just decided to shrug shoulders and walk away. What remains for the rest of us (with or without AEDE) is absolutely nothing.

panish Minister of education, José Ignacio Wert, responsible for the new coypright law that has ended in Google closing Google News in Spain. AP

As one media exec points out correctly, the true "Google Tax" will happen when a lot of those media firms from AEDE have to turn to paid Google AdWords to compensate for losses derived from their absence in Google News. One way or another, it will happen, and it will be very fun to watch it.

When it happens, more than one supporter of the new Spanish copyright law will probably start feeling that same sensation of shame and ridiculousness. That's what Google has done today with Spain in front of millions of eyes worldwide: put the country to shame. And we should thank them for it; it was about time someone did.

A Lei de Jerson chegou na Espanha!

Já havia visto notícia a respeito da aprovação dessa lei há alguns dias, mas não imaginei que a Google fosse foder epicamente com os caras!

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Never Ping
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Gamertag: Willian Braga PSN ID: Never_Ping XFIRE ID: neverping Steam ID: neverping
11-12-14, 21:04 #2


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Steam ID: sh3lld3r
11-12-14, 21:05 #3
eu ri

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The Alpha Male

11-12-14, 23:29 #4
nao sei pq vcs estao rindo

seremos os proximos

Bombastic is offline   Reply With Quote

12-12-14, 00:18 #5
Eu ri...

Se fumos os próximos, ai eu choro !

EviLBraiN is offline   Reply With Quote

PSN ID: lschronos2 Steam ID: lschronos
12-12-14, 00:40 #6
Putzzz... Fuuu. Sem google, fodeo...

Chronos is offline   Reply With Quote

12-12-14, 01:31 #7
Vcs entenderam que foi só o Google News que fechou, certo?

Wowbagger is offline   Reply With Quote

Steam ID: drakiN
12-12-14, 11:53 #8
"só". rs

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Many Kalaveraa
The real (1)

XFIRE ID: Mannyy Steam ID: 76561197992661279
12-12-14, 12:34 #9
acho que depois do que o Google passou em Hong Kong/China eles perceberam que não vale a pena tentar brigar com governos

Many Kalaveraa is offline   Reply With Quote

PSN ID: Kerpa100 Steam ID: Kerpa Wii Code: 1715 1365 8365 5261
12-12-14, 13:39 #10
Eu nem sabia q existia "Google News"

Kerpa!100 is offline   Reply With Quote

12-12-14, 14:12 #11
O que mais impressiona é como as pessoas que geralmente estão no poder, ainda não entenderam como realmente funciona a internet.

taco is offline   Reply With Quote

12-12-14, 14:13 #12
O que mais impressiona é como as pessoas que geralmente estão no poder, ainda não entenderam como realmente funciona o mercado.


A internet é só um mercado desregulado que é mais difícil de regular. E mesmo assim tentam a todo instante...

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Never Ping
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Gamertag: Willian Braga PSN ID: Never_Ping XFIRE ID: neverping Steam ID: neverping
12-12-14, 14:20 #13
Postado por Wowbagger Mostrar Post
Vcs entenderam que foi só o Google News que fechou, certo?
Quando chegar o próximo report e ver que todos os sites perderam 40% de audiência, vão dizer "Ah, foi só o google que parou de mandar as pessoas pra cá".

Never Ping is offline   Reply With Quote

12-12-14, 14:27 #14
Eu sei disso, meu comentário foi em relação aos comentários anteriores que davam a impressão de estarem achando que a Google fechou todos os serviços.

Wowbagger is offline   Reply With Quote
Never Ping
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Gamertag: Willian Braga PSN ID: Never_Ping XFIRE ID: neverping Steam ID: neverping
12-12-14, 14:36 #15
Postado por Wowbagger Mostrar Post
Eu sei disso, meu comentário foi em relação aos comentários anteriores que davam a impressão de estarem achando que a Google fechou todos os serviços.
Sim, concordo. Apenas emendei outras consequências para quem depende do Google.

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12-12-14, 14:51 #16
Os próprios analista de defesa cibernética dos EUA já falavam em 2008 que a internet deveria ser regulada e a anonimidade extinguida. NSA só está cumprido os objetivos que já estavam na cabeça da inteligencia americana a muito tempo.

No futuro o conceito de privacidade não irá existir mais.

No mais, google fez certo mas vai prejudicar uma parcela da população, mas até ai, cada um tem o governo que merece.

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Steam ID: eluancm
12-12-14, 23:02 #17
Na Rússia vão fechar o escritório todo, igual fizeram na China... (por causa de leis novas também)

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XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
20-12-14, 09:05 #18
Nossa, que inesperado...

"Confesso que não sei qual o mais divertido, os jornais rastejando humilhados implorando pelos links ou todo mundo fechando por falta de visitação, desesperados vendo seu plano de transformar o Google em uma nova fonte de renda ir por água abaixo."

"En un giro inesperado (ejem) de los acontecimientos, la Asociación de Editores de Diarios Españoles (AEDE) acaba de emitir un comunicado en el que se hace eco de la intención de Google de cerrar Google News y pide la "intervención de las autoridades españoles y comunitarias" ante este hecho, alegando que no es un cierre más debido a la posición dominante de Google como buscador."


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20-12-14, 11:20 #19

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20-12-14, 12:47 #20
Vergonha alheia

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XFIRE ID: carniceiru
20-12-14, 13:01 #21
Vocês tão rindo, aposto um rim que se desse certo, a Globo e companhia iriam fazer um lobby pra fazer algo parecido aqui!

Btw.: essa coisa que a Globo inventou de dar notícia sem informar nome de marca de nada, é a coisa mais vergonhosa que eu já vi. mesquinharia no último!

vegetous is offline   Reply With Quote
Never Ping
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Gamertag: Willian Braga PSN ID: Never_Ping XFIRE ID: neverping Steam ID: neverping
20-12-14, 13:23 #22
Postado por vegetous Mostrar Post
Vocês tão rindo, aposto um rim que se desse certo, a Globo e companhia iriam fazer um lobby pra fazer algo parecido aqui!

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XFIRE ID: carniceiru
20-12-14, 18:24 #23
Postado por Never Ping Mostrar Post
Nesse caso se eu perder tenho que entregar os dois rins?

vegetous is offline   Reply With Quote

XFIRE ID: carniceiru
20-12-14, 19:20 #24
Aproveitando o tópico...

Goliath strikes back: Google takes legal action against Mississippi State Attorney General Jim Hood

By Russell Brandom on December 19, 2014 11:31 am Email @russellbrandom

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Last Friday, The Verge published leaked documents revealing a secret legal campaign to discredit Google, coordinated by the MPAA on behalf of the major Hollywood studios. The documents show a continued focus on the power to blocking sites from the web — a central issue in the 2011 SOPA debates — and a concerted effort to enlist state attorney generals in that fight. Both Google and the MPAA have issued harsh statements over the news, but today the fight is growing into a full-fledged legal battle.

This morning, Google filed a lawsuit in Mississippi district court against State Attorney General Jim Hood, alleging Hood had singled the company out for a "burdensome, retaliatory" subpoena. (Hood has faced scrutiny for his role in the MPAA efforts.) "We regret having to take this matter to court," Google said in a statement, "and we are doing so only after years of efforts to explain both the merits of our position and the extensive steps we've taken on our platforms."

Alongside the lawsuit, Google has launched evidentiary actions against the MPAA and its retained counsel at Jenner & Block, asking them to retain documents for a possible future action. Alongside the legal campaign, Google has launched a public advocacy campaign against the MPAA's newly revealed site-blocking measures, asking users "kill off #ZombieSOPA" with a petition to the MPAA. Google has fought the legal actions before, but this is the first time the company has gone on the offense, and suggests a new dynamic in the ongoing struggle between Google and the MPAA. Google is striking back against the Goliath project, and it's doing so in court.

The lawsuit centers on a subpoena Hood delivered on October 27th, 2014, asserting that Google anti-piracy provisions were violating a Mississippi consumer protection law. Google says it's protected under federal law and the first amendment, and that the subpoena is an attempt to coerce them into blocking sites that infringe on copyright. "The Attorney General may prefer a pre-filtered Internet," the lawsuit reads, "but the Constitution and Congress have denied him the authority to mandate it." While the case is pending, Google's suit also asks that the court enjoin Hood from enforcing the subpoena or bringing any new charges against Google, which would stop Hood's crusade in its tracks.

According to Google's lawsuit, Hood's subpoena asked for far more data than necessary, so much that simply complying with the order became a penalty. The subpoena asked for 141 specific documents, 62 interviews, and a broad request for any information relating to "dangerous content" hosted on Google's network. If Google fails to include anything that fits that description, it could open the door for further lawsuits, creating a potentially staggering burden of evidence. "In order to respond to the Subpoena in full," today's lawsuit alleges, "Google would have to produce millions of documents, at great expense and disruption to its business."

The suit also emphasizes Google's own efforts to make it easier to report infringing or dangerous content. According to the lawsuit YouTube engineers created a custom reporting tool for Hood earlier this year, and trained his office on how to use it. Unfortunately, Hood seems to have been unimpressed by the tool. "To date, over half a year later, the Attorney General has used this tool to report only seven videos," the lawsuit reads. "Nor, to the best of Google’s knowledge, has the Attorney General filed any legal action against any of the actual creators of the specific underlying content to which he has objected."

Google's counteroffensive isn't limited to Attorney General Hood. The company has also issued a document preservation notice to both the MPAA and the law firm Jenner & Block, asking them to retain documents related to the Goliath campaign and hinting at further legal action in the future. The result is a major campaign against a program that, until a week ago, no one outside of Hollywood studios knew about. It's just the kind of counteroffensive MPAA executives worried about in the initial email leaks, when they raised concerns over "what Goliath could do if it went on the attack." Now that the plans are public, it looks as if we're going to find out.


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20-12-14, 20:06 #25
Entendi ó... nada.

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Never Ping
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Gamertag: Willian Braga PSN ID: Never_Ping XFIRE ID: neverping Steam ID: neverping
21-12-14, 22:58 #26
Postado por vegetous Mostrar Post
Nesse caso se eu perder tenho que entregar os dois rins?
Você pode contribuir com um código open source.

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22-12-14, 10:33 #27
Postado por Jeep Mostrar Post
Nossa, que inesperado...

"Confesso que não sei qual o mais divertido, os jornais rastejando humilhados implorando pelos links ou todo mundo fechando por falta de visitação, desesperados vendo seu plano de transformar o Google em uma nova fonte de renda ir por água abaixo."

"En un giro inesperado (ejem) de los acontecimientos, la Asociación de Editores de Diarios Españoles (AEDE) acaba de emitir un comunicado en el que se hace eco de la intención de Google de cerrar Google News y pide la "intervención de las autoridades españoles y comunitarias" ante este hecho, alegando que no es un cierre más debido a la posición dominante de Google como buscador."



O que as "autoridades españoles y comunitarias" vão fazer contra uma empresa que está abandonando um produto? Estatizá-la?

Pior, no caso do Google os maiores assets não são "máquinas e bens de produção", mas sim capital humano, vulgo "conhecimento". A única maneira de obrigar pessoas a trabalharem para você na sua empresa estatal é obrigando-as, sob pena da lei e ameaças.

E agora?

Já pensou se vira moda? [MENTION=1]Jeep[/MENTION]; estou guardando provas contra você para o caso de algum dia você querer fechar a DS. Se esse dia chegar, vou falar com as "autoridades españoles y comunitarias" para que possam dissuadi-lo.

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XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
22-12-14, 10:46 #28
Postado por Baron Mostrar Post
Se esse dia chegar, vou falar com as "autoridades españoles y comunitarias" para que possam dissuadi-lo.
ai eu viro ong (com caraminguas estatais, obvio) para preservar a historia jogatinesca digital dos primordios da internet

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