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Default 6 Ridiculous Myths About the Middle Ages Everyone Believes

03-06-15, 09:33 #1
titulo em ingles pq o artigo é em ingles


realmente, eu imaginava algumas coisas diferentes heheheh

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03-06-15, 15:12 #2
a maioria é por aí mesmo.

um lance que eu n sabia nada sobre é aquele do sapato. nunca ouvi falar, mas tb tenho preguiça de pesquisar.

tem algumas coisas um pouco exageradas como a "vida boa" dos peasants.

e realmente, esse lance de mulher não sair de casa e afins é sempre mais pros ricos. os pobres não podem se dar a esse luxo, precisam de todas as mãos trabalhando. e isso é verdade em praticamente todos lugares e épocas.

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03-06-15, 16:14 #3
O #6. Scientific Progress Was Dead me lembrou imediatamente de um sujeito que costumava frequentar a DS

The Reality:

Aside from the fact that, as we've already explained, most people in the Middle Ages did not think the Earth was flat, the church wasn't responsible for killing science -- to the contrary, it was largely responsible for saving it.

After the barbarians invaded Europe and Rome went the way of the dinosaurs, the Catholic church was the last remaining aspect of Roman culture in Western Europe. The church went about setting up monasteries across Europe, and along with the monks came the monks' massive libraries. Monks were just about the only educated people in the early Middle Ages, and pretty much everything we know about this entire time period was written by them.

As time went on, the church stepped it up a notch and started establishing universities to foster the preservation of knowledge. You may have heard of a few of them: Oxford, Cambridge, and the University of Paris (not to mention pretty much every other top school in Europe). At these universities, students studied more than most college kids do today, with an average bachelor's degree taking up to seven years to earn, and a master's or doctorate taking several more. The universities were also big on translation, having successfully translated into Latin guys like Aristotle and Plato, which effectively made the Renaissance possible. All of this despite the fact that beer bong technology was still in its infancy.

Postado por Eon Mostrar Post
Esse é exatamente meu ponto, as pessoas educadas estavam na Igreja e é de lá que vinha o progresso, mesmo porque as Universidades pertenciam a Igreja e eram bancadas por ela.

Aliás o papel da Igreja também foi fundamental na preservação da informação e no trânsito de estudiosos na Idade Média. Quem você acha que garantia o salvo conduto e a hospedagem dos estudantes, além das cópias das obras que eles precisavam para estudar?

Nego acha que na idade média tinha visto de estudante, xerox e internet. Não seu palerma, a idade média era um pouquinho diferente do que a sua (falta de) imaginação é capaz de conceber.

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03-06-15, 16:23 #4
"Eon was banned for our sins, and He was buried, and He was raised on the third day o' june according to the Scriptures"


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03-06-15, 17:41 #5
Óbvio que ambos o artigo como o eon, não foram completamente honestos, existe uma historia longa de religiões impedindo o progresso da ciência, até hoje existe isso, veja pesquisas com celulas tronco.

Btw eu não levaria qualquer coisa escrita no cracked.com a sério:

Chapter 2 Geography
The spherical ideas of Pythagoras, Plato and Aristotle had replaced earlier ideas from Chaldeans and Egyptians of a flat earth. The church fathers favoured the idea of a solid roof or firmament over the earth and this was elaborated early on, but in the Middle Ages most followed authorities such as Thomas Aquinas in accepting sphericity. Jerusalem was accepted as the centre of the world and a refusal to accept the existence of antipodes led many to assume that the other side of the world was entirely aqueous. Opposition to the antipodes did not cease for centuries after Magellan's voyages and also contributed to underestimates of the size of the earth, which happened to help Columbus. Religious feeling encouraged the expansion of Europeans across the globe.


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03-06-15, 18:00 #6
É. Nas ganas de desmistificar algumas coisas eles inverteram a moeda em vez de só desmistificar mesmo.

A Igreja fez o conhecimento continuar sim. mas ela também o isolou propositalmente do resto da população.
Durante muito tempo nem os nobres sabiam ler.
Foi aí inclusive que nasceram os vitrais, como todo mundo sabe, pra educar o povo sobre a bíblia, sem ter que ensinar ninguém a ler.

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Never Ping
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03-06-15, 18:23 #7
Lembrei essa do Eon tb.

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