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Default Cenas marcantes

23-08-09, 19:19 #1
Bom, depois daquele tópico sobre frases motivacionais dos filmes, aqui eu queria que descrevessem diálogos marcantes. Não aquele ápice de um filme de ação, mas um diálogo que pareça caracterizar o filme, algo que você queira rever sempre que possível..

Começo com um diálogo de sideways..

                      Why are you so into Pinot? It's like
                      a thing with you.

            Miles laughs at first, then smiles wistfully at the question.
            He searches for the answer in his glass and begins slowly.

                      I don't know. It's a hard grape to
                      grow. As you know. It's thin-skinned,
                      temperamental, ripens early. It's
                      not a survivor like Cabernet that
                      can grow anywhere and thrive even
                      when neglected. Pinot needs constant
                      care and attention and in fact can
                      only grow in specific little tucked-
                      away corners of the world. And only
                      the most patient and nurturing growers
                      can do it really, can tap into Pinot's
                      most fragile, delicate qualities.
                      Only when someone has taken the time
                      to truly understand its potential
                      can Pinot be coaxed into its fullest
                      expression. And when that happens,
                      its flavors are the most haunting
                      and brilliant and subtle and thrilling
                      and ancient on the planet.

            Maya has found this answer revealing and moving.

                      I mean, Cabernets can be powerful
                      and exalting, but they seem prosaic
                      to me for some reason. By comparison.
                      How about you?

                      What about me?

                      I don't know. Why are you into wine?

                      I suppose I got really into wine
                      originally through my ex-husband. He
                      had a big, kind of show-off cellar.
                      But then I found out that I have a
                      really sharp palate, and the more I
                      drank, the more I liked what it made
                      me think about.

                      Yeah? Like what?

                      Like what a fraud he was.

            Miles laughs.

                      No, but I do like to think about the
                      life of wine, how it's a living thing.
                      I like to think about what was going
                      on the year the grapes were growing,
                      how the sun was shining that summer
                      or if it rained... what the weather
                      was like. I think about all those
                      people who tended and picked the
                      grapes, and if it's an old wine, how
                      many of them must be dead by now. I
                      love how wine continues to evolve,
                      how every time I open a bottle it's
                      going to taste different than if I
                      had opened it on any other day.
                      Because a bottle of wine is actually
                      alive -- it's constantly evolving
                      and gaining complexity. That is,
                      until it peaks -- like your '61 --
                      and begins its steady, inevitable
                      decline. And it tastes so fucking

            Now it is Miles's turn to be swept away. Maya's face tells
            us the moment is right, but Miles remains frozen. He needs
            another sign, and Maya is bold enough to offer it: reaches
            out and places one hand atop his.

                      Bathroom over there?


            Miles gets up and walks out. Maya sighs and gets and American
            Spirit out of her purse.

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Steam ID: Satangos
23-08-09, 21:20 #2
Al Pacine Any Given Sunday

é o melhor esse pqp arrepia e dependo do estado emocional eu xoro de certeza!!!

sempre bom ver de vez em quando "polegada por polegada"

editando pra por o legendado

Last edited by Satangos; 23-08-09 at 21:25.. Motivo: ..
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Steam ID: whi
23-08-09, 22:26 #3

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23-08-09, 23:20 #4
Porra, discurso motivacional é no outro tópico..

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death and taxes

23-08-09, 23:25 #5

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23-08-09, 23:28 #6
Outro exemplo de cena marcante:

Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Juan Antonio: American?
Cristina: I’m Cristina and this is my friend, Vicky.
Juan Antonio: What color are your eyes?
Cristina: Uh…they’re blue.
Juan Antonio: I would like to invite you both to come with me to Oviedo.
Vicky: To come where?
Juan Antonio: To Oviedo. For the weekend. We leave in one hour.
Cristina: What, where is Oviedo?
Juan Antonio: A very short flight.
Vicky: By plane?
Juan Antonio: Mm-hm.
Cristina: What’s in Oviedo?
Juan Antonio: I go to see a sculpture that is very inspiring to me. A very beautiful sculpture. You’ll love it.
Cristina: Oh.
Vicky: Oh, right, you’re asking us to fly to Oviedo and back?
Juan Antonio: We’ll spend the weekend. I mean, I’ll show you around the city and…we’ll eat well, we’ll drink good wine, we’ll make love.
Vicky: Yeah…who exactly is going to, make love?
Juan Antonio: Hopefully, the three of us.
Vicky: Oh, my God.
Juan Antonio: I’ll get your bill.
Vicky: Jesus, this guy, he doesn’t beat around the bush. Look, senor, maybe in a different life.
Juan Antonio: Why not? Life is short. Life is dull. Life is full of pain. And this is a chance for something special.
Vicky: Right, well, who-who exactly are you?
Juan Antonio: I am Juan Antonio. And you are… (to Vicky) …Vicky… (to Cristina) …and you are Cristina. Right? Or is it the other way around?
Cristina: Yeah, that’s right.
Vicky: Yeah, I mean, you know, it could be the other way around because, frankly, it doesn’t matter because either of us will do to keep the bed warm. You know, I get it.
Juan Antonio: Well, you are both so lovely and beautiful.
Vicky: Yeah, thank you, but we do not fly off to make love with whoever invites us to charming little Spanish towns.
Juan Antonio: (to Cristina) Does she always analyze every inspiration until each grain of charm is…uh…como se dice, eh, squeezed out of it.
Cristina: I guess I have to say that, my eyes are green, actually.

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death and taxes

23-08-09, 23:36 #7
porra mdk eu não consigo lembrar a cena pelo diálogo escrito não :/... 1 pedaço do filme lembro toda a história mas só o texto do diálogo doesnt roll...

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23-08-09, 23:58 #8
A cena do sideways não existe no youtube.. É um diálogo que os 2 estão conversando sobre os motivos pelos quais gostam de vinho e o cara começa a analisar a uva pinot noir como se fosse a própria vida dele.. É uma cena bem legal..

A do vicky cristina barcelona tem no trailer do filme, mas não completa.. Ocorre na hora que o cara aborda as duas e as convida para viajar com ele.. Muito boa tb..

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24-08-09, 15:30 #9
Essa é foda!

Toda vez que assito Matrix espero por esse diálogo!

Gunner is offline   Reply With Quote
Many Kalaveraa
The real (1)

XFIRE ID: Mannyy Steam ID: 76561197992661279
24-08-09, 18:33 #10

filme é relativamente novo (2007).. mas sem duvida foi o melhor filme do ano e essa cena eh memoravel aeuhhuae

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24-08-09, 18:58 #11
Al Pacino eh foda

taco is offline   Reply With Quote

25-08-09, 11:37 #12
Pena que tá sem legenda... revi esse filme anteontem, muito bom. Essa provavelmente é a melhor cena:

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26-08-09, 18:55 #13

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28-08-09, 00:23 #14
Lembro dessa parte do 12 angry men (12 homens e uma sentença, 1957) quando um dos jurados leva o outro a falar que "ele mesmo mataria o réu se tivesse a chance", assim como o réu disse antes do crime.
cena muito boa e bem crítica pq remete às palavras que falamos com a cabeça quente

Juror #8: Here's what I think happened: the old man heard the fight between the boy and his father a few hours earlier. Then, when he's lying in his bed he heard a body hit the floor in the boy's apartment, heard the woman scream from across the street, got to his front door as fast as he could, heard somebody racing down the stairs and assumed it was the boy.
Juror #6: I think that's possible.
Juror #3: ASSUMED? Brother, I've seen all kinds of dishonesty in my day, but this little display takes the cake. Y'all come in here with your hearts bleedin' all over the floor about slum kids and injustice; you listen to some fairy tales; suddenly you start gettin' through to some of these old ladies... well, you're not getting through to me, I've had enough! WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU GUYS? You all know he's guilty. He's got to burn! You're letting him slip through our fingers.
Juror #8: Slip through our fingers? Are you his executioner?
Juror #3: I'm one of 'em!
Juror #8: Perhaps you'd like to pull the switch?
Juror #3: For this kid? You bet I would!
Juror #8: I feel sorry for you... what it must feel like to want to pull the switch.
[baiting him]
Juror #8: Ever since you walked into this room, you've been acting like a self-appointed public avenger! You want to see this boy die because you personally want it, not because of the facts! You're a sadist!
[Three lunges wildly at Eight, who holds his ground. Several jurors hold Three back]
Juror #3: I'll kill him! I'LL KILL HIM!
Juror #8: You don't *really* mean you'll kill me, do you?

Demé is offline   Reply With Quote

28-08-09, 17:44 #15
Postado por Demé Mostrar Post
Lembro dessa parte do 12 angry men (12 homens e uma sentença, 1957) quando um dos jurados leva o outro a falar que "ele mesmo mataria o réu se tivesse a chance", assim como o réu disse antes do crime.
cena muito boa e bem crítica pq remete às palavras que falamos com a cabeça quente
Boa.. Essa cena é mto foda..

MdKBooM is offline   Reply With Quote

Gamertag: deadcaw PSN ID: deadcaw
30-08-09, 01:10 #16

esses achei nos related:

deadcow is offline   Reply With Quote
death and taxes

30-08-09, 02:01 #17
faltaram outros clássicos...
Exterminador do Futuro
Entrevista com o Vampiro

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PSN ID: kaowill
23-09-09, 10:46 #18

ehaoeh essa parte é IMPAGÁVEL
esse filme é mto perfeito pqp , mesmo sendo um remake

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PSN ID: mrxrsd_us Steam ID: mrxrsd
23-09-09, 11:00 #19

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Chief Rocka

23-09-09, 13:35 #20
nossa, tem varias hein...
tipo o cara no clockwork orange assistindo ao filme com os olhos "pregados" é ultra classico
a cena do macaco no 2001
o al pacino dando um role de ferrari no scent of a woman

o mlk do "lock, stock and 2 smoking barrels" após ser rapelado no poker, assim como a cena final desse filme, da shotgun

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WaR WoLf

23-09-09, 13:42 #21
Infância de Ivan (Andrei Tarkovsky)

Stalker (Andrei Tarkovsky)

Zerkalo (Andrei Tarkovsky)

(Considerada uma das melhores cenas de plano sequência do cinema.)

La Dolce Vita (Federico Fellini)

8 & 1/2 (Federico Fellini)

E mais um monte: o monólogo de inicio de Taxi Driver, várias do Poderoso Chefão, dos filmes de Chaplin, final de Chinatown, Assassinato do Benigni Vida é Bela, final do Cinema Paradiso.

Last edited by WaR WoLf; 23-09-09 at 13:52..
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25-09-09, 10:00 #22
Já postei isso aqui umas 500 vezes.

u3663 is offline   Reply With Quote
Fura Olho

XFIRE ID: EmB_FuraOlho Steam ID: gustavomartino
26-09-09, 14:38 #23

o coralzinho no fundo eh foda

essa luta eh EPIC

po... eu teria q passar um dia inteiro aqui pra colocar apenas algumas
btw, da pra colocar TODAS as cenas do waking life aqui

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