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XFIRE ID: carniceiru
24-05-10, 01:50 #4351
ok, achei o torrent dos dois.


Edit: tem um seed e 4k peers

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24-05-10, 02:22 #4352
16% go go go

vou seedar mto no TL com o Lost
o up está no talo!

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Gamertag: sephitoff PSN ID: alanpk
24-05-10, 02:46 #4353



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Gamertag: decapentaplegic PSN ID: decapentaplegic Steam ID: decapentaplegic
24-05-10, 03:38 #4354
terminei de assistir, de modo geral to satisfeito

[SPOILER]chorei qdo o sawyer encontra a juliette... melhor momento do finale

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DiE LuCiaNo

Steam ID: luhdie
24-05-10, 05:48 #4355
Acabou meu download!!
E a legenda foi finalizada agora pela equipe do legendas.tv!
Daqui a pouco eles postam! heeheh


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DiE LuCiaNo

Steam ID: luhdie
24-05-10, 06:30 #4356
Carayo, a legenda saiu, o site tá off ehjaipoohjea
Galera camperou total!!

[SPOILER]Tô em 36min do primeiro episódio, tô curtindo pra cacete, emocionante, bem feito pra porra

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PSN ID: kakarotto_DS
24-05-10, 07:04 #4357
legenda pro ep final


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DiE LuCiaNo

Steam ID: luhdie
24-05-10, 07:38 #4358
Tô chorando, porra

Completamente satisfeito, puta que pariu................


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DiE LuCiaNo

Steam ID: luhdie
24-05-10, 07:51 #4359
[SPOILER]Ah, e pelo que vi só no LostBrasil, vários terão essa dúvida, então vou esclarecer logo:
Os flashsideways eram eles mortos, uma espécie de passagem (let go).
Alguns morreram beeeeem depois, como Kate e Claire, por exemplo, que saíram da ilha.
Hurley e Ben também. Eles até se despedem se elogiando, como os protetores da ilha, que um dia foram.
Aquela passagem era atemporal, como o próprio Christian disse.

Tudo aconteceu de verdade, tudo.

Achei muito bom MESMO, saí REALMENTE satisfeito

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24-05-10, 08:02 #4360
[SPOILER]é só você tirar os flashsideways do caminho e encarar tudo como vida real.
eu não gostei por que ficou um final 'fé' demais. qndo digo fé não digo religioso, pois conseguiram equilibrar muito bem pra não apontar pra esse tipo de abordagem. eu creio que as inúmeras histórias paralelas poderiam ter sido evitadas e ouso até dizer que tudo poderia ser mais coerente e bacana se não existisse o jacob e afins... sei lá, to processando ainda...

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24-05-10, 08:04 #4361
[SPOILER]claire encontrando charlie e sawyer encontrando kate: quem não deu pelo menos uma engolida com vontade de chorar ta mentindo!

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24-05-10, 08:45 #4362

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Gamertag: sephitoff PSN ID: alanpk
24-05-10, 11:13 #4363
Virtua fora do ar até a hora que saí pra trabalhar
saí sem sequer deixar baixando


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Many Kalaveraa
The real (1)

XFIRE ID: Mannyy Steam ID: 76561197992661279
24-05-10, 11:38 #4364
A que bosta de final
copia barata da caverna do dragão!

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24-05-10, 12:11 #4365
to com a legenda em 2 partes aqui, notv.cd1 e notv.cd2, vou baixar o avi daqui a pouco

as duas partes são os episódios ou a primeira parte é só recapitulação?

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24-05-10, 12:16 #4366
são os eps 17 e 18.

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PSN ID: kakarotto_DS
24-05-10, 12:49 #4367
Postado por gusto Mostrar Post
Postado por Many Kalaveraa Mostrar Post
A que bosta de final
copia barata da caverna do dragão!

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24-05-10, 13:01 #4368
Na real, desde as primeiras temporadas, todos sabiam que existia esse lance de purgatório mas com todas as viagens que apareceram começou a ficar mais confuso e difícil de aceitar.

Curti bastante o final. Melhor parte foi o encontro do Charlie com a Claire.
Não tinha como explicar tudo que eles criaram e tenho certeza que muita gente vai reclamar.

As duas primeiras temporadas foram as melhores.

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24-05-10, 13:43 #4369

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24-05-10, 13:45 #4370
[SPOILER]Slyther, o "purgatório" não é na ilha não. a realidade alternativa que é algo criado pelos mortos, como algo que eles pensam de como deveria ser a vida perfeita deles. Por exemplo o Jack tem um filho. Os coreanos estão juntos mas fugindo do pai da Sun. O Sawyer virou policial e não um vigarista, mas com o mesmo objetivo de achar o verdadeiro Sawyer. O Locke era amigo do pai dele e etc.

E óbvio que eu me emocionei com o reencontro de James e Juliet, mas isso não faz o final ser bom. A serie começou com uma ilha cheia de misterios e terminou como uma ilha cheia de misterios. Nòs não sabemos o que é aquela merda de ilha. Não sabemos pq a Dharma definitvamente foi pra lá. O que são aqueles malditos numeros. O que era aquela estatua gigantesca. O que era o templo. O que era os hieroglifos. A população que fala latim. Nem a porra do nome do MIB os caras falaram.

E pq o MIB não podia sair da ilha? O que ele podia fazer de tão ruim assim? Pra mim ele não era um cara malvado. Não que ele não tenha feito malvadezas, mas ele não fazia por puro sadismo e sim pq ele tinha um objetivo, sair da ilha. O que lhe fora negado desde a infancia. Ele só queria sair da maldita ilha e fez de tudo pra conseguir.

Aí essa merda termina assim. Os caras numa igreja ecumenica (no vitral dela tinha simbolos de diversas religiões) e fazem toda essa merda numa parada religiosa. Ah vão tomar no meio do olho do cu! Se eu soubesse que essa bosta era algo como espiritismo wannabe eu não tinha assistido isso do inicio ao fim. FILHOS DA PUTA!

Essa parte da igreja eu até engoliria se me explicassem antes o que é a porra da ILHA! A serie inteira nessa merda de ilha e nem pra falarem nada dela! Só qu tem uma "luz" e uma rolha que mantem a luza. Vão se fuder!

O pior é o merda do Jacob que nunca explica nada. E ainda os roteiristas fazem piada com os telespctadores com o Hurley dizendo "ele é pior que o Yoda". Fora a baboseira de "minhas cinzas estão nessa fogueira, e quando ela apagar, vcs nunca mais vão me ver" Só pra ter respaldo pro Jacob não ter tempo de explicar nada!

Sem contar ao longo dessas 6 temporadas, as encheções de linguiça.


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24-05-10, 14:39 #4371
Finais alternativos no Jimmy Kimmel HAHUEHAE

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Gamertag: Mr Aqualungz Steam ID: Aqualunguer
24-05-10, 15:03 #4372
[SPOILER]Concordo que foi uma merda, viagenzinha do caralho cheia de viadagem.

E quem gostou é fresco e esqueceu o que é Lost de verdade.

Gusto sintetizou bem no post dele o que os malucos fizeram, deixando as verdadeiras respostas de lado

Não sabemos que porra é a ilha, não entendemos grande parte dos experimentos da Dharma, o que possibilitava aquilo e o caralho.

Meu, que final de bosta, quase me arrependo de ter assistido pra ter um desfecho tão bostelho desse jeito, PUTA QUE PARIU

E não, não chorei pq achei uma tremenda de uma viadagem e esperava explicações de verdade, ainda que absurdas, mas não um purgatório do caralho que os filhos da puta ficam lá vivendo, ah, de boa, vai se foder né.

Não explicaram NADA do que aconteceu na Ilha porra, sendo que isso era o mais importante, ficaram focando nessa viadagem de neguinho se lembrar no purgatório, pra quê? Tinha que mostrar o que acontece na ilha CARALHO!

Tô me sentindo otário, de boa.


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XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
24-05-10, 15:12 #4373
bom, assistido.

de certa forma, é um alivio que terminou, agora vamos ler esses spoilers

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DiE LuCiaNo

Steam ID: luhdie
24-05-10, 15:22 #4374
Que pena que não gostaram heioahihieiae

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Gamertag: decapentaplegic PSN ID: decapentaplegic Steam ID: decapentaplegic
24-05-10, 15:31 #4375
Postado por predator Mostrar Post
inteu, todo mundo morre!!!! a ilha eh o purgatorio!!1!!111um
o pior eh que eu falei zuando hoaheaieho

Last edited by predator; 24-05-10 at 15:40..
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XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
24-05-10, 15:35 #4376

Minha memoria é uma caca, mas o que era aquele tenis pendurado no bambu bem no final, quando o jack esta agonizando, pouco antes de cair e morrer?

no fim o desmond, que era a constante e escambau a quatro so serviu pra dar um empurrao final nos fantasmas pra lembrarem?

ah, sei la, o final foi elegante, mas quando eu vi o jack depois de ter ligado a gruta magica de novo se materializando la fora, sem virar fumaca e sem nenhum dano aparente, quando eu vi o aviao simplesmente indo embora (ele nao tava todo preparado pra explodir pelo widmore?) sem nenhum tipo de rota especial (lembram que tinha que ter uma rota toda especial pra sair e chegar na ilha) e com uma quantia arbitraria de pessoas eu realmente comecei a ficar meio incomodado...

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Steam ID: krystu86
24-05-10, 15:38 #4377
Postado por predator Mostrar Post
o pior eh que eu falei zuando hoaheaieho


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DiE LuCiaNo

Steam ID: luhdie
24-05-10, 15:40 #4378
Jeep, o tênis serviu pra indicar que aquele local era o mesmíssimo da cena inicial da série

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Gamertag: decapentaplegic PSN ID: decapentaplegic Steam ID: decapentaplegic
24-05-10, 15:45 #4379
[SPOILER]o q vcs acharam da comparacao do Jack com Jesus? especialmente o local da facada do MiB q foi exatamente onde Jesus foi espetado com a lanca, fazendo a comunhao com o Hurley, liderando os losties, ascendendo na luz, carregando a "rolha" da ilha, etc

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XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
24-05-10, 15:46 #4380
[SPOILER] hum, ta, eu imaginei que era pra mostrar a passagem do tempo, mas vai que era mais alguma referencia...

entao quando o desmond volta pra ilha, o widmore poe ele no vagao e magnetiza ele, ele nao é jogado nem pro passado, nem pro futuro, mas para aquele limbo (coloque aqui seu nome predileto para aquele treco espaco temporal)? incorpora no fantasma dele o suficiente pra ele virar um medium e depois volta, mas o fantasma dele agora tem nocao de que esta morto e vai relembrar cada um deles?

e po, cade ana lucia? e a mina do hurley? e o santoro?!?????

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DiE LuCiaNo

Steam ID: luhdie
24-05-10, 15:48 #4381
Libby tava lá...

Agora quem REALMENTE deveria estar ali eram Michael e Walt

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XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
24-05-10, 16:01 #4382
Nossa, voltei pra ver, eu tava achando estranho pq nao mostra a libby, tem sempre uma cabeca na frente, de um jeito meio forcado mesmo, so na ultima cena mesmo que dao um close.

Na real, se vc nao quiser a explicacao mistica, isso tudo se passou na cabeca do jack momentos antes de morrer, delirou com um final feliz onde reencontrava todos.


O centenario do Chico Xavier andou inspirando mais gente por ai do que a gente pensa

ah sim, o jacob e o mib, widmore e a esposa, podiam estar la tambem. Alias, qual devia ser o grande plano do widmore usando o desmond pra segurar o mib na ilha?

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24-05-10, 16:01 #4383
velho... não sei direito nem o que pensar aqui.

ps. agradecimentos ao mrxrsd que baixou o final pra mim.

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Gamertag: decapentaplegic PSN ID: decapentaplegic Steam ID: decapentaplegic
24-05-10, 16:02 #4384
melhor finale ate agora esse ano foi grey's anatomy... mas lost nao deixou de ser bom tambem

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24-05-10, 18:27 #4385
Melhor finale foi a 4 temp de dexter.

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PSN ID: marcos_norton
24-05-10, 18:57 #4386
lost terminou perfeito.

A ideia era simples... mas os produtores p/ manter a audiencia criaram um monte de perguntas.

No final... responder o que não foi explicado é desnecessário.

Vou sentir falta de LOST... mas tenho que seguir adiante

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24-05-10, 22:19 #4387
Postado por Norton Mostrar Post
lA ideia era simples... mas os produtores p/ manter a audiencia criaram um monte de perguntas.

sinceramente, se eu fosse aconselhar alguém seria: NÃO ASSISTA LOST.

"ah mas é tudo a respeito dos personagens" - então pra que tanta mitologia envolvida e histórias paralelas?

[SPOILER]E O WALT? n lembro direito, mas esse menino n tinha alguma coisa especial?

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e tenho dito

24-05-10, 22:42 #4388

Tempo perdido, sério. Demais

O pior de tudo, é que vão lançar addons explicando as coisas (ou tentando) e eu vou assistir, que inferno.
Ficou claro que os criadores não tinham a menor noção do que tavam fazendo, desde o início, aquele lance de falar que tava tudo decidido e era tudo com um propósito foi a maior balela, me sinto envergonhado e traído por ter acreditado nesta série.

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e tenho dito

24-05-10, 22:48 #4389
alguem aifaz um FUUUUU com lost
vai fazer sucesso

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24-05-10, 23:45 #4390
Postado por DiE LuCiaNo Mostrar Post
Libby tava lá...

Agora quem REALMENTE deveria estar ali eram Michael e Walt
[SPOILER]o Walt sim, mas lembra que o Michael fala com o Hurley? ele diz que os sussuros são os fantasmas e que muitos estão lá na ilha ainda. Ou seja, tem nego que morre e fantasia uma realidade e tem outros que morrme e não conseguem se desprender da ilha.

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24-05-10, 23:52 #4391
[SPOILER]porra... e o q q o Boone tava fazendo ali? segurando vela? aehuehauhuea

sério, não gostei do final... foi emocionante só pq tava acabando e os caras apelaram mesmo, mas não gostei.

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25-05-10, 00:07 #4392
confesso me emocionei MTO nesse episodio final,ainda estou balancado..

mas mto mais pelos flashbacks q o ultimo episodio mostrou,lembrar dos 6 anos de convivencia com esses personagens do q pelo final em si, decepcionante infelizmente..

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25-05-10, 00:11 #4393
[SPOILER]Boone tava com o parceiro dee de aventuras, o Locke. HAIHAUSHIUSHUHEA que lixo de final.
muitas perguntas não respondidas. Pq o templo deixou todos "loucos" e a Rosseau teve que os matar? Pq aquela agua que ressucitou o Sayid deixou ele "mal"? Pq o Aaron era especial e tinha que ir pra ilha, segundo aquele vidente?

ah que LIXO!

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25-05-10, 00:16 #4394
vcs tão me confundindo....

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PSN ID: Avacaiador
25-05-10, 00:18 #4395
Concordo em gênero, número e degrau com o Gusto!

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Gamertag: sephitoff PSN ID: alanpk
25-05-10, 00:39 #4396
nao sei oq pensar direito
só sei que esse final APELOU DEMAIS pro lado emocional.

Sendo bom ou ruim, mexeu d+ com qq um q acompanhou esses 6 anos de série.

E isso q me incomoda.

Apelaram MUITO pra focar nos personagens q aprendemos a gostar, e deixaram um porrilhao de buracos e pontas soltas,
e as poucas que resolveram, foi no estilo "toma ae, na cara!" tipo os esqueletos de adao e eva na caverna.
Isso nao tem a sutileza que LOST teve ao longo dos últimos 5 anos.

Não to falando que foi ruim, cabei de ver o ep e to sem opiniao formada pq foi MUITA cena de apelo emocional no último ep.

Mas de modo geral , esse final jamais vai agradar quem assiste a série por causa dos mistérios.
Como eu já tinha largado os misterios de lado e tava só "along for the ride" pra saber o final dos meus personagens favoritos, eu nao to tão insultado como deveria estar, e acho que foi esse o objetivo dos produtores eheheheheh.

Edit: cabei de ver 2 pessoas no meu MSN com a seguinte msg no nick:



nao eh pra tanto.

como diria o Paulo Coelho, a jornada é que interessa.

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XFIRE ID: carniceiru
25-05-10, 00:44 #4397
Eu ri da explicação do Luh! PQP quem assistiu e não tiver entendido pelo menos aquilo que ele postou, precisa de ajuda profissional!

[SPOILER]Desde quando eu comecei a assistir lost, uma coisa era clara pra mim, a de que a série era importante por causa dos personagens e não por causa dos mistérios da ilha. Os mistérios eram o MacGuffin da série e sinceramente pouco importa o que a ilha era realmente, o importante foi o desenvolvimento dos personagens ao longo da história.

Edit: agora eu preciso é saber do Jack, que o bagulho tá tenso pro lado dele.

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25-05-10, 01:14 #4398

essa é a palavra!
lost deveria se chamar MACGUFFINS!

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Steam ID: tatiware
25-05-10, 01:41 #4399
Ufa! Ainda bem q parei de ver na 3ª temporada auehauhea

[SPOILER]Porra vo criar uma serie tb, várias coisas loucas vão acontecer e no final na verdade os caras foram abduzidos e estavam fazendo parte de uma experiência extra-terrestre. Crio historias mirabolantes e não preciso explicar nada auehuaheuahea
Será q vende?

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Gamertag: sephitoff PSN ID: alanpk
25-05-10, 01:44 #4400
legal foi o JIMMY KIMMEL LIVE: ALOHA TO LOST, que passou, literalmente, após LOST

começou com a plateia vendo a ultima cena, metade tava chorando, metade tava se olhando com cara de "WTF?"

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25-05-10, 04:41 #4401
[SPOILER]Jeep, acabei de assistir o S01e01 e aquele têis aparece lá no começo, só que bem novinho hehehe
outro detalhe interessante é que o primeiro que encontra o Jack é o Vincent. O dog é o primeiro e ultimo ehuehe
Só que na primeira vez ele sai correndo, na ultima ele deita do lado

[SPOILER]Luciano, eu sempre te disse que o Bernard seria fundamental pro desenrolar da trama né? hauhauhuahua

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XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
25-05-10, 07:28 #4402
Pra ajudar

1. What is the Island? A “cork” that holds back evil from the world.

2. What happens if evil escapes? The world ends.

3. How? Doesn’t matter. It ends. Evil wins. Can’t let that happen.

4. So what was going in with the island while the cork was out? It was being destroyed. The “Evil” was escapee and destroying the world. Starting first with what was closest to it; The Island. Possibly, had the cork not been put back the spread of destruction would have continued until the world was gone all together. So think of it was when the plane took off, they would never find a place to land because everything would be gone.

4. What is “The Light”/”The Source”? Its the source of good and evil. Essentialy it’s life and death incarnate.

5. What happens when you touch “The Source”? Depends on what kind of person you are. Evil from “The Source” incarnate MIB’s body because he was evil and took the form of the smoke monster.

6. Why didn’t Demond die touching the Source? He was immune to large amounts of electromagnetism due to his experience in the hatch.

7. Why didn’t Jack die touching the Source? He sacrificed himself to the Island. The island accepted him as sacrifice for good so he was able to survive the sources attempt to take over him.

8. Who is Jacob? Jacob is the Protector of “The Source”. He has many mysterious powers that are suppose to aid him in his duty.

9. What does that mean exactly? It means its his job is to make sure not only does the Source not escape into the world, but people can not find it either. If they do, they become infected with whatever side of the Source they are more relatable with. It they are good they wouldn’t be after the light to begin so it’s never reacted that way to someone. If they are bad, Evil from the source consumes them.

10. Who is the MIB? The Man In Black, is Jacob’s twin brother.

11. Why is he Evil? Jacob made him touch the Source and evil consumed him.

12. Why does he want to leave the island. His human form wanted to leave, when he was consumed and transformed into the smoke monster his memories are still a part of him. Now he is just a smoke monster but still with the urge to leave the island.

13. Why can’t he leave? Rules set in place by various protectors. These rules are the only constant within the Lost universe. They must be followed.

14. What happens if they aren’t followed? It doesn’t matter. They simply can’t be broken just like the laws of gravity.

15. Why did Flocke (Monster in locke form) want Desmond to open the cork? He thought that it would reset the rules and hed be allowed to leave.

16. Why did Jack want Desmond to open the cork? He thought that it would help him defeat the monster.

17. Who was right/wrong? They were both right and wrong. Flocke was right because it did reset the rules. But wrong because it made him vulnerable. Jack was right because it did help him defeat the monster. But wrong because the open cork was destroying the world.

18. How did the Monster become vulnerable? With the open cork, the Source was escaping. The Source within the MIB left his body to join the escaping source. Making him human again and in the form of whomever he was in that moment; Locke.

19. Why couldn’t the smoke monster fly off the Island? Two reasons; the rules and because he can’t fly over water. Much like hover boards.

20. Why can’t the monster kill candidates? The rules and because Jacob touched them. Leaving part of him inside them. And since the MIB can’t kill Jacob, he can’t kill Jacob’s Candidates.

21. What is a candidate? Jacob’s band of people who he has chosen to replace him. Any one of them can step in take the job.

22. With Jacob dead, why can’t the Smoke Monster leave. Part of Jacob is alive in the remaining candidates.

23. Who are the Others? Inhabitants on the Island.

24. Why do they Others hate the 815ers? Because they threaten their lifestyle. Simple as that. Same reason the Others massacred the Dharma Initiative?

25. Who are the Dharma Initiative? Researchers and Scientists who in the 70‘s studied the island’s different scientific properties.

26. Why does the island have these properties? Defects of the Source.

27. Who is Widmore? Widmore used to be the Leader of the Others.

28. Why does he want the Island so bad? He wants power, people want what they can’t have, and because he wants revenge on Ben for banishing him.

29. Who is Ben? Ben was a leader of the Others. He was once the son of a member of the Dharma Initiative but after turning evil, grew up and led the massacre against them. \

30. Why is Ben evil? He was submerged into the water at the temple. The water saved his life, but made him mostly evil.

31. Why does the water at the temple make people Evil? Effect from the Source.

32. Who built _______? The foot statue, the temple, etc. Doesn’t matter. It’s not important to the story.

33. Who built the Stations? The Dharma initiative. Each station has a different reason for being. Some for study some for other reasons.

34. What is the Swan Hatch? A Dharma Initiative Station built in order to harness and hatch a electromagnet pocket beneath the ground of the island.

35. Why was Desmond in the Hatch? He was shipwrecked on the Island and rescued by a grandfathered Dharma Initiative member who taught him to push the button in the Hatch and then attempted to escape the Island without telling Desmond. Desmond killed him leaving him the sole person to push the botton.

36. What happens when the button isn’t pushed. Electromagnetic energy starts to escape. This also causes an EMP blast.

37. Why did light 815 crash? Desmond failed to push the button just as the plane flew over the island. The EMP caused the crash.

38. What is the donkey wheel? Its a turn table that is linked to the Source of the island. It activates random functions whenever turned. It’s only constant is that it teleports whomever turned it to a desert in Syberia (or wherever).

39. Why did ben turn the Wheel? He thought it would move the Island and help them escape temporarily Widmore and his freighter of bandits.

40. What did it really do? It caused the Island and its current (the people on the island during the wheel turn) to start jumping back and forth through time. This as fatal effect on people causing Charlotte to die.

41. If the Island was jumping through time, why did it dissappear? The island is always moving. Lets say the island was near australia when the wheel was turned. And it jumped to 1980 during its first cycle. And it 1980 the island was near africa. Instantly the island jumped back in time and location to wherever it is in 1980.

42. Why did Locke turn the Wheel? He thought it would take him off the island.

43. What did it do? It took him off the island but also stopped the time jumping and its fatal effect. Leaving the Losties in/wherever the island was after one final flash. 1976 circa.

44. Why did the Oceanic 6 have to return to the island? Ben didn’t know him turning the wheel fixed the time flashes. He thought he needed to bring everyone back in order to fix it. He told them they needed to come back.

45. Why did 5 of the Oceanic 6 come back to the Island? They each had different reason. Jack; thought he had to save the island. Kate; to find Claire. Sun; to find Jin. Hurley; felt guilty about lying and leaving everyone behind. Sayiid; was dragged back by Illana under orders from Jacob.

46. Why couldn’t they go back individually? Simple, the Island wouldn’t allow it. Everyoen needed to come back. Needed to come back together. Much like a security alarm code. The circumastances needed to be right. Hence why Hurley had a guitar and why Locke and Ben came back.

47. Why didn’t Aaron need to come back? Simple, it wasn’t his destiny. The Island simply didn’t need or want him.

48. What is the important of Walt and why is he special? He’s not. He was probably once a candidate but thats about it. Forget about him.

49. What happened when the bomb went off? Nothing. It released the pocket of Electromagnetic Force and the Dharma Initiative built the Hatch in oder to house it. There was no alternate time line created because that is what happened. The Losties where always part of the reason the hatch was built. Like the words in a book, things are the way the are and there is nothing that can be done to change the past or future. The only thing it did was expose them to the Electromagnetic Force and send them back to present time where they belong.

50. What are the side flashes? Purgatory. Everyone in the side flashes are either people stuck in between life and after life because they have not accepted their death or life OR are imaginary people made up by the people in purgatory that they interact with. This means Jack’s son, is a made up image created by the purgatory Jack and Juliette.

51. Why are things in the side flashes the way they are, (like jack having a son, Hurley being successful, and the island being sunk) ? Because the minds of the purgatory people made it that way. Essentially, the world they created with purgatory is their perfect world.

52. Why were people in the Church at the end and what happened to them? Everyone in the Church were the purgatory incarnations of those whose lives revolved around the Island or people on the Island. The island was the most important part of their lives and now that they are dead they had never had closure with with the Island. They had to come together to remember and cope with what happened on the Island in order to move on. They all moved on to the afterlife, whatever you think that means.

53. Why wasn’t Ben in the Church? He wasn’t Ready to move on.

54. Why wasn’t Ana Lucia in the Church? She wasn’t ready to move on maybe her life didn’t revolve around the island it wasn’t what she needed to cope with in purgatory.

55. Why wasn’t Walt in the Church? His life didn’t revolve around the Island. Maybe his purgatory is him accepting the death of his parents. Or maybe he never went to purgatory.

56. If Sawyer, Desmond, Hurley, etc are alive at the end of the show. Why are they in the side flashes? Because they died eventually. The side flashes aren’t happening at the same time as real life. Think of it as a GIGANTIC flash forward taking place after everyone involved has died. So far into the future that even Hurley and Ben are dead.

nossa, 20 minutinhos a mais no dvd/bluray? agora vai!

Turns out two and a half hours just wasn't enough screen time for Lost producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse to tell the whole story they wanted to tell us. An ABC source confirms to me that after Sunday’s series finale, titled "The End," airs from 9 – 11:30 pm ET/PT, the season six DVD (as well as the complete series collection, out on DVD and Blu-ray August 24) will continue the saga with upwards of twenty minutes of additional storyline.

“It’s in production now,” confirms the source, who couldn’t yet confirm the actual running time of the new scenes. “Damon and Carlton wanted to offer fans answers to additional questions they couldn’t get to in the body of the final show.”

Lindelof and Cuse have also ordered up some spectacular packaging that should make the DVDs a must-purchase for show fans. And for those of you who have completely abandoned hope of any happily-ever-afters for these poor lost souls following the recent string of island casualties, Sonja Walger, whose lucky Penny turns up in the finale, offers us a ray of hope. When I asked her to tell me who gets the best ending, she said, “We all do and you’ll see why.”

Could there perhaps be light at the end of Jacob's tunnel of light?


topico interessante-> http://www.losttalk.net/6x17-6x18-en...de-church.html

Last edited by Jeep; 25-05-10 at 08:22..
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25-05-10, 09:26 #4403
já li alguns comentários ali no omelete, vários indignados, outros tantos defendendo, alguns chamando de obra-prima...

eu diria que lost tá nesse patamar de obra-prima pelo conjunto da obra, e não pelo final em si.

mas como já falaram, eu considero a sequencia Primeira + Segunda Temporada os mais fodas...

depois foram só tentando manter o pique... terceira temporada foi marromenos até o final, depois a quarta foi legal, a quinta também... mas já não era mais aquele UOOOOOU WTF das 2 primeiras.

intel is offline   Reply With Quote
Master Chief

Gamertag: serjaum
25-05-10, 09:28 #4404
li todos os spoilers
agora posso continuar na terceira temporada

falaram tao mal do final que eu queria ter certeza se valeria a pena ver tudo ainda
acho q nao vale...maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas vou ver sem compromisso
daqui alguns anos eu termino de assistir

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25-05-10, 09:37 #4405
poisé serjaum, saber os spoilers agora não afeta muito vc ver o desenrolar da história...

não importa o destino final, só tem que aproveitar a viagem.

intel is offline   Reply With Quote

Steam ID: crash_zero9
25-05-10, 09:52 #4406
final lixo du carai

Goten is offline   Reply With Quote
DiE LuCiaNo

Steam ID: luhdie
25-05-10, 09:52 #4407
Eu aproveitei muito bem a jornada.
Comprei os boxes pq achei que mereceram, e não me arrependo.
Faria tudo novamente

Lost ftw!

DiE LuCiaNo is offline   Reply With Quote

Gamertag: Mr Aqualungz Steam ID: Aqualunguer
25-05-10, 10:08 #4408
Eu achei o final terrível. O mais terrível de tudo, é que até o episódio do Jacob/MiB não dava pra ter noção que o barato tomaria um caminho totalmente sobrenatural.

Eu assistia esperando um barato mais científico, como a série apresentou a todos os momentos.

Não deixou de ser científico pq tudo o que aconteceu na ilha, aconteceu, mas simplesmente deixaram sem explicação pra parte que realmente me interessava e as partes que as pessoas desenvolviam teoria.

Que eles eventualmente iam morrer, todo mundo sabia porra, por isso que eles tão juntos no final, todos mortos e no purgatório, mas o interessante é entender o que acontece com a ilha, o que é aquela porra toda e a resposta das curiosidades de todos.

Pode não ser necessário pra história? Muita coisa ali não é porra, mas é que nem dar osso pra cachorro e tirar logo em seguida.

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Gamertag: sephitoff PSN ID: alanpk
25-05-10, 10:14 #4409
Dormi processando o final.
Meu resumo em uma frase sobre o final: LINDO, porém fraco.

polarizou d+ a discussão sobre Ciência x Fé que sempre foi a temática da série, deixando inevitavelmente boa parte do publico decepcionada e sem respostas. (Ou nao! agora eh esperar esses fdps faturarem em cima de side-stories, jogos, RPGs, livros, quadrinhos e o diabo)

Bom, LOST continua sendo a melhor série que eu ja vi.
Mas o melhor encerramento continua sendo BATTLESTAR GALACTICA.

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Chief Rocka

25-05-10, 10:22 #4410
Postado por Aqualung
Que eles eventualmente iam morrer, todo mundo sabia porra, por isso que eles tão juntos no final, todos mortos e no purgatório, mas o interessante é entender o que acontece com a ilha, o que é aquela porra toda e a resposta das curiosidades de todos.
valeu ae champs.

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XFIRE ID: carniceiru
25-05-10, 10:26 #4411
Postado por Jeep Mostrar Post
Pra ajudar

1. What is the Island? A “cork” that holds back evil from the world.

2. What happens if evil escapes? The world ends.

3. How? Doesn’t matter. It ends. Evil wins. Can’t let that happen.

4. So what was going in with the island while the cork was out? It was being destroyed. The “Evil” was escapee and destroying the world. Starting first with what was closest to it; The Island. Possibly, had the cork not been put back the spread of destruction would have continued until the world was gone all together. So think of it was when the plane took off, they would never find a place to land because everything would be gone.

4. What is “The Light”/”The Source”? Its the source of good and evil. Essentialy it’s life and death incarnate.

5. What happens when you touch “The Source”? Depends on what kind of person you are. Evil from “The Source” incarnate MIB’s body because he was evil and took the form of the smoke monster.

6. Why didn’t Demond die touching the Source? He was immune to large amounts of electromagnetism due to his experience in the hatch.

7. Why didn’t Jack die touching the Source? He sacrificed himself to the Island. The island accepted him as sacrifice for good so he was able to survive the sources attempt to take over him.

8. Who is Jacob? Jacob is the Protector of “The Source”. He has many mysterious powers that are suppose to aid him in his duty.

9. What does that mean exactly? It means its his job is to make sure not only does the Source not escape into the world, but people can not find it either. If they do, they become infected with whatever side of the Source they are more relatable with. It they are good they wouldn’t be after the light to begin so it’s never reacted that way to someone. If they are bad, Evil from the source consumes them.

10. Who is the MIB? The Man In Black, is Jacob’s twin brother.

11. Why is he Evil? Jacob made him touch the Source and evil consumed him.

12. Why does he want to leave the island. His human form wanted to leave, when he was consumed and transformed into the smoke monster his memories are still a part of him. Now he is just a smoke monster but still with the urge to leave the island.

13. Why can’t he leave? Rules set in place by various protectors. These rules are the only constant within the Lost universe. They must be followed.

14. What happens if they aren’t followed? It doesn’t matter. They simply can’t be broken just like the laws of gravity.

15. Why did Flocke (Monster in locke form) want Desmond to open the cork? He thought that it would reset the rules and hed be allowed to leave.

16. Why did Jack want Desmond to open the cork? He thought that it would help him defeat the monster.

17. Who was right/wrong? They were both right and wrong. Flocke was right because it did reset the rules. But wrong because it made him vulnerable. Jack was right because it did help him defeat the monster. But wrong because the open cork was destroying the world.

18. How did the Monster become vulnerable? With the open cork, the Source was escaping. The Source within the MIB left his body to join the escaping source. Making him human again and in the form of whomever he was in that moment; Locke.

19. Why couldn’t the smoke monster fly off the Island? Two reasons; the rules and because he can’t fly over water. Much like hover boards.

20. Why can’t the monster kill candidates? The rules and because Jacob touched them. Leaving part of him inside them. And since the MIB can’t kill Jacob, he can’t kill Jacob’s Candidates.

21. What is a candidate? Jacob’s band of people who he has chosen to replace him. Any one of them can step in take the job.

22. With Jacob dead, why can’t the Smoke Monster leave. Part of Jacob is alive in the remaining candidates.

23. Who are the Others? Inhabitants on the Island.

24. Why do they Others hate the 815ers? Because they threaten their lifestyle. Simple as that. Same reason the Others massacred the Dharma Initiative?

25. Who are the Dharma Initiative? Researchers and Scientists who in the 70‘s studied the island’s different scientific properties.

26. Why does the island have these properties? Defects of the Source.

27. Who is Widmore? Widmore used to be the Leader of the Others.

28. Why does he want the Island so bad? He wants power, people want what they can’t have, and because he wants revenge on Ben for banishing him.

29. Who is Ben? Ben was a leader of the Others. He was once the son of a member of the Dharma Initiative but after turning evil, grew up and led the massacre against them. \

30. Why is Ben evil? He was submerged into the water at the temple. The water saved his life, but made him mostly evil.

31. Why does the water at the temple make people Evil? Effect from the Source.

32. Who built _______? The foot statue, the temple, etc. Doesn’t matter. It’s not important to the story.

33. Who built the Stations? The Dharma initiative. Each station has a different reason for being. Some for study some for other reasons.

34. What is the Swan Hatch? A Dharma Initiative Station built in order to harness and hatch a electromagnet pocket beneath the ground of the island.

35. Why was Desmond in the Hatch? He was shipwrecked on the Island and rescued by a grandfathered Dharma Initiative member who taught him to push the button in the Hatch and then attempted to escape the Island without telling Desmond. Desmond killed him leaving him the sole person to push the botton.

36. What happens when the button isn’t pushed. Electromagnetic energy starts to escape. This also causes an EMP blast.

37. Why did light 815 crash? Desmond failed to push the button just as the plane flew over the island. The EMP caused the crash.

38. What is the donkey wheel? Its a turn table that is linked to the Source of the island. It activates random functions whenever turned. It’s only constant is that it teleports whomever turned it to a desert in Syberia (or wherever).

39. Why did ben turn the Wheel? He thought it would move the Island and help them escape temporarily Widmore and his freighter of bandits.

40. What did it really do? It caused the Island and its current (the people on the island during the wheel turn) to start jumping back and forth through time. This as fatal effect on people causing Charlotte to die.

41. If the Island was jumping through time, why did it dissappear? The island is always moving. Lets say the island was near australia when the wheel was turned. And it jumped to 1980 during its first cycle. And it 1980 the island was near africa. Instantly the island jumped back in time and location to wherever it is in 1980.

42. Why did Locke turn the Wheel? He thought it would take him off the island.

43. What did it do? It took him off the island but also stopped the time jumping and its fatal effect. Leaving the Losties in/wherever the island was after one final flash. 1976 circa.

44. Why did the Oceanic 6 have to return to the island? Ben didn’t know him turning the wheel fixed the time flashes. He thought he needed to bring everyone back in order to fix it. He told them they needed to come back.

45. Why did 5 of the Oceanic 6 come back to the Island? They each had different reason. Jack; thought he had to save the island. Kate; to find Claire. Sun; to find Jin. Hurley; felt guilty about lying and leaving everyone behind. Sayiid; was dragged back by Illana under orders from Jacob.

46. Why couldn’t they go back individually? Simple, the Island wouldn’t allow it. Everyoen needed to come back. Needed to come back together. Much like a security alarm code. The circumastances needed to be right. Hence why Hurley had a guitar and why Locke and Ben came back.

47. Why didn’t Aaron need to come back? Simple, it wasn’t his destiny. The Island simply didn’t need or want him.

48. What is the important of Walt and why is he special? He’s not. He was probably once a candidate but thats about it. Forget about him.

49. What happened when the bomb went off? Nothing. It released the pocket of Electromagnetic Force and the Dharma Initiative built the Hatch in oder to house it. There was no alternate time line created because that is what happened. The Losties where always part of the reason the hatch was built. Like the words in a book, things are the way the are and there is nothing that can be done to change the past or future. The only thing it did was expose them to the Electromagnetic Force and send them back to present time where they belong.

50. What are the side flashes? Purgatory. Everyone in the side flashes are either people stuck in between life and after life because they have not accepted their death or life OR are imaginary people made up by the people in purgatory that they interact with. This means Jack’s son, is a made up image created by the purgatory Jack and Juliette.

51. Why are things in the side flashes the way they are, (like jack having a son, Hurley being successful, and the island being sunk) ? Because the minds of the purgatory people made it that way. Essentially, the world they created with purgatory is their perfect world.

52. Why were people in the Church at the end and what happened to them? Everyone in the Church were the purgatory incarnations of those whose lives revolved around the Island or people on the Island. The island was the most important part of their lives and now that they are dead they had never had closure with with the Island. They had to come together to remember and cope with what happened on the Island in order to move on. They all moved on to the afterlife, whatever you think that means.

53. Why wasn’t Ben in the Church? He wasn’t Ready to move on.

54. Why wasn’t Ana Lucia in the Church? She wasn’t ready to move on maybe her life didn’t revolve around the island it wasn’t what she needed to cope with in purgatory.

55. Why wasn’t Walt in the Church? His life didn’t revolve around the Island. Maybe his purgatory is him accepting the death of his parents. Or maybe he never went to purgatory.

56. If Sawyer, Desmond, Hurley, etc are alive at the end of the show. Why are they in the side flashes? Because they died eventually. The side flashes aren’t happening at the same time as real life. Think of it as a GIGANTIC flash forward taking place after everyone involved has died. So far into the future that even Hurley and Ben are dead.

Realmente é um belo norte, principalmente porque parece que MUIIITA gente não entendeu porra nenhuma!

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XFIRE ID: carniceiru
25-05-10, 10:28 #4412
Postado por Sephiroth Mostrar Post
Bom, LOST continua sendo a melhor série que eu ja vi.
Mas o melhor encerramento continua sendo BATTLESTAR GALACTICA.
Eu ficaria em dúvida entre BSG e Babylon 5!

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Gamertag: Mr Aqualungz Steam ID: Aqualunguer
25-05-10, 10:36 #4413
Postado por rockafeller Mostrar Post
valeu ae champs.
De nada.

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PSN ID: kakarotto_DS
25-05-10, 10:48 #4414
Essas 56 perguntas que o jeep colocou ja ajudam bastante nas merdas hauhuaha
Quero so ve o que eles vao colocar nesses minutos a mais no dvd

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e tenho dito

25-05-10, 11:10 #4415
srry guys, os criadores estão rindo da cara de todos vcs

eles ficaram ricos e nós sem respostas

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25-05-10, 11:18 #4416
concordo com mtos, nao me arrependo nenhum um pouco,foi uma jornada inesquecivel e cada final de temporada (principalmente a terceira) me deixaram sempre arrepiados.

foi uma experiencia inesquecivel,o final nao estragou nada.

ircF is offline   Reply With Quote
Back to the U.S.A.

Gamertag: decapentaplegic PSN ID: decapentaplegic Steam ID: decapentaplegic
25-05-10, 11:22 #4417
concordo com o ircF... apesar da teoria mais tosca nao estar tao longe da verdade (purgatorio)

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25-05-10, 11:35 #4418

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XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
25-05-10, 11:36 #4419
Nao me arrependo tambem, mas das coisas que li, algumas foram bem colocadas, que parecia mais um fim de temporada e nao um fim da serie, que aquele final "casais in love se abracando" tava mt com cara de novela da globo e por ai afora.

Acho que so o fato do ben ter preferido ficar vivendo na matrix e finalmente ter a existencia que ele sempre quis (esposa, filha, respeito no trabalho) foi o que fez mais sentido. Sayd ter ficado com a loira em vez da nadia eu achei mt forcado, especialmente pq em tese aquele limbo era a vida perfeita deles, entao como que nele o irmao é quem casa com a nadia e ele vive uma paixao platonica e no fim fica com a loirosa do aviao que ele conviveu por (nem lembro mais, 1 temporada?, isso em dias da o que, 1 mes?), jack ter casado e tido um filho com a juliette, mas sempre sonhar com a kate? e o sawyer nessa historia? fazer dupla starsky & hutch ( ? ) com o miles e so depois que ele lembra da juliete? Vida perfeita da kate era ter tido a familia errada de novo, ter matado o pai e ter sido presa e ficar fugindo da justica? No mais, foi bem estupro emocional ficar dando flash de tanta gente, obvio que pra quem acompanha a 6 anos ia mexer, ver tanto casal desfeito finalmente se reencontrado. Isso foi usado justamente pra disfarcar os detalhes.

Cada vez mais acho que se apagassem as cenas "sideways" da temporada 6 teria sido mais honesto e direto.

mas sim, caso venham os expansion packs vou assistir

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XFIRE ID: carniceiru
25-05-10, 11:49 #4420
[SPOILER]Jeep o purgatório/realidade alternativa não é existência ideal de cada um. Tanto que a Kate tá fugindo da polícia, o Lock tá na cadeira de rodas e é responsável pelo invalidez do pai, Jin e Sun tão fugindo do pai dela, Hurley é solitário, Said ainda tá preso à violência do seu passado, etc.

Ali é realmente um purgatório onde eles tão tentando resolver os assuntos e/ou suas deficiências de caráter, que não puderam ser resolvidas em vida. [CHICO CHAVIER MODE OFF]

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DiE LuCiaNo

Steam ID: luhdie
25-05-10, 11:58 #4421
[SPOILER](1) vegetous

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25-05-10, 12:18 #4422
Porcaria de final

Só depois dessas respostas do vegetous eu consegui entender mais ou menos o final.
To achando uma merda essa de que tudo que aconteceu na ilha foi real. Era a única coisa que eu torcei para que não fosse verdade pq era muita viagem...

Provavelmente último seriado com ficção científica que eu assisto.

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XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
25-05-10, 12:18 #4423
[SPOILER] entao, é que eu vejo como seria se fosse escolhido pelo personagem, tipo, locke odiava o pai, a cena dele entregando o velho pro sawyer matar foi uma das mais fodas. Mas entao, o locke esta numa cadeira de rodas, MAS esta com a esposa do al bundy e de quebra deixou seu pai invalido e babando num hospital, jin e sun nao tem mais interesse de voltar ao dominio do pai dela e estao razoavelmente longe da influencia deles, de bonus terao seu filho, hurley é amado por todo mundo e parou de espalhar desgracas por onde passa, said conseguiu trazer sua nadia de volta a vida "custe o que custar", desmond é admirado pelo sogro e pode finalmente beber o tal uisque, jack teve seu filho e pode ser um bom pai, enfim, na balanca geral eu ainda acho que era pra melhor, menos pra alguns e de uma maneira que nao fez mt sentido.

eu acho que podia ter sido melhor escrito, me pareceu algo feito meio as pressas e que nao acrescentou muito do jeito que foi conduzido (falo do sideways)

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Gamertag: sephitoff PSN ID: alanpk
25-05-10, 12:27 #4424
Postado por ircF Mostrar Post
concordo com mtos, nao me arrependo nenhum um pouco,foi uma jornada inesquecivel e cada final de temporada (principalmente a terceira) me deixaram sempre arrepiados.

foi uma experiencia inesquecivel,o final nao estragou nada.
esse pra mim foi o ponto principal da série
eu nao notei na hora, mas sim ao longo das temporadas seguintes, que foi ali que minha opinião da série tinha mudado.
e tb foi ali que a série virou de cabeça pra baixo, quase q literalmente.

olhando pra tras, o "We have to go back, Kate! We have to go back!" foi o momento da história onde eu passei a me importar mais com os motivos do Jack querer voltar e com o destino dos personagens que com a ilha em si.

E acho que essa era exatamente a intençao dos produtores.
Passei a me interessar mais no processo do "man of science" se tornar no "man of faith" que na mitologia da ilha em si. E nesse aspecto o final nao poderia ter sido mais compensador.

Nos últimos episódios teve vários dialogos que parecia que tavam sendo direcionados ao telespectador:

"At this point, every question you make will only lead to another question."
"Really? Christian Shepard....really???"

E principalmente, a temática do "you have to let go" do final...isso vale tanto pros personagens como pra nós

A beleza do final de LOST tá no fato que a série toda foi em volta da temática "Man of science" x "Man of faith",
e essa temática vai continuar mesmo com série acabando:
os homens da ciencia ficaram decepcionados com o final
os da "fé" aplaudiram de pé
e tiveram os homens de ciencia que foram convertidos ao longo da série, como eu e muita gente...

E a discussão vai sobreviver por muito tempo após a série em si.

No final das contas Lost me soou como uma piada interna que eu entendi.

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DiE LuCiaNo

Steam ID: luhdie
25-05-10, 12:32 #4425
Pois é, eu não culpo quem achou um lixo o final, pois a série pode ser vista de dois pontos de vista diferentes: história/ilha/mitologia x personagens

Na terceira/quarta temporadas eu vivia falando que me lixava pros personagens, queria mesmo era a "história principal", viagem no tempo, universos paralelos e tal... deve ter algo escrito assim aqui nesse tópico.

Mas percebi que não, que eu amo mesmo os personagens, e que a ilha era secundária ehuahe
Não me importei nem um pouco com a "falta de explicações".
Os personagens foram muito bem fechados, e isso foi extremamente satisfatório pra mim e pra os que assistiram focando nesse ponto.

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