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Gamertag: Stefan Prestes PSN ID: stefanprestes XFIRE ID: exxhail Steam ID: didz
Default Eat Me, Drink Me

08-05-07, 14:40 #1
Com certeza o Warz já vai associar bem sobre o que é o nome, e vai estar certo.. mas não DISSO que tou falando, e sim do novo CD do Marilyn Manson..

Sei que o cara é "polêmico", ou vc adora ou você odeia.. penso que ele é um TOSCO, mas porra, canta muito, e eu quero ouvir a música dele, não casar com ele

Sai dia 5 de Junho.. classificado por ele como o CD mais importante de sua carreira (marketing rox).

Ele fez depois de terminar o casamento com a modelo Dita Von Teese (a mulher que aparece no clipe Long Hard Road Out Of Hell é MESMO a esposa dele, não era fake, se não me engano, é a branca de neve do clipe SONNE, do Rammstein) e, segundo ele, ficar deprimido coisa e tal, a ponto de se matar (marketing rox²).

De namorada nova, a atriz Evan Rachel Wood, Marilyn teve "forças" pra se reerguer e gravar o CD novo (marketing³) que sai mês que vem.. mas parece que realmente tá bom

Tem uma entrevista com ele bem legal no mtv.com, quem quiser, pra quem curtir, taê:

May 4 2007

Marilyn Manson Reveals He Came Close To Suicide; LP 'Was My Salvation'
'This was me realizing who I am, so this is the most important record I've ever made, in every possible way,' rocker says.

There was a point not too long ago — but before news of the dissolution of his marriage to Dita Von Teese went public in late January — that Marilyn Manson realized he just didn't want to live anymore. His life was in utter turmoil, he had hit a wall creatively, and the idea that he didn't "have somebody to hold hands with through hell" was too much to handle.

"I was clearly at the point where I was ready to give up, and it wasn't that I didn't have the motivation to ... it was almost as if I couldn't bring myself to make a conclusion," Manson explained. "I can look back on it now like it was a different person, and I refuse to ever get to that place again. But it was mostly because I didn't feel that I had someone who was going to walk with me through the horrible reality that we live in. Did I want to kill myself? Yes. Did I come close to doing that? More than I'd like to think. The only thing I can say about it is, I feel like maybe I wasn't strong enough to make that choice. I guess I was just more lost than anything. I didn't have anything to attach myself to. I didn't have any emotions or fears — nothing to have hope for.

"There's a big difference, I discovered, between wanting to die and not wanting to live," he continued. "When you want to die, you at least have a goal. When you don't want to live, you're really just empty. That's the point I was at before I was able to make [his new LP, Eat Me, Drink Me]."

Manson said he needed to find a reason to want to live, and in time, did so in actress Evan Rachel Wood, who eventually became the rocker's girlfriend. "Finding someone who's willing to drown with you creates a situation where you no longer want to drown," he said.

It was meeting Wood, he said, that helped him salvage his muse and finish Eat Me, Drink Me (see "Marilyn Manson Likens His New Guitar God To A Naked Woman"). He recorded the effort — which follows 2003's The Golden Age of Grotesque, leaked online Tuesday and hits stores June 5 — in a Hollywood studio with guitarist/bassist Tim Skold. "It would be an understatement to say this record saved me," Manson said. "This record was my salvation. This was my rebirth. This was me realizing who I am, so this is the most important record I've ever made, in every possible way."

The album title can be interpreted to hold several meanings, not the least of which are the obvious references to "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" — he's been fascinated with the book and its author, Lewis Carroll, for years — vampires and the Catholic Eucharist. Manson also said the title was partly inspired by German cannibal Armin Meiwes.

"Once you've been in a position where you don't want to live, and you find a reason to live, you're perfectly justified to decide how you would chose to die," Manson said. "And if I had a choice, being devoured and devouring the person you're obsessed with is the most romantic idea possible. The only complication is the practicality of it, that one person just gets full and the other person's dead. I mean it in a literal sense and a metaphorical sense, but I think that I don't plan on being eaten anytime soon. I clearly want people to consume me with this record. I am offering myself as a sacrifice, and letting people see what's inside of you is really the same thing to me."

For the first time in Manson's career, he has written songs not about ideas, issues or his own beliefs, but about himself — a personal diary, if you will, spread out across 11 tracks. They include "The Red Carpet Grave," "They Said That Hell's Not Hot" and "Mutilation Is the Most Sincere Form of Flattery."

"I always probably chose ... I wouldn't say the wrong way, but I chose a different way of defining myself," he said of his previous studio efforts. "I didn't realize to prove that I believed in everything I was saying, or prove my powers as an artist, I always chose the most difficult thing. Whatever fit. I didn't realize just being me is the most difficult f---ing thing possible, and just making a record simply about how I'm feeling, it felt so perfect that I was able to finally realize that I didn't want to run away from music.

"I hadn't lived up to my capability," he continued. "I was trying to put all of these emotions or ideas or just energy into painting and cinema because I felt strangled with music — felt I couldn't do what I wanted to do. I didn't realize I was doing it wrong. By not trying to defend myself with my music, I'm simply letting it represent me. This is probably the way everybody starts out writing songs, and of course, I worked backwards. It's like going from heroin to Diet Coke — neither of which I'm a fan of."

Manson tried things with Eat Me, Drink Me that he'd never tried before by truly collaborating with Skold, who infused guitar solos into the songs — something Manson previously tried to shy away from. Working with Skold also encouraged Manson to take his vocals in new directions.

"The music led me to feel like I had to step up to a different level of doing what I do," he said. "It's very bizarre when I think about the fact that I wanted to make a very romantic record. That's been something in me, and I just made a mistake of trying to express my emotions and dedication and my idea of romance — I made the mistake of choosing marriage as the gesture to say it, when I realize now that a song can say it much stronger.

"It's not a negative comment on my past relationship, because I think the biggest mistake of it was marriage," he continued about Von Teese (see "Marilyn Manson Marries Longtime Girlfriend Dita Von Teese"). "But it allowed me to see who I really was, and I've finally realized a lot of things that I started to slowly believe were false in who I am, including being a singer and a rock star. I started to see when I became friends with [Wood] that these were things that are what make me likeable, or make up my personality, and I somehow was completely oblivious to that. The fact that this record is something that people are identifying with so much on a basic emotional level is because I was trying to identify with one person, which I guess makes the simplest universal way of speaking to everyone. ... I am sharing some part of me that I've always hidden."

Starting in July, Manson will team up with Slayer for a run of U.S. co-headlining gigs. He said the pairing was inspired by a book he knew as a child.

"It was [Hal Lindsey's] 'Satan Is Alive and Well on Planet Earth,' and that was my theory with this tour ... now you know exactly where to find him," he explained. "I think our differences complement each other, and the uniting element in all of it is the darkness that both bands represent."

Fans can expect a more ostentatious stage show from Manson this time around, and they'll also be seeing a different backing band taking the stage: Skold, former Prodigy bassist Rob Holliday and drummer Ginger Fish.

"The show isn't going to be something that is basic or unimaginative in any way," he said. "This show will be probably my greatest undertaking in theatrics, and me trying to really bring back the power of rock star."

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Gamertag: Stefan Prestes PSN ID: stefanprestes XFIRE ID: exxhail Steam ID: didz
08-05-07, 14:43 #2
Dita Von Teese:


Modelo extremamente conhecida na Europa, coloquei foto pq a maioria já deve ter visto..

E a nova namorada dele.. que dizem que foi a "pivô" da separação, fez aquele LIXO de filme "meninas malvadas" se não me engano..

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08-05-07, 14:50 #3
não curto esse estilo freak dele e das músicas

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Gamertag: Stefan Prestes PSN ID: stefanprestes XFIRE ID: exxhail Steam ID: didz
08-05-07, 14:56 #4
Ah.. é legal.. tem MUITA música boa.. assim como tem bastante merda tb..
Na pior das hipóteses, nego sempre curte Sweet Dreams, Beautiful People, Rock is Dead, Tainted Love, Mobsecene etc :P

E sempre que ele demora pra lançar CD, vem um FODA.. o Golden Age of Grotesque (último, de 2003) foi animal .. hehe

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08-05-07, 14:59 #5
ok, como música de "boate" eu acho interessante ieahoSIU
tipo como música ambiente eu não me importo, até acho empolgante
mas não baixo pra ouvir em casa
nada contra quem curte também

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Steam ID: spooneta
08-05-07, 22:46 #6
traveco e marqueteiro. nao gosto nem dele e muito menos do som que ele faz... :{

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09-05-07, 00:34 #7
como diabo$ e$$a$ dua$ e$tao/e$tavam com ele?

teve uma epoca q eu peguei um monte de musica dele, pq essas q o didz citou (sweet dreams, beautiful people, tainted love e mais alguma) eu achava rlz.. mas eu soh pegava lixo pqp, dae nunca parava de pegar pra procurar mais alguma rlz

dae chegou um dia q eu apaguei tds as musicas dele (falta de espaço em disco rlz)
e nunca mais ouvi
e nao tenho interesse em ouvir novamente

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Gamertag: Stefan Prestes PSN ID: stefanprestes XFIRE ID: exxhail Steam ID: didz
09-05-07, 08:09 #8
Ah.. o último cd dele foi legal.. tem vááááárias musicas legais... daquelas que vc ouve 1x, não gosta, mas dps vai viciando de 1 por 1

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WaR WoLf

09-05-07, 10:50 #9
Marilyn Manson faz um som do caralho, é um dos únicos músicos de renome que eu nunca deixei de gostar (sei la, escuto desde a 7a série) mesmo me aprofundando musicalmente. É um som simples, virtuoso, pesado, industrial e foda. Até meu tio que é um puta compositor e só gosta de musicas clássicas ou loucuras hiper-complexas iguais as suas se rendeu ao Marilyn Manson (ao Rage Against the Machine também) - ele adora. E quem não concorda comigo e com o didz adora dar o cuzinho.

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09-05-07, 15:38 #10
eu acho que a música dele tá ficando mais rox.
curti mto o último álbum e tô ansiosa pelo próximo.
industrial ruleia as teta!

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Gamertag: Stefan Prestes PSN ID: stefanprestes XFIRE ID: exxhail Steam ID: didz
02-06-07, 14:18 #11
SAIU! huhu
Na verdade, baixei fazem uns 3, 4 dias.. gostei

Como TODOS, e digo TODOS, 100% dos CD's novos, eu ouvi e falei "ahn ;/" .. mas depois, por algum motivo eu ouço denovo e gosto ?D

Algumas músicas achei medianas, algumas BOAS.. o cd tá beeeeeeeeem diferente do Golden Age of Grotesque, todas as musicas são "romanticas" por assim dizer, tão relativamente calmas (claro que todas tem uma parte pesada) perto da maioria das músicas dele..

Até agora, a melhor pra mim, aquela que viciei e fico ouvindo o dia todo é They Said The Hell's Not Hot"

Se alguem se interessar, a letra, só pra dar uma noção

I kill myself in small amounts
In each relationship it's not about love.
Just another funeral and just another girl left in tears.

And I'm waiting with the sound turned off
I'm waiting like a glass balloon
And I'm fading into the void and then
I'm gone, I'm gone, I'm gone...

They said that hell's not hot
They said that hell's not hot

I gave my soul to someone else
She must have known that it was already sold.
It was never about her, it was about the hurt.

I'm waiting like a glass balloon
and I'm fading into the void and then
I'm gone, I'm gone, I'm gone...

They said that hell's not hot
They said that hell's not hot

I kill myself in small amounts
In each relationship it's not about love.
Just another funeral and just another girl left in tears.

And I'm waiting with the sound turned off
I'm waiting like a glass balloon
And I'm fading into the void and then
I'm gone, I'm gone, I'm gone...

They said that hell's not hot
They said that hell's not hot

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Gamertag: Stefan Prestes PSN ID: stefanprestes XFIRE ID: exxhail Steam ID: didz
02-06-07, 14:23 #12
with the sound turned off im waiting
like a glass balloon im fading
into the void and then im gone im gone im goooone

Eu sou mto paga pau de Marilyn =[
curti mto.. hehe

Edit: "Heart Shaped Glasses", que foi lançada como single, tb é muito boa

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04-06-07, 01:30 #13

punisher is offline   Reply With Quote
Chief Rocka

04-06-07, 13:19 #14
olha o naipe das minas q ele pega
mto interesseiras

eu ouço essa porra desde a 7a serie tb
é claro q eu parei de ouvir faz uns bons 5 anos, mas posso falar q ainda gosto..
antichrist superstar bombava aqui em casa qdo saiu
eu lembro qdo saiu, pedi pra minha mae comprar no carrefour
faz tempo viu.

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Gamertag: Stefan Prestes PSN ID: stefanprestes XFIRE ID: exxhail Steam ID: didz
04-06-07, 20:21 #15
Postado por punisher
falou o são paulino...

heae rocka
Nunca me esqueço quando comprei o Last Tour On Earth.. pqp, acho que até gastei aquela merda de tanto ouvir.. idos de 1997 +- .. heoaheoa

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04-06-07, 21:58 #16

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05-06-07, 05:04 #17
MansoN rula

esse ai tb

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09-07-07, 16:52 #18

ele vai vir pra sp

Marilyn Manson
Quando: 26 de setembro, às 22h
Onde: Via Funchal (rua Funchal, 65, Vila Olímpia, São Paulo, tel. 0/xx/11/3188-4148)
Quanto: de R$ 140 a R$ 250 (até 31 de julho)

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WaR WoLf

09-07-07, 18:34 #19
Só dá viado e maluco metido à vampiro satanista nos shows dele aqui. É meio estranho estar ao lado de 10 mil pessoas que, invariavelmente, querem te chupar. Prefiro aguardar para ir no do Nine Inch Nails.

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Master Chief

Gamertag: serjaum
09-07-07, 18:48 #20
minha irma me chamou pra ir no show dele....se pah vou mesmo
mas vo ficar o mais longe possivel do palco pra evitar quaisquer fluidos desagraveis na minha direcao eiuaheuiae

btw...parei de ouvir faz uns 5 anos tbm...
mas nao q deixei de gostar...eskeci mesmo
curto mto o antichrist...esse cd eh foda

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09-07-07, 22:53 #21
acho que não vou ter grana, msm pagando meia agora que sou estudante.

de qq modo, acho que o público dele mudou pq a música dle evoluiu....

tb não mudou tanto assim né, masssssssss

eu ainda gostaria de ver esse maluco ao vivo. é tipo um trem descarrilado.... vc.... tem... que.... olhar.....

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Roger Young
Forever Young

09-07-07, 23:12 #22
aff, odeio Marilyn Manson, naum curto ele e que naum curte ele.... enfim... é um bicha, modista, ridiculo e quem curte é igaul....

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Master Chief

Gamertag: serjaum
22-07-07, 11:09 #23
dia 26 to la \o/
quarta feira pqp euaoheaoheioaehaie

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Master Chief

Gamertag: serjaum
26-09-07, 13:28 #24
hoje raaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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