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Default Kevin Smith sobre a Saga Crepúsculo.

19-11-09, 12:09 #1

ahueuhaehu kevin smith é foda.

intel is offline   Reply With Quote

PSN ID: duMagrao Steam ID: xuxuzao
19-11-09, 12:18 #2

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19-11-09, 13:20 #3
Esse cara podia ganhar uma grana se fizesse isso com outros filmes. Foi otimo!

diferent is offline   Reply With Quote

19-11-09, 13:21 #4
Huahua, muito bom

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19-11-09, 13:41 #5
Muito bom! Ele resumiu tudo! O ambiente fica úmido!

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Never Ping
🌀 Trooper

Gamertag: Willian Braga PSN ID: Never_Ping XFIRE ID: neverping Steam ID: neverping
19-11-09, 14:57 #6
Eu queria que o Kevin Smith fizesse um filme anti-crepúsculo.

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19-11-09, 16:10 #7
só pra contextualizar:

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19-11-09, 17:51 #8
Postado por Never Ping Mostrar Post
Eu queria que o Kevin Smith fizesse um filme anti-crepúsculo.
Cara tem uma paródia com jeito de ser bem toscona chamada Tainted Light. Ainda não assisti, mas eu vi pra download. E putz, Kevin Smith destruiu! ^^

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19-11-09, 18:23 #9
vou postar um tópico no comunidade só com fotos do galã lindo maravilhoso fofo pomposo espetacular robert pattinson

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23-11-09, 13:08 #10
A Saga Crepúsculo: Lua Nova obteve para a Summit Entertainment o recorde de melhor abertura de todos os tempos na última sexta-feira, com 72,7 milhões de dólares nos EUA, incluindo exibições à meia-noite e pré-vendas. O romance vampiresco tirou o posto de Batman - O Cavaleiro das Trevas, que havia feito 67,2 milhões em 24 horas no ano passado.

Em seu primeiro fim de semana o longa somou 140,70 milhões, com média altíssima de 35 mil dólares por sala. A quantia, porém, não conseguiu chegar perto do recordista de fim de semana, o mesmo Batman - O Cavaleiro das Trevas (158 milhões de dólares em 2008). Mesmo assim, impressiona, já que o orçamento é estimado em 50 milhões de dólares - 25% do custo de Batman. O valor foi suficiente para render a Lua Nova a terceira posição no ranking das maiores aberturas de fim de semana, atrás ainda de Homem-Aranha 3 (151 milhões em 2007). Em 2009, Crepúsculo fez metade da abertura de Lua Nova, 36 milhões, e terminou com um excelente fim de semana de 70 milhões - menos do que a sequência fez em apenas 24 horas.

do omelete.com.br


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Steam ID: guilhermeaiki
24-11-09, 00:53 #11
aeeh98aehe mano kevin smith rula

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Never Ping
🌀 Trooper

Gamertag: Willian Braga PSN ID: Never_Ping XFIRE ID: neverping Steam ID: neverping
24-11-09, 08:47 #12
Intel, lembre-se que tem muito adolescente no mundo. Normal esses dados para mim.
Pra mim sinistro foi ver nego aplaudir Star Trek 2009. Isso foi sinistro.

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24-11-09, 09:52 #13
Sinistro do tipo bom ou ruim?

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24-11-09, 10:59 #14
e todos esses 140 milhões estão tão húmidos...

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24-11-09, 11:58 #15
uaehuaeh Silent Bob é o cara

btw, eu tava considerando assistir os filmes só pra poder falar mal com propriedade, mas depois de ver o plot desse lua nova no trailer aí em cima perdi completamente a coragem
por que ele não abraça ela logo e pronto? A Camarilla não deixa? uahauah

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XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
28-11-09, 09:18 #16

With New Moon likely to make yet another metric fuckload of money this weekend we need to find the bright side to the entire Twilight mania. There must be something good that comes from this awful Mormon fantasy that seems to have invaded our culture on every front. That something is the eventual movie version of Breaking Dawn.

Even though New Moon has made a bazillion dollars and even though the third Twilight book, Eclipse, is already filming, Summit has declined to announce the fourth and final Twilight book as a movie. There's a good reason for this: Breaking Dawn is completely fucking insane, and it is probably totally unfilmable. But if they do film it... man, we are in for a treat.

Breaking Dawn opens with Bella Swan, the lacteal heroine of the series, finally getting married to Edward Cullen, the mopey vampire hero. They go off to honeymoon on Isle Esme, a Brazilian island the Cullen clan owns (this is already ridiculous beyond belief. Imagine a vampire going snorkeling; it basically happens in this book), and Edward is afraid to fuck his new bride. The reason: he's super strong and she's just a human - Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex type of situation here. But Bella wears him down and Edward throws it in her - and knocks her the fuck out, leaving her badly bruised.

Let's go over that again: Edward fucks Bella into unconsciousness. This alone should have you running to Fandango to pre-order your tickets, but it only gets better.

Despite being knocked out cold by his sexual style (and having the headboard destroyed), Bella goes back to Edward for seconds. This time he knocks her up. Yes, an undead vampire apparently has enough viable sperm to impregnate a human woman while fucking her off the coast of Rio de Janero. Stephenie Meyer, you fabulous idiot!

The baby in Bella's belly starts growing incredibly fast. And it starts hurting Bella, as each kick it gives has the super strength of a vampire behind it. As it grows, Bella gets sicker, and then the good stuff starts. The baby kicks so hard it breaks Bella's ribs and then severs her spine. Are you imagining Kristen Stewart wearing a fake pregnancy belly and pretending to have been suddenly crippled by her own fetus? Because I am and it's making me laugh and laugh and laugh.

Oh wait, I missed something. Edward is completely freaked out about the baby, fearing it will kill Bella. He tries to convince her to get an abortion (but seriously, how could she? Vampires are tough to kill even in this shitty series), and goes so far as asking Native American wolfboy Jacob to impregnate his wife so that she can have the baby she desperately wants. I'm dizzy with how ridiculous this is, and we're just getting started.

Eventually the baby starts to get born and Bella is dying. The baby has telepathy, by the way, so everybody can read its thoughts while it's in the womb, and it turns out to have an essentially adult mind. Like Alia in Dune; I would accuse Stephenie Meyer of ripping this off, but anyone who thinks that Meyer might have read Frank Herbert has never been within spitting distance of Twilight. The woman is a moron.

In a moment that demands to be shown on the silver screen, Edward gives Bella an emergency C-section with his fucking teeth. It's like something out of XTro, for the love of God. It's so horrible it's brilliant, and this scene alone is why I remain firm in declaring that David Cronenberg must direct Breaking Dawn. This is surely his movie.

Once the baby is out, Bella gets vamped by Edward, as she's about to die at any moment. Then comes the most astonishing turn of events in 21st century literature, and possibly in the entire history of awful fiction aimed at tweens: Jacob the werewolf, who has been madly in love with Bella, sees the new baby girl and immediately imprints on her. What this means, in layman's terms, is that he falls in love with the baby.

I want to pull this out on its own: Jacob falls in love with a baby.

The book makes no bones about this; while Jacob doesn't want to fuck the baby right off the bat, he can't stand to be away from it and visits everyday. His love has been transferred from Bella to the baby (who has the tongue shattering name Renesmee), and because of the science behind imprinting he'll love her forever. So one day he's going to stick his wolf dick in this girl that he see as a bloody newborn. Romance is not dead, it's just being abused by insane Mormon writers.

There's more in Breaking Dawn - the Volturi come back, for one thing - but these are the main amazing events that demand this book to be turned into a film. I will not rest until I have seen a movie in which a werewolf falls in love with a baby. Hell, once I've seen a werewolf fall in love with a baby I may quit movie watching - I will have seen the ultimate culmination of a century of cinema. The entire film of Breaking Dawn would play like the weirdest exploitation film since Doris Wishman died - brutal sex, bizarre body horror, unbelievable pedophilia.

A werewolf falling in love with a baby. This is why Thomas Edison invented this shit in the first place. So we could see a werewolf fall in love with a baby.

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28-11-09, 10:00 #17
pqp, qdo tinham falado do final dessa história eu achei que tavam zoando ahuehuaehuae

quero ver esse Breaking Down, poderia ser dirigido pelo Paul Verhoeven...

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28-11-09, 10:38 #18

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PHD em Dota 2

28-11-09, 11:07 #19
amigo meu tinha me contado também e eu tava achando que era final fake que tava rolando na interwebz
G-ZOOZ puta que pariu velho .. ahoauhaiouhe
vergonha alheia

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Steam ID: ctrla0
28-11-09, 12:04 #20

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DiE LuCiaNo

Steam ID: luhdie
28-11-09, 13:30 #21
SÉRIO ISSO?!!?!? Não creio, NÃO MESMO.

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