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XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
Default Survival is the name of the game

30-11-16, 10:31 #1

Jeep is offline   Reply With Quote

Steam ID: Sorella3
30-11-16, 12:00 #2
nossa q aflição

só de imaginar a falta de ar no ambiente por tanta fumaceira, que agonia

Maia is offline   Reply With Quote

30-11-16, 17:25 #3
A não ser que sejam BOMBEIROS, o nível de imbecilidade de pessoas comuns embrenhando-se num local repleto de chamas ao redor é assustador.

Na segunda hipótese, torci por queimaduras de terceiro grau.

AracnotroN is offline   Reply With Quote

Steam ID: brunorei
30-11-16, 17:35 #4
Eles estavam tentando escapar das chamas, seu disléxico

percezione is offline   Reply With Quote

30-11-16, 17:44 #5
Darwin fail

Sekzzz is offline   Reply With Quote

01-12-16, 09:18 #6
tentando escapar indo para o meio delas?

SigSnake is offline   Reply With Quote

XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
01-12-16, 09:23 #7
acho que vcs nao leram o texto do imgur no link

Imagine being given minutes to evacuate, and that's not enough time. You try to take the one road out that's not in the middle of an inferno, but hurricane-force winds have blown trees down and blocked your path. Now, your only option is to take the only road left, and that's through a fast-moving wildfire that is affecting an area that has not seen rain in almost two months. Essentially, the 60+mph winds and dry brush are like gasoline to a fire.

And you have no choice.

It's dark at first, then you see the faint orange glow, then it's right there on you in an instant.

Fire all around you. The heat is intense. The smoke so thick you literally cannot see the road in front of you. A GPS is your only source of tracking as you speed down a narrow winding road, the scathing hot pavement is the only thing saving you from certain death.

Simply put: If you stop, you will die.

House after house engulfed. You don't know if anyone was in there, or if they made it out, and you don't have time to care. Survival is the name of the game, now.

Glowing hot embers hitting the car like bullets. The rubber on your tires melting and singeing your skin even though you're inside the vehicle.

You're heart racing, pounding through your chest, wondering if the next breath is your last. At any second, a tree could topple upon you and kill you instantly, or fall in front of you, and make your final moments an agonizing eternity.

The further down you go, the farther into Dante's Inferno you are taken.

You make it to the bottom. Only to realize your last chance to escape...is blocked...

The video cuts off shortly thereafter, but Michael Luciano and his stepbrother did manage to escape the raging wildfire in Gatlinburg, Tennessee yesterday.

It was the "perfect storm" of conditions that caused this hellatious inferno. In the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, the worst fire to hit these mountains in over 100 years started from a "human caused" wildfire along the popular Chimney Tops trail. In advance of a weather system, the Chimney Tops, south of the City of Gatlinburg, sit about 4800' (~1500 meters) above sea level.

The winds at the tops of the mountains were moving between 30-60 mph from the south, due north, blowing the embers and debris and smoke straight into the city. The Sun was blocked out from the smoke and the smell of burning wood permeated the region. Reports are that people as far away as Northern Ohio and Michigan could smell the smoke.

The town is a popular tourist attraction in the heart of the Smokies. It was teeming with tourists vacationing through the Thanksgiving holiday and many were unaware of the impending danger, even with the heavy smoke looming through the area. As the sun set and darkness came over the town, the eerie glow of the wildfire occasionally broke through the fire grew closer to the town, and officials began evacuating the city.

Then the high winds picked up even higher.

Gusts as high as 86 MPH were recorded in the higher elevations. The rain was still 6 hours away, and the fire simply exploded.

Within minutes hotels, cabins, chalets, and businesses all in the wooded areas around the downtown strip were in the path of the firestorm. Michael Luciano barely escaped with no time to spare.

And after watching the video, you have to wonder...


Did this guy make it out?

espero que tenham conseguido salvar a cachorra que estava com eles no carro

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Steam ID: tdf
01-12-16, 09:28 #8
No fim tava esperando eles saindo por um portal assim , virando a câmera pra trás e tudo explodindo num grande cogumelo, descendo do carro se abraçando...

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XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
01-12-16, 09:57 #9

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