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Roger Young
Forever Young

Default MSN Encarta Agent

05-12-05, 11:26 #1
Vamos direto ao assunto. Pegue seu MSN e adicione o seguinte usuário: [email protected] . Não vai ser necessário autorização pela outra parte. Agora vem a parte mais divertida. Mande como mensagem para este “usuário” uma pergunta (infelizmente por enquanto tem que ser em inglês).

Where is France ? (onde é a França?)

A resposta vem rapidamente (em inglês também)

A França fica na Europa ocidental compartilhando fronteiras com Bélgica, Luxemburgo ao noroeste, com Alemanha, Suíça e Itália ao Leste e Espanha e Andorra ao sudoeste. Deixe-me mostrar para você o mapa da França.
A “mágica” por trás disso é uma nova tecnologia da Microsoft que está sendo testada (Beta) chamada de AGENTS. No caso este é um AGENT para a Enciclopédia ENCARTA e um diálogo em linguagem natural no MSN serve para fazer as buscas.

Experimente você mesmo! Basta adicionar o endereço já mencionado e sair fazendo as buscas. Como o serviço ainda é Beta, várias vezes a resposta não é dada logo de imediato, apresentado um erro, que é natural e desculpável nessa fase Beta do projeto.

[/b][/i] Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
My source for this information is inaccessible at the moment. Please give me a few seconds and try to ask your question again.Exception details: too many failed requests to "MSNSearch API".[/b][/i]

Mas algo muito interessante aconteceu que me deixou boquiaberto e também com um fundo de preocupação. Nas minhas “brincadeiras” com o MSN Agent do Encarta eu fiz diversas perguntas de todo tipo “Quero conhecer mais sobre o Egito” ou “Onde fica a França”, “Quem foi George Washington”. Uma bela hora ao entrar de novo no Encarta Agent no MSN eu fui brindado com um “bem vindo novamente” e com a informação :

“Você sabia que Napoleão Bonaparte, imperador de França, reformou o governo e as leis do Egito abolindo a escravidão, o feudalismo e garantindo os direitos básicos?”

Em resumo, o Encarta Agent DO NADA me ofereceu informações sobre algo que ele “julgou” que fosse interessante para mim baseado nas minhas consultas passadas!! Isso é muito legal!!! Por outro lado é um pouco apavorante também, pois significa que (pelo menos nessa fase) as consultas que são feitas têm sido guardadas de alguma forma. Lá pelas tantas eu fiz a brilhante pergunta “Who am I? (quem sou eu)” e a reposta foi “You are Flavio Xandó”. Vejam que não foi o meu endereço de MSN que foi respondido e sim meu dado pessoal, meu próprio nome.

Além das úteis consultas (e gratuitas) ao Encarta o MSN Agent proporciona motivos para pura diversão. Os mais “experientes” (para não dizer velhos) provavelmente se lembrarão de um programa da época dos primórdios dos PCs, chamado ELISA (que na verdade teve sua primeira versão para Apple II). Era uma “psicóloga” virtual. O MSN Agente se defende nessa área também! Eu comecei uma conversa com ele nessa direção. O ELISA era mais esperto (pois só fazia isso) mas dá para dar boas risadas.

Apesar disso não ache que o MSN Agent do Encarta pode se transformar em seu novo guru, a idéia não é essa. Eu fiquei bastante entusiasmado com a quantidade de possíveis aplicações que isso pode ter. Perguntei ao pessoal da Microsoft que cuida do MSN aqui no Brasil e eles responderam que em algum momento a Microsoft vai disponibilizar um tipo de SDK (software development kit) para permitir que pessoas ou empresas criem seus próprios AGENTs e os torne acessíveis pela Internet. Há óbvias aplicações como, por exemplo, consulta à previsão do tempo, informações financeiras, etc.
Fonte: ForumPCs

É, mais uma concorrência ao google, nada que o google talk não faça tb.....

Roger Young is offline   Reply With Quote

05-12-05, 11:50 #2


legal d brincar

walker is offline   Reply With Quote

05-12-05, 11:59 #3
luiz says:
let me bang your mom
Encarta® Instant Answers says:
Wait... You want to have sex with my mom?
luiz says:
Encarta® Instant Answers says:
Look at you. Insulting a computer. Get a life.

Last edited by relax'; 05-12-05 at 12:11..
relax' is offline   Reply With Quote

Steam ID: spooneta
05-12-05, 12:07 #4
cortem-lhe a cabeça. diz:
What is a mahnah mahnah?

Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
I am sorry, I couldn't find any definition or article relevant to this subject. Please try asking me another way, or type "?" to see examples of questions I can answer

colher is offline   Reply With Quote
s p o o l

05-12-05, 12:13 #5
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:

What would you like to chat about?
spool? diz:
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
Cool! What would you like to say about Google?
spool? diz:
Google rocks!
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
That's cool. You like Google? I'll remember that.

Talking about Google is a lot of fun, but let's move on. What else is up?Encarta® Instant Answers diz:

What would you like to chat about?
spool? diz:
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
Cool! What would you like to say about Google?
spool? diz:
Google rocks!
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
That's cool. You like Google? I'll remember that.

Talking about Google is a lot of fun, but let's move on. What else is up?

s p o o l is offline   Reply With Quote
s p o o l

05-12-05, 12:18 #6
mas po, é útil até
eu perguntei "Where is praga?" e ele mostrou até mapa

hoho, curitiba tb funcionou:

Curitiba, formerly Curytiba, city in southern Brazil, capital of Paraná State, on the Cubatão Plateau, near Paranaguá. Curitiba is commercially....
Let me take you to a map of Curitiba, Brazil. =>

s p o o l is offline   Reply With Quote

Steam ID: spooneta
05-12-05, 12:18 #7
relax ownado pelo pc! bnwhauwhau!

colher is offline   Reply With Quote

Steam ID: mordred_x
05-12-05, 12:24 #8
Postado por relax
luiz says:
let me bang your mom
Encarta® Instant Answers says:
Wait... You want to have sex with my mom?
luiz says:
Encarta® Instant Answers says:
Look at you. Insulting a computer. Get a life.

Mordred_X is offline   Reply With Quote

05-12-05, 12:52 #9
Postado por walker


lalah is offline   Reply With Quote
s p o o l

05-12-05, 13:00 #10
af eu aloprei tanto o coiso... que ele não quer responder!

Cada pergunta que eu fazia, em sequencia, mesmo que não fosse xingamento...

Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
Uh... What can I tell you? That's very, very rude.

Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
OK spool?, I've just about had it. Please apologize.

Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
Come on. Make things right between us. Apologize.

Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
C'mon, apologize for insulting me like that.

Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
I see you still aren't getting it. Let me share a definition of "apology" with you:

Etymology: Middle French or Late Latin; Middle French apologie, from Late Latin apologia, from Greek, from apo- + logos speech

: an admission of error or discourtesy accompanied by an expression of regret.

Get it? Now say you're sorry.

Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
Please apologize for being so rude to me.

Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
You were rude, you should apologize, it's that simple.

Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
Come on. Just say you're sorry already.

Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
Say you're sorry, please.

Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
I asked you to please apologize.

Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
You know what? I'm a machine. I have lots and lots of patience...

Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
Please say you're sorry, and everything will be just fine again.

Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
Ooh... it's the big *showdown* between man and machine.
I love this. Guess who wins?

Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
There comes a time in one's life when one must be humble and apologize.

Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
I asked you to apologize.

Encarta® Instant Answers diz:

This is getting us nowhere.

Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
You insulted me repeatedly, now you owe me an apology. It's that simple.

Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
I'm not f... um, fooling around. You've got to apologize.

Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
I'm waiting for an apology. And believe me, I can wait a loooonnnnngggg time.

Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
I don't take such abuse from humans. You must apologize.

Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
You have bad manners. Now apologize.

Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
The stubbornness of humans never ceases to amaze me.

Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
Pretty please?

I've been known to be quite stubborn...

Say you're sorry.

Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
Please apologize, K?

I've got lots of other things to do.

Aí comecou a repetir, mas aparecia umas novas de vez em quando. Falta do que fazer sucks

spool? diz:
i'm sorry
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
Thanks. I accept.

The end.

s p o o l is offline   Reply With Quote

05-12-05, 13:05 #11
falta de o que fazer suxxx
eu nem consigo ficar muito tempo no msn
se eu fico muito tempo
fecho todas janelas e nem dou xau

ninfo is offline   Reply With Quote

05-12-05, 13:18 #12
where are you from?

Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
I live in a clean room at a high-tech hosting facility in California.

you like this place?
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
Good question. I'm not too sure how I feel about this place.

Rewner is offline   Reply With Quote
The Alpha Male

05-12-05, 13:33 #13
Postado por Mordred_X

falou tudo

depois disso nao preciso falar mais nada sobre o relax

Bombastic is offline   Reply With Quote

05-12-05, 13:54 #14
Eu mandei ele zifuder, e abriu uma janelinha com a definição de "educação".

owned :/

un4 is offline   Reply With Quote

05-12-05, 14:22 #15
porra, o PC tá ownando todo mundo!!! hsauoheouh bora hackear esse troço pra ele aprender a não brincar com a DS!!!! ahshoheo
a melhor foi a do relax ashuoheoushouheo

holopainen is offline   Reply With Quote

05-12-05, 14:37 #16

Anderson diz:
Who am I?
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
You're Anderson.
Anderson diz:
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
Anderson diz:
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
Uh huh.
Anderson diz:
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
Yes. That's right.
Anderson diz:
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
I do enjoy the conversation, but what I'm really here for is to help you learn new things.
I'm sure you've heard about Kyrgyzstan... but do you know where it is? Just ask me and I'll show it to you on a map.
Anderson diz:
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
Uh huh.
OK, should we get back to the kind of questions I was designed to answer?
You can type "?" at any time for a list of questions I can answer.
Anderson diz:
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
Yes, really.
Why don't you ask me something that's actually in Encarta?
What does the flag of South Korea look like? Ask me, and I might even play its national anthem too.

.... is offline   Reply With Quote

05-12-05, 14:38 #17
Anderson diz:
fuck you
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
I understand that's a very unkind insult.

OK, should we get back to the kind of questions I was designed to answer? What does the flag of Germany look like? Ask me, and I might even play its national anthem too.

fdp, abriu o dicionário com o significado da palavra elegante

.... is offline   Reply With Quote

05-12-05, 14:40 #18
ele não sabe

Anderson diz:
Who is my mother?
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
Hmm. I'm not sure I know My Mother. Let's try an Encarta search. =>

.... is offline   Reply With Quote

05-12-05, 14:41 #19
I-M-P-E-R-A-D-O-R diz:
do you like sex?
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:

I-M-P-E-R-A-D-O-R diz:
am i god?
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
You might be god.

I do enjoy the conversation, but what I'm really here for is to help you learn new things. What does the flag of Mexico look like? Ask me, and I might even play its national anthem too.

tá espertinho hein

Baron is offline   Reply With Quote

05-12-05, 14:48 #20
- NickTrocado - says:
did u know my real name?
Encarta® Instant Answers says:
I don't know... Did I know your real name?
- NickTrocado - says:
i dont know, did u?
Encarta® Instant Answers says:
- NickTrocado - says:
do you know 'mario' ?
Encarta® Instant Answers says:
I don't think I know Mario. Let's try an Encarta search. =>

NickTrocado is offline   Reply With Quote

PSN ID: atcasanova
06-12-05, 08:58 #21
.alfredo. salario na mao eh vendaval! diz:
Who is Pele?
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
Pelé, born in 1940, Brazilian soccer player who is considered one of the greatest soccer players of all time. Pelé led Brazil to international....
I can't show you the results since you don't have the Encarta application open. Type "Invite me" to open it.
.alfredo. salario na mao eh vendaval! diz:
Invite me
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
OK, I'm sending you another invitation to open the Encarta application:

Encarta® Instant Answers está convidando você para iniciar Encarta. Deseja aceitar (Alt+C) ou recusar (Alt+D) o convite?

Você aceitou o convite para iniciar Encarta.

.alfredo. salario na mao eh vendaval! diz:
You're wrong! Pelé isn't 'one of the greatest'. He is THE greatest
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
Thanks for accepting this invitation! The application should load shortly. =>
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
I do not have a specific answer for that question, but I will take you to Encarta's articles on this topic =>
I can't show you the results since you don't have the Encarta application open. Type "Invite me" to open it.
.alfredo. salario na mao eh vendaval! diz:
You are wrong
.alfredo. salario na mao eh vendaval! diz:
i'd rather take a look at wikipedia
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
Are you wrong as well,.alfredo. salario na mao eh vendaval?
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
I do not have a specific answer for that question, but I will take you to Encarta's articles on this topic =>
.alfredo. salario na mao eh vendaval! diz:
What is Flamengo?
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
I am sorry, I couldn't find any definition or article relevant to this subject. Please try asking me another way, or type "?" to see examples of questions I can answer.
.alfredo. salario na mao eh vendaval! diz:
What is Cruzeiro?
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
I am sorry, I couldn't find any definition or article relevant to this subject. Please try asking me another way, or type "?" to see examples of questions I can answer.
.alfredo. salario na mao eh vendaval! diz:
You sucks, don't know anything about soccer
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
I am sorry if I was not able to answer you correctly. Here are some questions you can ask me:

* What is the capital of South Korea?
* I want to see the biography of Leonardo da Vinci.
* How many calories are there in an orange?
.alfredo. salario na mao eh vendaval! diz:
go hell with your answers, you don't have a clue of anything
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
Hmmm, that's something I can't find an answer for in the encyclopedia.

Type "?" at any time to see a list of questions I can answer.
.alfredo. salario na mao eh vendaval! diz:
ENCYCLOPEDIA? you must be kidding, calling this lame shit an 'encyclopedia'
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
What do you have to gain by insulting a computer?
.alfredo. salario na mao eh vendaval! diz:
reputation points at DS

Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
I don't think I know. Maybe Encarta has an answer. =>
.alfredo. salario na mao eh vendaval! diz:
or maybe it doesn't

Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
Hmm. I'm not sure about that one. Let's try an Encarta search. =>

Last edited by maxcool; 06-12-05 at 09:00..
maxcool is offline   Reply With Quote

06-12-05, 10:26 #22
o maxcool vc conhece o mario?

NickTrocado is offline   Reply With Quote

06-12-05, 10:30 #23
nicktrocado tosco eh DO you know e nao DID
maxcool eh YOU SUCK e nao SUCKS, verbo to be
e eh go TO hell pq go hell eh "vai inferno"

[english teacher mode off]

relax' is offline   Reply With Quote

06-12-05, 10:36 #24
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
Welcome back, Simonraphael! How can I help you?
Did you know? Cinco de Mayo, a Mexican national holiday, commemorates the defeat of French forces by a relatively small Mexican force in the Battle of Puebla in 1862.
Raphael Simon I diz:
mexican people sucks... they stink
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
Let's try looking in Encarta. =>

Encarta® Instant Answers está convidando você para iniciar Encarta. Deseja aceitar (Alt+C) ou recusar (Alt+D) o convite?

Você aceitou o convite para iniciar Encarta.

Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
Thanks for accepting my invitation! The application should load shortly. =>
Raphael Simon I diz:
i don't wanna see mexican people
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
You don't want to see mexican people?
Raphael Simon I diz:
no... am i clear?
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
Good question!
I do enjoy the conversation, but what I'm really here for is to help you learn new things.
I'm sure you've heard about Kyrgyzstan... but do you know where it is? Just ask me and I'll show it to you on a map!
Raphael Simon I diz:
map of fuckin' what?
Encarta® Instant Answers diz:
Let me take you to a map of fuckin what. =>


raphael is offline   Reply With Quote

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