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XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
Default Revolta apos eleicoes russas - acusacoes de fraude

06-12-11, 12:39 #1
Parece que o negocio ta serio, vi no reddit:

Postado por http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/n2fos/civil_war_is_about_to_ducking_start_in_moscow/

News don't cover it, media is shut down, I'm on phone atm can't get to work cause traffic is horrible. They say the army is coming, had minor protests yesterday
Here are some pics from yesterday http://zyalt.livejournal.com/
Help spread the word
EDIT Background:
Thanks to Tolvic for a video
though it doesn't really show what's happening at all, it's still good to have at least one video
Okay, i understand that i overreacted, but it's just a warning, a lot of military is coming into town and shit can hit the fan really fast. There are numerous reports from a lot of sources and since the credible ones are more concerned telling me shit like Inter - CSKA soccer game or the fucking cocoa beans price drops and it's very hard to keep track.
Also, 17 thousand people gathered in city centre today at 3-4 PM http://lenta.ru/news/2011/12/06/nashi/
Opposition meeting scheduled on 7 PM, i'm heading there atm. And stop with the duck jokes, you aren't original at all.
Live twitter feed from court where Navalny's sentence is discussed. It was said that he resisted arrest, fought with police and shit, but people used twitter to find a guy who recorded him simply following officers with no resistance. People organised a car and picked up that guy, got him in the court room and showed evidence. Checkmate, fucking mister Putin.
Ministry of integral affairs (i can't english properly, hurr durr) confirmed that "there are several army divisions in the city", which basically means that we're fucked.
Live feed from Triumphalnaya, soon to be shut down i think, i'm heading out to protest.




Postado por http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/n2fos/civil_war_is_about_to_ducking_start_in_moscow/c35qpr8
A bit of an update since i got to computer.
For a recap, i mailed BBC, CNN and other international press agancies stories, but i can't access the exact text, so this is the one i sent to a friend of mine:
As you already know, on the 4th of December people of Russia voted for representatives of Duma. It was a long-awaited event because the last elections were 4 years ago, in 2011 and the current Duma did not live up to expectations, to say the least. A lot of people were really concerned and even those who do not care about politics in the slightest were concerned. There's been a lot of propoganda, gossip and different debates surrounding this day, but we hoped for the best.
Unfortunately, we (people of Russia) got fooled again by our government. My friends even attended elections as independant overseers, but the things i've heard from them are truly horrible. I am very sad to say this, but this has been the worst act of injustice and blatant cheating i've ever seen and heard about.
It actually got to the point where it's not funny anymore.
Just take a look. You do not need to know Russian to tell that it just doesn't add up. 146%, seriously? These are the results of Rostov oblast'. Same thing goes for Voronezh.
These numbers were shown live on Russia-2 TV channel. The whole country could observe that we're treated like mindless slaves, fools.
There is a playlist of over 60 (and counting) cheating attempts.
It's made by people, citizens who care about their country. The amount of violations from United Russia is astonishing in the worst possible way.
Would someone resist a smile of doom from hitting their face after finding out that 99.48% of Chechnya (with 99.5% participation rate!) voted for United Russia? Chechnya, the one which is trying to gain independance voting for a party which does not want to give it to them!
The government, however is afraid of people. It's afraid of us. People who participated as observers formed a #наблюдатель hashtag on twitter to track activity and report violations online, but a flood of bots with 5-7 tweets spammed this hashtag with offtopic material.
And - you'll never hear anything about a protest which will be held today (5th of December) at 7 PM in Moscow. Just because they won't tell you. I'm going there. And i know it's an illegal protest. But i simply refuse to obey the laws which were created by people who honestly couldn't care less about me or our country. It's probably the best way to get beaten up and thrown to jail, but if that is how i can help my country, i will.
That's just a quick update on our "voting".
There's a huge protest (an unauthorised one) - MUCH larger than the one yesterday scheduled today and a lot of police force is in the city centre, police had some kind of "Code A" alert.
3 of my friends are in courts now for "disobeying police" facing up to 15 days of arrest at least.
The additional fuel is that Navalny (a lawyer who speaks for unorganised opposition for the whole country, praised by many as the one who fights for truth) was arrested today and given a minor jail sentence. He's also said to be the US agent rallying people so that we overthrow the government.
EDIT About 500 people are reported to have been arrested yesterday, much more to come today.
72000 policemen reported to be on streets at duty as of now, more on the way.

Last edited by Jeep; 06-12-11 at 12:47..
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06-12-11, 13:18 #2
Eu vi ontem por aí, até cheguei a comentar que a o Jornal Nacional foi só sobre o Jornal Nacional e não falou nada dessa porra

Parece que o partido do Putin fraudou tudo e ainda assim conseguiu perder... digo, fraudou uma 'derrota total' em 'derrota muito pequena'.

Zedd is offline   Reply With Quote
Chief Rocka

06-12-11, 13:32 #3
ae longe de mim querer reclamar quanto à pontuacao e acentuacao desnecessaria, mas dá um capricho no titulo do topic pelo menos né po

grande abraço

rockafeller is offline   Reply With Quote

XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
06-12-11, 13:34 #4
sugestiona ai po, nao so letrado

Jeep is offline   Reply With Quote

06-12-11, 13:38 #5
in soviet russia...


taco is offline   Reply With Quote

06-12-11, 14:00 #6

ShadoW is offline   Reply With Quote
Many Kalaveraa
The real (1)

XFIRE ID: Mannyy Steam ID: 76561197992661279
06-12-11, 21:17 #7
revolução na russia me da medo

Many Kalaveraa is offline   Reply With Quote

06-12-11, 23:50 #8
tá ficando cada vez mais tentador fazer algum trabalho academico sobre o papel da internet na política...


u0165 is offline   Reply With Quote

07-12-11, 00:32 #9
Alguém chegou a ver se tem alguma explicação oficial pra esse negócio de ter somado 146% de votos?
Tipo, existe meio legal de alguém votar em mais que um, ou isso é um 'apanhado de porcentagens' em diferentes 'seções eleitorais' (isso não faz muito sentido, somar porcentagens)?

Ou é robalheira na cara dura mesmo?

edit: é, parece que é

Last edited by Zedd; 07-12-11 at 00:43..
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Steam ID: olhonolance
07-12-11, 00:45 #10
vixi hehe engraçado que li isso hj:


leiden is offline   Reply With Quote

07-12-11, 06:41 #11
Postado por taco Mostrar Post
in soviet russia...

o voto escolhe você.

Pior que estou voltando para Moscow hoje.... aí vai que me confundem com protestante:
"Você aí, tá preso"

"Koé, que isso, tira essas algemas de mim, que que eu fiz?"

"Tá resistindo prisão, fica quieto aê"

SapoChule is offline   Reply With Quote

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