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PSN ID: smuczek Steam ID: cyberjack
Thumbs up Steven Gibson

10-08-06, 10:01 #1
Acredito que muita gente nunca ouviu falar em Steven Gibson, então vou falar um pouco dele bem resumidamente, Steven tem uma carreira polêmica na area de segurança de sistemas e redes, digamos que o cara é paranoico e tem uma verdadeira obsessão por segurança, ele trabalha desde os 13 anos na área da informática, o cara é realmente um workaholic, diz dedicar 16 horas dos seus dias à sua empresa Gibson Research Coporation (GRC), sem nenhuma folga durante toda a semana.
A uns anos atras o site dele sofreu um ataque DDoS (na época que este ataque era desconhecido), ele conseguiu colocar o site dele no ar novamente e começou a estudar o assunto obsessivamente, como de costume. Assim, ele descobriu que o Windows XP tem caracteristicas (assim como o windows 2000) que podem favorecer a disseminação de ataque DDoS, ele descreveu isso no seu site com seu estilo gradioloqüente, mas dae veio a Microsoft e colocou panos quentes.

Resumindo... devido a isso e muitas outras historias muitos acham ele um excêntrico nerd megalomaníaco.

No site da empresa dele tem vários projetos e programas e textos interessantes de segurança, por isso resolvi postar este tópico.

lista de alguns programas:

*SpinRite 6.0 for Windows XP (NTFS),
FAT, Linux, Novell, and ALL OTHER file systems!
SpinRite now brings its legendary data recovery and drive maintenance magic to the latest file systems, operating systems, and hard drives. It runs MUCH faster than ever before, can help maintain all of your drives in tip top shape, can warn of impending disaster, and wrestle data from dying and nearly dead drives . . . before it's too late.

*The DCOMbobulator
DCOMbobulator allows any Windows user to easily verify the effectiveness of Microsoft's recent critical DCOM patch. Confirmed reports have demonstrated that the patch is not always effective in eliminating DCOM's remote exploit vulnerability. But more importantly, since DCOM is a virtually unused and unneeded facility, the DCOMbobulator allows any Windows user to easily disable DCOM for significantly greater security.

*Shoot The Messenger
Even before the latest DCOM/RPC vulnerability (see above), many Windows users were being annoyed by "pop-up spam" notices appearing on their desktops. This intrusion is also facilitated by an exploitation of port 135. Our free "Shoot The Messenger" utility furthers the security of Windows by quickly and easily shutting down the "Windows Messenger" server that should never have been running by default in the first place.

*UnPlug n' Pray
As originally urged by the FBI, and still urged by prominent security experts, our UnPnP utility easily disables the dangerous, and almost always unnecessary, Universal Plug and Play service. If you don't need it, turn it off. (For ALL versions of Windows.)

A Critical Security Vulnerability Exists in Windows XP. (Surprise) Actually, as we know, there are many, but we'll handle them one at a time. This particular vulnerability allows the files contained in any specified directory on your system to be deleted if you click on a specially formed URL. This URL could appear anywhere: sent in malicious eMail, in a chat room, in a newsgroup posting, on a malicious web page, or even executed when your computer merely visits a malicious web page. It is already being exploited on the Internet.

*ID Serve
Since not all Internet servers are equally secure, knowing which server software a web site is using can be important to your security. Ultimately, the security of your personal data is your responsibility. This free utility can help.

Wizmo is a lightweight "Windows Gizmo" offering a wide array of handy Windows commands. With a single click it can power down monitors, trigger a screen saver, set audio volume, and much more. Wizmo also includes an intriguing highly customizable "Graviton" screen saver.

Ensure that your PC's personal firewall can not be easily fooled by malicious "Trojan" programs or viruses. Thanks to this first version of LeakTest, most personal firewalls are now safe from such simple exploitation.

site ---> http://www.grc.com

CyBeR_JaCk is offline   Reply With Quote
Master Chief

Gamertag: serjaum
10-08-06, 12:07 #2
nunca ouvi falar desse cara e nem da empresa dele

mas achei interessante =]

serjaum is offline   Reply With Quote

10-08-06, 12:12 #3

marcelob23 is offline   Reply With Quote
WaR WoLf

10-08-06, 12:21 #4
Conheci esse cara quando fui aos Estados Unidos da América e toquei a face de Jesus Cristo. Ele é amigo do Malcolm Macdowell de Cincinnati Ohio. Agora os três estão na Polinésia-Francesa, e acho que de lá não voltam mais.

WaR WoLf is offline   Reply With Quote

10-08-06, 13:15 #5
warz se mata
ASEI(IUSEH msn now!

punisher is offline   Reply With Quote

10-08-06, 14:14 #6

Demé is offline   Reply With Quote

10-08-06, 14:23 #7
up pq é de interesse de darknerds
não o meu pq eu não manjo nada disso, mas curti o insight.

u0165 is offline   Reply With Quote

PSN ID: carextredo Steam ID: Maca_BR
10-08-06, 14:35 #8
Quando comecei a me interessar, PAM!, explicações em ingreis. omfg. ler ingreis me cansa. bjos!

destroyer is offline   Reply With Quote

PSN ID: smuczek Steam ID: cyberjack
10-08-06, 17:04 #9

Steven Gibson

CyBeR_JaCk is offline   Reply With Quote

10-08-06, 18:44 #10
Li uma matéria sobre ele semana passada, coincidencia
numa revista Geek de uns 2 ou 3 anos atras, que eu tava re-lendo.

snake is offline   Reply With Quote

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