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PHD em Dota 2

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01-10-11, 17:16 #1
O que acontece quando um jogador de Quake World (que sabe bunnar) vai pro CS e um jogador do CS vai pro COD?

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Many Kalaveraa
The real (1)

XFIRE ID: Mannyy Steam ID: 76561197992661279
01-10-11, 17:23 #2
O cara do cs ta usando hack nao ta?
pelo que ue lembro.. desde o 1.6 não dava pra ficar bunnando desse jeito :/

Many Kalaveraa is offline   Reply With Quote

PSN ID: Kerpa100 Steam ID: Kerpa Wii Code: 1715 1365 8365 5261
01-10-11, 17:25 #3

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01-10-11, 17:33 #4
O cara da headshot mirando no pé
Será q é hack?

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Never Ping
🌀 Trooper

Gamertag: Willian Braga PSN ID: Never_Ping XFIRE ID: neverping Steam ID: neverping
01-10-11, 18:28 #5
Quando eu jogava de skulk e jogava com cloacking nego me chamava de cheater. ehuahsduas

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01-10-11, 19:09 #6
nego falando que cod é facil e jogo de 13 anos rlz enquanto cs é mema merda

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01-10-11, 19:52 #7
nossa desanimei de jogar cod com esse vídeo do multiplayer... parece cs mesmo

vou continuar com o bf que é o melhor que faço

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PSN ID: duMagrao Steam ID: xuxuzao
01-10-11, 20:04 #8
cod é um lixo

bf é mto melhor

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K o R n

01-10-11, 20:06 #9
Caralho, eu não lembrava o tanto que COD é pior que BF, pqp que lixo esse cod

K o R n is offline   Reply With Quote
PHD em Dota 2

01-10-11, 20:15 #10
taximandan 374 pontos 6 horas atrás

Logged on to post this

As someone who had followed the CSS competitive scene for some time when that video was released, I'll try to summarize the impact of this video.
zblock was basically this program that was run on the servers of all competitive games, and it blocked stuff like scripts, material wallhacks (where you replace the source code files for walls and stuff with modded transparent ones). They came out with an update that blocked bunnyhopping too. I'm not too clear on how they did this, but if I remember correctly it was something along the lines of reducing your airstrafe speed. This update was controversial because some players saw bunnyhopping as an attained skill (you had to really practise to be good at it), and some saw it as an exploit. On top of that, the anonymity of the internet meant that nobody knew if phoon was scripting or not. There are youtube videos of him supposedly doing this at a LAN, but as it is all in game footage, it is almost impossible to verify whether this was at a real LAN or not.
Bunnyhopping basically exploited the airstrafe quality of CSS. When you jump and turn your POV with your mouse in CSS, a part of your movement speed is dictated on a server configuration called "sv_airaccelerate" Usually this was set at 100 on servers, and it was quite slow. However, but "bunnyhopping", that is, jumping and timing your strafing to maximize your air speed, allowed you to accelerate to insane speeds as shown in the video. Notice how to bunnyhop, he has to do a side to side sort of jump, while flicking his mouse back and forth to strafe.
To all the people who think phoon aimbots, or that this video is proof he aimbots. This video would be completely garbage and not controversial at all if this was some no-name player doing this. phoon was not a "no name" player by any means. He was certainly good enough to play in CAL-M (Cyberathlete Amateur League Main Division). For those that don't know, you start off at Open Division, where anyone can play. People who end the season with a 6-2 regular season record or better in Open, get promoted to Intermediate. Players who do well in Intermediate (I think you had to not only make it to playoffs, but do well too) get promoted to Main. Making it to Main was seen as a decent accomplishment, as obtaining a 6-2 record and moving up to Intermediate division was not hard at all to do.
Phoon was not good because he was good at bunnyhopping. Phoon is good because not only was he one of the best, if not the best at bunnyhopping, but his aim was not terrible either. In the video a player named "h0t" accuses him of cheating. h0t played CAL-Invite (the step up from Main division). About a total of 8 teams played in Invite division at any given time. Invite was basically the highest tier amateur division you could play in for CSS.
This video was composed of mainly SourceTV footage, which to save on filesize, does not record stuff like recoil or bulletspray correctly. Even crosshair placement was a bit iffy on the SourceTV footage. To give you an idea of how different SourceTV footage was from the actual demo recorded footage ingame, as the head Anti-Cheat Admin of CAL once said, "SourceTV footage is useless to use in trying to catch cheaters".
Alot of his kills are headshots just because of how big the hitboxes were in the game, and also there was stuff like interpolate, which I won't really get into, basically the netcode of the game wasn't the best, and sometimes your hitboxes lagged behind your model and you could get registered as being shot, even after you had ducked around a corner on your screen.
Explicação da mira e maphack.

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02-10-11, 08:20 #11
hahaha que loco bunny msm

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Steam ID: seuboi
02-10-11, 11:01 #12
Já postei esse vid antes, mas se neguin faz isso então não duvido de mais nada, skill > qualquer cheat

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Steam ID: sh3lld3r
02-10-11, 11:28 #13
Ri d+

Muska rox :3

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02-10-11, 11:51 #14
qw dm! \m/
até hj eu jogo dm... nao consigo jogar outro jogo online.
pra mim sao todos inferiores =[

doob is offline   Reply With Quote

Steam ID: dodgebot
02-10-11, 12:10 #15
Postado por doob Mostrar Post
qw dm! \m/
até hj eu jogo dm... nao consigo jogar outro jogo online.
pra mim sao todos inferiores =[
Doob eu tinha uns demos seus da época. Você jogava pra caralho, eu ria muito quando você ficava atirando em algum "suposto respawn" e o cara nascia ali em menos de 1 segundo. heauhaeo

Upa uns demos que você considere foda.

CaSaLDo is offline   Reply With Quote

02-10-11, 15:36 #16
cara, eu tinha vários demos de 4x4 épicos vs low, qib e anm, além das finais de 1x1 contra o zip (2 anos seguidos deu ele e eu na final)... mas nao tenho mais nada =/

tinha o demo do ffa que ganhei na wcg, na death32c (30 nego jogando no mapa... inlcuindo vertigo, trevis, rorshack, neto666 e uns oldschools de 2000- que tavam na rede). esse deve ter no ftp do 6, vou checar.

mas de resto perdi tudo bixo.
preciso ver com Mur e cia. se guardaram alguma coisa.
no challenge-tv ainda deve ter bastante.

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Steam ID: dodgebot
02-10-11, 16:36 #17
Postado por doob Mostrar Post
cara, eu tinha vários demos de 4x4 épicos vs low, qib e anm, além das finais de 1x1 contra o zip (2 anos seguidos deu ele e eu na final)... mas nao tenho mais nada =/

tinha o demo do ffa que ganhei na wcg, na death32c (30 nego jogando no mapa... inlcuindo vertigo, trevis, rorshack, neto666 e uns oldschools de 2000- que tavam na rede). esse deve ter no ftp do 6, vou checar.

mas de resto perdi tudo bixo.
preciso ver com Mur e cia. se guardaram alguma coisa.
no challenge-tv ainda deve ter bastante.
Você era um dos caras que eu ficava impressionado quando via as demos.
Eu tenho um CD em algum lugar, em alguma caixa... sem nome que deve ter um backup do meu quake da época, e alguns demos junto também.

O dia que eu achar se tiver algo, eu upo aqui.

Oque você achar, upa e passa o link

Outra coisa, pqp... esse cara do vídeo joga muito (dag?). Bem absurdo ele jogando, mas eu lembro que o doob na época auge não fugia muito não.

Postado por doob
qw dm! \m/
até hj eu jogo dm... nao consigo jogar outro jogo online.
pra mim sao todos inferiores =[
Não sei porque, mas eu não gosto dos jogos atuais... as engines novas são estranhas, "amarradas".
Os jogos que eu mais curti, foram os que nasceram na mesma época ou numa época aproximada.

Apesar do quake vir antes, eu gosto muito da engine do HL1(cs até 1.6) e do warcraft3. O próprio quake3 eu já achava estranho... e o que veio depois disso, nunca mais acabei gostando de algo.
Até que hoje, só jogo warcraft3 e mais nada... raramente um TF2.

Last edited by CaSaLDo; 02-10-11 at 16:41..
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Hell Bovine

PSN ID: buffbringer XFIRE ID: bovideos Steam ID: bovideos
02-10-11, 22:37 #18
Postado por CaSaLDo Mostrar Post
Não sei porque, mas eu não gosto dos jogos atuais... as engines novas são estranhas, "amarradas".
Os jogos que eu mais curti, foram os que nasceram na mesma época ou numa época aproximada.

Apesar do quake vir antes, eu gosto muito da engine do HL1(cs até 1.6) e do warcraft3. O próprio quake3 eu já achava estranho... e o que veio depois disso, nunca mais acabei gostando de algo.
Até que hoje, só jogo warcraft3 e mais nada... raramente um TF2.

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