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XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
Default A volta da difteria na Espanha

10-06-15, 18:39 #1
parabens aos anti-vacinas


Spain Catches Anti-Vaxx Fever and Resurrects Diphtheria
Three decades after it was eradicated, diphtheria is back in Spain—landing one 6-year-old in the hospital and eight more in isolation. How the anti-vaxx movement spread to Barcelona.
Here’s an interesting fact about diphtheria: When it was still a common illness in 1970s, it was known as “the strangling angel of children.” Here’s a less interesting one: Nearly three decades after its eradication in Spain, it’s back.

This new case comes in the form of a 6-year-old boy, whose parents are watching him “fight for his life” in a Barcelona intensive care unit. Since his diagnosis, eight other children he came in contact with have tested positive for the bacterium that causes the illness.

So why has a disease with a nickname that seems ripped straight from Game of Thrones back in a nation as developed as Spain? Simple: because his parents did not have him vaccinated against it—a decision his parents understandably have come to profoundly regret. Admittedly swayed by the anti-vaccination movement in the U.S., the couple is reportedly “destroyed” and feels “cheated” by the anti-vaxxers.

To date, none of the eight infected children have actually become ill themselves. This may well be because all of them were vaccinated against it. (They are all being given antibiotics and kept in isolation to prevent their developing and spreading the disease anyhow, which is entirely appropriate). But no vaccine is 100 percent effective in everyone.

The incident was met with shock in Spain, where the lack of medicine to treat the illness allegedly forced authorities to send for some in Russia. Now with eight kids in isolation, questions are growing about how many people have jumped on the anti-vaxx train in Spain—where the majority of the population has access to free vaccinations.

As with many vaccine-preventable illnesses, I have never actually seen a case of diphtheria in my career. I certainly remember learning about its characteristic symptoms, including fever, severe sore throat, and a thick “pseudomembrane” that can coat the airway and cause bleeding if one attempts to remove it.

Thanks to a program of immunization against it, it is incredibly rare in the United States. The last reported case was in 2003, in an older (unvaccinated) man who contracted it on a trip to Haiti, and later died.

However, the disease still sickens and kills thousands of people worldwide every year. India may be on the other side of the world, but plenty of people from this country travel to and from that destination, and there were over 2,500 cases there in 2012. The only infectious disease to be wiped off the planet by vaccination is smallpox. Even rubella, which was just declared eliminated in the Western Hemisphere, could still be imported.

Would the doctor in your local emergency department happen to think of diphtheria in a patient with a sore throat and fever? I can’t say I like the odds, which is why an article in a forensic pathology journal advised pathologists that diagnoses in Western countries may only occur at autopsy. That the author needed to tell readers to bone up on the signs because failure to immunize might mean more cases is as ghastly as it is ludicrous.

There is no point in castigating the parents of the boy in Spain. I cannot imagine the guilt and regret they must be feeling right now, and they are themselves recriminating the anti-vaccine advocates whose advice they took to begin with. May their son make a full recovery as swiftly as possible.

But why on earth would any parent voluntarily face the risk of being in the same position? Anyone could reliably have predicted that devastating diseases would start to pop up again in unvaccinated kids, myself included. You can find misguided people willing to pooh-pooh the ill effects of measles, despite its potential for devastating consequences even in healthy children. But nobody who understands diphtheria could wave it away so blithely.

Yet parents who refuse to vaccinate their kids leave them just as pointlessly vulnerable to it, as well. Because diphtheria is part of a combination vaccine, along with tetanus and whooping cough, the same under-vaccinated pockets that contribute to outbreaks of the latter are unprotected against the former, too.

Nobody wants to learn the same devastating lesson as those parents in Barcelona.

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10-06-15, 18:55 #2

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XFIRE ID: k00patroopa Steam ID: koopatroopa_
10-06-15, 19:12 #3
Espanha é uma bosta mesmo... pqp

Zigfried is offline   Reply With Quote

10-06-15, 19:42 #4
Dá uma raiva desses movimentos anti vacina. Pq não estão fodendo apenas consigo. Estão fodendo quem não tem nada a ver...

EviLBraiN is offline   Reply With Quote

10-06-15, 19:43 #5
parents of the year

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10-06-15, 19:52 #6
Ué, mas esse "movimento" é novidade? Minha mãe mesmo pulou voluntariamente algumas vacinas minhas quando eu era moleque. Graças a Deus nunca peguei nenhuma dessas doenças malucas. A única que peguei foi catapora, e isso por que "tive que cuidar" da minha irmã doente em 2000.

MdKBooM is offline   Reply With Quote

10-06-15, 19:59 #7
rolando isso nos eua tamém, mas é
acobou a pas
passa a visao pros cria ae
tmj deus te abençoe

Blazed is offline   Reply With Quote

10-06-15, 20:02 #8
Na época da gripe H1N1 a galera tava pirando falando que o tamiflu era pra matar todo mundo pra controle populacional dos illuminati.

E vacina se não me engano é que o governo está dando (T)vírus nas vacinas pra fazerem efeito daqui a alguns anos, (pra controle populacional também)

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10-06-15, 20:53 #9
lembro quando trabalhava pra prefeitura e peguei amizade com os caras do posto de saude, e de tempos em tempos eles ligavam pra mim pra avisar das vacinas novas que chegavam hasauehuea

tomava tudo

SigSnake is offline   Reply With Quote

10-06-15, 22:02 #10
Maioria nos EUA é contra vacina também, pior que acreditam nas desculpas ridículas (rolou um surto na Disney recentemente)...


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PSN ID: smuczek Steam ID: cyberjack
10-06-15, 22:02 #11
Eu só tomei a da h1n1 e depois não tomei mais nenhuma, qual o seu máximo?

CyBeR_JaCk is offline   Reply With Quote

10-06-15, 22:55 #12
Postado por MdKBooM Mostrar Post
Ué, mas esse "movimento" é novidade? Minha mãe mesmo pulou voluntariamente algumas vacinas minhas quando eu era moleque. Graças a Deus nunca peguei nenhuma dessas doenças malucas. A única que peguei foi catapora, e isso por que "tive que cuidar" da minha irmã doente em 2000.
Não, não é novo. Sempre teve retardado no mundo.

Catapora é ,ais grave em adulto. Por isso é "bom" pegar qnd criança. Vacina dela é recente, por isso nenhum de nós tomou essa vacina qnd criança.

Postado por CyBeR_JaCk Mostrar Post
Eu só tomei a da h1n1 e depois não tomei mais nenhuma, qual o seu máximo?
O q importa mesmo são as de criança. ( pra essas doenças q estamos tentando erradicar mas os trouxas do vacina é complô dificultam )

EviLBraiN is offline   Reply With Quote
WaR WoLf

11-06-15, 18:08 #14
Acho meio zuado tomar vacina de gripe com aquela premissa dela te deixar mal por uma semana pra te "salvar" duma gripe mais severa.

Sigo tem um tempo uma pequena recomendação do paroco da minha cidade: Após 7 dias casto masturbo-me na primeira hora matinal (entre 5h e 6h) reservando o conteúdo num copo de conhaque. Adiciono limão, sal e duas folhas de alecrim e mel. Faço gargarejo com o conteúdo e engulo.

Como os espermatozoides formam os bebês e os bebês são ricos em células tronco isso é como se você estivesse ingerindo as células de um bebê que é você mesmo ainda não formado. A formação de células tronco é estimulada pelo mel, alecrim e o limão que juntamente com seu organismo combatem o vírus da gripe & tiram o gosto de porra da boca.

Acho que os DS médicos podem explicar melhor.

WaR WoLf is offline   Reply With Quote
Master Chief

Gamertag: serjaum
11-06-15, 18:10 #15
eu nao tomo vacina pq nao gosto de tomar injeção


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Steam ID: luizkowalski
11-06-15, 18:43 #16

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12-06-15, 09:28 #17
Postado por Zigfried Mostrar Post
Espanha é uma bosta mesmo... pqp

ircF is offline   Reply With Quote
Many Kalaveraa
The real (1)

XFIRE ID: Mannyy Steam ID: 76561197992661279
12-06-15, 10:05 #18
Tem um amigo meu, mãe dele é pediatra e é desse movimento contra vacinas, ela fala que as crianças adquirem um sistema imunológico melhor se adquirir as doenças naturalmente (wtf).
Nem ele nem o irmão tomaram nenhuma vacina.
Ele só foi tomar quando foi obrigado pela faculdade para frequentar os hospitais

Fuck logic.

Many Kalaveraa is offline   Reply With Quote

12-06-15, 10:19 #19

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12-06-15, 12:23 #20
Como o buwen falou.

Uma coisa é não tomar vacina pra uma gripe no inverno. Outra é de uma poliomielite.

Se um paciente dessa mulher não se vacinar, pegar pólio e ficar com seqüela, feliz do advogado q pegar o caso.

EviLBraiN is offline   Reply With Quote

13-06-15, 04:45 #21
tbm não tomo vacina contra gripe

difteria lembrou

sibs is offline   Reply With Quote

13-06-15, 09:07 #22
Eu acho que esses grupos deveriam ser proibidos, caçados, torturados e empalados en la Plaza Mayor.

Esses fdps são um risco à sociedade. Que morram todos!

jacu is offline   Reply With Quote

13-06-15, 09:09 #23
Faltou assinar o post.

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