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Default Ouch...

23-04-12, 20:44 #1

Olha o discurso do cara.
Tá na frontpage do reddit com o título de 'o homem mais corajoso do mundo'

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Gamertag: Linx BR Steam ID: linx_ds
23-04-12, 21:08 #2
Contexto: Tá acontecendo ali um relatório de uma comissão que investiga abusos contra crianças em instituições dirigidas por ordens religiosas da Irlanda. Depois do relato da comissão, o velhinho se levantou e soltou a resposta dele.


Para quem tá com dificuldade de acompanhar sincronia da legenda:

Mr. Chairman, I’m surprised at the minister there now.

First of all Mr Minister (directed at Minister Noel Dempsey) you made a bags of it in the beginning by changing the judges. You made a complete bags of it at that time, because I went to the La Foy commission and ye had seven barristers there, questioning me and telling that I was telling lies, when I told them that I got raped of a Saturday, got a merciful beating after it, and then stuffed…

… he came along the following morning and put holy communion in my mouth.

You don’t know what happened there. You haven’t the foggiest, you’re talking through your hat there. And you’re talking to a Fianna Fáil man, a former councilor and former mayor you’re talking to, that worked tooth and nail or you, for the party that you’re talking about now. Ye didn’t do it right, ye got it wrong.

Admit it.

And apologize for doing that. Because you don’t know what I feel inside me. You don’t know the hurt I am.

You said it was non-adversarial.

My God.

Seven barristers.

Throwing questions at us.


I tri.. attempted to commit suicide, there’s the woman who saved me from committing suicide, on me way down from Dublin, after spending five days at the commission. Five days I spent at the commission. They brought a man over from Rome, ninety odd years of age, to tell me I was telling lies.

That I wasn’t beaten for an hour, non-stop by two of them.

By two of them.

Non-stop from head to toe without a shred of cloth on my body.

My God minister.

And could I speak to you (comment directed to Leo Varadkar, Fianna Gael), and ask your leader, would you stop making a political football of this.

You hurt this when you do that.

You tear the shreds from inside our body.

For God’s sake, try and give us some peace.

Try to give us some peace and not to continue hurting us.

That woman will tell you how many times I jump out of the bed at night with the sweat pumping out of me. Because I see these fellas at the end of the bed with their fingers doing that (gestures) to me. And pulling me in to the room, to rape me, to bugger me and bate the shite out of me. That’s the way it is.

And you know what?

You know what, sometimes I listen to the leader of Fianna Fáil. I even listened to the apology. T’was mealy mouthed, but at least t’was an apology.

At least t’was an apology.

The Rosminians said in the report, they said they were easy on us. The first day I went to them. The first day to Rosminians in my home which is Ferryhouse in Clonmel, ’cause its the only home I know. He said “you’re in it for the money”.

We didn’t want money.

We didn’t want money. We wanted the pr… someone to stand up and say “yes, these fellas were buggered, these people were ra…”

Little girls. My daughter, oh sorry, my sister. A month old when she was put in to an institution. Eight of us from the one family, dragged by the ISPCC cruelty man. Put in to two cars, brought to the court in Clonmel. Left standing there without food or anything, and the fella in the long black frock and the white collar came along and he put us in to a van.

Not a van, a scut truck, I don’t know what you call it now. And landed us below with two hundred other boys. Two night later I was raped.

How can anyone…

You’re talking about constitution. These people would gladly say “yes” to a constitution to freeze the funds of the religous orders.

This state, this country of ours, would say “yes” to that constitition if you have to change it.

Don’t say you can’t change it.

You’re the governement of this state. You run this state. So for God’s sake stop mealy mouthing. ‘Cause I’m sick of it.

I’m sick of it.

You’re turning me away from voting Fianna Fáil which I have done from the first day that I could vote. Because. And you know me. You know me Mister Minister. You’ve met me on a number of ocassions. So you know what I’m like.

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23-04-12, 21:09 #3
Aguardando o rocka falar que entendeu cada palavra falada pelo cara perfeitamente ouvindo por um telefone xing ling TIM em Campo Grande dentro da exposição agrícola enquanto montava no touro bandido.

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Chief Rocka

23-04-12, 21:20 #4
obviamente nao precisei de legendas pois sou familiar com o sotaque irlandes, tendo em vista que já morei com alguns

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Steam ID: ctrla0
23-04-12, 21:21 #5
Geez, got shivers...

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The Alpha Male

23-04-12, 21:22 #6
eu tb nao precisei de legendas pois sou familiar com o sotaque irlandes, tendo em vista que tomo cana igual irlandes e gosto da theme song do Sheamus

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Steam ID: brunorei
23-04-12, 22:04 #7
zedd, vc já comeu alguem por causa dessa sua pose de pseudo-cult?

percezione is offline   Reply With Quote

23-04-12, 22:11 #8
o noem da mulher eh Fianna Fáil


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Steam ID: Putzo
23-04-12, 22:12 #9
Morei em Joanesburgo e dividi apartamento com um australiano que tinha vivido muitos anos em Wales, cujo pai era de Dublin e a mãe do Maranhão.

Naturalmente dispensei a legenda.

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23-04-12, 22:48 #10
percezione, não me considero cult e não costumo fazer pose (que eu saiba). Sou mais ou menos nerd, no máximo. A pergunta que eu faço é: se isso aí tem mais de 3000 mil UPVOTES, 1.5k comentários, possivelmente milhões de visualizacoes no reddit... como pode ser cult?

Deixa de ser babaca e aceita que às vezes tem coisas que são genuinamente interessantes

Pena que a piada (admito, engraçada) das English skills do rocka já matou o tópico antes dele nascer. Eu tinha apostado que o assunto que mataria o tópico seria o Eon falando como os judeus, índios, negros, gays e médicos do Brasil orquestraram uma conspiração pra produzir esse vídeo e fazer parecer que houve, sim, caso de estupro e acobertamento dos fatos na Igreja auhauae

sibs, procurei pra ver o que é isso e aparentemente é o nome do partido que tá realizando a reuniao ou etc.

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DiE LuCiaNo

Steam ID: luhdie
23-04-12, 22:52 #11
Postado por percezione Mostrar Post
zedd, vc já comeu alguem por causa dessa sua pose de pseudo-cult?
nigga, please...

DiE LuCiaNo is offline   Reply With Quote

23-04-12, 23:01 #12
eu nunca vi um 10/10 desse percezione...
sad bro.

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Chief Rocka

23-04-12, 23:10 #13
zedd, firstly, nao é uma piada

em segundo lugar, não matei porra nenhuma, obvio q pouquíssimas pessoas vão entender esse vídeo NA ÍNTEGRA, principalmente o Eon que só conhece 1 língua, assim como só conhece 1 religião, e 90% do forum que "aprendeu ingles vendo seriados" e se acha fluente

POR FIM, o eon está ocupado monopolizando o topico sobre aborto, que convenhamos, é muito mais interessante do que o estupro de garotinhos

rockafeller is offline   Reply With Quote

23-04-12, 23:19 #14
Acho que ele tava falando de mim, tio.

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Chief Rocka

23-04-12, 23:21 #15
makes sense

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23-04-12, 23:48 #16
Eu entendi pouca coisa do que ele falou, mas pedir pra entender irlandês falando é sacanagem

BTW, eu não falei que teu inglês é uma piada, falei que existe a piada com esse tema e que ela já tomou o tópico

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PSN ID: maurocool-maurasia Steam ID: maurocool
24-04-12, 03:35 #17
tem que falar em ingles, senao ele nao entende

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Steam ID: mordred_x
24-04-12, 03:58 #18
Só gostaria de fazer constar que, dado minha educação ter se iniciado no exterior, estudei inglês e espanhol desde o maternal. Portanto, não só não faço parte desses 90 % como vai tomar no cu quem não é no mínimo trilíngue dado que eu > vcs. rsrsrs.

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Steam ID: seuboi
24-04-12, 04:23 #19
Um comentario q deixa a situacao mais "clara"

Postado por reddit
I'm Irish and this makes me weep. For the past couple of years allegations about child sexual abuse within the catholic church has been huge. My mother was among those abused. She visited the priest who raped her repeatedly for five years and he said to her "I don't remember you". That's what this man is saying in the video, that all those men and women who were physically, sexually and verbally abused in these institutions and even after church on a Sunday are being called Liars. Nobody wants money, I've never met someone who wants money, they just want justice. And the ENTIRE Catholic Church is trying to cover it up. Archbishops and priests along with the Vatican are refusing to come forward to the police with these allegations. Instead they are scooping the priests from one diocese to another somewhere in Ireland. The priests identity remains anonymous yet all those abused do not. Is this fair? Is this really fucking fair? I am so tired of people making excuses for the Church. How fucking dare they take the innocence of a child away. How dare they. And they speak about sin? And hell? And forgiveness? Why should they be forgiven? Why the fuck should they be forgiven by saying a couple of Hail Marys? When I found out about my mothers abuse I requested to stop studying religion in high school. I was exempt from it but was subjected to bullying because of it. I never told anyone my reason for it, though. So I was bullied for not participating in a religion that fucked up my mothers life? I guess this is just how people really are. Like I said, this country, this tragedy, these crimes against humanity make me weep. Even after 10 years of knowing, it doesn't get easier.
Edit: Yesterday, an Irish radio presenter was asked to publicly apologise after making controversial comments criticising the Catholic Church. The entire country is in uproar. He shouldn't have to apologise, the Catholic Church are the ones who should be apologising to the country, to the people.

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24-04-12, 06:23 #20
Com esse comentário ficou mais fácil entender a questão.

mojud is offline   Reply With Quote

24-04-12, 09:30 #21
E eu acho que o tópico não tá rolando porque o cara falou tudo no vídeo já. Só dá pra bater palma e "curtir". Não tem discussão possível porque ninguém fica do lado do estuprador, nem o eon, porque ele ficaria do lado dos 'reais católicos' que não fazem isso e não tem controle sobre isso.

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XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
24-04-12, 09:44 #22
segundo a tese dele, a % de padres pedofilos e/ou estupradores é a mesma % dos programadores pedofilos e/ou estupradores, portanto nao passa de lots of drama ficar fazendo esse, bem, drama.

Afinal nada mais natural que um homem adulto passar a vida sem ter uma companheira, esposa, familia, etc etc, aparentemente isso forma carater. Mas ja ja ele aparece pra explicar que nao é nada disso e sim algo mais digno, valoroso e imponente.

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24-04-12, 09:51 #23
É nóis Kassab, chegando no cap de caráter.

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Never Ping
🌀 Trooper

Gamertag: Willian Braga PSN ID: Never_Ping XFIRE ID: neverping Steam ID: neverping
24-04-12, 11:55 #24
O post do seuboi falou agora fez 100% de sentido, pq eu não taca sacando qual a discussão.

Foda. =/

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XFIRE ID: carniceiru
24-04-12, 12:52 #25
Postado por rockafeller Mostrar Post
obviamente nao precisei de legendas pois sou familiar com o sotaque irlandes, tendo em vista que já morei com alguns
hummm, mas é uma bichona!

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