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XFIRE ID: carniceiru
Default Dá uma força pro brother!

27-11-15, 21:31 #1

This guy’s anti-piracy movie has to be viewed 200,000 times or he’s going to get sued by some of the biggest media companies in Europe.

A 30-year-old man identified only Jakub F lost his piracy case in the Czech courts and was given a three year suspended sentence for pirating software and putting copies of Windows 7 and Windows 8 on file-sharing networks.

When he was caught and sentenced, he opened himself up to legal action from the companies that he was guilty of ripping off. Companies like Microsoft, HBO Europe, Sony Music, and Twentieth Century Fox who had been named in Jakub’s case were open to sue him for damages. A group called the BSA (Business Software Alliance) represented Microsoft accused Jakub of causing 5.7 million Czech Crowns (US$224,000) worth of damage through piracy. BSA acknowledged that Jakub could not pay them back for the piracy damage, but they were willing to cut a deal out of court that would protect Jakub from being sued at all.

Instead of having to pay back the companies after a series of legal battles, Jakub agreed to pay a small sum of money to each company whose software he pirated and be the subject of a short anti-piracy movie that would be made available online. Think of it as the internet version of having a shoplifter revisit the scene of the crime with a sandwich board on them.

In exchange, the businesses and the BSA promise not to sue Jakub F, but only if he spreads his gospel of anti-piracy as far and wide as possible. There’s a threshold of views on the video Jakub made and if he doesn’t reach 200,000 views within the next two months, they’re open to sue him for all those damages he can’t afford.

It looks like Jakub is going to meet his goal. A member of the BSA registered the site mojepiratstvi.cz where he has embedded the YouTube video (“The Story of My Piracy”) that has a little over 180,000 views at the time of this writing. In the video, Jakub plays himself in a short film about how he got caught after pirating a few programs for fun, not for financial gain. It follows him as he gets caught, sees what appears to be his lawyer and finally ends up in custody, all because he wanted to share some files.

The site doesn’t have a lot of text, but does include a statement from Jakub that says: “I had to start this site because for eight years I spread pirated software and then they caught me. I thought that I wasn’t doing anything wrong. I thought that it didn’t hurt the big companies. I didn’t even do it for the money, I did it for fun. I felt in the warez community that I meant something. I was convinced that I was too small a fish for someone to get to me. But eventually, they got me. Even for me, the investigators came to work.”

The goal is to reach out to the low level software pirate who is just sharing programs for fun or cracking licenses and warn them off how absolutely screwed they are because companies make up crazy high financial penalties for seemingly small infringements. It’s not included in the film, but maybe implied that now that Jakub got off relatively easy with a high production value YouTube video that no one else is going to get this sweet deal.

Veja o vídeo, dê um like e mande um vai se foder pra M$!

vegetous is offline   Reply With Quote

28-11-15, 00:17 #2
Da série

"Minta e viralize"


"Pirataria financia o tráfico"


Hobbes is offline   Reply With Quote

29-11-15, 01:43 #4
Manjo tudo de juridiquês, mais ainda em tcheco! :P

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