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Guy Gardner

Default Flash 8

17-08-05, 10:59 #1

Powerhouse of new features enables design and development of next-generation digital experiences

San Francisco, CA - August 8, 2005 - Macromedia, Inc. (Nasdaq: MACR) today announced Macromedia Flash Professional 8, the latest version of the Flash authoring tool used by designers and developers to create rich interactive content for websites, interactive presentations, and mobile devices. Driven by extensive, global customer input, Flash Professional 8 marks a significant release that encompasses major advancements in expressive tools, video, quality user experiences, and mobile content authoring. Flash Professional 8 is part of Macromedia Studio 8 (announced today, see separate release), a software suite that also includes Macromedia Dreamweaver 8, Macromedia Fireworks 8, Macromedia Contribute 3, and Macromedia FlashPaper 2. To learn more about Flash Professional 8, please visit http://www.macromedia.com/software/flash/.

"Our customers continually surprise and delight us with the incredible experiences they create with Flash," said David Mendels, general manager, Macromedia. "It is just amazing to see what people create with the technology. Now with the new real-time effects, alpha-channel video, improved text rendering, and performance improvements in Flash Professional 8, we can't wait to see what Flash designers and developers will come up with."

Flash Professional 8 enables creative professionals to design and develop interactive content that provides customers with the most engaging online experiences. Flash Professional 8 now includes unique tools for designing graphic effects, animation, text, video, and content for mobile devices. New effects, including drop shadow, blur, glow, bevel, and color adjust, permit more compelling designs with pixel-perfect control and precision. The new custom easing tool enables precise control over animation. The revolutionary FlashType font-rendering engine ensures clear, high-quality text. These new expressive features raise the bar for the quality of business and individual websites and improve digital experiences.

"Sony Pictures Entertainment is thrilled to partner with Macromedia to launch the online campaign for 'Underworld: Evolution'," said Marc Weinstock, senior vice president of marketing, Screen Gems. "Consumers will be blown away by the new creative features of Flash Professional 8, and we're excited that they'll be able to see it first at www.entertheunderworld.com."

The new video tools and workflows in Flash Professional 8 offer industry-first capabilities for integrating video within digital experiences. Video professionals can now easily design, encode, and deploy customized, interactive video using the new Flash Video Encoder, which delivers some of the highest quality video in the industry at the smallest file sizes. The encoder operates as part of the integrated authoring tools in Flash or as a stand-alone product with batch-encoding options. New support for 8-bit alpha channels at runtime means customers can now combine semi-transparent video with other video, graphics, or digital assets for amazing online productions. Also included is a new Flash Video plug-in for professional nonlinear video editing systems so editors can export video directly for the web in Flash Video format.

"Flash Professional 8 is an integral part of our work for international customers," said Franziska von Lewinski, head of project management, Interone Worldwide. "Strong brands require strong websites linked to intelligent strategies and Flash 8 makes it all possible. For example, the aim when re-launching the international BMW website (http://www.bmw.com/com/en/) was to provide an incomparable brand and product experience as well as focusing closely on user requirements. Using Flash video and motion graphics enabled us to present the exceptional character of the brand optimally online."

Flash Professional 8 also includes core tools to aid developers who want to create and deploy content and applications for mobile devices using the Macromedia Flash Lite player. Flash Professional 8 includes interactive device emulators that make it easy for developers to build content once and test it on a wide variety of devices using preset, updatable profiles for more than 70 mobile devices enabled with Flash Lite.

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Guy Gardner

17-08-05, 11:08 #2
Putz, a Adobe comprou a Macromedia em Abril

Isso é ruim ou é bom?

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PSN ID: oFim
20-10-06, 17:26 #3
Depende..se vc tem ações da adobe ou da macromedia deve ser bom

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20-10-06, 17:30 #4
Pra que upar o tópico, Fim?

Pelo menos comenta alguma coisa...

Bom, aproveitando: eu achei que não era o suficiente pra upar, mas eu acho que vai ser bom. Uma das features que já utilizei foi transformar um vídeo do Adobe AfterEffects em .swf... o que, posteriormente permitiu transformar em screensaver

Acho que vai ter altas opçoes novas assim em todos os produtos, intercalando opçoes
Sem falar que Flash agora vai ter um 'link direto' com o allmighty photoshop..

Imagina que lindo o Export For CS

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20-10-06, 17:45 #5
Claro que é bom veio...
as vantagens da integração vai ser tantas que da até preguiça de citar as possiblidades aqui.
Ja se tem resultados dessa junção
tipo, ouvir dizer que fireworks deve cair... freehand tambem...

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20-10-06, 18:32 #6
fireworks nunca curti... pra mim nao faz falta...

realmente ferramentas da Adobe estao muito mais requintatadas...
o flash q salvou o o Macromedia...
q no fim, foi engolida pela "concorrencia"

O flash 8, ficou muito bom..
mas infelizmente eh uma merda...
pq a atualizacao nao eh tao divulgada...

e por isso.. hj.. ja se pensa: site full flash? ou nao?
sem contar q esta cada vez mais pesado com algumas opcoes: ex: blur.

eu uso o flash mx ainda...
pq pode ler com pluguin antigo.. e o 8 tbm le

no final das contas o flash vai morrer....
vai se limitar muito...
a menu, banners, introducoes...

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20-10-06, 19:07 #7
o flash soh ainda vive pq eh a unica alternativa pra animacoes (animacoes vetoriais) embeded no browser

e agora foi impulsionado pelo suporte melhorado a network, video, etc.. e o o action script parece q tah ficando mais decente.. inclusive o flash player 9 (ainda em beta) agora tah usando um Just In Time compiler (estilo java) pro codigo ficar menos lento

flash nao vai morrer, vai servir pra embeded video

pelo menos o flash player 9 vai ter pra linux, embora ainda seja soh compilado pra 32 bits.. pqp demorou jah pra macromedia compilar pra 64 e o java ficar livre pra ter suporte a 64 tb

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20-10-06, 19:37 #8
A macromedia não é só o flash, o dreamweaver também é um programa bem forte

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21-10-06, 00:07 #9
eh forte...
mas ja esta sendo descartado...
ha varios softs free e mais leves...
sem muito bla bla bla..

pq o dream.. EU ACHO.. pesado para um "html editor"

quanto mais... q hj.. as pessoas visam mais bloco d notas ueuhe
ja nao usam mais aquela telinha de ver o q vc fez...
quanto mais com o uso d tableless

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21-10-06, 03:33 #10
eh soh eles se adaptarem a usar os padroes certos... pq o suporte a css no dreamweaver (pelo menos o ultimo mx q eu vi, faz tempo) eh um lixo, mtas paginas sao impossiveis de ver

e notepad sux, gedit colore o codigo e tem abas

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Gamertag: ksnrodrigoms PSN ID: rodrigo_machado
21-10-06, 03:35 #11
pra que dreamweaver se existe VIM?

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21-10-06, 13:09 #12
o fireworks eh bom sim..
pra exportar imgs pra padrao de web..

as imgs ficam mto pequenaaaasss sem noção.
bem melhor q o photoshop pra exportar img pra web.
mas eu tb soh usava ele pra isso.

eu editava as imgs no photoshop..
e ia no fireworks otimizar elas..

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