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Chief Rocka

Default Time for a pity party! - The dancing man

13-03-15, 09:13 #1
The Dancing Man and the Cult of Well-Intentioned Idiots

Recently a 4chan post purporting to be of a fat man being bullied started spreading on the Internet, and then the Internet mobilized to his rescue:


First, the Twitter campaign started:


Which quickly snowballed into a campaign to not only identify this man, but to seek him out for a dance party with thousands of strangers, "all women," because apparently their gender matters. Nothing conveys your message sincerely like misspelling the word "sincerely:"



Soon, even celebrities like Pharrell, Susan Sarandon and Moby joined in:


Then the LA Memorial Coliseum offered to host the event, the LA Tourism and Convention Board offered to cover his travel expenses, and as of this writing, $34,975 was raised in donations for a dance party for "Dancing Guy:"



The result? They eventually banged on enough pots and pans to find this guy. But in all of the commotion of their well-intentioned cheer, did anyone stop to consider that:


Regardless of whether or not he's happy about the campaign to find him, the dance party or the attention, everybody who went on this virtual manhunt violated his privacy. Maybe he just wanted to be left alone? Maybe he was on a work trip and took a break to go somewhere he wasn't supposed to be, and now his job is in jeopardy because his boss might have seen this photo? Maybe he's in a witness protection program? Maybe he just experienced the loss of a loved one and just wants to be left alone to grieve? Or maybe he just doesn't want the pity of millions of people because he's a grown-ass man and can deal with it himself.

Now, thanks to millions of bandwagoning idiots, we may never know for sure if "Dancing Guy" wanted to be found because he's now pressured to live up to the expectations of countless morons who want him to play his part in this contrived narrative to bring closure to this story. His own recent tweet has given some indication that he wants to be left alone:


During all the fuss and hurricane of good-will, did anyone stop to consider that this story should be fact-checked before everyone jumps on board and donates $34,000 to throw a party to right some perceived wrong we're not even sure occurred? News outlets from Huffington Post, The Independent, Boston Sun Times, Fox, E! and NBC covered this "story" without so much as checking a single fact. No journalism, just parroting. How much do we actually know about this guy? Was he shamed, or was this just a mean caption that was added to some random photo of a fat guy that the author found? After all, he looks like he's simply looking down in the second photo. Taken out of context of this caption, there's no reason to believe this man is sad or has just been shamed.

Far be it for me to question the veracity of claims made by screenshots of anonymous comments from 4chan, but did anyone bother to stop and ask why a man would be dancing in a room full of people wearing coats? Was this a room full of people who were really cold, or do these people simply like to sweat profusely while they dance? Did anyone consider the possibility that these photos were taken seconds apart?


How likely is it that someone so immature would be at a party where the average age of attendees seems to be 45? Is it even a party? And did anyone consider the possibility that if this bully (or bullies) was really laughing so hard, that someone at the event would have said something to him/her? After all, even people on 4chan rebuked the anonymous post:


No time for facts, we need to run to the rescue of this grown man, apparently. Rather than allowing this man to have the dignity of an autonomous adult, we're treating him like a toddler who needs coddling. This isn't about him, this is about the people who created this narrative. They want real-life to imitate the saccharine Disney stories they're brought up on, so they can brand it, package it, consume it and sell it back to us with Coca-Cola's blessing. You want to feel good about yourselves without actually doing anything. These people are literally congratulating themselves for not getting up off the couch:


Not only are these people stalking a random stranger, they're making countless assumptions about him. Some well-intentioned dipshit made this graphic to help spread the #FindDancingMan campaign. Her gambit is to offer the company of 1,727 complete strangers, who "are all women," as if that would matter to anyone other than a single heterosexual male who would value or need the attention of women dancing around him. No time for thoughtfulness, let's just assume he's straight and doesn't already get attention from women in his life! Who exactly is shaming whom again?

I've made a few corrections and additions to the campaign graphic that the original author may have left out unintentionally:


She made sure to mention that these 2,000 or so women (or maybe billions by the time this article is published) are young, further making assumptions about this man's sexual preference.

While we don't know anything about "Dancing Man," what we do know for a fact is that the original author of the post is a malicious person. The caption he or she wrote, whether or not it applies to the posted photo, is mean-spirited. That suggests that the author is ethically ambiguous at best, and malevolent at worst. So we're choosing to trust everything that an ethically ambiguous or evil person says without question now, and nobody has a problem with this? Good job, idiots.


By maddox

source: http://thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=dancing_man

Last edited by rockafeller; 13-03-15 at 09:20..
rockafeller is offline   Reply With Quote
Master Chief

Gamertag: serjaum
13-03-15, 10:22 #2
eu falo q a internet ta estragando o planeta

dar atencao pra um gordo dancando tosco?


serjaum is offline   Reply With Quote

13-03-15, 10:24 #3
nada serju, sempre teve idiotas

a internet é ate boa pq ja da pra ver quem é idiota com antecedencia

SigSnake is offline   Reply With Quote

13-03-15, 10:29 #4
oi, eh aki q eh o reedit?
hi, it here is reedit?

roadster is offline   Reply With Quote

13-03-15, 10:29 #5
E o tanto de atençao que deram pro vestido tb

intel is offline   Reply With Quote
Chief Rocka

13-03-15, 10:37 #6
nao é reddit, é do site do maddox rs

infelizmente é em ingles, nada q eu possa fazer

rockafeller is offline   Reply With Quote

13-03-15, 10:56 #7
no minimo um resumo traduzido neh
in the minimal a resum translet bro

roadster is offline   Reply With Quote
Never Ping
🌀 Trooper

Gamertag: Willian Braga PSN ID: Never_Ping XFIRE ID: neverping Steam ID: neverping
13-03-15, 10:58 #8
Postado por serjaum Mostrar Post
eu falo q a internet ta estragando o planeta

dar atencao pra um gordo dancando tosco?


Never Ping is offline   Reply With Quote
Master Chief

Gamertag: serjaum
13-03-15, 11:08 #9
dia 15 np?

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Chief Rocka

13-03-15, 11:12 #10
Postado por roadster Mostrar Post
no minimo um resumo traduzido neh
in the minimal a resum translet bro
a historia é o seguinte

alguém postou no 4chan (aquele forum mais troll do mundo) a foto desse gordo dançando e depois "com vergonha" pq supostamente começaram a rir da cara dele

daí isso ganhou notoriedade e uma biscatinha à toa do kct começou uma campanha pra achar o cara e fazer uma festa pra ele

isso foi escalando grosseiramente no TUÍTER, vários famosos dando "apoio" etc, chegaram a juntar 34 mil dolares pra festa etc

mas em momento algum perguntaram se o gordo queria isso, se ele queria ser encontrado, se ele queria toda essa palhaçada na figura de "coitadinho "

acharam o cara, e ele diz q ele está "laying low", tipo assim, "fora dos radares", "fora dos holofotes", e diz q já recusou 2 entrevistas, ou seja, ele não ta querendo tanta atenção assim

daí o cara começa a levantar várias hipóteses, tipo: 1. ele tava dançando mesmo? 2. quem disse q ele quer ir em uma festa com 1700 mulheres? e se ele for gay? 3. e se ele tava a trabalho, sei la, e o chefe dele não podia saber q ele foi pra um bar? etc etc
e agora com essa puta pressão de milhares de pessoas e da mídia, ele não pode dar uma de cuzão e falar "po eu nem quero nada disso, valeu", então ele está sendo forçado a ir na onda...

por fim, ele conclui q são um bando de idiotas que querem se sentir importantes e "ajudar" o mundo sem tirar o cu da cadeira, mas na verdade só querem aparecer a alimentar o próprio ego

the end

Last edited by rockafeller; 13-03-15 at 11:18..
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13-03-15, 11:33 #11
O problema pode ser resumido em "vitimização".

Pessoas procurando(criando) vítimas para serem salvas e se sentirem bem.
Nesse mundo de redes sociais dá pra ver essa necessidade em criar a imagem de consciente, engajado mas sem fazer muita coisa, ou só fazendo que tá na moda.

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13-03-15, 11:59 #12

mojud is offline   Reply With Quote

13-03-15, 13:02 #13
legal, semana q vem ta no fantastico

roadster is offline   Reply With Quote
Chief Rocka

13-03-15, 13:41 #14

se até a porra do vestido teve 20 minutos no fantástico... domingão vai ser o gordo dançarino

rockafeller is offline   Reply With Quote

13-03-15, 15:56 #15
o vestido foi um caso banal mas curioso...

ja o do gordo é idiota

SigSnake is offline   Reply With Quote

13-03-15, 16:43 #16
cansado do bando de social justice warrior, todo mundo quer dançar com ele aproveita e vai além e dá pro cara de uma vez ! aposto que isso não querem já que promove a mulher como objeto em nossa sociedade pratiarca ou talvez quem sabe seja pq ele é gordo.

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