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28-05-07, 01:29 #1



Last edited by 3460; 28-05-07 at 01:40..
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Chief Rocka

28-05-07, 01:31 #2
tu tá perdidão hein compadre

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28-05-07, 01:45 #3
Postado por Zee Fresh
tu tá perdidão hein compadre
O beta pode chegar no final do ano.. massa.. vc vai comprar quando sair??

3460 is offline   Reply With Quote

28-05-07, 01:53 #4
Postado por 3460
O beta pode chegar no final do ano.. massa.. vc vai comprar quando sair??
bago, ele ta falando isso pq ta rolando um topico no arcade sobre o SC2 hehe

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e tenho dito

28-05-07, 01:56 #5
bago rlz

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Guy Gardner

28-05-07, 02:14 #6
fora que já rolou outro topico disso aqui no comunidade

daqui a poko eu que vo pedi pra criar um Forum de Starcraft 2

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28-05-07, 09:44 #8


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Master Chief

Gamertag: serjaum
28-05-07, 09:56 #9

didz + rocka + serjaum > bin laden

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28-05-07, 10:57 #10
Sim.. eu sei que a Ds em matéria de antecipação é recorde.. alias, postamos antes que as notícias cheguem na internet, mas de qualquer forma quis mostrar minha alegria com um jogo que adoro jogar e postar um novo tópico só para ver a reação e o estudo de psicologia de vcs.. nada que testar a pasciência da galera.. alias.. na verdade eu queria saber aqui quem vai comprar o joguinho ou adquirir por outros meios... pq se for muito massa tomará que dê para jogar na internet sem muitos empecilhos..

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PSN ID: Kerpa100 Steam ID: Kerpa Wii Code: 1715 1365 8365 5261
28-05-07, 11:04 #11
Se der pra jogar na eurobattle.....

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Steam ID: ragauskas
28-05-07, 11:06 #12
escrever paciencia desse jeito eh no minimo querer testar a nossa mesmo...


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28-05-07, 11:17 #13
Postado por ragauskas
escrever paciencia desse jeito eh no minimo querer testar a nossa mesmo...

ahh.. foi o tempo que eu olhava para cada coisinha, agora escrevo rápido e atropelando português, inglês, alemão, qualquer coisa.. nem me preocupo mais se vou digitar errado ou colocar uma expressão correta.. tenha "pasciência" comigo..

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XFIRE ID: Slimer0 Steam ID: slimer0
11-03-08, 10:34 #14
Trailer novo:
Zergs ruleiam as tretas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Steam ID: ragauskas
11-03-08, 10:39 #15
starcraft best game evah....

eu era nerdão em sc... acho q ja dei umas piaba nuns nego aqui da ds HASUHDASUdasd...

e se for pra jogar sc tem q ser na BATTLE NET, original... pq se nao perde toda a graça !

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11-03-08, 11:44 #16
eu já joguei com o raga na bnet
tomei um couro
mas já jogamos 2x2 também, foi massa seiuhoaseu

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Steam ID: ragauskas
11-03-08, 12:02 #17
vou postar um pouco de info sobre o zerg no sc II

Highly evolved race with organic Weapons
Have Burrow Abilities to avoid enemies or to attack
Can attack with mass number of units
Are much better adapted to live new place
Confirmed Units

- Works like the original and now has an attack.

- The queen is a vastly different unit. She has the powerful ability to control Zerg base defense. The queen can create special structures and extend creep. It has the ability to create toxic creep. And it can make buildings regenerate faster. Can only have 1 queen.

- The roach is a very fast moving unit that recovers health quickly. Can be killed with concentrated fire.

- Zerglings wings seem to have been made smaller and appear to have smaller bodies. Their functionality as expendable swarming units and their ability to morph into Banelings remains.

- The hydralisk remains the ideal Zerg shock trooper that is able to attack ground and air with their potent needle spines. Additional abilities cannot be confirmed thus far. There are unconfirmed rumors of a melee attack.

- Lurkers are visible while burrowed and it seems they have the ability to move underground when burrowed.

- The mutalisk remains a swift Zerg flier that is armed with glave wurms to hit multiple targets. We cannot confirm which Zerg fliers, if any, evolve from the mutalisk although it is likely at least one does.

- The Baneling is still a suicidal rolling bomb that evolves from a zergling; it is well-suited to destroying clumps of enemy units. Thus far, they function identically to the Banelings seen in the original WWI StarCraft II demonstration trailer.

- The infestor replaces the defiler. It can cast Dark Swarm, Disease and Infestation. It can move underground when burrowed.

- The corruptor attacks air units. Instead of destroying them, it "corrupts" them. It can cause a large group of units to fight each other, quickly turning the tide of the battle.

Swarm Guardian
- The swarm gaurdian is much like the original guardian, but it can now also create broodlings.

- Zerg tanker unit. It can burrow and attack multiple targets.

Infested Terran


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Steam ID: ragauskas
11-03-08, 12:08 #18

Here we have some Zerg corrupters attacking some lone battlecruisers.

A small terran outpost fend off some lurkers and mutalisks.

The zerg queen sends her lurkers to battle the protoss expansion.

A group of hydralisks and lurkers take out a small protoss outpost.

A swarm of zerglings attack an enemy zergs base.

A protoss player defends his base against some ultralisks and mutalisks.

Here we have a large scale assault from the zerg. We see some worms popping out of the ground, some hydralisks, ultralisks and some other units that are unidentifiable.

A swarm of hydralisks press forward into an enemy protoss expansion.

A terran squad assault an enemy zerg expansion which is heavily guarded by mutalisks.

Zerglings try and swarm an enemy terran player.

Here we have a large swarm of infested terran assaulting an enemy terran base. There also seems to be some sort of unit that sprays large amounts of acid (top right).

Group of marines and thors try to protect against the swarm of zerglings and ultralisks.

Zerglings and mutalisks attempt to assault a protoss outpost.

Here we see a new zerg unit (roach?) attacking some terran jackals.

A terran force assault an enemy zerg base.

Game FAQ

Q: How far in development is SC2? And how much of it will be included in the final version?
A: Nothing's for certain. It took us such a long time because we were developing other games. Because of our perfectionism we can't say for sure when SC2 will be released.

Q: I heard there were immense changes to Battle.net. What are these changes?
A: Unfortunately we can't give away too much on this right now. I can only tell you it's going along well. Expect great changes!

Q: There's no Kerrigan in the video. Is the Queen Kerrigan? If not, how is Kerrigan represented? Also the Roach looks like a... roach. People called Paladins from WoW Roaches so is that the reason?
A: The Roach has nothing to do with the Paladin. Kerrigan is a unique unit and will only be playable in the single-player campaign.

Q: How many Starcraft 1 developers are involved in SC2 right now? I heard some developers of C&C were brought over and therefore was not a real sequel to SC1.
A: There are about 12 original developers. It also sticks to the original and is therefore a sequel! We've worked hard to make this a fun game and tried to satisfy picky players on multiplayer.

Q: How is the balancing process going?
A: The balancing process is very complicated! That’s why us devs are always playing and balancing the game. Fortunately we have great talents here. We’re planning on getting feedback from this demonstration. We will also balance through patches. Map developers from WC2 are participating in SC2. We can’t tell you much now but you will be able to experience it soon.

Q: I heard SC2 uses a new graphics engine. Can you tell us the specifics?
A: I’m not a graphics expert, but I can tell you we have several advanced graphics techniques being used.

Q: The Zerg scenario ended with the Protoss attacking, but the Terran were conquered for the Protoss assault. Is the sequel loyal to the original storyline? The Queen seems to be used like a hero. Do we have to tech to use it?
A: The storyline is still under development. We can’t give you any details on it yet. The Queen is usable from the beginning and is specialized towards defense. More to come later.

Q: In WWI the Mothership was a super unit and was changed to a normal unit in Blizzcon. Queen has become a superunit so what’s become of the Mothership? Do terrans have a superunit as well? The graphics look great and the system requirements look pretty steep.
A: We can’t tell you anything for certain in the game right now. The Queen’s not really a superunit but really a specialized unit. It’s weak when not defended! It’s not a hero. The sys reqs are low enough so many more users can play. A graphics card with Pixel Shader 2.0 is required.

Q: How will the testing take place? Pro gamers say SC2 feels similar to SC1 and was that a main focus? Or was the focus more on new content?
A: We’re still discussing the best approach to testing. Because SC1 was so loved we’re trying to capture the feel of SC1. However we are adding new content.

Q: Zerg’s Infestor. In SC1 Infestation wasn’t used much. How much will this be used in SC1? Do the infested units count toward population?
A: Infestation is still being tested. We’ve only shown our work in progress. We’re trying to make Infestation a valid tactic in SC2. Supply depots can be infested as well. This will be a useful ability this time around. Currently you can only produce infested marines but that’s subject to change.

Q: SC1’s AI was a bit weak. How’s pathfinding and singleplayer? The Protoss have a cliff walker unit but the Zerg don’t seem to have one. Is there a unit made with this ability? Recently user-made maps are popular but there are some restrictions with licensing. For example making a map unusable is downloaded then changed. Is there a way to secure maps?
A: The devs are working to resolve this issue (AI and pathfinding). But this is still under construction! We can’t tell you anything about what the final build will look like. The Zerg do not have a cliff walker but use Nydus Worms. We’re aware of the problem with securing user-made maps and are considering options to resolve this issue.

Q: You said the development process takes a long time but Activision Blizzard's CEO Bruce Hack (spelling?) said it'll be out soon. About when will SC2 be released? And what will happen to SC1's sales and marketing once SC2 is released?
A: We can't say when we'll release. We'll be going for perfection. Also we have differences with Bruce Hack. However we both want to release this game ASAP. And because we have SC2 it doesn't mean we'll forget about SC1. If there's one user that loves SC1 we'll keep it going.

Q: As of today, all 3 races have been announced. Each race has strengths and weaknesses. What do you think, as a developer, are the strengths and weaknesses of each of the three races?
A: Us developers don't focus too much upon strengths and weaknesses. That's why we don't add so many unnecessary features. The player is left to decide what the strengths and weaknesses are.

Q: SC1 is more popular in Korea than anywhere else. Will there be any plans to be made with Korea in mind?
A: We know about the popularity in Korea. Because Koreans love competitive gaming we're trying to make this an e-Sport game. Just revealing the game in Seoul should tell you how much we love the Korean market.

Q: Will there be an event where people can play SC2 in Korea? Also the Observer mode in SC1 was rather lacking. Will SC2 have new features? For other RTS'es the game's site hosts tournaments and leagues. Will this be done for SC2?
A: It was very important for us to announce the game through WWI and Blizzcon. Therefore we're planning on having more such conventions. The e-Sports department is doing all that they can to create the best multiplayer experience. This can change depending on the players' opinions, however. On a side note we're preparing a WC3 tournament and are expecting to host similar leagues for SC2. However this doesn't seem like the right time to talk about leagues or tournaments just yet.


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10-10-08, 21:11 #19
Update: A Blizzard irá lançar SC2 como três jogos separados cada um com o single player de uma raça. Foda será se limitarem o multiplayer(unidades e construções) pela versão que você tem. Um jogo já está caro imagina comprar 3. Pirataria fora de discussão porque bnet é foda.

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Gamertag: ksnrodrigoms PSN ID: rodrigo_machado
10-10-08, 21:43 #20
Zee Fresh

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Steam ID: dspacoca
13-10-08, 16:00 #21
jogava isso ae via modem cara...

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13-10-08, 16:06 #22
Postado por Stranger Mostrar Post
Update: A Blizzard irá lançar SC2 como três jogos separados cada um com o single player de uma raça. Foda será se limitarem o multiplayer(unidades e construções) pela versão que você tem. Um jogo já está caro imagina comprar 3. Pirataria fora de discussão porque bnet é foda.
Duvido muito que aconteça isso. Não é o perfil da Blizzard.

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XFIRE ID: carniceiru
13-10-08, 16:12 #23
Postado por Liar
And because we have SC2 it doesn't mean we'll forget about SC1. If there's one user that loves SC1 we'll keep it going.

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Steam ID: crash_zero9
13-10-08, 17:25 #24
Blizzard pretende lançar episódios de Starcraft II com um ano de diferença

A proposta de dividir o super aguardado Starcraft II em três jogos distintos, um para cada raça, certamente pegou muita gente de surpresa. Porém o que não havia ficado claro, pelo menos até agora, era a diferença de tempo entre o lançamento de uma e outra versão. Recentemente o líder de produção da série Chris Sigaty e o Vice-Presidente da Blizzard Rob Pardo comentaram sobre lançamento do jogo em uma entrevista cedida ao site Joystiq. ''Com alguma sorte , será algo em torno de um ano entre cada um deles, mas isso é um alvo e não uma promessa'' afirmou Pardo.

''De diferentes maneiras você pode pensar que os lançamentos serão uma espécie de expansão do original. As campanhas não serão como expansões, elas serão como versões completas, histórias independentes.'' confirmou o vice-presidente. Como comentado antes, o modo multiplayer de cada pacote trará material necessário para que o jogador possa jogar com qualquer uma das raças, mas existe um adendo nesta história. Cada versão do jogo trará unidades diferentes para este modo, obrigando o jogador a adquirir as três versões não só para ter acesso às campanhas, mas também para poder jogar com todas as unidades disponíveis no multiplayer.

O lançamento do primeiro capítulo, Terrans: Wings of Liberty, ainda não tem data de lançamento.

Fonte: Finalboss

Comprarei todos

btw, Terrans primeiro \o/

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13-10-08, 17:42 #25
Agora faz sentido

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Many Kalaveraa
The real (1)

XFIRE ID: Mannyy Steam ID: 76561197992661279
13-10-08, 17:45 #26
baixarei todos

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PSN ID: g_baladao Steam ID: shooter_g
13-10-08, 19:05 #27
Comprarei Todos[2]

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13-10-08, 22:24 #28
Update: Blizzard quer taxar o serviço da bnet e falaram em colocar microtransações no Diablo 3. Desculpem-me por esquecer de anotar a fonte.

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Gamertag: Stefan Prestes PSN ID: stefanprestes XFIRE ID: exxhail Steam ID: didz
13-10-08, 23:48 #29
curti o "originally posted by zee fresh"
e o nick do rocka ali


e eu lembro que ele jurava que não era ele

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Steam ID: sh3lld3r
14-10-08, 13:44 #30
kra não mudaram os sons? awghawuawhuawhawuh parece o jogo antigo com graficos pesadissimos wtf.

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14-10-08, 13:46 #31
Postado por didz Mostrar Post
curti o "originally posted by zee fresh"
e o nick do rocka ali


e eu lembro que ele jurava que não era ele
você lembra errado então. Pq o rocka mudou de nick pra Zee Fresh e Chief Rocka, e depois voltou a ser rockafeller, nunca falou que não era ele.

O que ele fingia que não era ele era o Jazz.

gusto is offline   Reply With Quote

14-10-08, 17:05 #32
Provavelmente Diablo 3 vai ser de graça na Bnet mas você vai poder pagar por feats adicionais imo.

Em relação a SC2 acho que comprar pelo menos 1 dos 3 vai bem , os jogos da blizz tem um replay value fudido(vc joga por anos) , acho que 50 dolletas não é muito por algo que vai te durar anos.

Já jogos EA - pirateia mesmo.

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Cyan Leader

14-10-08, 17:14 #33
Algumas coisas da Bnet vão ser pagas sim, um dos diretores da Blizzard comentou em uma entrevista durante a TGS / Blizzcon.

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14-10-08, 21:53 #34
vejam o video do yellow jogando sc2 na blizzcon
eh o suficiente para minha falta de confiança no sc2 praticamente desaparecer

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14-10-08, 23:53 #35

punkcore is offline   Reply With Quote
e tenho dito

15-10-08, 16:05 #36
link plz

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Mr. Valle

15-10-08, 16:22 #37
Postado por ZeroCarontE Mostrar Post
vejam o video do yellow jogando sc2 na blizzcon
eh o suficiente para minha falta de confiança no sc2 praticamente desaparecer

Eu vi um Yellow X Sonkie no youtube... uaheuhae muito engraçado os negos narrando a partida e a plateia... comédia, pareceu ser bem legal...

pena que eu sou muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuito noob em RTS então nunca jogo nenhum a ponto de sair da zona de totalmente iniciante.

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The Alpha Male

15-10-08, 17:03 #38
Postado por ZeroCarontE Mostrar Post
vejam o video do yellow jogando sc2 na blizzcon
eh o suficiente para minha falta de confiança no sc2 praticamente desaparecer
vids NAO

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Back to the U.S.A.

Gamertag: decapentaplegic PSN ID: decapentaplegic Steam ID: decapentaplegic
15-10-08, 17:09 #39
escreve sc2 yellow sonkie no youtube...

enfim, MUITA malandragem da blizz fazer 3 jogos... soh vai ser aceitavel se cada jogo tiver umas 10h+ de single player, o pior eh que vai ter mta gente que vai comprar as 3 campanhas

predator is offline   Reply With Quote

15-10-08, 17:32 #40
Entra no site da blizzcon que é melhor. E ainda tem as finais de starcraft/war3 e wow arena v3

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Cyan Leader

15-10-08, 18:15 #41
Eu vi os videos. Cara eu adoro assistir isso pqp, foi muito bom. Yellow é foda.

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The Alpha Male

15-10-08, 18:49 #42
vi no youtube a partida
achei bem kewl

qual url da blizzcon com os videos

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15-10-08, 20:08 #43
Blizzard = replay value
Comprarei os 3 se trabalhando estiver no período

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15-10-08, 21:08 #44

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Steam ID: ragauskas
15-10-08, 23:52 #45
o cyan conhece o yellow por causa de mim...

como eu baixava replay desse fdp, o cyan q me aguentava ashduhasudhasudh...

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