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Default Best Movie Ever!

29-03-06, 09:32 #1

SigSnake is offline   Reply With Quote

PSN ID: Kerpa100 Steam ID: Kerpa Wii Code: 1715 1365 8365 5261
29-03-06, 10:13 #2
Never heard of...
Vou dar uma olhada

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29-03-06, 16:25 #3
Vai ser lançado ainda, mas com certeza será o melhor já feito.

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29-03-06, 22:50 #4
sobre o que é?

MansoN is offline   Reply With Quote

30-03-06, 08:10 #5
O título diz tudo:
Cobras em um avião.

Estão entendendo a gravidade da situação? COBRAS, em um AVIÃO!

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Guy Gardner

30-03-06, 13:06 #6
Agora eu entendi

É o Snake patrocinando alguns Snakes que aparecem em um avião

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Steam ID: mordred_x
30-03-06, 13:16 #7
Plot Outline: On board a flight over the Pacific Ocean, an assassin, bent on killing a passenger who's a witness in protective custody, lets loose a crate full of deadly snakes.
SOAP (Snakes on a Plane)
Couldn’t have said it better myself

Theatrical Release Date : 08-18-2006

Studio: New Line Cinema

Director: David R. Ellis

Starring: Samuel L. Jackson, Julianna Margulies, David Koechner, Kenan Thompson, Rachel Blanchard, Byron Lawson, Nathan Phillips

Genre: Action & Adventure, Horror, Suspense

Our Predictions

Rating: 6/10

Opening Weekend:

Domestic Box Office:

Similar Titles:
1. Cellular
2. Hostage
3. Out of Time

February 22, 2006 - FBI agent Nelville Flynn (Samuel L. Jackson) has been tasked with a relatively dull babysitting job, as he must accompany an essential trial witness from Hawaii to Los Angeles. The man he’s escorting can provide vital testimony that could incriminate a major mob boss. For Flynn, it is nearly the end of a long personal struggle to capture the reclusive Mafioso. As the unsuspecting pair boards the airplane that will take them to L.A., they are unaware of the mob boss’s somewhat unconventional plan to kill the witness before he ever reaches the final destination. An assassin will release a crate full of snakes while the plane is airborne. Flynn, his witness, the rookie pilot, and the terrified passengers must band together if they are going to survive the ordeal.

What to Expect:
David R. Ellis has a long list of film credits, but the majority fall under acting, stunt work, and assistant director categories. In fact, prior to Snakes on a Plane, he only directed three films, Homeward Bound II: Lost in San Francisco, Final Destination 2, and Cellular. While the first two in that list are rather forgettable, Cellular manages to stand out. It was not a major box-office success, but the film’s relatively standard thriller elements were elevated thanks to its gimmicky ideas and intensely fast pacing. Cellular was an unpredictably entertaining B-movie that also blended an abnormally high level of comedy with the action. For the entire 90 minutes, it never let up. Judging by the story outline, Snakes on a Plane appears to be in the same vein so Ellis should be the perfect director for the material.

Samuel L. Jackson is probably the busiest actor in Hollywood since he rarely seems to reject a script. While he is capable of great performances, he seems to have no qualms about landing parts in terrible movies. His last three films, XXX: State of the Union, The Man, and the recently released Freedomland have all been critically panned disasters and commercial catastrophes. Freedomland opened just this weekend to a rather harsh reception. With ex-ER star Julianna Margulies as the only other big name in Snakes on a Plane, the cast does not look too enticing. A closer look does reveal some nuance. With SNL alumni David Koechner and Kenan Thompson in the credits, the thriller is bound to contain elements of comedy. That’s probably a very good sign. A premise as ridiculous as this will need all the tongue-in-cheek it can get in order to land safely.

Let’s talk about the title for a moment, which is either one of the best or one of the worst titles for a movie. You can decide. I feel that there is something to its simple descriptive quality. It should be pretty obvious what you are going to get from the film – a potent mix of deadly snakes and an airplane full of people. After that, you tend to instinctively imagine the worst. The secret probably lies in the combination of those two words “plane” and “snakes,” both of which relate back to our basic human fears of flying and, well, venom (or teeth, or death). I think it’s brilliant. Variety reports that this film has been getting incredible buzz since the summer of 2005, when it was first announced. It has been one of the most anticipated releases of 2006, despite zero advertising. Everything thanks to the inspired title. Apparently, websites have already been devoted to the film and have even developed a phrase out of the title. “Snakes on a Plane” is meant to describe a situation that has gotten so bad that it is uncontrollable. For example: “Ever since I forgot about the big project, my relationship with my boss is like ‘snakes on a plane.’” All this leads to only one conclusion: the film should manage to rake in a healthy amount of money once it comes out.

Hopefully, the actual movie will be as brilliant as the title, but that is rather doubtful. The entire premise is a fantastic gimmick, but the ridiculous nature is full of holes. For one, there is no guarantee that a bunch of loose snakes would actually kill the intended target. Second, why not just land the plane and evacuate? On the other hand, the fact that I’m even asking these questions suggests that I’m hooked on the idea. I hope that the filmmakers are aware of these problems and will be able to have fun with some of this absurd material. This is exactly why the inclusion of SNL veterans is so relevant. I think that Ellis will attempt the same type of trickery that he did with Cellular. By combining the implausible situation with humor, the film will not be open to such obvious criticism. It’s the only way Snakes on a Plane could work.

In Conclusion:
Contrary to the manner other websites have applied to describe the film, it will not be a straightforward thriller. There will surely be comedic elements blended in to lighten up the atmosphere. Once the novelty of the idea wears off, however, I think that we will be left with a fairly generic adventure movie. I think the premise lends itself to many potentially outrageous situations, but as a late summer film, I think that Snakes on a Plane will be boggled down with some fairly conventional moments. I can’t deny that there’s something about the premise that has a grip on me so unless some new distressing information comes out before its release, I’ll be looking forward to this odd concept.

Official Website: http://www.snakesonaplanemovie.com
Snakes On A Plane - SOAP

E é com o Samuel L. "Badass Mothafucka" Jackson.

Mordred_X is offline   Reply With Quote

Steam ID: mordred_x
07-06-06, 13:04 #8

Serpentes a Bordo de verdade!

Momento "clichê": mais uma vez a vida imita a arte. Monty Coles, um piloto estadunidense de 62 anos, estava a quase 1km de altura quando, acredite se quiser, uma cobra de 1,5m de comprimento começou a sair do painel de controle do avião! O_O


Coles tinha saído de Charleston para um passeio em seu avião Piper Cherokee e estava se preparando para pousar em Gallipolis, em Ohio, quando o bichinho apareceu. "Nenhum manual descreve o que fazer quando isso acontece", disse. Mas um conselho dado pelo cara que o ensinou a voar, 25 anos antes, lhe veio à mente: "Não importa o que acontecer, pilote o avião".

Enquanto tentava manter o controle do avião com uma mão, Coles agarrou o bicho com a outra, perto da cabeça. "Eu não largaria aquela coisa por nada. Ela se enrolou em meu braço e o rabo puxou uma alavanca no chão."

Pilotando o avião e segurando a cobra, Cole ainda conseguiu chamar pelo rádio para um pouso de emergência. "Quando me perguntaram qual era o problema, eu disse que estava pilotando o avião com uma mão e segurando uma cobra com a outra. Liberaram a pista na hora."


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Master Chief

Gamertag: serjaum
07-06-06, 13:41 #9
caraio eauiheaiue
isso eh nome de filme porno eaheuai
cobras num aviao po

serjaum is offline   Reply With Quote
Darth Maul
Dungeon Master

XFIRE ID: DS_maul Steam ID: darth_ds
07-06-06, 15:02 #10
Eu devo ser muito chato, mas não acredito que esse filme vá prestar. Esse hype pré-fabricado me cheira muito mal hehehe

Darth Maul is offline   Reply With Quote

07-06-06, 15:08 #11
Não sei, mas eu quero um canteiro de arbustos...

downcast is offline   Reply With Quote

Gamertag: sephitoff PSN ID: alanpk
21-08-06, 01:37 #12
saiu o screener!
baixei jah

Sephiroth is offline   Reply With Quote

21-08-06, 07:57 #13
dath,OBVIO que sera uma merda

e programada ainda, eu li q o filme comeco a fazer mto sucesso antes d ser lançado e a empresa q fez o filme resolveu dar uma melhorada no mesmo começaram a refilmar umas cenas,ate q o samuel l. jackson deixo claro q nao aceita isso,q vao tirar toda a "arte" do filme q eh ser um filme tosco mesmo,e maravilhoso! nao vo no cinema mas com certeza vo alugar essa porra eaoehaheo

ircF is offline   Reply With Quote

22-08-06, 00:30 #14
quase vomitei só de ouvir o enredo
e vomitei mentalmente depois de ler Samuel Jackson

é brincadeira isso né? fake? please?

Sekzzz is offline   Reply With Quote

22-08-06, 13:22 #15
tb achei levemente paia, mas é o sig snake, e outras pessoas de peso aqui....

o filme já tem meu respeito, mesmo se for ruim .

u0165 is offline   Reply With Quote

Steam ID: sh3lld3r
22-08-06, 18:19 #16

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Recruta Zero

22-08-06, 20:38 #17
haUIHauiHIAHiHUAIAiuh esse video do shellder engracadaum heuHEuHEUHEUHEUhe

num eh fake naum! ontem mesmo passou a intrevista do samuel jackson no david letterman, e ele falou justamente do filme... mas ele naum parecia muito thrilled sobre o filme heuHEuHEUHE
como o titulo diz... deve ser isso ai memo =/ huisaHUIaHIAHUA

Recruta Zero is offline   Reply With Quote

23-08-06, 11:57 #18
Postado por Annia Walker
tb achei levemente paia, mas é o sig snake, e outras pessoas de peso aqui....

o filme já tem meu respeito, mesmo se for ruim .
Deixa de besteira, é óbvio que o Sig postou isso com sarcasmo vazando da boca dele
Qualquer cinéfilo vomitaria depois de ouvir esse enredo.

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23-08-06, 13:30 #19

7 Ninjas Kids > *

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Recruta Zero

24-08-06, 20:13 #20
caraio snak3 eu jah vi esse filme qnd eu era piquininin!!! haiuHAiu eu achava roxxx demais da conta!

Recruta Zero is offline   Reply With Quote

29-08-06, 10:48 #21
teve uma época qnd eu era pequeno q eu queria ver qquer filme q tivesse ninja no nome... fui na locadora e peguei uns 4 tudo em VHS...

estava incluso aquele filme q passa sempre na sessão da tarde, 'Os 3 ninjas'...

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