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XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
Default Blue Origin

25-11-15, 10:06 #1
sim, é um bilau voador que perde a chapeleta.


Rockets have always been expendable. Not anymore. Now safely tucked away at our launch site in West Texas is the rarest of beasts, a used rocket.

This flight validates our vehicle architecture and design. Our unique ring fin shifted the center of pressure aft to help control reentry and descent; eight large drag brakes deployed and reduced the vehicle’s terminal speed to 387 mph; hydraulically actuated fins steered the vehicle through 119-mph high-altitude crosswinds to a location precisely aligned with and 5,000 feet above the landing pad; then the highly-throttleable BE-3 engine re-ignited to slow the booster as the landing gear deployed and the vehicle descended the last 100 feet at 4.4 mph to touchdown on the pad.

When you watch the video you’ll see that we took the liberty of engineering all the drama out of the landing. Video of today’s mission: www.blueorigin.com/gallery.

We are building Blue Origin to seed an enduring human presence in space, to help us move beyond this blue planet that is the origin of all we know. We are pursuing this vision patiently, step-by-step. Our fantastic team in Kent, Van Horn and Cape Canaveral is working hard not just to build space vehicles, but to bring closer the day when millions of people can live and work in space.

Congratulations to the whole Blue Origin team on today’s amazing accomplishment.

Gradatim Ferociter!

Jeff Bezos

PS - Soon you’ll be able to climb aboard New Shepard and come home an astronaut. To receive updates on our progress and get early access to ticketing information, sign up at www.blueorigin.com/interested.

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25-11-15, 10:30 #2
É um belo achievement pra uma empresa provada mas a SpaceX já faz isso há um ano (Pousar em pé em solo firme). O desafio agora é pousar em pé numa plataforma móvel.

Falando em achievement:


SpaceX Is About to Win Its First-Ever U.S. Military Mission

It looks like SpaceX is set to land its first US military contract. Elon Musk’s company sued for the right to be considered, and now they’re the last ones standing after United Launch Alliance’s Russian-made engines have become an issue.

The contract at hand is a next-gen GPS satellite for the U.S. Air Force. United Launch Alliance, a joint venture of Lockheed Martin and Boeing, has dominated the military satellite scene since 2006, but this year is different; new laws passed by Congress in response to the ongoing tensions between the United States and Russia will ban the use of the Russian-made RD-180 engine, which ULA’s rockets rely on.

Ars Technica reports:

ULA’s chief executive, Tory Bruno, told the Washington Post that his company was “unable to submit a compliant proposal” because of contract requirements and the limitations Congress has imposed on the RD-180 engine.

The company’s decision appears to bring some closure to the public and legal battle SpaceX launched in April, 2014, to buttress its efforts to get into the national defense satellite launch market. At the time, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk accused the US government of entering into improper and uncompeted launch agreements with private contractors and said that SpaceX’s rockets could do the same job at a far lower cost. “We’re just protesting and saying these launches should be competed,” said Musk at a press conference. “And if we compete and lose, that’s fine, but why were they not even competed?”
With ULA bowing out, SpaceX is poised to step up on the military space stage. The contract will be a big win for Musk and his rising firm—military contracts are hugely lucrative, not to mention that this marks the successful end to a long fight to be considered a contender.

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Chief Rocka

25-11-15, 10:37 #3

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XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
25-11-15, 10:58 #4
Postado por dark_man Mostrar Post
É um belo achievement pra uma empresa provada mas a SpaceX já faz isso há um ano (Pousar em pé em solo firme). O desafio agora é pousar em pé numa plataforma móvel.
uia! nem tinha visto.

Acho que tem o plus de ter ido mais alto e com a tal capsula, tem que ver se tem algum tipo de objetivo ou se cada um faz o seu...

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