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XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
Default Bill Gates e a privada

15-08-12, 09:22 #1
Resumo, milhoes de pessoas em paises pobres morrem por contaminacao da agua com fezes, nao existe possibilidade (tanto de grana, quanto de agua e esgotos) pra se usar o "padrao" que costumamos usar.

Enfim, ele fez uma competicao e basicamente os 3 primeiros colocados so faltaram fazer a privada gerar comida, pq agua, eletricidade e carvao ja ta disponivel.


A charitable foundation founded by Gates and his wife kicked off a "Reinvent the Toilet Fair" in Seattle and awarded prizes for promising innovations.

"Toilets are extremely important for public health and, when you think of it, even human dignity," Gates said.

"The flush toilets we use in the wealthy world are irrelevant, impractical and impossible for 40 per cent of the global population, because they often don't have access to water, and sewers, electricity, and sewage treatment systems."

The Toilet Fair was described as a swirl of about 200 inventors, designers, investors, partners and others passionate about creating safe, effective, and inexpensive waste management systems.

Universities from Britain, Canada, and the United States were awarded prizes in a competition launched a year ago challenging inventors to come up with a better toilet.

First place went to the California Institute of Technology for designing a solar-powered toilet that generates hydrogen gas and electricity.

Loughborough University came in second for a toilet that transforms waste into biological charcoal, minerals, and clean water.

Third place went to the University of Toronto for a toilet that sanitises human waste and recovers minerals and water.

Gates said approximately 2.5 billion people worldwide do not have access to safe sanitation systems and this contributes to severe health problems.

"Beyond a question of human dignity, this lack of access also endangers people's lives, creates an economic and a health burden for poor communities, and hurts the environment," Gates said.

Food or water tainted with faecal matter causes intestinal diseases that kill 1.5 million children annually - a figure higher than deaths from AIDS and malaria combined, according to Gates.

"Inventing new toilets is one of the most important things we can do to reduce child deaths and disease and improve people's lives," Gates said.

"It is also something that can help wealthier countries conserve fresh water for other important purposes besides flushing."

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15-08-12, 09:49 #2
Pra começar o tópico polemizando: Bill Gates >>>>> Steve Jobs

Disposição de esgoto é um problema absurdo mesmo, lembro da época da facu que discutíamos sobre isso é era muito difícil chegar numa solução prática e eficiente. Em SP mesmo o tratamento é ridículo, a maioria do esgoto coletado vai in natura pro tietê/pinheiros.

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Gamertag: BrunoTambara Steam ID: bruno_renegade
15-08-12, 09:56 #3
Fora o fato de não poluir, a questão da economia de agua.


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XFIRE ID: carniceiru
15-08-12, 10:25 #4
blz, mas e o custo de produzir isso? instalação, manutenção, etc?

vegetous is offline  

15-08-12, 10:25 #5
Bill gates podia focar mais em celulares e tablets né :/
Fica gastando tempo com essas coisas tsss
Jobs q era evoluído mesmo

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Never Ping
🌀 Trooper

Gamertag: Willian Braga PSN ID: Never_Ping XFIRE ID: neverping Steam ID: neverping
15-08-12, 10:42 #6
Ainda bem que o Gates saiu do comando da MS para fazer estas coisas. Acho que hoje em dia dá para tirar o chapéu por ele.

Mas ainda sou magoado pelo que ele fez com a Netscape.

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15-08-12, 10:53 #7
Postado por vegetous Mostrar Post
blz, mas e o custo de produzir isso? instalação, manutenção, etc?
Ah ideia dessas pesquisas é primeiramente avançar a tecnologia e depois ver as questões financeiras de instalação, manutenção, viabilidade financeira etc. É uma evolução pra se ver no mercado mesmo daqui a uns 10 anos.

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