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XFIRE ID: carniceiru
Thumbs down iWorm

03-10-14, 14:20 #1
Hackers Are Using Reddit to Connect 17,000 Macs to a Botnet

Kate Knibbs
Filed to: BOTNETS Today 10:28am

Hackers have developed a backdoor entry called "Mac.BackDoor.iWorm" that gains access to Macs and uses Reddit to connect the hacked computer with a command server. Once the computer is infected, the iWorm uses Reddit's search function to hunt down posts made by the hackers. These posts (on a Minecraft subreddit) provide server addresses, and the software uses the Reddit posts as a guide to connect to the botnet.

This gives them the option of using the infected computers for a variety of bad deeds, like attacking a website via DDOS attack or spamming the shit out of people.

It's not clear yet how they infect the Mac in the first place, but researchers for Doctor Web estimate that most of the infected Macs are in the United States.

There's no evidence that any of the estimated 17,658 Macs infected are actively getting used by the hackers, so that's good. But the attackers still managed to gain access to a large number of computers, and they may simply be quietly growing the network until it's large enough to execute something big.

To avoid infection, it's smart to keep your software updated (it's also just smart to keep your software updated in general). MacExperience also recommends that you set GateKeeper so it only runs digitally signed apps from the App Store, and that you put a password on your computer and keep access to Admin accounts at a minimum. All common sense stuff, but considering people keep making their passwords "password," it's worth a reminder.

I emailed Apple to ask if its security team is aware of the issue and will update if I hear back. [Dr. Web via Business Insider]


vegetous is offline   Reply With Quote
Master Chief

Gamertag: serjaum
03-10-14, 14:26 #2
eh aquela logica
não existe nada 100% seguro
o que existe é se vale a pena investir tempo pra fazer bosta em algo X

agora q mac difundiu pra todo mundo, talvez seja a hora de brincar um pouco com ele

serjaum is offline   Reply With Quote

04-10-14, 06:08 #3
Não entendi como isso usa o reddit.. Alguém explica pufavô?

MdKBooM is offline   Reply With Quote
WaR WoLf

04-10-14, 08:54 #4
Parece que o IWorm usa o reddit igual o rocka
Postado por rockafeller Mostrar Post
a diferença é que eu tiro os meus (gifs e imagens) dos top posts do reddit, e vc tira os seus do AHNEGAO, SORINDO.COM.BR, ÑINTENDO, etc.
"This gives them the option of using the infected computers for a variety of bad deeds, like attacking a website via DDOS attack or spamming the shit out of people."

Postado por rockafeller Mostrar Post
ps: por favor explique a ultima imagem...
Postado por rockafeller Mostrar Post
agora por favor explique as imagens
Postado por rockafeller Mostrar Post
vc nao viu a explicação dele?
Postado por rockafeller Mostrar Post
ae Mah, explique oq significa "entrar sozinha nas brincadeirinhas"
Postado por rockafeller
a prova cabal de que o rocka é bot
hauehaie :**

WaR WoLf is offline   Reply With Quote
Many Kalaveraa
The real (1)

XFIRE ID: Mannyy Steam ID: 76561197992661279
04-10-14, 11:33 #5

Many Kalaveraa is offline   Reply With Quote

04-10-14, 17:29 #6
War Wolf sagaz.
+zin pela piada

NITRO is offline   Reply With Quote

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