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Default Contagem regressiva pra isso chegar ao HUEBR e foder com nossas vidas.

11-12-13, 09:27 #1

Explicação de um cara do reddit:

They are talking about proximity-based keyless entry systems, where you can have the key in your pocket and when you walk up to the car it unlocks, and when you're in the car you can press the button that starts it.
The car periodically sends out a low powered signal which has some kind of cryptographic key in it. When the key fob (the thing you put in your pocket) picks up on that signal, it responds with the answer to that key. The door will only unlock if the response is correct. Also, there is a "freshness" to the key/response so there is a time limit on how long the fob has to respond.
So the trick is to take the periodic polling messages and retransmit them to wherever the fob is. Then, get the response from the fob back to the car. The car will be none the wiser as long as the response is sufficiently fresh (they go over the max distance this will work for various cars, the lowest was 1 kilometer so there's a big range).
So, one scenario described is as follows: in a parking garage, one guy with a device stands near the car after the owner leaves. When the car transmits the poll, that signal is picked up by his device. The device retransmits the signal to another guy who is standing near the elevator. When the owner of the car goes past that guy, the fob in his pocket picks up the retransmitted signal, and then responds to it. The response is piped back to the car, which unlocks it.
Other scenarios: take the transmitter up to a person's house to try to get the fob signal, or near a restaurant. As long as the fob is close enough to the transmitter, it will work.

Also, the document mentions a method for preventing this from happening to you: you can remove the batteries from your fob after you leave your car. Not that I am suggesting you do that because it would probably be a pain in the ass
Updated drawing to show that the car -> fob communication is short range, fob -> car is long range

source dele: http://media.hacking-lab.com/scs3/sc...011_Capkun.pdf

agora q eu vi, só serve pra proximity-based keyless entry systems

ou seja, nóis q somo pobre tamo sussa huahuahauhau

Last edited by rockafeller; 11-12-13 at 09:40..
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11-12-13, 09:29 #2
Watch dogs

NITRO is offline   Reply With Quote

Steam ID: kovyakov
11-12-13, 09:33 #3
hue, engenharia so agrega ao roubo

Yakov is offline   Reply With Quote

Steam ID: tdf
11-12-13, 09:43 #4
Esses chaveirinhos são tudo por RF, inclusive a maioria tem uma etiqueta dizendo a frequência que trabalha na parte de trás... Lembro que meu irmão tinha um scanner e ele pegava de boa quando colocava na frequencia indicada (como era um scanner de áudio só fazia um chiadão)...
Não seria complicado deixar essas caixinhas logando o cara abrindo/fechando o carro e depois só replicando o sinal... em teoria é bem simples...
Mais complicado é uma parada dessas "genérica" que abre tudo, aí acho nada plausível, a não ser que determinada fábrica vaze os esquemas e essas caixinhas façam um bruteforce rapidão com as 30000 combinações possíveis...

Eu chutaria que é algo "logado" quando o cidadão tranca/abre o carro e depois "replicado". Simples d+ !

Se bem que lendo a parada aí do rocka, não é tão simples assim mesmo... parece que rola um "challenge" antes, é, meio óbvio, senão seria qqer boçal abrindo porta por aí... Funciona tipo um token de banco então pelo que entendi, o controle remoto tem uma chave, o carro manda um número e o controle, fazendo uma operação matemática com essa chave, manda a resposta... aí blz, então touchè pros ladrão ...sei lá como fazem.

Last edited by tdf; 11-12-13 at 09:48..
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PHD em Dota 2

11-12-13, 09:58 #5
aqui no huebr não vai fazer estrago
só com quem tem os sistemas keyless
o que não é o caso de 99.9% da população

marconds is offline   Reply With Quote

PSN ID: dasouzaj Steam ID: davihey
11-12-13, 10:14 #7
eu tenho esse esquema de keyless, tope!

lol is offline   Reply With Quote
The Alpha Male

11-12-13, 11:12 #8

Bombastic is offline   Reply With Quote
Never Ping
🌀 Trooper

Gamertag: Willian Braga PSN ID: Never_Ping XFIRE ID: neverping Steam ID: neverping
11-12-13, 11:28 #9

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Steam ID: eluancm
11-12-13, 11:33 #10
srly, se for isso é burrice demais não ter pensado em retransmit

Eluan is offline   Reply With Quote

11-12-13, 11:35 #11
ngm vai roubar meu corsa wind 96 roxo assim.
chupa sociedade

Blazed is offline   Reply With Quote

12-12-13, 08:15 #12
Tudo pq o cara tem preguiça de apertar um botao ao se aproximar do carro.
Esse sistema é desnecessario.

diferent is offline   Reply With Quote

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