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Default Série 3%

28-05-11, 21:56 #1
Série brasileira muito boa, to assistindo o piloto e recomendo.

A série acompanha a luta dos personagens para fazer parte dos 3% dos aprovados que irão para o Lado de Lá. A trama se passa em um mundo no qual todas as pessoas, ao completarem 20 anos, podem se inscrever em um processo seletivo. Apenas 3% dos inscritos são aprovados e serão aceitos em um mundo melhor, cheio de oportunidades e com a promessa de uma vida digna. O processo de seleção é cruel, composto por provas cheias de tensão e situações limites de estresse, medo e dilemas morais. Vencedor da Etapa I do edital de seleção de desenvolvimento e produção de teledramaturgia seriada para TVs Públicas - FicTV / Mais Cultura - MinC Vencedor da Mostra Competitiva de Pilotos Brasileiros na categoria Séries de Ficção - Festival Internacional de Televisão 2010 Produção: Maria Bonita Filmes / Nation Filmes Criação: Pedro Aguilera Direção: Daina Giannecchini, Dani Libardi e Jotagá Crema

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Gamertag: Conrado88 PSN ID: Conrado888
28-05-11, 22:10 #2
me lembrou vagamente de A Ilha

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Steam ID: spooneta
04-06-11, 20:26 #3

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XFIRE ID: carniceiru
05-06-11, 01:36 #4

Eu me lembro de quando era criança (provavelmente início da década de 80), e passava na televisão uma série futurista, onde as pessoas eram mortas ao chegar a uma certa idade (acho que era 25 anos).

Os personagens principais eram fugitivos que haviam chegado à idade para serem executados, mas haviam fugido. Alguém lembra o nome dessa série?

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XFIRE ID: carniceiru
05-06-11, 14:06 #5

Logan's Run, CBS, 16 Sep 1977-16 Jan 1978
based on the novel by William F. Nolan and George Clayton Johnson
(author of many of the best episodes of the original Twilight Zone)
and the feature film of the same title. A nuclear war had pretty much
wiped out civilization, somewhere between the late 20th century and
the year 2319. Survivors lived in cities out of touch with each
other, each having evolved its own culture, and each surrounded by
inhospitable desert. Logan lived in the sybaritic City of Domes,
where nobody was allowed to live past his or her 30th birthday.
Logan was a "Sandman" -- special policeman -- who betrayed his
training by fleeing for his life as the big three-zero approached.
He fled with a girl named Jessica and Rem, an android. He sought
a fabled "Sanctuary" but was pursued by Francis, an unrepentant
This was unusually sophisticated fare for TV, both in the
bleakness of the premise, the strangeness but self-consistency of the
cities, and the horrors of the badlands. It was a landmark in the
history of post-nuclear-holocaust fiction, the best recent example of
which is "The Postman" by David Brin, which has been repeatedly
optioned, was once to have been produced by Ron Howard and star Tom Hanks, but is
now to be directed by and starring Kevin Costner and be released in 1997.
Logan's Run
Logan -- Gregory Harrison
Jessica -- Heather Menzies
Rem -- Donald Moffat
Francis -- Randy Powell
Producers -- Ben Roberts and Ivan Goff (the creators of
"Charlie's Angels, who admitted knowing zero about science fiction)
Story Editor -- Dorothy C. Fontana ("Star Trek")
By the way, cult classic movie star/painter/author Mary Woronov
(Eating Raoul) guest stars as "Irene" in the "Capture" episode of Logan's Run.
Mary Woronov was my babysitter as a child, before she fell in
with Andy Warhol and became a star of multiple media. So perhaps
she is one more influence on me regarding fantasy and science

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e tenho dito

05-06-11, 15:21 #6
gostei qdo sai mais?

FeDaYkIn is offline   Reply With Quote

05-06-11, 18:09 #7
pena que já morreu, ela perdeu a disputa

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