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Default asgardia.space

06-01-17, 12:31 #1
Mais alguém da DS conseguiu a cidadania de Asgardia?

O meu nome de registro lá vai ser:
Aleyahoo Dominicus de Albusquercus of Earth

Tomara que a UN reconheça como nação.

Um pouco sobre para voces saberem mais:

Welcome to Asgardia,
the first ever space nation – a global, unifying and humanitarian project.
The project's concept comprises three parts – philosophical, legal and scientific/technological.

1. The project's philosophy starts at selecting the name for this new country – Asgardia. In ancient Norse mythology, Asgard was a city in the skies, the country of the Gods. It is the realisation of man's eternal dream to leave his cradle on Earth and expand into the Universe.
Asgardia is a fully-fledged and independent nation, and a future member of the United Nations - with all the attributes this status entails: a government and embassies, a flag, a national anthem and insignia, and so on.

The essence of Asgardia is Peace in Space, and the prevention of Earth’s conflicts being transferred into space.

Asgardia is also unique from a philosophical aspect – to serve entire humanity and each and everyone, regardless of his or her personal welfare and the prosperity of the country where they happened to be born.
Asgardia's philosophical envelope is to ‘digitalise’ the Noosphere, creating a mirror of humanity in space but without Earthly division into states, religions and nations. In Asgardia we are all just Earthlings!

2. Asgardia's legal aspects.

Today, many of the problems relating to space law are unresolved and may never be solved in the complex and contradictory dark woods of modern international law. Geopolitical squabbles have a great influence, and are often rooted in the old military history and unresolvable conflicts of countries on Earth. It is time to create a new judicial reality in space.

It is of crucial importance that space law does not become the law of the jungle. Today, only 20 countries on Earth out of about 200 have a space presence, and have, for example, plans to mine in space and lay claim to exclusivity and monopoly. New space law has to equally protect the interests of every human being on Earth.

It means protecting individuals and countries (particularly developing nations) from space threats as well as delivering the benefits of using space for creating new goods and services, and financial resources.

The question of Asgardia citizenship is also essential. After Asgardia is recognised as a member of the UN, the question of reasons for granting citizenship will inevitably arise. One opinion is that the first Asgardians will be those who work in the fields of space research and exploration, and space technology, as well as investors in these fields, including small investors.
Of course, special preference will be given to the first hundred thousand people who apply prior to the launch of the first satellite - and all the typical citizenship procedures that are used on Earth will be followed. This does not mean Asgardian citizenship will not be available to all people on Earth, regardless of their earthly jurisdiction.

A core legal principle is that Asgardia does not interfere in relations between states on Earth – and vice versa.

Asgardia's legal envelope includes the creation of a new legal platform for the exploration of near-Earth and deep space. ‘Universal space law’ and ‘astropolitics’ have to replace international space law and geopolitics.

3.The scientific and technological component of the project can be explained in just three words – peace, access and protection.

These are the three most important scientific and technological goals of Asgardia.

First, is to ensure the peaceful use of space.
The second is to protect planet Earth from space threats. There are seven threats in our classification system: sun storms and flares, known as coronal mass ejections; changes in Earth's magnetosphere that destroy the effective protective layer of our planet; potentially dangerous asteroids and comets; man-made orbital debris; changes in the climate stemming from technogenic factors and sun radiation; cosmic radiation from nuclear reactions in novae, supernovae and pulsars; and the danger of Earth infection by microorganisms from meteors and other small celestial bodies.

The third goal is to create a demilitarized and free scientific base of knowledge in space. This will provide free access to all, especially those from developing countries who do not have space access now. And such access should be free and direct.

Asgardia's technical structure is comprised of three segments:
one or several core satellites
clusters of network-centric small satellites
protective space platform

The widest participation in this open project is one of our goals – participation from all interested scientists and companies, without limiting them by our own vision of the technological side of things at the moment.

The scientific and technological envelope of Asgardia is a space arena for the scientific creativity of its citizens and companies in developing a broad range of future space technologies, products and services for humanity on Earth and humanity in Space.

Therefore, Asgardia is a sort of a matryoshka, made of philosophy, law and technology. Whatever else is hidden inside is something we will discover in the near future.

We are not selling pieces of land on the Moon or water in Antarctica. We're actually not selling anything at all at the moment. Only after we have proven this idea with a confirmed launch of an equipped satellite may we begin talking about Asgardia's budgets.

Right now, work on the project is funded entirely from our personal private funds. It's a clear-cut decision. We have now declared our concept and philosophy publicly and would like as many people as possible on the planet to find out about it.

And of course we are going to make use of crowd funding and sourcing, and private donations. And we welcome cooperation with new partners and investors.

Asgardia’s technical, legal and philosophical team is in the process of being set up.

Welcome to Asgardia!




1. I registered on the site, but didn't get an email, what do I do?
It can sometimes take emails a day or so to be sent out. Don't worry, you will get a confirmation soon. Please remember to check your spam and junk folders. When resetting your email/password, please remember that these are CASE SENSITIVE. Please check to make sure they are correct.

2. I registered and got my confirmation email. Am I a citizen now? Do I get a passport or an ID?
Registration on the Asgardia website makes you a part of the Asgardia community. Once we are recognized, we will post procedures for obtaining citizenship – they will be similar to citizenship procedures in other countries. Once you are a citizen, you will get a passport, like you would in any country.

3. I am under 18. Can I become an Asgardian?
Yes, but you need parental consent. If you have already registered as an Asgardian, you will need to re-register with the form for under 18-year-olds. You can use the same e-mail address. If you are over 18 and would like to register your children, please use the under 18 form as well for each child.

4. I changed my mind and want to de-register. What do I do?
Please send us the e-mail you used to register and a quick note asking to remove you.

5. My country does not allow dual citizenships, and I registered on your site. What happens now?
Asgardia will allow dual citizenship. It will be up to the citizen's home country to either allow dual citizenship or not, with Asgardia. Once Asgardia is recognized as a country it will be possible to be a resident (like a green card in US). Ultimately it will be the decision of every individual on how to proceed with the citizenship process.

6. What languages can I use to contact Asgardia support?
Support is only available in English at this time.

7. My country is not on your map. Why is that?
Please be advised that our map is borrowed from the United Nations web site.

8. What does my Asgardia ID number mean?
Your Member ID number has 3 parts:

a) First prefix is a generic indicator

b) Middle number is the number in which you originally registered

c) Last number is randomly generated

The number has no bearing on the order in which people verified their accounts, only the order in which they initially registered

9. How do I fill out the online form correctly?
Please fill out the information on the registration form the same way as you would for any government-issued document. For your given and family name, please offer the name on your official government issued documents. For your user name, you may use what you wish. Asgardia will consider your gender as the one specified in your registration form.

10. When will I get my Asgardia certificate?
Certificates will be emailed in the early part of 2017.

11. How will I know if I am one of the first 100,000 Asgardians?
You will be notified in the early part of 2017 as to whether or not you are in the first 100,000 citizens.

12. Will other people be able to see the photo I submitted with the online form?
The photo which is asked for is for the on-line forum. It will be open to others, same as the User Name, which the participants will use to communicate. When Asgardia is able to offer ID cards, we will ask for a passport photo, which will be kept strictly confidential.


1. Will I get to go to space? When will I go to space?
No. Or most likely — no. So far, Asgardia has plans to launch satellites and unite people from all over the world as the first space nation — but it is not yet possible to just move everyone to space. So no, there are no plans to take Asgardians to space at this time.

1. I tried to submit a picture for the flag contest, but it didn't work. What do I do?
Images submitted for the contest must be 10MB or less. Please make sure your image is less than 10MB and try again.

2. I have a great idea that would be useful for Asgardia, or I want to help out otherwise. How can I help?
The best way to make a use of your skills is to join an existing Asgardia chapter or to start one in your country, if one does not yet exist. We also suggest that you join one or a few of our Facebook groups to discuss your ideas.

3. How are the flags rated? Is there an algorithm that you use?
The flags in the contest are ranked using the Wilson score interval. Find out more about the Wilson score interval here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binomi...dence_interval

1. What about religion in Asgardia? Will there be an official religion?
As a new nation based on the philosophy of human freedom, Asgardia does not take a stance on its citizens personal beliefs and will not declare a specific religion as the official religion of Asgardia. Citizens of Asgardia shall be free to worship their religion of choice or none at all. Your freedom of belief is entirely your personal choice. Of course that choice must respect the choice of others in return.

2. I'm concerned about the rights of a specific group in Asgardia (LGBT, refugees, other groups). What laws do you have to protect the interests of specific groups?
Asgardia is a new nation and all of its laws have yet to be written. We welcome your suggestions and your participation! Please feel free to raise the issues and laws that you feel are important in our Facebook groups. And yes, we do check them regularly!

2. Is Asgardia a part of any other known organization?
Asgardia is a registered trademark of AIRC out of Vienna, Austria. All Terms & Conditions listed on the web-site are applicable. Asgardia is in no way affiliated with the Illuminati, the Masons, the Church of Scientology, or any other entity.


1. What about national chapters? Will each country have its own Asgardia government?
No. There are no boundaries in space and Asgardia will not establish regional governments in any country in the world. We will, however, be looking for volunteers to help us set up regional coordination centers, because Asgardians live all over the world and speak different languages. So, there will likely be a regional center where you can obtain information on Asgardia in your own language but no regional government.


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