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Steam ID: mordred_x
Default fstdt.com - Fundies say the darndest things

31-01-13, 10:10 #1
An archive of the most hilarious, bizarre, ignorant, bigoted, and terrifying quotes from fundies all over the internet! The FSTDT archive is the largest collection of fundie quotes on the planet.

Postado por 61678
That's the beauty of Heaven... we can leave our brains behind.

Postado por 16447
I am a bit troubled. I believe my son has a girlfriend, because she left a dirty magazine with men in it under his bed. My son is only 16 and I really don't think he's ready to date yet. What's worse is that he's sneaking some girl to his room behind my back. I need help, God! I want my son to stop being so secretive!

Postado por 60847
Leviathon is a spirit I have battled as well. It was a hard battle but was won. It was about four months or more ago. My wife and I were in McDonalds and were having a conversation with an angel and Leviathon had come up. I told the angel that i wanted to fight this demon and he said I could. On the way back to the hotel I asked the angel if he could bring the demon to a predestinated place and he said yes. I figured that since Leviathon was from the depths of the sea he would be used to the cold water so I filled the tub up with scalding hot water and blessed the water. The angels (there were two now) brought Leviathon bound to the tub and fought with me. We all pulled our swords from our hips and began running this demon through with all my strength and everything I had. I would say it took atleast half an hour or more. We were all spent but the battle was won.

Postado por 67928
<<In reply to If evolution isn't true, how do you explain things like the blind spot in the human eye?>>

I don’t have a blind spot in my eye. Both of them see very well and I am thankful for the 137million light sensitive cells that make sight possible. Do you have a blind spot in your eye? If you do, I suggest that you see an optician and see if he can either fix it, or get you another eye.

Postado por 74989
Fundamentalist Christians are hijacking Religious Instruction (RI) classes in Queensland despite education experts saying Creationism and attempts to convert children to Christianity have no place in state schools.
Students have been told Noah collected dinosaur eggs to bring on the Ark, and Adam and Eve were not eaten by dinosaurs because they were under a protective spell.
Critics are calling for the RI program to be scrapped after claims emerged Christian lay people are feeding children misinformation.
About 80 per cent of children at state primary schools attend one half-hour instruction a week, open to any interested lay person to conduct.
...A parent of a Year 5 student on the Sunshine Coast said his daughter was ostracised to the library after arguing with her scripture teacher about DNA.
"The scripture teacher told the class that all people were descended from Adam and Eve," he said.
"My daughter rightly pointed out, as I had been teaching her about DNA and science, that 'wouldn't they all be inbred'?
"But the teacher replied that DNA wasn't invented then."

Postado por 8255
One of the most basic laws in the universe is the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This states that as time goes by, entropy in an environment will increase. Evolution argues differently against a law that is accepted EVERYWHERE BY EVERYONE. Evolution says that we started out simple, and over time became more complex. That just isn't possible: UNLESS there is a giant outside source of energy supplying the Earth with huge amounts of energy. If there were such a source, scientists would certainly know about it. (emphasis added)

Postado por 77098
In a thread regarding astrophysics, distance and star light
Here is a question you.
So a light year = the distance light travels in a year.
You mentioned the figure 11 million light years away.
So my question is how are we observing this light 11 million light years away now?
I'm not 11 million years old, i'm 20.

Later on he goes on to say...
If it takes 11 million years to travel to earth, how can i see it now? I'm only 20.
If it takes 11 million years to travel to earth then the viewer would need to be 11 million years old.

Postado por 16695
I can sum it all up in three words: Evolution is a lie

Postado por 39008
By getting married, the woman has consented to sex, and I don't think you can call it rape.

Postado por 77240
You don't get it, do you?
We're not Homo sapiens -- we're real men.

Postado por 62405
I wear my ignorance like a badge!
It's our faith they need to see --- not our knowledge.

Próxima vez que você ficar tentado a discutir com o Eon... Vá para este site e pense que poderia ser muito pior.

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Never Ping
🌀 Trooper

Gamertag: Willian Braga PSN ID: Never_Ping XFIRE ID: neverping Steam ID: neverping
31-01-13, 12:18 #2

Never Ping is offline   Reply With Quote
Cada vez mais ridículos

31-01-13, 12:19 #3

Vassourada is offline   Reply With Quote
Cada vez mais ridículos

31-01-13, 12:22 #4
Quote# 73502

The following is a fictional example of a series of transitional forms that would prove Evolution. Frame A is a typical horse. Frame E is a horse that has evolved fully functional wings. In between are examples of what would be millions of individuals over millions of years until the wing was perfected.


If you can identify a series of transitional forms like the above, see the Reward for Proof of Evolution page.

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Cada vez mais ridículos

31-01-13, 12:24 #5
Quote# 83092

Mathematics is also great proof of God. How is it possible that:


can be figured out by carrying a digit over the top? What if that didn't work? How would we multiply without calculators?

If carrying over the one on top of the 9 did not work, how would we multiply? Seems awfully convenient to me that it "just happened" like that?



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31-01-13, 12:27 #6
haehoahei mto boas.

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31-01-13, 12:28 #7
"Pior" não, diferente. Os caras lá só perderam umas amarras sociais a mais.

Em todas as questões o Eon posta uma visão que ou parece que foi o Friedman que escreveu, ou veio direto da boca do padre. No segundo caso, saem umas coisas legais. Cadê aquele quote que eu ando repetindo em tudo que é tópico?

Só agora no(s) tópico(s) sobre o incêndio em Santa Maria, eu vi o Eon veladamente falando que a culpa do negócio é minha (e sua, e nossa, e obviamente por falta de fé), que não adianta culpar ninguém aqui e que justiça será só no céu e inferno, e que a razão das desigualdades sociais, claro, é a falta de amor a um judeu fictício. E é velado mesmo, se não prestar atenção o cara nem acha as cordinhas papais que mexem a mandíbula dele

Zedd is offline   Reply With Quote

Steam ID: seuboi
31-01-13, 12:52 #8
é óbvio q um monte ali são trolladas hards oiaher, essa segunda, me mijei de rir

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