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Default 300 Game mechanics

10-06-07, 01:27 #1
Three hundred mechanics é o novo 'blog' de um cara que foi/é gamedesigner e tinha uma webcomic que eu lia há uns tempos (A Modest Destiny)

O cara se propôs a postar 300 idéias pra jogos que fossem inéditas, uma por dia.
Bom, o site é www squidi net e vocês podem ver aqui um exemplo, em inglês porque eu nao vou traduzir, das coisas que o cara tá postando:
(escolhi essa porque achei massa, tem umas bem chatas, mas essa eu achei FODA):


This is a four player game, played with two teams. On each team is a commander and a spy. The commanders play a real time strategy game against each other. The whole game is recorded. Then, at some time in the future, the spy gets to play. He goes back in time to the beginning of the game and starts his play in the past of the commanders' game.

The spy is an individual unit who may move around, but may not alter, the past. All the moves that previously happened will happen again. The spy's job is to perform his mission without being seen by those units, or changing the landscape in such a way as to affect the timeline. For instance, he can't push a rock onto the path if that path is eventually used sometime between that moment and the present, currently being played by the commanders. He can, however, move that rock if it does not matter to the timeline, and in the future, the rock will suddenly be at the new location.

So, what is the spy's job? He has two. The first is that he can plant bombs on buildings or tanks. These bombs cannot blow up anything in the past (thus changing the timeline), but we can assume that the bombs remain undetected until the present, where they are suddenly available to the commander to detonate. The opponent commander can do bomb checks on the vehicles - if a bomb check is performed at some time in the timeline between when it has been placed and the present when it is detonated, it will be removed. So commanders should run routine bomb checks just to retroactively defend against sabotage that have already happened (but not).

The second part of the spy's job is predictive. At the commander's disposal is a very powerful ability to simply say that enemy unit X already has a bomb on it. It may not have happened... yet. Now the timeline has a very specific point at which a bomb MUST be planted. Failing to plant the bomb before it is detonated will change the timeline (leading to an automatic being erased from the timeline and losing the match). The more the commander uses this powerful ability, the more agile the spy must be in order to reach the right places at the right time. Predicting a bomb that will be planted later is a very risky move.

The spy can do other things, like hack the opponent's security systems, steal credits, drive the opponent's tanks, etc, but it all works the same way. The spy cannot drive a tank unless the commander has already made a prediction that the tank was being driven by a spy (thus the spy has to be sure to be in the tank at the right time, or boom). Either the spy plants something invisible that suddenly becomes useful in the present, or he must live up to the predictive needs of his commander. As such, working as an asymmetrical team is vital to victory.

There is also a possibility that the spy could travel to the future. This would simply be a potential future that is based on the computer modeling it after the present. For instance, if the red team is researching nuclear tanks that will be finished in ten minutes, then if you jump ahead ten minutes, that technology will already have existed. Then the spy can steal the technology and bring it back for use in the present. Unlike the past, which is written in stone and cannot be changed, the future is not static, so even if the future is changed, like having the research building explode, that stolen technology remains (even if you stole it from yourself and blew up your own building).

I haven't even mentioned the best part. There are two spies, one for each team. Somehow, they have to be on the same schedule (maybe they both go back to the same point in time, or they can only choose certain blocks of the past, which becomes locked after a spy has used it for a "turn"). Anyway, they could potentially be in the same time period at the same time, and while trying to avoid affecting the timeline, they are also trying to find and kill each other.

To sum up, this is a stealth game. The spy's job is to not be seen. However, the level is dynamically based on what the players were doing ten minutes ago, and the mission objectives are set by the respective commanders up front, cementing the time limit and target to hit.
Essencialmente, dois caras jogam real time strategy tipo AoE ou C&C, e dois caras jogam no passado da partida como 'ghosts' de starcraft:ghost. Maaaaassa.

Só pra divulgar porque eu achei massa.

Aliás, esse tipo de coisa se posta aqui ou no Arcade?

Zedd is offline   Reply With Quote
Master Chief

Gamertag: serjaum
10-06-07, 01:38 #2
se postar no arcade....fica uns 15 reply..
ake...fica uns 50 reply...mas uns 15 uteis...entao da na mesma euoaheuiah

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Many Kalaveraa
The real (1)

XFIRE ID: Mannyy Steam ID: 76561197992661279
10-06-07, 08:49 #3
putz.. esse jogo ai nem ia rola.. nem ia te saco pra joga de spy nem de commander

Many Kalaveraa is offline   Reply With Quote

10-06-07, 12:47 #4
eh, realmente eh um jogo chato.. os spies iam ter q esperar o jogo n00b de 1hr dos commanders, ae os spies iriam ficar 4hrs andando pelo mundo criado pelos commanders, ae nao dah nem pra jogar em paralelo.. outra razao pra nao jogar em paralelo eh o commander ter q avisar o spy das coisas q ele fez, senao vira um jogo de adivinhação onde o spy sempre se fode..

sem contar q td vez ia ter q ser feito um jogo de commander novo, pq ng ia querer jogar um q foi feito no dia anterior, mesmo q ng tenha jogado

eh basicamente um sim city + sim copter no mesmo jogo, e com frescura de linha temporal.. next

ZeroCarontE is offline   Reply With Quote

10-06-07, 14:28 #5

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10-06-07, 16:44 #6
AUHuha Alguém faz melhor?

Dêem uma olhada no Sim MMORPG, então, que é massa também

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Steam ID: spooneta
10-06-07, 17:26 #7
this is madness...

colher is offline   Reply With Quote

10-06-07, 19:33 #8
my madness...

Sekzzz is offline   Reply With Quote

Steam ID: spooneta
10-06-07, 20:54 #9
I am my own savior!

colher is offline   Reply With Quote

Gamertag: Orggbr29
10-06-07, 21:49 #10
Postado por colher
this is madness...

agora, voltando ao topic

ideia meio inviável, alem de naum ser original (c vc tirar a ideia de voltar no tempo pra jogar, vira Savage !!)

OrGg is offline   Reply With Quote

10-06-07, 22:02 #11

entra aí, acho que é do seu interesse zedd
é o "journal" de um membro do fórum GameDev.net que resolveu desenvolver um MiniMORPG, já que toda semana aparece alguem lá perguntando se é possível fazer sozinho.

kav is offline   Reply With Quote
PHD em Dota 2

23-02-09, 01:42 #12
esses 300 hundered game mechanics ownam muito pqp

marconds is offline   Reply With Quote

23-02-09, 01:57 #13
12º reply
em direção ao decimo quinto

SsjGohan is offline   Reply With Quote

23-02-09, 02:12 #14
Leiam a 30º mechanic,
um MMO onde todo mundo é sobrevivente de apocalipse zumbi, sem personagem unico, guilda, acumulo de itens, experiencia, chat entre os players...

Zedd is offline   Reply With Quote

23-02-09, 05:15 #15
Postado por Zedd Mostrar Post
Leiam a 30º mechanic,
um MMO onde todo mundo é sobrevivente de apocalipse zumbi, sem personagem unico, guilda, acumulo de itens, experiencia, chat entre os players...
esse rlz

cridaum is offline   Reply With Quote

23-02-09, 11:05 #16

os players criam as suas magias ineditas combinando coisas do tipo, tipo o kra come 30 raízes (uma por dia por ex), dae ele usa la uma quantia de 300 de mana por dia pra investir na magia nova, ae ele combina uma magia em cima dessa

entao finalmente ele cria uma magia que saia raízes do chao e segure os kra

eu to pra ver um jogo assim, que todo player seja 100% unico e que a criatividade do player seja o que vai definir totalmente tudo sobre o char

ChakaN is offline   Reply With Quote
Many Kalaveraa
The real (1)

XFIRE ID: Mannyy Steam ID: 76561197992661279
23-02-09, 11:18 #17
Um jogo estilo Operation Flashpoint (ArmA | Simulador de guerra) onde vc escolhe qual area vc quer ser

Many Kalaveraa is offline   Reply With Quote
Master Chief

Gamertag: serjaum
23-02-09, 11:21 #18
por falar nisso vai lancar operation flashpoint 2

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23-02-09, 17:22 #19
Postado por serjaum Mostrar Post
se postar no arcade....fica uns 15 reply..
ake...fica uns 50 reply...mas uns 15 uteis...entao da na mesma euoaheuiah
no arcade fica uns 100 mas os 80 últimos são sobre wii X x360 X ps3

uma bosta, sendo q obviamente wii > x360 > ps3

MansoN is offline   Reply With Quote

23-02-09, 18:13 #20
Postado por MansoN Mostrar Post
no arcade fica uns 100 mas os 80 últimos são sobre wii X x360 X ps3

uma bosta, sendo q obviamente wii > x360 > ps3

Master System 3 > wii > x360 > ps3

cridaum is offline   Reply With Quote
Master Chief

Gamertag: serjaum
23-02-09, 19:57 #21

mega owna tudo
mega drive... o passado eh agora!

serjaum is offline   Reply With Quote

23-02-09, 19:59 #22
Chegou de desvirtuar meu tópico
Próximo post sobre essa briguinha imbecil trazida do arcade eu vou até a casa do postador e mordo as bolas.

Alguém chegou a ler as mechanics sobre os 'tiny worlds'? Tem várias, a mais legal é a collectible dungeons

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