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XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
Default UFC 190

31-07-15, 19:38 #1

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Gamertag: rapidiao Steam ID: rapidiaum
31-07-15, 19:49 #2
leitura labial pfvr

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PSN ID: duMagrao Steam ID: xuxuzao
31-07-15, 20:01 #3
Todo ufc é essa bosta agora.

Se for pra ver novela, vejo a da Globo mesmo

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Gamertag: DNWise PSN ID: DNWise Steam ID: wiseman
31-07-15, 21:24 #4
A Beth disse que falou "dont cry, dont cry" e depois que ia socar e nocautear ela
Ficou brabinha pq a Ronda chorou, disse q era pra se fazer de coitada e ganhar o apoio dos brasileiros, mas a Beth foi escrota de usar o suícidio do pai da Ronda mesmo.

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31-07-15, 21:43 #5
Aproveita que estão no ânimo e faz luta sem luva e sem juiz. Deixa um porrete no centro do ringue também.

2 mulheres entram, 1 mulher sai.

We don't need another female heeeeeeeeerooooo
We don't need to know the way hoooooome
All we want is life beyond the octagonnnnn

Baron is offline   Reply With Quote

01-08-15, 01:16 #6
É marketing.
Primeiro a encarada, o clima tenso . Depois da luta a vencedora abraça a perdedora e as duas se emocionam, dizem que se respeitam, que a luta foi dura.
Mas essa de falar do pai foi pesada...

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Gamertag: sephitoff PSN ID: alanpk
01-08-15, 10:48 #7
parabens pro Dana White e co.

o marketing fez até o Jeep abrir um tópico do UFC

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01-08-15, 11:22 #8

Acompanho UFC há bastante tempo e ultimamente tô completamente sem saco pra esse marketing pré-luta estilo novela deles.

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PSN ID: maurocool-maurasia Steam ID: maurocool
01-08-15, 12:58 #9
Pelo "bem do esporte" seria bacana a Bethe ganhar. Mas acho que da Ronda

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PSN ID: duMagrao Steam ID: xuxuzao
01-08-15, 13:18 #10
Pelo bem do esporte seria legal a Ronda ganhar e depois colocar a Cyborg pra lutar com ela!

Ja tao falando em Miesha Tate, de novo!

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Gamertag: Linx BR Steam ID: linx_ds
01-08-15, 21:40 #11
Rola um link?

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XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
01-08-15, 21:42 #12
Postado por Sephiroth Mostrar Post
o marketing fez até o Jeep abrir um tópico do UFC
ó o cara me tirando de casual!

ces ficam com preguica de abrir, abri

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01-08-15, 21:46 #13
http://freefootylive.net/123ufc/ password 321, em HD

ronda vai destruir a bete.

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Gamertag: DNWise PSN ID: DNWise Steam ID: wiseman
02-08-15, 00:08 #15
Muita estranha essa luta do Pezão, ele simplesmente foi empurrando o ~Upalelê~ pro corner e o cara nada

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Gamertag: DNWise PSN ID: DNWise Steam ID: wiseman
02-08-15, 00:13 #16
Começou ao vivo na Globo e é ao vivo mesmo, só que com o Luis Roberto narrando

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PSN ID: fsgarbi-br Steam ID: Patua
02-08-15, 00:34 #17
odeio ver o minotauro apanhar. pqp....
tentou.. foi pra cima sem parar mas o cara eh mto grande/forte haeuae.

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PSN ID: fsgarbi-br Steam ID: Patua
02-08-15, 02:09 #18
shogun continua um ridiculo.
ao menos dessa vez treinou cardio. mas levou sufoco do caraio.

acho que a decisao foi roubada demais... enfim..

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Gamertag: DNWise PSN ID: DNWise Steam ID: wiseman
02-08-15, 02:21 #19
Achei q o Minotouro ganharia tb

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PSN ID: fsgarbi-br Steam ID: Patua
02-08-15, 02:28 #20

tomou uma no pe da oreia da Ronda que deu ate doh.. haeuaehae.. pqp....
monstra a mina... soh cyborg mesmo... q nem tem lutado eu acho.. =/

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02-08-15, 02:29 #21
kkkkkkkk izi

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Gamertag: DNWise PSN ID: DNWise Steam ID: wiseman
02-08-15, 02:32 #22
Ronda é um trator, ainda falou que preferiu bater um pouco antes de finalizar

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XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
02-08-15, 02:34 #23
po, achei que ia ter pelo menos um segundo round...

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Gamertag: sephitoff PSN ID: alanpk
02-08-15, 02:57 #24
Lutas da Ronda sao sem graça

zerou a categoria

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PSN ID: duMagrao Steam ID: xuxuzao
02-08-15, 03:09 #25
Claro que cyborg tem lutado.
Esse ano ela ja meteu 2ko totalizando 1 min de luta

Ela ta voando!
Só vou respeitar ronda qd lutar c cris.
Ate ka, so bate em franga

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02-08-15, 08:50 #26
é mto amador MMA feminino, n tem competição pq tem tipo 50 mulheres no mundo que querem ser lutadoras de MMA, ae da isso uma atleta de ponta vs uma mulher q mal consegue se equilibrar sozinha ioehioehe

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XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
02-08-15, 09:06 #27
na real acho que teve alguma jogada, em toda luta era, fulano, faixa preta em xpto, preta em abcd, etc etc, com a ronda a mesma coisa, ai com a pitbull, algo na linha "luta ha 3 anos, faixa azul em xpto, roxa em abcd, so fiquei pensando que situacao calhou pra ela chegar a disputar um titulo mundial com uma experiencia tao incompleta.

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PSN ID: fsgarbi-br Steam ID: Patua
02-08-15, 11:13 #28
jeep. o que define as lutas eh a quantidade de vitorias e nao a formação ela ja tinha 9 lutas profissionais e tava invicta e já tinha batido minas "fortes" do ufc... ambas tinham volume de vitorias similares....
tem nego que cresce lutando soh boxe (q nao tem faixas rs), ou soh bjj com pouca base em outras lutas... o que importa eh a efetividade.

o problema eh que como o sibs disse, não tem volume de mulher lutando, ronda ja passou o rodo em todo mundo pq ela eh foda.... e soh tem 1 que poderia encarar: a cyborg... mas nem fodendo que o dana vai contrata la para ter o risco de foder com a queridinha dele... enfim...

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02-08-15, 12:13 #29

Esse é o nível da Bethe, falta caráter e maturidade.

Se fodeu bonito.

Agora convenhamos, a Ronda é muito linda pqp.

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02-08-15, 12:18 #30
Mais uma clássica do nível da Bethe: http://sportv.globo.com/site/combate...ja-perdeu.html


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PSN ID: kakarotto_DS
02-08-15, 19:33 #31
vcs sabem que a cyborg nao pode lutar com a ronda pq as duas sao de CATEGORIAS diferentes neh?

ou a cyborg baixa o peso ou a ronda aumenta (que nao vai acontecer nunca)

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02-08-15, 19:47 #32

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PSN ID: duMagrao Steam ID: xuxuzao
02-08-15, 19:50 #33
Próxima luta da cris é no 140 lbs.

A real é que cris faz de tudo p luta rolar e ronda n faz nada

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PSN ID: kakarotto_DS
02-08-15, 19:58 #34
véi, se ela descer de categoria, nao ganha. Ate pq uma ja ta a vida toda acostumada a um peso e a outra vai ter que perder e continuar na mesma garra (o que eh dificil)

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Steam ID: ragauskas
02-08-15, 20:11 #35
Postado por Patua Mostrar Post
jeep. o que define as lutas eh a quantidade de vitorias e nao a formação ela ja tinha 9 lutas profissionais e tava invicta e já tinha batido minas "fortes" do ufc... ambas tinham volume de vitorias similares....
tem nego que cresce lutando soh boxe (q nao tem faixas rs), ou soh bjj com pouca base em outras lutas... o que importa eh a efetividade.

o problema eh que como o sibs disse, não tem volume de mulher lutando, ronda ja passou o rodo em todo mundo pq ela eh foda.... e soh tem 1 que poderia encarar: a cyborg... mas nem fodendo que o dana vai contrata la para ter o risco de foder com a queridinha dele... enfim...
manja porra nenhuma, o cara quer eh vender porra!

a Cyborg q nao quer baixar o peso e nao ta se esforcando mto pra isso pra poder lutar com a Ronda

UFC 190: Dana White says Rousey-Cyborg will happen 'whenever Cyborg is ready'


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PSN ID: fsgarbi-br Steam ID: Patua
02-08-15, 20:22 #36
ja tiveram 3 oportunidades pra ela entrar no ufc rasga...
teve mudança de categoria, treta com o tito ortiz (empresario da cyb) que o dana inventou e o lance do dopping que a cyb se prontificou a fazer o teste olimpico pra nao ter mimimi...

ta muito mal contada esta historia, dos 2 lados

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02-08-15, 22:16 #37
tem video da luta aonde?

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Gamertag: DNWise PSN ID: DNWise Steam ID: wiseman
02-08-15, 22:42 #38

Last edited by Jeep; 03-08-15 at 09:25.. Motivo: tag
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02-08-15, 22:53 #39
ircF, foi tão rápido que nem é um vídeo. É um gif.

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02-08-15, 23:20 #40
Nao acompanho essa porra e achei que era policia brigando com policia! huahuahua!

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03-08-15, 00:30 #41
Pq vaiaram a luta do shogun ??

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XFIRE ID: kidonpah Steam ID: kidonpah
03-08-15, 08:22 #42
pq o resultado não foi justo... não pra mim pelo menos, quem ganhou de o 1 e o 3 foi o minotouro, mas.... ta bom

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03-08-15, 08:58 #43
Qualquer clinch, qualquer luta de chão e o povo tava vaiando... Mas a luta foi trocação pura, até no chão os 2 estavam trocando socos. Pessoal parecia que tinha ido só pra ver briga de rua... hue

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Steam ID: tdf
03-08-15, 09:08 #44
Agora que vi a luta... a Ronda aí tá bem, em? Muito consciente na luta em pé... a Bethe aí (que se eu encontrar na rua acho que é traveco) teoricamente só sabia boxear e levou vareio..

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05-08-15, 19:29 #45

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XFIRE ID: ds-jeep Steam ID: jeep_ds
09-08-15, 18:29 #46
Eu sempre ficava repetindo "é marketing" quando a ronda rousey fazia algo aparentemente nao combinado e simpatico.

mas na boa, a mina tem "uma historia de vida sofrida" e tem atitudes mt boas, dificil nao gostar.


It started with an intriguing title — “Ronda Rousey: The World’s Most Dangerous Woman” — and then a picture of a “James Bond”-type beauty.

Now, I normally wouldn’t click on stuff like this, but today I had a day off, the kids weren’t fighting and I thought, OK, sure. Let’s see. A beautiful “James Bond” girl is the most dangerous woman in the world? Sure. Let’s read about this.

And then I read this:

“In her first six years, nobody knew whether she’d ever speak an intelligent sentence, such were the after effects of being born with an umbilical cord wrapped around her neck. It could be that her gibberish and mumblings were signs of brain damage. No one knew, and her parents — Ron, an aerospace-industry executive, and De Mars, an educational psychologist and statistician — moved when she was three from Riverside, California, to Jamestown, North Dakota, in part to be near the Minot State University speech therapists, who set about bringing her vocal cords to their senses. It wasn’t easy, and it took time. And it was especially frustrating for Ronda given how advanced her sisters were. ‘I’m dumb, Mom,’ she once said. ‘Maria and Jennifer have the words. I don’t have the words.’ ‘No, you’re not, you’re very smart,’ her mother told her.”

And then I was hooked. I started googling her name. I read every interview. In almost every interview she made mention of her “speech impediment.” Each time she talked about it, the more my mind thought, This is apraxia.

I threw up the question to the apraxia kids Facebook group. Yes, people had heard of her, but no, they never heard she had a speech impediment and they sure didn’t think she had apraxia. Hmm.

Did I mention I had the day off and my kids were being good?

So I started to research some more. In one interview she said her dad called her “sleeper.” She was just waiting to bloom. In another interview she talked about wanting a Hulk Hogan Wrestling Buddy when she was 3, but she couldn’t pronounce his name. She remembers going to toy store after toy store and not being able to communicate what she wanted, until a salesman figured it out. Man, how many of us have been there? When your kid can finally tell you what they want, you would sell your house to get it. She has to have apraxia. I have to at least ask.

One problem: Ronda Rousey is incredibly famous. What could I even write that her PR people would read and then pass on to her? Could I try her FB page? Twitter? I settled on the “contact me” form on her website. I started writing to her PR people, but it emphatically turned into me writing to her. I didn’t hold out much hope, but hey, might as well put it out there. Apraxia needs a face, and what better face then this badass female! She’s smart, talented, driven, resilient… Doesn’t she sound like our kids with apraxia?

Before I closed my computer, one last thing on her website caught my eye. She wrote a book. Hmm. Maybe she writes more about her speech impediment in her book?

I saw that she was going to have a Colorado book signing on May 29, 2015.

Wait, that’s… today?! Oh my gosh. She is in Colorado! She is in Denver tonight!

Insert internal struggle.

I have to go! This is amazing. I have to ask her. I can ask her in person! Laura, are you crazy? Ashlynn (my daughter) has speech therapy and swimming tonight. You can’t go down there. Plus, are there even any tickets left?

I called the bookstore and there were tickets left, but they were almost gone. I had to buy the book to get a ticket. I was number 422 out of an allotted 500.

What did I just do? I don’t watch MMA. Just this morning I didn’t even know who Ronda Rousey was and now I have bought her book and a ticket to go to her book signing on a night we are slammed with appointments.

Yep, I was definitely going. I packed a CASANA apraxia brochure, inserted my walk poster and off we went.

Ashlynn was stoked. She loves books. She could not believe this big book was for her. She held it like a prize and she wouldn’t let me hold it.

We stood in line and people thought she was adorable. Ronda’s youngest fan. I started to get nervous. What am I doing here? I dragged my 5-year-old baby to a book signing on a mother’s intuition. Oh well. If nothing else, this woman is pretty kick-ass. She’s not famous for her good looks (even though she’s beautiful), she’s not famous for being a reality star, she’s famous for being talented and smart.

Finally it was our turn. As we got closer, her bodyguards were crabby and everyone on her team seemed tired. They were literally pushing people after their book was signed so they wouldn’t take up more time for selfies. She wasn’t personalizing books. In fact, you couldn’t even hand her your book. They handed it to her for you. Sigh. I took out my hidden apraxia brochure.

Oh well, maybe we’ll still be able to talk. Those bodyguards though. Gulp.

“Okay sweetie, your turn.”

I sent Ashlynn up to the counter by herself because I read in one interview that Ronda has a soft spot for kids who seem to have the same speech disorder she did, so she really tries to take time for them. This was no exception.

Ashlynn walked shyly up to the counter.

“What’s your name?” Ronda asked.

Ashlynn answered but she couldn’t understand so she leaned over and asked again. I only got one picture before I went over to clarify “Ashlynn.”


Ronda started signing her book. I said quickly, “Ashlynn has a neurological speech disorder like you did and we are inspired by you because you overcame that and so much more.”

Almost on auto-pilot Ronda responded, “Yep, I had to overcome a lot to get here.”

I was so nervous. I had to ask her ASAP. Luckily she took a long time to sign the book. Laura, say it!

“Did you have apraxia?”

Ronda stopped signing, looked me in the eye and said, “What did you just say?”

“Uh, uh, apraxia? Dyspraxia? Was that your speech impediment?”

She looked incredulous and repeated, “Apraxia, yes, this is what they think I had.”

I smiled. I knew it. Un-freaking believable. I looked over at the bodyguards. What the heck. I threw the CASANA brochure on the counter. They moved in, but she motioned them to stop.

I said, “This is information on apraxia. If you really did have it, will you say that in your interviews instead of speech impediment? It would mean so much to our kids who are struggling with it.”

She again looked at the brochure before looking back up at me and said, “I will. I really will.”

She seemed sincere. I instantly believed she would. I had Ashlynn give her a hug and tried to push her along (bodyguards were watching), and she said, “You know, my mom is a PhD psychologist, and she had never heard of it. She took me to the universities and many of them had never heard of it.”

“Yes!” I replied. “Yes! It’s still not well known or understood.”

She started to get really worked up now. Emotions spilled out of her. I read in an interview people think she’s so tough, but really she wears her heart on her sleeve and she was, right then, in that moment.

“They wanted to put me in a special classroom away from my friends. They thought I was stupid! But by fourth grade I was top of my class in algebra, and by high school I tested gifted.”

“Yes!” I again replied. “Yes, these are our kids.”

She looked back down at the brochure before looking up again and said, “I will. I really will.”

Ashlynn and I ran out of there. Before we left I pointed at Ronda and said, “Look, Ashlynn! She has apraxia,” and then I pointed to a line of almost 100 people who were still waiting and said, “and all these people want her autograph!”

Ashlynn smiled. We ran out into the rain laughing.

“You’re going to be famous, Ashlynn,” I said, and we laughed.

It was late by this point and we still had a 30-minute drive home. I stopped by my parents’ house to tell them the story. They couldn’t believe it!

I finally got home and ate dinner while my husband put Ashlynn to bed. I fired up my computer and just for the heck of it, I went to Ronda’s Facebook page to like it. That’s when I saw this:


She reposted the brochure I gave her! She must have done that first thing upon completing the book signing. She is one of our kids. So freaking awesome!

Even if she doesn’t do anything else, even if she doesn’t say she has apraxia, Ashlynn and I will always have that moment — that moment when we met a true fighter who overcame apraxia and so much more, just like I believe Ashlynn will.

We will always have that book confirming what I have hoped all along:

“I never would have been able to do any of those things without hope. The kind of hope I’m talking about is the belief that something good will come. That everything you’re going through and everything you’ve gone through will be worth the struggles and frustrations. The kind of hope I’m talking about is a deep belief that the world can be changed, that the impossible is possible.” – Ronda Rousey


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PSN ID: smuczek Steam ID: cyberjack
09-08-15, 18:44 #47
A parada é a seguinte, enquanto ela não lutar contra a cris cyborg ela não vai ser considerada a melhor, sempre vão falar que ela é fabricada etc etc, mas porra ela também pisa na bola com declarações do tipo ahhh pq eu posso ganhar de qualquer homem dae vai lá e exige que a cris tem que lutar no peso dela, a Cris vai lá se fode um monte pra bater o peso e agora que consegue a ronda diz que quer lutar com a miesha e não com a Cris no dia 5 de dezembro, pô ae é pedir pro povo ficar falando que tá com medo né.

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Gamertag: DNWise PSN ID: DNWise Steam ID: wiseman
10-08-15, 12:26 #48
Hahahahaha, conseguiu baixar o peso onde?

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Fura Olho

XFIRE ID: EmB_FuraOlho Steam ID: gustavomartino
10-08-15, 23:50 #49
nao vai ser considerada a melhor entre as duas, certo? dai eu concordo facil, por questao de logica

MAS, considerada a melhor OVERALL, dai ta faltando um pouco de lucidez na cachola. pegue apenas o peso das MEDALHAS da ronda no judo e ja passa o peso da cyborg. a cyborg, por sua vez, perdeu um cinturao (nao lembro qual) por doping... tao no mesmissimo nivel, viu?

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Fura Olho

XFIRE ID: EmB_FuraOlho Steam ID: gustavomartino
11-08-15, 00:00 #50
"Cyborg está apenas esperando o valor certo ser oferecido para que ter a 'bunda chutada'. A demora está relacionada a dinheiro, não ao peso. Ela bateu 66 quilos cheia de esteroides. Então ela consegue chegar de forma saudável aos 61 quilos sem usar (esteroides). Os shows em que ela é a atração principal perdem milhares de dólares, e a maior parte dos ingressos são distribuídos porque as pessoas não se interessam em comprar. Ela precisa de mim. Então nós estamos esperando ela se tocar que precisa lutar comigo antes de eu me aposentar, ou ela nunca terá dinheiro para sua própria aposentadoria"


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