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Gamertag: Stefan Prestes PSN ID: stefanprestes XFIRE ID: exxhail Steam ID: didz
Default Command & Conquer: Tiberium Wars

11-05-06, 16:01 #1

As imagens falam por mim..

Quem é fã da série (todo mundo? hea) vai se deliciar.. os C&C tão mais "raros" hoje em dia, mas quando saem, saem assim




Vai ter GDI x NOD ! Igual no C&C 95
Segundo a GS, tá bem voltado ao "estilo clássico" esse jogo..

Lançamento em 2007.. com certeza vai ser dinheiro bem gasto.

didz is offline  
Cyan Leader

11-05-06, 17:29 #2
Tava na hora de alguém posta isso

HeAHUEAHuAHEUAhaeu eu postei uma porrada de topic sobre C&C já. Anyway, pelo que eu li das entrevistas, parece que a EA quer voltar a ser mais como os originais, foi confirmada já a volta da Sidebar e hints que o MCV irá voltar também.

Kane está de volta \o/

Cyan Leader is offline  

PSN ID: duMagrao Steam ID: xuxuzao
11-05-06, 19:46 #3
mto bonito msm

c&c rlz
mais estrategia eu gostava mto starcraft.. deviam lancar um novo

XUXU is offline  

Gamertag: Stefan Prestes PSN ID: stefanprestes XFIRE ID: exxhail Steam ID: didz
11-05-06, 20:10 #4
Starcraft era legal mesmo, me lembro de ter jogado um bem antigo.. é o único? Mas parece que morreu neh.. :/

C&C vai pavorar d+!
Kane rox.. ehoaeh

Será que vai ser uma "continuação" do 1? No estilo "pouco tempo depois" ? Curti demais o fato de ter GDI x NOD denovo

didz is offline  

11-05-06, 20:14 #5
O problema do Starcraft é o medo que a Blizzard tem de lançar um sucessor que não esteja a altura do original...
Não é facil fazer uma serie consagrada ter uma sequencia bem aceita, ainda mais quando falamos de Starcraft.

downcast is offline  

11-05-06, 20:18 #6
eu de vez em quando jogo starcraft ainda!

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Fura Olho

XFIRE ID: EmB_FuraOlho Steam ID: gustavomartino
11-05-06, 20:24 #7
starcraft atingiu um equilibrio perfeito depois de tantos patches.. dificil achar um jogo assim hj em dia

pra constar: olhei pra primeira foto e pensei "5 fps"

Fura Olho is offline  

Gamertag: Stefan Prestes PSN ID: stefanprestes XFIRE ID: exxhail Steam ID: didz
11-05-06, 20:26 #8
5 fps? Que nada.. tem gente que tem 7800gtx, da pra pegar uns 8

didz is offline  
PHD em Dota 2

11-05-06, 20:38 #9
cês viram as ondinhas na água lá por causa do vento dos helicópitro ?

marconds is offline  

Gamertag: Stefan Prestes PSN ID: stefanprestes XFIRE ID: exxhail Steam ID: didz
11-05-06, 21:28 #10
Por isso que postei aquela SS.. fico perfeito ;O

Tem mais uma:


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Steam ID: ragauskas
11-05-06, 21:31 #11

akele jogo eh imorrivel, comprem o original e entrem na battle.net

sempre gente on hehe.. servidor koreba intaum nem se fala... vai ateh a sala 200 facil hehe...

melhor jogo de estrategia EVAHH ! ! !

ragauskas is offline  
The Alpha Male

11-05-06, 21:32 #12
QUERIA EU, ter makina pra rodar isso

sou muito fan de c&c

acho q foi um dos primeiros jogos que eu realmente joguei e gostei

C&C e red alert

Bombastic is offline  
Cyan Leader

11-05-06, 21:44 #13
Não é "NOD", é Nod.

Red Alert eu e o golden ainda jogamos, so da uma olhada naquele tópico do tutorial.

Cyan Leader is offline  

11-05-06, 22:44 #14
eu joguei mais o DEMO que vinha em revistas do que o FULL(completo em inglês)
era difícil achar jogo pirata na época =D

Scrabby is offline  

11-05-06, 23:40 #15


Aveia-Quaker is offline  
Cyan Leader

11-05-06, 23:48 #16
Não é tomara, vai ter o Kane. A EA ja confirmou isso. Agora reze que seja o Joe Kucan (ator que fez o Kane em C&C, RA1 e TS).

Last edited by Cyan Leader; 11-05-06 at 23:52..
Cyan Leader is offline  

Gamertag: Stefan Prestes PSN ID: stefanprestes XFIRE ID: exxhail Steam ID: didz
12-05-06, 08:49 #17
Postado por Cyan Leader
Não é "NOD", é Nod.

Red Alert eu e o golden ainda jogamos, so da uma olhada naquele tópico do tutorial.

didz is offline  

Gamertag: rlandim Steam ID: ldmkz
12-05-06, 09:49 #18
\o/ Achava o TS muito desbalaceados, os Nods eram muito apelão, mas do mesmo jeito o jogo era foda.
Nesse vai ter unidade da agua \oj/

"He who controls the past commands the future. He who commands the future conquers the past." Kane...

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Steam ID: spooneta
12-05-06, 16:29 #19
Surrender is not an option.

colher is offline  

12-05-06, 19:03 #20

haja pc.

... is offline  

12-05-06, 19:25 #21
hum.. isso vai exigir do PC... pelos gráficos..

3460 is offline  
Cyan Leader

12-05-06, 20:05 #22
Uma 6800 deve rodar no medium.

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PSN ID: Kerpa100 Steam ID: Kerpa Wii Code: 1715 1365 8365 5261
12-05-06, 20:26 #23

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Gamertag: Soul AND
12-05-06, 21:25 #24
vou vender meu pc e comprar uma PV


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Gamertag: Stefan Prestes PSN ID: stefanprestes XFIRE ID: exxhail Steam ID: didz
13-05-06, 16:26 #25
Postado por Soul
vou vender meu pc e comprar uma PV


Nah.. PV deve despencar de preço daqui a pouco.. a série 6 principalmente, mesmo pq a série 7 ja tá "comum" (=[)

didz is offline  

Gamertag: Stefan Prestes PSN ID: stefanprestes XFIRE ID: exxhail Steam ID: didz
03-07-06, 18:08 #26
E pra falar mais de jogos, já que as ferias (e, consequentemente, o tempo de nerdiar), tá aí mais uma foto


didz is offline  

03-07-06, 18:09 #27

e continua a dúvida: e a jogabilidade?

punisher is offline  
Cyan Leader

03-07-06, 18:39 #28
Vai voltar a ser MCV based, e não worker based.

Cyan Leader is offline  

Gamertag: Stefan Prestes PSN ID: stefanprestes XFIRE ID: exxhail Steam ID: didz
03-07-06, 19:08 #29

didz is offline  

Steam ID: spooneta
03-07-06, 22:29 #30
Vc vai construir as coisas direto da sua base (o mcv) e não com "peões" (workers - a la warcraft).


colher is offline  

03-07-06, 22:38 #31

mllr is offline  

Gamertag: Stefan Prestes PSN ID: stefanprestes XFIRE ID: exxhail Steam ID: didz
03-07-06, 23:10 #32
Postado por spooneta
Vc vai construir as coisas direto da sua base (o mcv) e não com "peões" (workers - a la warcraft).


didz is offline  

04-07-06, 14:58 #33
Porra sempre fui fãn de Comand Conquer, mais esse parece estar muito show, alguem sabe quais as exigencias graficas pra rodar????

tessari is offline  

Gamertag: Stefan Prestes PSN ID: stefanprestes XFIRE ID: exxhail Steam ID: didz
04-07-06, 15:09 #34
Ainda não sairam as especificações.. mas por se tratar de c&c dps de um bom tempo, prepare o pc

O Generals quando saiu exigia bastante.. nesse deve ser a mesma coisa

didz is offline  
Master Chief

Gamertag: serjaum
04-07-06, 15:16 #35
o generals eh bom?
tava na fila pra baixar aki mas desisti eiuahea

serjaum is offline  

Gamertag: Stefan Prestes PSN ID: stefanprestes XFIRE ID: exxhail Steam ID: didz
04-07-06, 16:12 #36
é bom sim..
pode baixar que não tem erro

didz is offline  
Cyan Leader

04-07-06, 21:40 #37
É bom o oficial com patch. Baixado sem expansão e sem patch é lixo.

Cyan Leader is offline  

Gamertag: Stefan Prestes PSN ID: stefanprestes XFIRE ID: exxhail Steam ID: didz
24-07-06, 14:59 #38
3 SS novinhas, adicionadas hoje!




didz is offline  
Cyan Leader

24-07-06, 15:17 #39
Oba, é pra posta coisa nova?



Tradução do texto (alemão -> inglês):


Kane is back again, he looks better than before and has many new, lovely dirty tactics in stock. We were there where the most famous badguy in gaming history prepares himself for his return: In the development studio of Electronic Arts Los Angeles.


Our way into the year 2047 takes only 30 minutes. It takes you through a unreal mixture of concrete-, steel- and sandwilderness, past carwrecks and mountains of rubbish, and continues with partly grim, partly curious looks of the inhabitants with bizar clothes. One would think that we have already reached the battlefield of the future, in the middle of the merciless war between GDI and Nod - and we've gone to Los Angeles just for that. Our mood for that couldn't be better when we finally reach the main office of Electronic Arts.

As the only magazine in the world we were presented the newest version of Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, by the boss of the studio, Mike Verdu (Battle for Middle Earth 2) who takes us right into the middle of the year 2047.

A Truce? Nothing of that all!

Why, of all years, the year 2047 anyway? "Because then the single player campaign starts exactly 20 years after the last C&C expansion 'Firestorm'", says Verdu. There is a deceptive calmth: The Global Defense Initiative (GDI), a NATO of the future, has developed new technology with which they can decontaminate tiberium-infested landscapes. Nevertheless the deadly crystals continuously spread. The terrorist-organisation Nod suffers internal conflicts like GDI. Noone knows if the charismatic leader Kane still lives. Mike Verdu can put the fans of the series at ease. "Kane is in perfect health and makes nice and dirty plans."
And if that doesn't mean enough trouble for the GDI, a third, albeit still secret, side will join in the new conflict. Just like in the previous episodes, extensive, real-time video's will tell the story. Electronic Arts is planning between 45 and 60 minutes of video, that will be shot in the next few months, partly with self-made sets.

1 + 1 = 3

Even though Command & Conquer 3, like Warcraft 3, has one continuous story with only one possible ending, you can choose the side of GDI or Nod at the beginning of the game. The trick: Both compaigns largely follow the same story, and which side you choose will determine how you will experience it. But where is the third faction? "That campaign will be unlocked if you have finished both the GDI- and the Nod-campaign.

Theater of War

Aside from the story, there will be an all new, flexible campaign-concept to encourage replaying. It is called "Theater of War". In this mode you are in a geographical region, such as the American East Coast. The South of Germany will also change into a battlefield. Every Battlescene gets its own strategic map, where you can choose to act next, and prepare yourself for your main goal. The path you choose will play a role in the next mission.
An example: Your main goal in the Battlescene of the US East Coast in the GDI campaign is the liberation of Washington. But first you have to choose if you want to take over the airports or the harbours. Who chooses the first, can count on airsupport, but has to pay attention to attacks of enemy ships. The other way around is that the owner of the harbour has a mighty fleet, but has no airforce. On the other hand you must control both the harbour and the airport before you can finally control the American capital. "The player must not get the feeling that they are missing out on something," explains Verdu. EA Los Angeles plans to put Campaigns around five Battescenes, each four to six missions. That clearly sounds like more gameplay than Battle for Middle Earth 2.

In the Verticals

Who wants to conquer Washington must optimally use their units and structures. Is it still controlled with the traditional vertical menu? "It has to," says Verdu. "After all, it is a part of the Command & Conquer feeling. But we would be kind of stupid if we would ignore the rules laid out by the RTS-genre for the past few years." This is how the compromise will function: Just like the old days you will order all buildings and soldiers from the right side of the screen, independent of where you are on the map at that moment. But the menu options will change if you click on a building in the gameplay map. You'll see the commands you can give for that specific building, from upgrades to unitbuilding. That way you can build multiple buildings simultaneously. That will only work smoothly if you upgrade your Construction Yard with expensive cranes. With every crane you will get additional building options. There's another way they broke with the traditional ways: The developers want to leave room under the vertical bar that displays all special skills for the selected unit.

Spy Against Will

Special skills? Yes, you read it right: During the past few games, the tanks and soldiers were as unflexible as Kane's view on the world, in Command & Conquer 3 you can spend devious upgrades on nearly every unit.
A few examples in the repetoire of GDI: The sniperteam does not only kill enemy units with one shot anymore, but now he also marks targets for artillerybombings. The Guardian is in the first place a troop transport, but can lay mines later on. And the repair vehicle RIG can change into a little outpost, with airplane platform and rocket tower - an ideal weapon to guard tiberium fields.
Our favourite is a old unit we all know: The Orca shoots tiny sensors on an enemy tank which will have them explore the map for you for a certain amount of time.

The Torch of Nod

As first magazine we were allowed to take a look at the Nod units that have been kept secret for so long. Kane's army now has a mighty air-to-ground unit in the form of a Vertigo Bomber, which wipes away whole GDI divisions form the face of the map. With its measily on-board machine gun, the Verigo has no chance against the Air-to-Air missiles of the new GDI Firehawk jets. This rock-paper-scissors principal also shows itself in the return of the Flame Tank from the first C&C. This flamethrowing tank is very effective against infantry, but is with its short range an ideal target for Artillery. The common thing about Nod units is their cool design with organic shapes, shiny black paint and blood red colored windshields. It's completely different from the old conventional look of the GDI-troops.
Can the third faction top it? Mike Verdu lets go of the first few hints: "The combination of looks and tactical advantage is very unusual. For example, you can combine two units together to form a new weapon."

Cyan Leader is offline  
Cyan Leader

24-07-06, 15:17 #40

My House, My Upgrades, My Nuclear War

If you muck up your infantry with a vast array of special skills, you can't leave the buildings as they are. In the first place you are going for upgrades, of course. Railguns and combined weaponry for infantry, mortars for the Pitbull-Buggy, stratosphere-nozzles for the Firehawk. Atmospheric graphical detail: Every new techonologu is being flown in, and will also change the look of the unit.
Many buildings function without special upgrades, but adding those can decide if you will have good fortune in your onslaught or not.
The newest radio- and radarstation will allow you to command three different types of air-support. A clearing team of Pitbull-buggies, a sniperteam or an areabombardement by a squadron of Firehawks. Or you order by Uplink Station a Shockwave-artillery strike from outer space. And if you need a few big whammies, every side gets its own Superweapon on the battlefield that can turn whole bases into ashes. GDI will fire the Ion Cannon, Nod an atomic missile, and the third side, according to Vedu, must "have something really nasty".

Commander and Captain

Flexible units, flexible buildings - what's wrong? Logical, flexible battlefields are traditionally a strong point in the Command & Conquer series. Building and destroying bridges is being revamped, but only in very basic ways. If there's a lot of water in the way, enter the first controllable ships in the C&C-game. The repertoire of GDI includes a transport-hovercraft, a destroyer, and an aircraft carrier. Although choosing which boats are being used sometimes determines the outcome of complete missions, nobody cares about shipyards to equip the boats.
Other than rivers and seas you have to use the neutral territories in your strategy as well. Soldiers can barricade themselves into almost every house - until a well aimed grenade and tanks has them evacuate. Certain buildings will give the owner an extra special ability. Who controls an Ion Storn Generator, will be able to start storms and blow it in the direction of the enemy base.

Smells like Call of Duty 2

Nuclear explosions, destructable buildings, ion storms: All high requirements, graphic-wise. Command & Conquer 3 uses a strongly modified version if the Sage-engine (Battle for Middle Earth 2). The most important improvement, the developer works on a completely new particle system for smoke, explosions and effects.
What Mike Verdu presented to us in Los Angeles, already technologically beats the every competition in the genre. The smoke looks as real as in Call of Duty 2, the water in motion looks better than in Oblivion, and tankturrets move as realistically as in Battlefield 2. As for style, Electronic Arts still has to catch up on one thing: Above all, the bland grey-brown colors in landscapes and GDI-units are not esthetically pleasing nor orderly. Mike Verdu, though, in response to our criticism, responded that we would also be fighting in jungles and cities. On the wall above the desk we could see some fine artwork from the Golden Gate bridge consumed by tiberium, and a picture of a sunk boat on the bottom of the sea.

Command & Conquer TV

Who prefers to conquer the Golden Gate bridge on-line, will be happy to hear there is quite an expanded multiplayer mode. Mike Verdu is especially proud of the spectator mode, so people can join in on-going battles and study the strategies of the highest-ranking players.
Thanks to a newly developed online-platform, you will quickly find the game you want and organise whole tournaments with only a few mouseclicks. Command & Conquer 3 will support VoiP, so you can mock the opponent your pummeling into oblivion loudly through your headset.
Mike Verdu answered our final question about the release date. "Somewhere in 2007. I can't say anything more precise than that." Allright, then we'll speculate some more. After what we have seen, Command & Conquer 3 seems about 50% done. When everything goes smoothly, you can go next summer to the year 2047 - and that without getting lost in time.

Cyan Leader is offline  
Fura Olho

XFIRE ID: EmB_FuraOlho Steam ID: gustavomartino
24-07-06, 15:32 #41
esse lance de escolher qual territorio tomar planejando o objetivo do territorio seguinte ja rolava de maneira mais simples no dune2


Fura Olho is offline  

Steam ID: marumba
25-07-06, 12:33 #42
pra c&c eu pago memo

Marumba is offline  

Gamertag: Stefan Prestes PSN ID: stefanprestes XFIRE ID: exxhail Steam ID: didz
25-08-06, 14:53 #43







didz is offline  
Cyan Leader

25-08-06, 15:07 #44
Falto o Kane!

Cyan Leader is offline  

Gamertag: Stefan Prestes PSN ID: stefanprestes XFIRE ID: exxhail Steam ID: didz
25-08-06, 15:14 #45
Eu coloquei e tirei.. heoaho.. pq vc ja tinha colocado :~

didz is offline  

Gamertag: Stefan Prestes PSN ID: stefanprestes XFIRE ID: exxhail Steam ID: didz
26-08-06, 21:45 #46

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26-08-06, 22:06 #47
Perfeicao = "Soldiers: Heroes of ww2"


Last edited by ih8u; 26-08-06 at 22:10..
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Steam ID: ernani_benkendorf
27-08-06, 01:12 #48
Postado por didz
Eu coloquei e tirei.. heoaho.. pq vc ja tinha colocado :~

silvergun is offline  

PSN ID: sttsek Steam ID: stt2010
27-08-06, 02:22 #49
Cara preciso comprar um pc novo...

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Gamertag: Stefan Prestes PSN ID: stefanprestes XFIRE ID: exxhail Steam ID: didz
17-10-06, 16:43 #50
SS de hoje





didz is offline  

17-10-06, 17:03 #51
vei, eu joguei o red alert e o generals...
lembro que tinha uma tal de tanya no red alert
mas quem é kane ?

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Steam ID: ernani_benkendorf
17-10-06, 20:58 #52
É o irmão do Kano, do Mortal Kombat.

silvergun is offline  
Cyan Leader

17-10-06, 21:19 #53
Caralho, blasfemia nao saber quem é Kane.

Termine seu Red Alert com os Sovieticos que ele aparece no final.

Cyan Leader is offline  

18-10-06, 00:14 #54
KANE é O cara... General do NOD no primeiro C&C... Sempre adorei o kane e fico feliz por ter akele "rabo de escorpião" que solta laser de volta, amo-o.

Aveia-Quaker is offline  
Cyan Leader

18-10-06, 00:16 #55
Kane nao é so um general. ELE EH O MESSIAH!



Cyan Leader is offline  

18-10-06, 09:55 #56
graficos fodas...
ai vou rodar no meu pc....

quality very low!

RedTrap is offline  
Cyan Leader

18-10-06, 14:23 #57
Nossa, agora fodeu de vez:

Actors support Tiberium Wars
New C&C celeb factory includes Lost's Sawyer, Empire Strikes Back's Lando, Top Gun's Jester for live-action cutscenes.

For the most part, live-action video in games is hard to find. Aside from a brief wave of games that included Night Trap, Wing Commander III, and Phantasmagoria, Hollywood actors haven't shown their faces too often in games, opting instead to do voice work for computer-modeled characters.

However, one series that did continue to incorporate live-action video was the Command & Conquer franchise. Actors such as Michael Biehn (Terminator, The Abyss), James Earl Jones (the voice of Darth Vader, The Meteor Man), and Kari Wuhrer (Anaconda, MTV's Remote Control) have been in featured in previous C&C games, but departed from live-action video in its more recent installments.

That's not the case for the upcoming PC real-time strategy game Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars. In August, Electronic Arts announced C&C3 would bring back actor Joe Kucan to reprise his role as Brotherhood of Nod leader Kane in high-def live-action scenes. Today, EA revealed that Kucan won't be alone in front of the camera and will be joined by a host of other well-known actors.

Fans of science-fiction properties will recognize most of the cast, which includes Josh Halloway (Lost's Sawyer), Billy Dee Williams (the Star Wars films' Lando Calrissian), Michael Ironside (the voice of Splinter Cell's Sam Fisher, Top Gun's Jester), and Tricia Helfer (Battlestar Galactica's Number Six). The full lineup of actors featured in the game is listed below.

"This is the most fun I’ve had since Star Wars!" said Williams. "The game’s story and universe are immersive and drew me right in. I was intrigued by my character, GDI Director Redmond Boyle, because he has more depth than I expected from a video game personality."

The HD live-action scenes will be combined with computer graphics to help propel the game's plot forward. For added realism, EA has also employed the talents of real-world news casters to deliver TV-style reports of the Tiberium Wars.

For more information on how the cast was selected and the decision to include live-action sequences in the game, read GameSpot's Q&A with C&C3 executive producer Mike Verdu.

Command and Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars has not yet been rated and will be released in North America and Europe in 2007. For more information, check out GameSpot's previous coverage.

Actor / Past work
Michael Ironside / Top Gun, voice of Splinter Cell's Sam Fisher
Billy Dee Williams / Empire Strikes Back, Colt .45 Spokesperson
Josh Holloway / Lost, CSI
Tricia Helfer / Battlestar Galactica, CSI
Grace Park / Battlestar Galactica, L.A. Law: The Movie
Ivana Bozilovic / Wedding Crashers, Van Wilder
Shanon Cook / CNN reporter
John Huck / Las Vegas Fox News anchor
Shauntay Hinton / former Miss USA
Joe Kucan / Command & Conquer series

Em resumo, eles contrataram atores fodoes de Hollywood para fazer as cenas do C&C3.

Cyan Leader is offline  
e tenho dito

18-10-06, 14:56 #58
pergunta preguiçosa
qdo vai sair esse jogo mesmo?!

FeDaYkIn is offline  
Cyan Leader

18-10-06, 15:12 #59
Ano que vem, não tem data ainda.

Cyan Leader is offline  

18-10-06, 16:38 #60
karalho ROX
esse eu compro...

GoldenEye is offline  

Steam ID: marumba
19-10-06, 01:54 #61
eu achei o c&c generals um lixo
renegade uma bosta
o tiberian sun legal
red alert apavoro

Marumba is offline  

19-10-06, 17:28 #62
Quem nao lembra q tinha um ator mais ou menos famoso no C&C tiberian sun???

David is offline  

Gamertag: Stefan Prestes PSN ID: stefanprestes XFIRE ID: exxhail Steam ID: didz
20-10-06, 11:07 #63
Jeep! Dá pra mover esse pro Arcade?
Tem nego postando aqui que nunca foi no Arcade na vida, aê os caras vão conhecer lá e ver que tá cheio de coisa boa..

didz is offline  

Steam ID: spooneta
20-10-06, 19:32 #64
C&C >>> AOE

colher is offline  

Steam ID: marumba
20-10-06, 19:41 #65
Postado por spooneta
C&C >>> AOE
curto os dois mais esse age 3 nao curti =/

Marumba is offline  

Gamertag: Stefan Prestes PSN ID: stefanprestes XFIRE ID: exxhail Steam ID: didz
20-10-06, 19:53 #66
Postado por spooneta
C&C >>> AOE
Mai tem nem comparação, pum..
c&c rox

Vendo pelo estilo RTS, só um jogo até hoje foi melhor: Company of Heroes.. mas como não é uma "saga", não da pra comparar..

didz is offline  
e tenho dito

04-12-06, 09:00 #67
saiu video novo... tem no ign... nao achei no youtube ainda

FeDaYkIn is offline  
Cyan Leader

04-12-06, 11:56 #68
Eh eu vi ja, no video confirma que o jogo vai sair em Marco

E nao esquecam, a terceira faccao vai ser revelada dia 19 de Novembro!

Last edited by Cyan Leader; 04-12-06 at 12:02..
Cyan Leader is offline  
Master Chief

Gamertag: serjaum
26-02-07, 12:45 #69
para os interessados
o demo sai hj


podia mover pro arcade esse topico =P

serjaum is offline  
Roger Young
Forever Young

28-02-07, 19:23 #70
move, move, move pro arcade....

Roger Young is offline  

28-02-07, 23:57 #71
Torrent (do demo): http://www.mininova.org/tor/599032

Ja mandei puxar

David is offline  

01-03-07, 00:03 #72
nunca fui fã de C&C....

sei lá, parece com MAX

[SKAN] is offline  
Guy Gardner

01-03-07, 02:07 #73
Postado por [SKAN]
nunca fui fã de C&C....

sei lá, parece com MAX

Velho levantaram o CD do MAX 1 do meu melhor amigo
Ele daria o cu pra achar o ISO do Max mas nunca nem ele achou nem eu
Alguém conhece um link pra esse maldito jogo?
Como é ilegal manda por pm
Vou ficar deveramente agradecido porque ele não rola nem como imagem de torrent por ae
Emule nem se fala então

Guy Gardner is offline  

Gamertag: ksnrodrigoms PSN ID: rodrigo_machado
01-03-07, 02:14 #74
agora é moda?

Kensha is offline  

01-03-07, 13:39 #75
Postado por Guy Gardner
Velho levantaram o CD do MAX 1 do meu melhor amigo
Ele daria o cu pra achar o ISO do Max mas nunca nem ele achou nem eu
Alguém conhece um link pra esse maldito jogo?
Como é ilegal manda por pm
Vou ficar deveramente agradecido porque ele não rola nem como imagem de torrent por ae
Emule nem se fala então

[SKAN] is offline  

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