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18-05-06, 01:30 #1
Ai gente, ces conhecem o Sunscreen né?
A versão em português é dublada pelo Bial, mas não é essa que eu quero plagear.

Aqui tem link pra ver o vídeo original:

Aqui vai o que eu vou fazer: vou editar um flme parecido, mas só com fotos e cartões estáticos (porque não há chance antes do inferno congelar que eu gaste tempo filmando e editando filmagem).

Agora, a parte cool.
Vai ser sobre o mundo nerd.

Aqui vai o texto, de minha autoria
Everybody’s Nerd

(to use screensaver)


Ladies and gentleman of the Darkside of 2006...

use screensaver.

If I could offer you only one tip for the future,

screensaver would be IT.

The long term benefits of screensaver have been proved by scientists whereas the rest of my advice is based, more realiably, on my own
nerd experience.

I will dispense this advice:

Accept the underpower and limits of your computer. Nevermind. You will not understand the underpower and limits of your computer until it's upgraded.

But trust me, in 20 years, you look back at log files and recall in a way you can't grasp now

The RAM you had and how much memory you really used.

Your pc is NOT as fast as you imagine.

Don't worry about hackers. Or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as a newbie playing counter strike with a joystick.

The real troubles in your pc are apt to be viruses that never crossed your worried mind;

The kind that blindstrikes you at 4 pm on some idle Tuesday.

Play one game, everyday, that suits you.

Donwload mp3.

Don't be reckless with other people's chars and don't put up with people who are reckless with yours.


Don't waist your time with free trials. Sometimes you crack, sometimes you buy it.

The download may not be long but, in the end, it's surely gonna crash.

Remember the times you’ve owned people.

Forget the times you've been owned.

If you want succed in doing this, kill the witnesses.

Keep all of your passwords. Throw away all old system files.


Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to play tonight. The most nerd people I know don't know at 22 pm what they want to play, sometimes. Some of the most nerd people, at 4 am, still don’t.

Get plenty of coolers.

Be kind to your mouse and keyboard. You'll miss them when they're gone.

Maybe you'll marry, maybe you wont.

Maybe you'll die a virgin, maybe you wont.

Maybe you'll get a laptop, maybe you'll still have your pentium 4 at your seventieth fith anniversary.

Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much or forget to talk about it, either. Internet gives you a chance of telling everybody else.

Enjoy your computer, use it in every way you can. Don't be afraid of it, or what other people think of it, it's the greatest instrument you'll ever own.

Hack. Even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own high school.

Create a blog, even if don't update it.

Do NOT read programming magazines, they will only make you feel stupid.

Get to know your hardware. You'll never know when it'll be gone for good.

Be kind to your wires. They're the best link to your pc and the pieces most likely to stick with you in the future.

Understand that pieces of hardware come and go, but for a precious few, you should hold on.

Work hard to stay connected no matter what to nerd life style, because the older you get, the more you need people you knew when you were nerd.

Use linux once, but stop before it makes you hard. Use windows once, but stop before it makes you soft.


Accept certain and inalienable truths, player killers will arise, your equipment will shatter, you too will loose gold.

And when you do, you will fantasize that when you were high level, you fought with equals, you looted no players and newbies respected the oldschool.

Respect the oldschool.

Don't expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you'll have free server. Maybe you'll have private one, but you never know when either one might run out.

Don't mess too much with your mouse pad. Or, by the time you need it, it’ll stick to your mouse.

Don’t be paranoiac about whose stuff you buy, but read references of those you're supplied with.

Buying used stuff is a form of nostalgia. Doing it is a way of fishing the useless from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the old parts and selling it for more than it's worth.

But trust me on the screensaver.
Razão de ter escrito isso: eu pensei nisso numas viagens de ônibus e tava praticamente pronto quando fui por no papel, seria mais desperdício de tempo não fazer que terminar. E sIm, eu reescrevi depois olhando o original, tenho até (em algum lugar do pc) um arquivo .doc comparando ambos e , modéstia à puta que pariu, ficou muito bom.

Se alguém ai quiser perder um tempo olhando o original e lendo o meu, e encotnrar umas imagens qeu eu possa usar, eu agradeço.
Também preciso de uma música que seja do clima, mas muito mais nerd: aliás, se algum de vocês metido com gravação quiser fazer uma, eu aceito.

Pra possível ajuda adicione Zedd no msn:
[email protected]


Last edited by Zedd; 18-05-06 at 01:41..
Zedd is offline   Reply With Quote

18-05-06, 01:37 #2
Aconselho a olhar o filme e ir lendo o texto nerd concomitantemente.


Zedd is offline   Reply With Quote

18-05-06, 01:44 #3
legal a idéia ahuaha

com imagens bonitas coloca também umas imagens bem idiotas uns nerds
imagens bonitas nerds, tipo aquele processador que vc queira ter ou uma placa sde video
ai em momentos tristes aquele pc queimado etc

nao esquece do logo da ds no canto do video

kascola is offline   Reply With Quote

18-05-06, 01:49 #4
"Escuta" o vídeo e le o texto que fica mto massa kas

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18-05-06, 01:50 #5

isso vai ser FACINHO!

é soh pegar uma musica, alguem grava a voz, e meter com um virtualdub...

é facinho mesmo! vamo faze!



mllr is offline   Reply With Quote
The Bam

18-05-06, 01:51 #6
Zedd tah se achando o Bial... auygaygauya
vai ficar massa e aposto que no fim eu que vo "doar" figuras toscas pra ele...

The Bam is offline   Reply With Quote

18-05-06, 02:31 #7
extremamente rlz
se nao fosse pela referencia extrema a world of warcraft no final.. se referenciar ultima online fica mais oldschool nerd

edit: ah sim, e trocar counter strike por quake.. e usar uma comparacao mais quaker

ZeroCarontE is offline   Reply With Quote

18-05-06, 08:35 #8
Zero, tristemente fiz com o jogo que e mais popular... nem me ocorreu de colocar quake :/
e eu nunca joguei mmo, eu fiz com base no que sei deles em geral

Qual a tua opinião na frase?

Zedd is offline   Reply With Quote

18-05-06, 08:50 #9
ai, Zeddinho, sou teu fã!

clash is offline   Reply With Quote

PSN ID: Kerpa100 Steam ID: Kerpa Wii Code: 1715 1365 8365 5261
18-05-06, 10:47 #10
Quem q vai emprestar a voz pro vídeo?!

Kerpa!100 is offline   Reply With Quote

18-05-06, 11:14 #11
vai ficar engraçado pacas...

se precisarem de ajuda to a disposição...

Biel is offline   Reply With Quote

18-05-06, 11:49 #12
Chama o Cid Moreira...

jpadua is offline   Reply With Quote

Steam ID: sussa
18-05-06, 13:11 #13
FODASTICO. Merece todos os positivos de todos os usuarios.

Copiei e salvei num .doc. Irei repassar pra lista de discução da minha faculdade e dizer que fui eu que fiz. AHUAhuaHUAhuaHUAhuaHUAhuaHUA

Zoeira, mas ficou mto bom mesmo. Se deve ter levado um tempim pra deixar tudo rox assim, bolar as frases, palavras e etc.


Sussa is offline   Reply With Quote

18-05-06, 16:25 #14
Tá, e as imagens? Alguma luz?


Zedd is offline   Reply With Quote

XFIRE ID: pitbull666br Steam ID: pitbull666br
18-05-06, 16:35 #15
Postado por Zedd
Tá, e as imagens? Alguma luz?

OK! A noite eu posto aqui algumas imagens sacais de nerd que tenho num CD.

PIT BULL is offline   Reply With Quote

18-05-06, 17:04 #16

ps: como assim merece todos os positivos e nem me positivou seu sacana

Zedd is offline   Reply With Quote

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:3711915
18-05-06, 17:20 #17
asouhesaouheasouh q perfect
nice one hair

faz essa bagaça q eu coloco no boa cabelo pra divulgar tb

yahoo!? is offline   Reply With Quote

Steam ID: sussa
18-05-06, 17:48 #18
Postado por Zedd

ps: como assim merece todos os positivos e nem me positivou seu sacana
Não positivei por causa disso:

Sussa is offline   Reply With Quote

18-05-06, 17:57 #19
Postado por PitBicha
Não positivei por causa disso:


mllr is offline   Reply With Quote

18-05-06, 18:24 #20
Be kind to your mouse and keyboard. You'll miss them when they're gone.

alguem acha aquele vídeo do gurizinho tentando jogar bf e batendo no teclado pq demorava demais ou algo assim ;<

na boa, o texto ficou mt bom, mas se for fazer em vídeo, faça direito... sempre tem uns nerds pra ajudar com as edições e tudo mais.


kav is offline   Reply With Quote

18-05-06, 19:08 #21
Eu sou bom em edição, pode deixar

só não sei fazer com live video, por isso dos cartoes

to puto da cara que nao pude ficar no trote pq deu um principio de chuva e se eu pegar eu adoeço \/
mas amanah tem mais

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20-05-06, 04:32 #22
Ajuda pls senão não sai do papel

ou nem vai pro papel visto que é um projeto digital

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21-05-06, 00:09 #23
contagem regressiva pra fechar meu tópico e a idéia morrer por falta de apoio


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21-05-06, 00:34 #24
tipo, a minha idéia é deixar a musica original, pra dar aquela sensação de parecido saUHDase

mas dae a gnt monta um videozinho com umas montagens, tipo daquela do cara destruindo o pc, etc d;

mllr is offline   Reply With Quote

21-05-06, 10:48 #25
legal zedd, vc aproveita seu tempo livre pelo menos ahuihua

relax' is offline   Reply With Quote
Never Ping
🌀 Trooper

Gamertag: Willian Braga PSN ID: Never_Ping XFIRE ID: neverping Steam ID: neverping
21-05-06, 11:30 #26
Idéias de imagens para o vídeo

Everybody’s Nerd

(to use screensaver)


Ladies and gentleman of the Darkside of 2006...
[fade in do logo do fórum]

use screensaver.
[mostra o Johny Castaway, screensaver ultra antigo que todo mundo conhece]



If I could offer you only one tip for the future,

screensaver would be IT.
[Termina cenas com Johnny Castaway]

The long term benefits of screensaver have been proved by scientists whereas the rest of my advice is based, more realiably, on my own
nerd experience.
[colocar alguma cena aonde cientistas mexem com aqueles computadores gigantes que ocupavam uma sala, estilo os IBM's Mainframe que existiam]

I will dispense this advice:

Accept the underpower and limits of your computer. Nevermind. You will not understand the underpower and limits of your computer until it's upgraded.
[talvez colocar um vídeo de um jogo antigo, como Wolfenstein 3D e finaliza colocando o vídeo do Return of Castle Wolfenstein]

But trust me, in 20 years, you look back at log files and recall in a way you can't grasp now
[tentar fazer um vídeo de um shell linux dando um 'dmesg']

The RAM you had and how much memory you really used.
[arrumar uma tela de Post com 16Mb ou uma screen mostrando 16Mb]

Your pc is NOT as fast as you imagine.
[vídeo de overclock. Existe um que o cara faz overclock a 6GHz usando nitrogênio líquido. 2 min de vídeo]

Don't worry about hackers. Or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as a newbie playing counter strike with a joystick.
[colocar célebres screen de own3d existentes por exemplo no attrition.org]

The real troubles in your pc are apt to be viruses that never crossed your worried mind;
[colocar a demonstração do Bill Gates do Windows 98 e ele crashando ao vivo]

The kind that blindstrikes you at 4 pm on some idle Tuesday.
[se possível, pegar o vídeo do Jackass the Movie aonde o cara acorda o pai as 4 da manhã soltando bombinhas]

Play one game, everyday, that suits you.
[vídeo de TF]

Donwload mp3.

Don't be reckless with other people's chars and don't put up with people who are reckless with yours.
[algum vídeo de Diablo ou Diablo 2 dando alguma arma ou dando cura. Pode ser de outro MMORPG, que mostre algum tipo de salvamento. Senão fazer um vídeo de BF de médico salvando]


Don't waist your time with free trials. Sometimes you crack, sometimes you buy it.
[colocar alguma img de um jogo colocando try it free. Ou então pegar o Quake, colocar no console "shareware 1" e new game. No mapa start, tente ir ao episódio 2 e ele falará que é para vc comprar o jogo full]

The download may not be long but, in the end, it's surely gonna crash.
[alguma tela baixando algo grande e caindo. Baixar o install de algum game e desconectar quase no fim]

Remember the times you’ve owned people.
[Pegar o vídeo BOOM-HEADSHOT!]

Forget the times you've been owned.
[Fazer um vídeo no DOD aonde um sniper mira em outro sniper mas o sniper te mata]

If you want succed in doing this, kill the witnesses.
[Team kill em qq FPS. Mate o inimigo, mate o amigo]

Keep all of your passwords. Throw away all old system files.
[Imagem do firefox de guardar senhas]

[Algum outro vídeo de overclock. Acho que tinha um que o processador até derretia]

Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to play tonight. The most nerd people I know don't know at 22 pm what they want to play, sometimes. Some of the most nerd people, at 4 am, still don’t.
[mostrar score de algum jogo que coloque a hora ou os amigos online no XFire]

Get plenty of coolers.
[vídeo de coolers trabalhando]

Be kind to your mouse and keyboard. You'll miss them when they're gone.
[gordinho alemão arrebentando o teclado e mouse]

Maybe you'll marry, maybe you wont.
[vídeo do cara falando CARAMELOW, na hora em que tá casando]

Maybe you'll die a virgin, maybe you wont.
[vídeo que tem um cara tocando punheta para uma witch do World of Warcraft]

Maybe you'll get a laptop, maybe you'll still have your pentium 4 at your seventieth fith anniversary.

Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much or forget to talk about it, either. Internet gives you a chance of telling everybody else.
[vídeo do cara sacaneando o maluco fazendo sexo virtual ae ambos combinam juntos de tirar a roupa um pro outro e quando vê é um travesti e mais um maluco fingindo ser mulher]

Enjoy your computer, use it in every way you can. Don't be afraid of it, or what other people think of it, it's the greatest instrument you'll ever own.
[sem idéias]

Hack. Even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own high school.
[pegar algum vídeo de hackers - invasores de sistemas]

Create a blog, even if don't update it.
[pegar a home do Darkside com as últimas notícias]

Do NOT read programming magazines, they will only make you feel stupid.
[sem idéias]

Get to know your hardware. You'll never know when it'll be gone for good.
[vídeo de overclock ou fotos do site do afroman]

Be kind to your wires. They're the best link to your pc and the pieces most likely to stick with you in the future.
[foto de lanparties]

Understand that pieces of hardware come and go, but for a precious few, you should hold on.
[foto do cara que cortou uma GeForce FX]

Work hard to stay connected no matter what to nerd life style, because the older you get, the more you need people you knew when you were nerd.
[mostrando o máximo de conectado e taxas de upload e download]

Use linux once, but stop before it makes you hard. Use windows once, but stop before it makes you soft.
[vídeo da demonstração GNome em OpenGL, vídeo do Windows Vista]

[imagem do google]

Accept certain and inalienable truths, player killers will arise, your equipment will shatter, you too will loose gold.
[vídeo do funeral da garota chinesa que foi sabotada por um clan inimigo e passou o rodo em geral]

And when you do, you will fantasize that when you were high level, you fought with equals, you looted no players and newbies respected the oldschool.
[PKLização geral no UO]

Respect the oldschool.
[Vídeo de tricks de TF]

Don't expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you'll have free server. Maybe you'll have private one, but you never know when either one might run out.
[imagem de servers que suportam 64 e lotados, outros vazios]

Don't mess too much with your mouse pad. Or, by the time you need it, it’ll stick to your mouse.
[algo com mouse, sei la]

Don’t be paranoiac about whose stuff you buy, but read references of those you're supplied with.
[imagens de PC Chips e ASRock]

Buying used stuff is a form of nostalgia. Doing it is a way of fishing the useless from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the old parts and selling it for more than it's worth.
[sei la]

But trust me on the screensaver.
[termina com Johnny Castaway]

Never Ping is offline   Reply With Quote

21-05-06, 15:39 #27
ASfasofkaspfo kp
beleza, eu nao vou usar TODAS as idéias ai NP, mas eu certamente vou colocar as que eu ri alto aqui, e foram varias

só um comentário
Johnny Castaway me rachou as bolas asufhasufasofkasopfk bom dimai

Zedd is offline   Reply With Quote

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